
by Evaristo Caraballo

通过Evaristo Caraballo

十个GitHub仓库新开发人员提到最多 (The 10 GitHub repos new developers mention the most)

The freeCodeCamp community generates gigabytes of data each week. One of the most active parts of the community is the chat room system. Thousands of people hang out there, chat about technology, and help each other improve their code skills.

freeCodeCamp社区每周生成千兆字节的数据。 社区中最活跃的部分之一是聊天室系统。 成千上万的人在那里闲逛,谈论技术,并互相帮助提高他们的代码技能。

I frequently ask questions of the data. This week, I was curious which GitHub repositories people found to be the most relevant to their studies. So I analyzed the multi-gigabyte chat history from freeCodeCamp’s main chatroom.

我经常问数据问题。 这周,我很好奇人们发现哪个GitHub存储库与他们的研究最相关。 因此,我从freeCodeCamp的主聊天室中分析了千兆字节的聊天记录。

Out of the thousands of GitHub repositories mentioned, here are the 10 most-commonly mentioned ones:


freeCodeCamp / freeCodeCamp (freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp)

You probably saw this one coming. But this isn’t just because of where I got the data from. The freeCodeCamp community’s learning platform itself is quite popular, with nearly 250k stars, more than 10k forks, and hundreds of new issues and pull requests each week.

您可能已经看到了这个。 但这不仅是因为我从哪里获得数据。 freeCodeCamp社区的学习平台本身非常受欢迎,每周有近25万颗星星,超过1万个分支以及成百上千的新问题和请求请求。

Thus, people mention it in the chatroom quite a bit.


getify /您不知道JS (getify/You-Dont-Know-JS)

Kyle Simpson’s You Don’t Know JavaScript is without a doubt the unofficial reference book for the freeCodeCamp community. Kyle is also currently working on another similar project as YDKJS, “Functional Light JS”, which is gradually getting mentioned more and more.

毫无疑问,Kyle Simpson的《 You't Know JavaScript》是freeCodeCamp社区的非官方参考书。 凯尔(Kyle )目前还从事与YDKJS相似的另一个项目“ Functional Light JS” ,该项目逐渐被越来越多地提及。

甚高频/免费编程书籍 (vhf/free-programming-books)

A frequently updated list of free resources. This repository is a well organized compilation of material collected from many parts of the world. It includes books, podcasts, websites, developer tools… you name it. Definitively a “must” for people who are learning to code.

频繁更新的免费资源列表。 该存储库是对从世界许多地方收集的资料进行的有条理的汇编。 它包括书籍,播客,网站,开发人员工具...您为它命名。 对于学习编码的人来说,绝对是“必须”。

twbs / bootstrap (twbs/bootstrap)

The Github account of Bootstrap, the well-known responsive web design framework. The repository provides mostly technical information, but also has additional links to other useful sites. If you’re looking for more detailed documentation about the framework, you should also visit getbootstrap.com.

Bootstrap的Github帐户,著名的响应式Web设计框架。 该存储库主要提供技术信息,但也具有指向其他有用站点的附加链接。 如果您正在寻找有关该框架的更详细的文档,则还应该访问getbootstrap.com

jwasham /编码面试大学 (jwasham/coding-interview-university)

Googley as Heck created this repository to document his 8-month process of preparing for the Google interview. It includes a detailed list of the things you should know to pass Google’s infamous whiteboard tests, and links to references that clearly explain various computer science concepts. (By the way, after all this preparation he took a job at Amazon instead.)

Googley as Heck创建了这个存储库,以记录他为期8个月的Google采访准备过程 。 它包括通过Google臭名昭著的白板测试时应了解的详细清单,以及指向可以清楚解释各种计算机科学概念的参考的链接。 (顺便说一句,经过所有这些准备,他改为在亚马逊工作了 。)

Eric Elliott’s JavaScript Links repository was for a long time the most popular resource list within the freeCodeCamp community. (It was recently dethroned by vhf/free-programming-books.)

长期以来, Eric ElliottJavaScript Links存储库一直是freeCodeCamp社区中最受欢迎的资源列表。 (最近它被vhf / free-programming-books废除了。)

d3 / d3 (d3/d3)

If you want to learn d3.js, this official GitHub repository is one of the best places to start. The two areas of this repo that the freeCodeCamp mentions the most are actually inside its wiki:

如果您想学习d3.js,此官方GitHub存储库是最好的起点之一。 freeCodeCamp最常提及的此仓库的两个区域实际上在其Wiki中:

These contain excellent information, as well as list of references you can use to learn d3.js on your own.


vinta / awesome-python (vinta/awesome-python)

Billed as a “curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources”, this is a great place to start if you want to get better at Python.


oneuijs /您不需要jQuery (oneuijs/You-Dont-Need-jQuery)

This is a well-known repository that focus on solving typical programming problems with the use of vanilla JavaScript. This repository’s rise has been closely tied with the rise of React.

这是一个着名的存储库,专注于使用普通JavaScript解决典型的编程问题。 该存储库的兴起与React的兴起密切相关。

Toddmotto / public-apis (toddmotto/public-apis)

A nice and frequently updated collection public APIs. The APIs are even broken down into categories, which makes exploring them much easier.

一个不错且经常更新的集合公共API。 这些API甚至分为几类,这使得探索它们变得更加容易。

In case you’re wondering, all the data was obtained from freeCodeCamp’s main Gitter chatroom between June 2016 and March 2017. I ran a Python script to evaluate the data, then rated the observed GitHub links based on the number of mentions as well as how recent the mentions. I made the final selection was based on relevance.

如果您想知道,所有数据都是在2016年6月至2017年3月之间从freeCodeCamp的主要Gitter聊天室获取的。我运行了Python脚本来评估数据,然后根据提及次数以及如何对观察到的GitHub链接进行评分最近提到。 我根据相关性做出最终选择。

Again, this list just scratches the surface. freeCodeCamp’s community references hundreds of repositories every day.

同样,此清单只是表面。 freeCodeCamp的社区每天引用数百个存储库。

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-10-github-repos-people-mention-the-most-in-freecodecamps-main-chat-room-189750600fa4/





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