算法训练营 重编码_编码训练营还教您如何每天被拒绝10次。

算法训练营 重编码

by Erik Cannon


编码训练营还教您如何每天被拒绝10次。 (Coding bootcamps also teach you how to get rejected 10 times a day.)

“You will have 60 minutes to complete the four coding challenges and have all of the tests pass to ‘true’. Any questions?”

“您将有60分钟的时间来完成这四个编码挑战,并且所有测试都将通过'true'。 任何问题?”

There was a long silent pause.


“Great. Please begin.”

“大。 请开始。”

I opened up the Cloud9 document, cruised through the preliminary instructions and made my way down to the first method. Def first_n_evens(n) glared back at me in a mocking tone. It knew damn well I had no idea how to start the problem. Implement a blank array, start some sort of loop, or even insert a modulo operator — all fleeting thoughts on where I should start.

我打开了Cloud9文档,按照初步说明进行操作,然后转到第一种方法。 Def first_n_evens(n)以嘲弄的语气瞪了我Def first_n_evens(n) 。 它知道该死的我不知道如何开始这个问题。 实现一个空白数组,开始某种循环,甚至插入一个模运算符-所有关于我应该从哪里开始的想法都转瞬即逝。

The pressure was palpable as I sat, slightly defeated, and looked for a starting path to the correct answer.


This was my shot at acceptance into an elite coding bootcamp, and the beginnings of a career in tech.


What had I gotten myself into?


电梯到暮光区 (Elevator to the Twilight Zone)

In the most literal sense I was sitting in an office building in a trendy part of New York City just south of the ever pretentious Houston Street (pronounced “house-ton” for those of us not “in the know”) and just a few floors up from a Sephora Lounge.


The building wasn’t much to look at from the outside and offered even less aesthetic appeal on the inside.


A precarious elevator waited patiently in a tiny lobby to lift me to the middle floor, and spit me out into the front of an entirely open office space.


The space was long and narrow, offered a nice view out onto the city streets, a small kitchen and water-cooler, and was furnished with hardwood floors, bleach white walls, and row after row of black computer monitors.


Students were diligently ripping through lines of code and making the computer dance in ways that I had not seen since watching The Matrix.


“Hey, are you here for the Initiation Program?” asked an energetic — albeit slightly unkempt — individual to my right. Indeed I was.

“嘿,您是来这里参加启动计划的吗?” 我右边一个精力充沛的人-尽管有点蓬头垢面。 确实我是。

The Initiation Program was a brainchild of this particular coding bootcamp. The idea of the program was to take seemingly capable individuals (judged on education history and SAT scores) with limited coding and computer science experience. It would get them to a place, in a span of two weeks, to where they would be able pass the entrance exam forced upon all bootcamp applicants.

发起计划是这种特殊编码训练营的创意。 该计划的目的是招募看似有能力的个人(根据教育历史和SAT分数判断),他们的编码和计算机科学经验有限。 这样一来,他们就可以在两周的时间内到达一个可以通过所有进修生申请者入学考试的地方。

A passed entrance exam would look incredibly favorable to the individual and would seem to allow automatic acceptance into the bootcamp which — if you trust the stats on their website — boasted a 98 percent job placement rate with median salaries of $89,000 in New York City, and even more in San Francisco.

通过的入学考试对个人非常有利,并且似乎可以自动接受训练营。如果您相信他们的网站上的统计数据,该训练营的工作位置率为98%,在纽约市的薪水中位数为$ 89,000,并且在旧金山甚至更多。

To understand the appeal of such a coding bootcamp is to understand a deeper movement in which Michael Lewis aptly calls “The New New Thing.” The movement, as Lewis explains is the next big career breakthrough offering the possibility of riches, meaningful work, and a center-of-the-universe type appeal that brings together the smartest people of an era. This type of appeal is analogous to bond trading of the 80’s or “popy” boy-bands of the 90's.

要了解这种编码训练营的吸引力,就是要了解更深入的运动,迈克尔·刘易斯恰当地称其为“ 新事物” 。 正如刘易斯所解释的那样,这项运动是下一个重大的职业突破,它提供了财富,有意义的工作以及将一个时代最聪明的人汇聚在一起的以宇宙为中心的吸引力。 这种呼吁类似于80年代的债券交易或90年代的“流行” 男孩乐队的债券交易。

Add into this equation an uncertain job market, the financial crisis of 2008, unprecedented mountains of student debt and you begin to understand the appeal of a three month bootcamp which in return for only a small, refundable deposit promises the fast track to a rewarding career. For a more eloquent description please see Ms. Huston’s article for the Wall Street Journal here.

