我如何在GitHub Project上获得1,000个星星,以及在此过程中学到的教训

by Andrea Bizzotto

通过安德里亚·比佐托(Andrea Bizzotto)

我如何在GitHub Project上获得1,000个星星,以及在此过程中学到的教训 (How I got 1,000 stars on my GitHub Project, and the lessons learned along the way)

I’ve been an iOS developer since 2012. I started writing open source code, to stop re-inventing the wheel and carry over my best code across projects.

自2012年以来,我一直是iOS开发人员。我开始编写开源代码,以停止重新发明轮子,并在项目中保留 我的最佳代码

While some of my early projects had gathered some interest from the community, none of them took off like SwiftyStoreKit did.


Before I share the secret sauce that made this possible, let me say one thing:


I want my code to have an impact in the world.


I want my code to empower developers, so that they can focus on creating great apps.
If I succeed, all the bug fixes, answered questions and unpaid time I put in will be worth it.

Open source software has leverage. My code reaches end-users via multiple apps, and enables fellow developers to be more productive.

开源软件具有杠杆作用 。 我的代码通过多个应用程序到达最终用户,并使其他开发人员的工作效率更高。

How much leverage?


According to the Cocoapods Metrics API, SwiftyStoreKit has been downloaded 42302 times and installed into 1194 apps as of October 20th, 2016.

根据Cocoapods Metrics API的数据截至 2016年10月20日, SwiftyStoreKit 已被下载 42302次,并已安装到1194个应用程序中。

For context, AFNetworking (one of the top iOS projects) has been downloaded 21,659,973 times and installed into 413,742 apps.

就上下文而言, AFNetworking (iOS顶级项目之一) 已下载 21,659,973次,并已安装到413,742个应用程序中。

But enough bragging now. ?

但是现在吹牛了。 ?

My point is that you can do this too.


  • Stay on top of your game.


  • Write your own code and open source it, or contribute to existing projects.


  • You will grow as a developer and you can really help and benefit others.


  • Doing this is great for your CV. It will make you stand out and land better jobs and clients.

    这样做对您的简历很有用。 这将使您脱颖而出,找到 更好的工作和客户

So, how did I get all the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️?


我的食谱 (My recipe)

  1. Choose the right project

  2. Make it easy to use

  3. Write the best README you can


  4. Share in the right places


  5. GitHub Trending


  6. Google Search


  7. Keep growing


Let’s look at these points in detail.


1.选择合适的项目 (1. Choose the right project)

How do you choose? A good way to start is to solve a problem you have. In my case, I needed an in-app purchase (IAP) framework for one of my apps.

您如何选择? 一个好的开始是解决您遇到的问题 。 就我而言,我需要为其中一个应用程序提供应用程序内购买(IAP)框架。

IAPs are a very popular way of monetising your apps in the App Store.

IAP是在App Store中通过应用获利的一种非常流行的方法。

Unfortunately, Apple’s StoreKit framework is not exactly the easiest thing to work with:


  • Many native APIs to learn, mostly designed in the era of Objective-C.

  • Various types of in app purchases.

  • Security considerations are very important.

  • Testing that your purchase flows are correct is hard.


A lightweight IAP framework to make things easier was sorely needed, so SwiftyStoreKit was the right project.

迫切需要一个轻巧的IAP框架来简化操作 ,因此SwiftyStoreKit是正确的项目。

2.易于使用 (2. Make it easy to use)

While I have tried some other 3rd party IAP libraries before, not a single one was as simple as I had hoped for.


I started building SwiftyStoreKit when Apple released Swift 2. I did leverage closures, enumerations and the new error handling features of the language to write a clean and easy to use API.

我在Apple发布Swift 2时就开始构建SwiftyStoreKit 。我确实利用语言的闭包枚举和新的错误处理功能来编写简洁易用的API。

With SwiftyStoreKit, you no longer need to explicitly register an observer to the payment operation queue. You just call an asynchronous method for your IAP, and update your application state and UI on completion.

使用SwiftyStoreKit ,您不再需要向支付操作队列显式注册观察者。 您只需为IAP调用异步方法,并在完成时更新应用程序状态和UI。

I borrowed ideas and code patterns from other popular open source projects. And I was happy with the results.

我从其他流行的开源项目中借用了一些想法和代码模式。 我对结果感到满意。

3.编写最好的自述文件 (3. Write the best README you can)

Your README is the landing page of your project. You should spend a lot of time on it.