再加上不确定的就业市场,2008年的金融危机,前所未有的大学生债务,您就会开始理解为期三个月的训练营的吸引力,而这只需要一笔可退还的少量押金,这将使您有一段令人欣喜的职业生涯的快车道。 有关更雄辩的描述,请参阅此处的《华尔街日报》上休斯顿女士的文章。

To think that a coding bootcamp can take you from zero to coding hero in a matter of three months, on the surface seems ludicrous. After all, don’t accredited colleges offer four year degrees on the subject?

认为编码训练营可以在三个月内使您从零变成编码英雄,这看起来很荒谬。 毕竟,获得认证的大学不提供该主题的四年制学位吗?

How can bootcamp alumni compete with a B.S. in computer science in the job market? What kind of jobs were bootcamp alums getting? Are we talking Product Engineer at Google or Administrative Assistant at Startup “X”? Also, how hard was coding anyway? I was determined to find out.

训练营的校友如何在就业市场上与计算机科学学士学位竞争? 训练营的校友获得了什么样的工作? 我们是在Google谈论产品工程师还是在Startup“ X”谈论行政助理? 另外,编码有多难? 我决心要找出答案。

我在营地的第一天 (My First Day at Camp)

Back at bootcamp headquarters all of the Initiation Program students were ushered to the back of the building and took a seat in rows of standard, boardroom-certified, black swivel chairs. The chairs looked forward onto a projector displaying a Macintosh home screen on the bleach white wall.

回到训练营总部,所有入学计划的学生都被带到了大楼的后面,坐在一排排经过会议室认证的标准黑色转椅上。 椅子在放映机上向前看,在放白墙上显示Macintosh主屏幕的投影仪上。

Confident students milled around up front, while nervous-looking students clamored their way to an empty swivel chair in the back. A few minutes after the scheduled starting time, what appeared, at first, as a confident looking Initiation Program student in a colorfully striped t-shirt, introduced himself as John, a senior bootcamp TA, and welcomed everyone to the program.

充满自信的学生在前面走来走去,而看上去神色紧张的学生则大声疾呼地走向后排的空转椅。 在预定的开始时间后的几分钟,刚开始时,一个看起来很自信的入学计划学生穿着五颜六色的条纹T恤,介绍了自己作为高级训练营TA的约翰,并欢迎所有人参加该计划。

John was a young male with curly hair and above average height. He talked quickly and efficiently with a slightly nervous air as if continuously reminding himself to keep it together in the back of his head. After explaining a bit about himself and the objectives for the week, John motioned over to his six fellow TA’s sitting to his left. Each peered up from beyond their black monitors and with varying degrees of energy introduced themselves.

约翰是一个年轻男子,卷发,身高高于平均水平。 他用微微的紧张情绪快速而有效地说话,仿佛不断地提醒自己将其保持在脑后。 在解释了一下自己和本周的目标后,John示意了他的六个TA同事坐在他的左边。 每个人都从黑屏旁凝视着,并以不同程度的能量自我介绍。

The TA’s were a colorful and, honestly, impressive group. Amongst the group were Fulbright scholars, Ivy League playwrights, high school valedictorians, mechanical engineers, and even a bearded McLovin doppelganger. The TA’s, as I came to find out, were the most recent bootcamp graduates who were still looking for employment and seemed to be bonded together with a handful of awkward jokes, high I.Q.’s, a love for computing, and a collective solidarity of not yet landing the job of their dreams. Their bonds were more surface level than deep connections and seemed to treat each other as mere acquaintances of circumstance as opposed to close personal friends.

电讯局长是一个丰富多彩且诚实的人。 富布赖特学者,常春藤联盟的编剧,高中的演艺人员,机械工程师,甚至还有胡子的麦克洛文·多贝冈。 我发现,助教是最新的训练营毕业生,他们仍在寻找工作,似乎与少数尴尬的笑话,高智商,热爱计算以及尚未团结一致而团结在一起实现梦想的工作。 他们之间的联系比深层联系更表面层次,并且似乎将彼此视为亲密的朋友,而不是亲密的朋友。

John continued laying out the schedule for the week and we soon discovered the first matter of business was to break up the Initiation Program students into six distinct pods, each lead by a bootcamp TA. In the pods you would work together with a fellow student on coding exercises of the day as well as complete the assigned individual work that was hosted on GitHub (a programmer’s networking site where snippets of code can be easily shared).

John继续制定了一周的时间表,我们很快发现,要做的第一件事就是将Initiation Program的学生分为六个不同的小组,每个小组由一个训练营助教带领。 在豆荚中,您将与一名同学一起进行当天的编码练习,并完成在GitHub(一个程序员的网络站点,可以轻松共享代码片段)上托管的分配的个人工作。

By the end of the first week there would be an assessment to test how much you had learned and see if you’re ready for the real deal three month bootcamp. The assessment would also be offered once more at the end of the second week, for a shot at redemption should you not pass the first.

到第一周结束时,我们将进行评估,以测试您学到了多少东西,看看您是否已准备好进行为期三个月的真实交易训练营。 第二周结束时还将再次提供评估,如果您没有通过第一周的话,可以赎回。

John finished up his introductory spiel and split us up into our pods. I was in Pod 4 and was lead by a TA named Sam. Sam was incredibly smart, but also incredibly distant. Unlike some of the other TA’s he put in the minimal amount of oversight required to still be considered a TA. Sam would be more likely to be found off alone at his computer than to seek out students needing help.

John完成了他的介绍性演讲,将我们分成了几个小组。 我在Pod 4中,由一个叫Sam的助教带领。 山姆非常聪明,但也很遥远。 与其他一些技术援助不同,他将仍被视为技术援助的监督要求降至最低。 与寻找需要帮助的学生相比,山姆更可能独自在计算机上被发现。

我的同班同学 (My Fellow Classmates)

Sam instructed us to begin work on the self-paced material as he pulled each of us aside individually to get know us better and understand why we were interested in programming and this particular bootcamp. It was at this moment when I was finally able to get to meet some of my fellow classmates, who were just as, if not more, interesting than the TA’s.

Sam指示我们开始学习自定进度的材料,因为他将我们每个人都拉到一边,以使我们更好地了解我们,并了解为什么我们对编程和这个特殊的训练营感兴趣。 正是在这一刻,我终于能够结识一些我的同班同学,这些同学与助教一样有趣,甚至更多。

There was a Japanese immigrant working in accounting, a college student who swore his brother had just landed an impressive coding job at a big financial firm, a bootcamp savant who had intently studied the pros and cons of each bootcamp and was here because it was truly the best, a pre-med student whose jaunt into medicine was cut short after discovering she was allergic to formaldehyde. There were countless others whose previous jobs were too dull, too unsatisfying, or too low paying and who wanted to be a part of this “new new thing.”

有一个日本移民从事会计工作,一个大学生发誓,他的哥哥刚刚在一家大型金融公司找到了一份出色的编码工作,一个训练营的专家专门研究了每个训练营的优缺点,因此来到这里是因为它确实最好的,是一名医学预科生,在发现她对甲醛过敏后被禁。 有无数其他人以前的工作太乏味,太不令人满意或薪水太低,并且想成为这种“新事物”的一部分。

The majority of my classmates appeared to already hold an undergraduate degree and at least one entry level job. None were out of their 20’s, and from what I could tell, all seemed to be reasonably intelligent.

我的大多数同学似乎已经拥有本科学历和至少一份入门级工作。 没有人超过20岁,而且据我所知,所有人似乎都相当聪明。

After working briefly on the assigned work, John announced that the first day of class had ended and I soon found myself stepping out onto the Manhattan sidewalk.


Walking out of the first day of class, I began to realize how odd yet somehow familiar the first day had felt. The bootcamp itself felt, in a way, like a traditional college class. There was a group full of young attentive students, active TA’s who had only just completed the required course giving them their TA credential, and a host of readings and practice problems.

走出上课的第一天,我开始意识到第一天的感觉是多么的奇怪和熟悉。 训练营本身在某种程度上就像是传统的大学课程。 有一群年轻的专心学生,活跃的助教,他们刚刚完成了必修课程,为其提供了助教证书,以及大量的阅读和练习题。

The only thing that was noticeably absent was the teacher. There was no authoritative figure or omniscient Ph.D. to lead discussion. There wasn’t even as much as a thirty-two year old ex-programmer in a bootcamp emblazoned hoodie ready to distribute a few years of industry knowledge. There were young people, and only young people huddled together in the trenches trying to figure it out.