自述文件是项目的登录页面 。 您应该花很多时间在上面。

It should look good! If you’re building a UI control, include an animated gif, screenshots, or even a link to a prototype. Swift Messages does this very well.

看起来应该不错! 如果要构建UI控件,请包含动画gif,屏幕截图,甚至是原型的链接。 Swift Messages做得很好。

It should include badges so you can quickly glance at the status of the project. A lot of projects use shields.io. So should you.

它应该包括徽章,以便您可以快速浏览项目的状态。 许多项目使用shields.io 。 你也应该这样。

The README should highlight:


  • What is the feature set and how to use the project by clearly documenting the API.


  • How to install it. Note: Do support as many dependency management tools as possible, not just Cocoapods.

    如何安装 。 注意:不仅要支持Cocoapods,还要支持尽可能多的依赖项管理工具

  • Supported platforms. You guessed it, as many as you can.

    支持的平台 。 您猜对了,越多越好。

  • Supported languages, with links to appropriate branches or tags for different language versions.

    支持的语言 ,带有指向不同语言版本的相应分支或标签的链接。

  • List of known issues (optional). This can serve as a summary of the current issues in the project.

    已知问题列表(可选)。 这可以作为项目中当前问题的摘要。

Additionally, you can add a FAQ section, references to related projects and resources, a list of credits, and the license.


Very important: if your users open lots of issues asking for clarifications, your README is not good enough. Answer the questions and improve it accordingly.

非常重要 :如果您的用户遇到很多问题需要澄清,则您的自述文件不够好。 回答问题并相应改善。

Include a sample demo. This helps others using your project. It serves as a reference implementation, and shows how to integrate your code inside a real app.

包括一个示例演示。 这可以帮助其他人使用您的项目。 它用作参考实现,并显示了如何将代码集成到实际应用中。

4.在正确的位置分享 (4. Share in the right places)

Some GitHub users maintain lists of popular open source projects by platform or language. I have submitted Pull Requests to include SwiftyStoreKit on Awesome iOS and Awesome Swift.

一些GitHub用户按平台或语言维护流行的开源项目列表。 我已经提交了Pull Requests,以在Awesome iOSAwesome Swift上包含SwiftyStoreKit

Don’t limit yourself to GitHub:


  • Find websites that aggregate open source projects and submit yours to them.

  • Have your project featured in popular newsletters for your language or platform.

  • Share on social media with relevant developers and accounts. Some good outlets are Product Hunt, Hacker News, Twitter, Reddit.

    与相关的开发人员和帐户在社交媒体上分享。 一些不错的渠道是Product HuntHacker NewsTwitterReddit

If you make it to the GitHub Trending list, your project can take off big time!

如果您进入GitHub Trending列表,那么您的项目可能会花费很多时间!

For me, it was a surprise. A colleague at work told me SwiftyStoreKit was on the Swift weekly trending list on GitHub. From there, I started receiving up to 50 stars a day!

对我来说,这是一个惊喜。 一位在工作的同事告诉我, SwiftyStoreKit在GitHub的Swift 每周趋势列表中。 从那里开始,我每天收到多达50颗星!

How to make it into the GitHub Trending list? Read this.

如何将其纳入GitHub趋势列表? 阅读此

Note: Right project + great visibility = a lot of interest. Be prepared to keep up.

注意 :正确的项目+出色的知名度=引起很大兴趣。 准备跟上。

Google Search has been a big source of organic traffic:


In fact, searching for “Swift StoreKit” and “Swift In App Purchase” shows SwiftyStoreKit as the second and fourth result respectively:

实际上,搜索“ Swift StoreKit”和“ Swift In App Purchase”分别显示SwiftyStoreKit第二第四结果:

I have not done any keyword research to improve the SEO ranking of my project. It simply made to the top once it became popular.

我没有做任何关键字研究来提高我的项目的SEO排名。 一旦流行起来,它就简单地登顶了。

Still, if you plan a good SEO strategy the results can be great!


7.保持增长 (7. Keep growing)

Once your project is popular, people will ask a lot of questions and open pull requests.


At some point a single contributor ported SwiftyStoreKit to macOS and added receipt verification support. I had no experience in either area, and it felt great that someone was helping to make the project better!