唯一明显缺席的是老师。 没有权威人物或无所不知的博士学位。 领导讨论。 在一个训练营的连帽连帽衫中,甚至没有32岁的前程序员,准备分发几年的行业知识。 那里有年轻人,只有年轻人挤在战trench里,试图弄清楚。

There was something very raw and scrappy to the whole organization. Something very refreshing and intoxicating. A feeling I can only imagine Larry and Sergei felt in the early years, before handing over the reigns to Eric Schmidt.

整个组织都有些生疏。 令人耳目一新的东西。 我只能想像拉里(Larry)和谢尔盖(Sergei)在早年移交给埃里克·施密特(Eric Sc​​hmidt)之前的那种感觉。

开始编码 (Starting to Code)

Arriving home that night, and by home I mean a couch that a few old college buddies let me crash on, I was completely exhausted, mentally drained, yet somehow still completely excited to wake up and get started on this coding thing. I woke up the next morning and got to work. The concepts seemed simple enough. Anything inside quotes is a string. Letters can be set to equal variables. Okay I have seen this before. A method is a unit of work. Not bad, not bad. The first practice problems went smoothly enough and I was beginning to gain some confidence. Then came the homework problem.

那天晚上回到家,我的意思是说,有几位大学生的老兄让我撞上了沙发,我筋疲力尽,精神疲惫,但仍以某种方式仍然完全兴奋起来,开始着手编写这种编码的东西。 我第二天早上醒来,开始工作。 这些概念似乎很简单。 引号内的任何内容都是字符串。 字母可以设置为相等的变量。 好吧,我以前见过。 方法是工作的单位。 还不错,还不错。 最初的练习问题进展顺利,我开始获得一些信心。 然后是作业问题。

The homework problem was a complete step up from the softball examples they interjected throughout the readings. I gave it my best effort than vowed to understand it better once I was in class. The homework problem was the first thing we went over at the start of every class and was the time I would consistently get the most confused.

作业问题是他们在整个阅读过程中插入的垒球示例的完整提升。 我发誓要尽最大的努力而不是发誓要在课堂上更好地了解它。 作业问题是我们每堂课开始时要做的第一件事,也是我始终感到最困惑的时候。

The TA’s would ask for ways in which to start the problems and were immediately accompanied by throngs of raising hands. One eager volunteer would offer his or her way to solve the problem and the TA would immediately head down that path.

电讯局长会要求解决问题的方法,并立即伴随着举手的人群。 一个热切的志愿者将提供他或她的解决问题的方法,而技术援助将立即走这条路。

Analogous to a math problem, there are many ways to get to the correct answer or what you want the program to do. Each student was at different levels of experience and would offer up solutions that many of us had not previously seen before. Think of suggesting a trigonometric function when the rest of the class was still on addition. This was more frustrating than enlightening and some TA’s were better teachers than others. Ultimately, I felt as though these sessions lead to a mass panic in which students felt hopelessly behind the curve.

与数学问题类似,有许多方法可以得出正确的答案或您希望程序执行的操作。 每个学生都有不同的经验水平,他们会提供我们许多人以前从未见过的解决方案。 考虑在类的其余部分仍在添加时建议三角函数。 这比启迪更令人沮丧,而且某些助教比其他助教更好。 最终,我觉得这些会议导致了一场大规模的恐慌,使学生感到无可救药。

After the homework review, the next order of the day was the paired programming sessions. The paired programming sessions were some of my favorite times in the class. Not only did you get to bond with the other classmates, you also were able to see how another person approached the problem. This of course proved difficult when neither partner knew how to solve the problem, but as with most things two heads were better than one.

作业复习后,下一天的工作是配对编程会议。 配对的编程会议是我在课堂上最喜欢的时间。 您不仅可以与其他同学建立联系,而且还可以看到另一个人如何解决该问题。 当双方都不知道如何解决问题时,这当然很困难,但是与大多数情况一样,两个负责人比一个要好。

The thing that was most revealing about the paired programming sessions was how immediately the table was able to discern who “got it” and who did not. Some pairs would finish light years ahead of others and begin chatting about the weather, while others hadn’t finished reading the instructions.

关于成对的编程会话,最显着的事情是表格能够立即识别出谁“知道了”和谁没有知道了。 有些对会比其他人快几年,并开始谈论天气,而另一些还没有阅读完说明。

What was even more interesting is how modest a lot of the top people were. They would often default to saying how tough the homework was or how nervous they were for the assessment. It was clear how skilled these programmers were, but their modesty in these situations was perhaps something that allowed them to bond with all of the other students who were struggling together.

更有趣的是,许多高层人物的谦虚程度。 他们通常会默认说功课有多艰辛或他们对评估有多紧张。 显然这些程序员是多么熟练,但是他们在这种情况下的谦虚也许使他们能够与所有努力奋斗的其他学生建立联系。

The days came and went and I had a nice schedule going throughout the week. I would wake up, work out, and hit the code. I would study throughout the day before heading to class at night and soon was able to distinguish an array from a string, and a loop from a conditional. I would try the homework problem and then continue reading the assigned lessons until I found a new technique that might get me to the answer. Ultimately, I got more of them wrong than I did right, but I was incredibly impressed with how much I was able to learn in such little time, if I do say so myself.

日子一天天过去,我整个星期都有一个很好的时间表。 我会醒来,进行锻炼并点击代码。 我整天都在学习,然后晚上去上课,很快就可以将数组与字符串区别开来,将循环与条件区别开来。 我将尝试作业问题,然后继续阅读所分配的课程,直到找到可以使我获得答案的新技术。 最终,我错了很多,错了没错,但是如果我自己说的话,我在这么短的时间内就能学到多少东西给我留下了不可思议的印象。

编码有趣吗? (Is Coding Fun?)

Throughout the course I found coding to be incredibly addictive, all the while being incredibly frustrating and a knife's edge was all that was left to separate the two. The mental stimulation is very rewarding, similar to solving a tough Sudoku or crossword puzzle, however, the frustration was also very present.

在整个课程中,我发现编码令人难以置信地令人上瘾,而与此同时令人难以置信的是令人沮丧,并且仅用刀刃将两者分开。 精神刺激是非常有益的,类似于解决难题的数独或填字游戏,但是,挫折感也很明显。

When a single period can make the difference between success and failure attention to detail is key. Especially when you start adding hundreds and hundreds of layers of code. Also the computer science concepts can add Inception like complexity. Loops are used to execute the same block of code over and over and when loops are added inside other loops keeping track of what the computer is doing is similar to Leo trying to remember what dream he left his wife in.

当一个时期可以区分成功与失败时,注意细节是关键。 尤其是当您开始添加数百层代码时。 同样,计算机科学概念也可以增加Inception之类的复杂性。 循环用于一遍又一遍地执行相同的代码块,并且在其他循环中添加循环时,跟踪计算机的运行情况类似于Leo试图记住他留给妻子的梦想。

评估日 (Assessment Day)

As the week was drawing to a close and the assessment day came ever closer I worked diligently to memorize as much as possible. All of my work was in vain, however, as a few minutes after the TA’s uploaded the assessment I soon realized I wasn’t where I needed to be. The problems were too advanced and in one short week I wasn’t able to memorize enough useful material to pass the exam.

随着一周的临近,评估日越来越近,我努力工作以尽可能多地记住。 我的所有工作都徒劳无功,但是,在TA上载评估后几分钟,我很快就意识到自己不在需要的地方。 问题太严重了,短短一周内,我就无法记住足够的有用材料来通过考试。

A few students in neighboring pods felt hopeless and gave up early. Others tried until the last minute, but were unable to finish every problem. I don’t think anyone was able to pass that first exam, at least not anyone that I talked to, and there is some amount of comfort to be taken in that.

邻近豆荚中的一些学生感到绝望,并早早放弃了。 其他人尝试到最后一分钟,但无法解决所有问题。 我认为没有人能够通过第一次考试,至少没有与我交谈过的人能通过考试,在这方面需要一定的安慰。

After the exam had finished and students were packing up to leave, I asked a TA about a mysterious decoration hanging on the otherwise spotless white walls. The decoration was labeled “Rejections” and in dry-erase marker listed a name followed by a number.

考试结束后,学生们收拾行装准备离开,我向电讯局长询问了悬挂在原本一尘不染的白色墙壁上的神秘装饰。 装饰标有“拒绝”字样,并在干擦标记中列出了名称,后跟数字。

The TA explained that each number is the amount of companies that each full-time bootcamp student has been rejected from. The numbers were staggering and would seem more apt for a popular Instagram post as opposed to rejection letters. Numbers ranged from the low-twenties to mid-hundreds. The TA continued to explain that at the end of the three month coding class there is a three week job search where each student applies to ten jobs a day, with the help of the bootcamp’s management team.