在某个时候,一个贡献者SwiftyStoreKit移植到了macOS并添加了收据验证支持。 我在这两个领域都没有经验,有人帮助我们使项目变得更好,这真是太好了!

Other valuable contributions followed after that, and I found myself wearing two hats: main developer and maintainer.

此后,还进行了其他有价值的贡献,我发现自己戴着两顶帽子: 主要开发人员维护人员

Being a good maintainer requires good judgement:


  • Carefully evaluate feature requests. Aim to keep your API clean and avoid code bloat. This is especially true for SwiftyStoreKit as it is a lightweight framework.

    仔细评估功能请求。 旨在保持您的API整洁并避免代码膨胀。 对于SwiftyStoreKit来说尤其如此,因为它是一个轻量级的框架。

  • For any pull requests that add useful functionality, don’t be afraid to request changes to keep the code clean and consistent.

  • You can decline pull requests that are out of scope or if the existing code already covers them.

  • Always be courteous to the contributors. If you reject their changes, politely explain why. Don’t be like Linus Torvalds. ?

    始终对贡献者保持礼貌。 如果您拒绝他们的更改,请礼貌地解释原因。 不要像莱纳斯·托瓦尔兹 。 ?

我学到的东西 (Things I have learned)

SwiftyStoreKit has been a great project, and pushed me into the maintainer role for the first time.


It forced me to increase my knowledge about in-app purchases, especially as other people made contributions.


This quote about stewardship feels appropriate here:


In reality, the biggest challenge to a business open sourcing a project is the obligation of stewardship. This responsibility is mostly a matter of working with people and needs to be managed correctly — especially if a project gains enough popularity. Most projects don’t get large enough for their stewardship to become burdensome. — Artsy Blog

实际上,对企业开放项目采购的最大挑战是管理义务。 这项责任主要是与人合作,需要正确管理,尤其是在项目获得足够人气的情况下。 大多数项目的规模都不足以使他们的管理工作变得繁重。 — Artsy博客

I have not always been able to answer questions on time. I hope to do better in the future, and improve my process in various ways:

我并非总是能够准时回答问题。 我希望将来能做得更好,并通过各种方式改进我的流程:

  • Add a CONTRIBUTING file outlining the recommended way of opening issues and pull requests, as popular open source projects do.

  • Add a Code of Conduct.

  • Add code linting.


  • Add unit test coverage, as I need confidence in making changes. Really, I should have done this a long time ago.

    添加单元测试覆盖率,因为我需要做出改变的信心 。 的确, 我早就应该这样做了

I’m right at the point where SwiftyStoreKit isn’t large enough to become burdensome to manage. I want this project to flourish, and welcome contributions from the community.

我的观点是, SwiftyStoreKit不够大,难以管理。 我希望这个项目蓬勃发展,并欢迎社区的贡献。

学分 (Credits)

Disclosure: A while ago I discovered this great story by Richard Kim on Medium:

披露:不久前,我在媒体上发现了理查德·金 ( Richard Kim)的这个伟大故事:

How To Get Hundreds of Stars on Your Github Project


This opened my eyes about what makes an open source project stand out. I have been following his advice since then. It really has paid off and I would like to thank him for the insight.

这使我对使开源项目脱颖而出的东西睁开了眼睛。 从那时起,我一直在听他的建议。 它的确取得了回报,我要感谢他的见解。

结论 (Conclusion)

Open sourcing can be a very rewarding experience, making you grow along with your projects.


I have helped teams in various companies for over 10 years, using a lot of open source software along the way.


Writing open source code is a great way of giving back to our great community, and I deeply enjoy the process.


这是为了让世界变得更好,一次只写一行代码! (Here’s to making the world better, one line of code at a time!)
2017年2月25日更新:阅读我关于本文的后续工作,该文章有关维护不断发展的开源项目(Update 2017–02–25: Read my follow up to this article about Maintaining a Growing Open Source Project.)

About me: I’m a freelance iOS developer, juggling between contract work, open source, side projects and blogging.


I’m @biz84 on Twitter. You can also see my GitHub page. Feedback, tweets, funny gifs, all welcome! My favourite? Lots of ???. Oh, and banana bread.

我在Twitter上为@ biz84 您还可以看到我的GitHub页面。 反馈,鸣叫,有趣的GIF,欢迎您! 我的最爱? 很多 ???。 哦,还有香蕉面包。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-got-1000-on-my-github-project-654d3d394ca6/

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