电讯局长解释说,每个数字都是每个全日制训练营学生被拒绝的公司数量。 这个数字是惊人的,与拒绝信件相比,似乎更适合于受欢迎的Instagram帖子。 人数从二十多岁到数百岁不等。 电讯局长继续解释说,在为期三个月的编码课结束后,将进行为期三周的求职,每个学生每天在新兵训练营的管理团队的帮助下申请十份工作。

值得吗? (Is it all worth it?)

It was at that moment when I realized just how difficult the whole process was and what type of person these bootcamps were looking for. You invest three months of your life and code full time for upwards of 12 hours per day for a shot at a coveted programming position at a respectable company.

就是在那一刻,我意识到整个过程有多么困难,这些训练营正在寻找什么样的人。 您花费了三个月的时间并每天花12个小时以上的时间全职编写代码,才能在一家受人尊敬的公司担任令人垂涎的编程职位。

Right now the bootcamps can boast high salaries and high job placement rates, but as more and more bootcamps open and more and more people become apt at coding the market may soon become saturated with computer scientists.


There is no clear answer to this, as developing technology may keep demanding more and more people with coding ability at a rate that exceeds the amount of available coders.


With Uber testing its first fleet of self-driving cars and restaurants like Honeygrow running lean operations with computer software taking customer orders, perhaps there is reason to believe that this trend will continue into the foreseeable future.


Regardless, it seems safe enough to say that knowing at least some basic computer programming can only stand to benefit an individual heading into an increasingly technology heavy future, no matter the industry.


If you’re interested in coding and are 100% committed to the cause, there are some increasingly positive nuggets of information about coding bootcamps.


While they may be difficult to enter (this particular bootcamp had a less than 5% acceptance rate) 25 out of the 30 students or 83% of the most recent cohort had technical jobs within a few weeks. Also there is no up front fee for the bootcamp itself. The company takes a portion of your salary after you get a job to ensure that everyone’s goals are aligned.

虽然他们可能很难进入(这个特殊的训练营的接受率低于5%),但30名学生中有25名或最近一批的83%在几周内从事了技术工作。 训练营本身也没有前期费用。 在您找到工作后,公司会从您的薪水中提取一部分,以确保每个人的目标保持一致。

Additionally, companies in the tech industry in general, tend to care less about accredited degrees as they do about how much of the information you know and what value you can add on your first day. A promising fact for those not wanting to go back to college for an additional bachelor's degree.

此外,一般而言,技术行业的公司往往不太关心获得认可的学位,因为他们会关注您所了解的信息量以及第一天可以增加的价值。 对于那些不想回大学再获得学士学位的人来说,这是一个有希望的事实。

Still, coding bootcamps are no silver bullet. After gaining acceptance, a mountain of hard work lies ahead. Not everyone even finishes the bootcamp. With weekly exams — of which you can only fail one — and tough technical interviews from employers, there are many checks along the way to ensure that you know your stuff.

尽管如此,编码训练营并不是万灵丹。 在获得认可之后,艰巨的工作就在眼前。 并不是每个人都完成了训练营。 通过每周一次的考试(您只能通过其中的一次考试)和来自雇主的艰苦的技术面试,一路走来,有很多检查可以确保您了解自己的知识。

Think you’re up for the challenge? Take a look at a practice problem below.

认为您准备迎接挑战? 看看下面的练习问题。

我自己的路 (My Path)

As for me, I decided not to continue my pursuit of this particular coding bootcamp. I wasn’t ready for the type of commitment they would be expecting. I haven’t given up on coding though, as I fall into the camp of people that believe coding will be the number one skill to have heading into the next decade.

对于我来说,我决定不继续追求这一特殊的编码训练营。 我还没有准备好他们期望的那种承诺。 不过,我并没有放弃编码,因为我陷入了人们的阵营,他们相信编码将是进入下一个十年的头号技能。

In the meantime I plan on working through Free Code Camp.

同时,我计划通过Free Code Camp进行工作。

Who knows, maybe next year I’ll be in the trenches fighting for a seat at a coding bootcamp. Or maybe I’ll be a strong enough developer to just go out and get a job.

谁知道,也许明年我会在战trench中为编码训练营的席位而战。 也许我会成为一个足够强大的开发人员,然后出去工作。

Only time will tell.


If you want to read more about tech, careers, and life’s tough questions, you can find some of my other work at Loose Cannon Publications and also on Twitter at @loosecannonpub.

如果您想了解有关技术,职业和生活中棘手问题的更多信息,可以在Loose Cannon Publications@loosecannonpub的 Twitter上找到我的其他一些作品。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/jumping-through-loops-at-coding-bootcamp-c5fa34947419/

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