

by Ahmed Rizwan

通过艾哈迈德·里兹万(Ahmed Rizwan)

Rx-如果话务员可以讲话! (Rx — If the Operators could speak!)

If the operators could talk, how exactly would they tell us what they do?


In order to take full advantage of Rx, you need a clear understanding of what Rx Operators are and what they do.


This is what the Operators would be telling the observables if they could talk when we use them.


For this article, I’ll assume that you already know what Rx is. If not, go read this. Or just simply google Rx and you’ll find a ton of helpful articles, tutorials, and videos.

对于本文,我假设您已经知道Rx是什么。 如果没有,请阅读此内容 。 或者只是简单地使用google Rx,您会发现大量有用的文章,教程和视频。

创新运营商 (Creational Operators)

创造 (Create)
I tell you what to emit, when to terminate, and what error to throw. ‘Cause I’m the boss.
我告诉您发出什么,何时终止以及抛出什么错误。 因为我是老板。
延期 (Defer)
You only get to “create” yourself once someone subscribes to you. And it’ll be a brand new version of yourself every single time.
一旦有人订阅了您,您就只能“创建”自己。 每次都将是您自己的一个全新版本。
空的 (Empty)
Hm. Emit nothing. And then die, please.
嗯 什么都不散。 然后死。
决不 (Never)
Emit nothing. And don’t… ever… terminate.
什么都不散。 而且不要……永远……终止。
Emit nothing, and then throw an error, OK?
I’ll give you some objects, then you emit them right back at me.
间隔 (Interval)
How about this: you emit items. But not immediately. Send them back, one by one, after certain “intervals.”
怎么样:您发射物品。 但不是立即。 在某些“间隔”之后,将它们一一寄回。
只是 (Just)
I need just one thing back from you. Just one.
我只需要你退回一件事。 只有一个。
范围 (Range)
I give you a range of integers, then you emit back all the values in that range.
重复 (Repeat)
How about you emit that same object repeatedly.
开始 (Start)
Ok. I have a function. When it returns, you start emitting. But only when it returns. Got it?
好。 我有一个功能。 当它返回时,您开始发射。 但是只有当它返回时。 得到它了?
计时器 (Timer)
So you got an item. Don’t emit it just yet. I’ll tell you the exact time when you should emit it. Don’t jump the gun.
所以你有一个项目。 暂时不要发射。 我会告诉您确切的发射时间。 不要跳枪。

转化算子 (Transformational Operators)

缓冲 (Buffer)
Ok, so here’s the deal. Whatever it is you normally emit, well don’t emit that. Instead ,collect the items into bundles over time. And send bundles instead. ‘Cause I want bundles!
好的,这是交易。 无论您通常发出什么信号,都不要发出。 取而代之的是,随着时间的流逝,将物品收集成捆。 并发送捆绑包。 因为我要捆绑!
平面图 (FlatMap)
So, like, if you have lists of items and there’s another observable that’s full of items, can you please “flatten” yourself and that observable so you can just send items?
地图 (Map)
Transform each item into another item.
扫瞄 (Scan)
Transform each item into another item, like you did with map. But also include the “previous” item when you get around to doing a transform.
将每个项目转换为另一个项目,就像处理地图一样。 但是,当您要进行转换时,还应包括“上一个”项目。

筛选运算符 (Filtering Operators)

去抖动 (Debounce)
Only emit if a certain amount of time is passed.
不同 (Distinct)
Emit only distinct items. All right?
仅发射不同的项目。 行?
ElementAt (ElementAt)
I tell you the index. You emit the item at that index.
我告诉你指数。 您在该索引处发射项目。
过滤 (Filter)
I give you a criteria. You give me items that pass the criteria.
我给你一个标准。 您给我符合条件的物品。
第一 (First)
Just give me back the first item.
忽略元素 (IgnoreElements)
Do not, I repeat, do not emit a single item. And then die.
我再说一遍,不要发出单个物品。 然后死。
持续 (Last)
Just give me back the last item.
样品 (Sample)
I give you an interval. You give me only the most recent items from that that interval.
我给你一个间隔。 您只给我该间隔内的最新物品。
跳跃 (Skip)
OK, skip the first n items, would you?
跳过最后 (SkipLast)
Skip the last n item s. Yeah, those ones.
跳过最后n个项目。 是的,那些。
采取 (Take)
Emit only the first n items.
最后一次 (TakeLast)
Emit only the last n items.

合并运算符 (Combining Operators)

合并 (Merge)
Here are two observables. Let’s pretend they’re only one observable.
这是两个观察值。 假设它们只是一个可观察的对象。
从...开始 (StartWith)
Here are two observables. But I get to tell you which one to start with.
这是两个观察值。 但是我要告诉你从哪一个开始。
合并最新 (CombineLatest)
Here are two observables. Between the two, make pairs of the latest items.
这是两个观察值。 在这两者之间,制作成对的最新商品。
压缩 (Zip)
Here are two observables. But I tell you how to combine their items (through a function, of course).
这是两个观察值。 但是,我告诉您如何组合它们的项目(当然是通过函数)。

处理错误 (Handling Errors)

抓住 (Catch)
After an error is thrown, continue on with the emits.
重试 (Retry)
After an error is thrown, restart from the very beginning.

效用 (Utility)

延迟 (Delay)
Just add a delay before you start emitting, OK?
观察 (ObserveOn)
“Observational” code should run on this particular thread.
SubscribeOn (SubscribeOn)
“Subscription” code should run on this particular thread.
订阅 (Subscribe)
You can start emitting now. *music intensifies*
您可以立即开始发射。 *音乐增强*
时间间隔 (TimeInterval)
OK, so observables send back items, right? Instead, I want you to send the time intervals back. Like the time differences between each emission.
好了,可观察物会发回物品,对吧? 相反,我希望您将时间间隔发送回去。 就像每次发射之间的时间差一样。
超时 (TimeOut)

Set a TimeOut on each emission. And if an item doesn’t get emitted within that time, just throw an error ?

为每个发射设置一个超时。 如果在此时间内没有发出任何物品,则抛出错误

条件和布尔 (Conditional and Boolean)

所有 (All)
If all items fulfill a certain criteria, return true.
安布 (Amb)
Here are at least two observables. Give me the one that starts emitting first.
这里至少有两个可观察到的东西。 给我一个开始发光的东西。
包含 (Contains)
If I ask for an item, can you tell me whether you already have it?
DefaultIfEmpty (DefaultIfEmpty)
When you have nothing to emit, here’s a default value that you can send back.
序列相等 (SequenceEqual)
Here are two observables. Return true if their items (and their sequence) are the same.
这是两个观察值。 如果它们的项目(及其顺序)相同,则返回true。
跳过直到 (SkipUntil)
Here are two observables. Skip the items of the first one until the second one starts emitting.
这是两个观察值。 跳过第一个项目,直到第二个项目开始发射。
跳过而 (SkipWhile)
I give you a condition. You emit items until that condition becomes false.
我给你一个条件。 您发出物品,直到该条件变为假。
直到 (TakeUntil)
Here are two observables. Only give me the items of the first one until the second one starts emitting.
这是两个观察值。 请只给我第一个的物品,直到第二个开始散发出来。

数学运算符 (Mathematical Operators)

平均 (Average)
Give me an average of your Integer items.
计数 (Count)
Give me a count of your items.
最高 (Max)
Emit only the maximum-valued item.
Emit only the minimum-valued item.
减少 (Reduce)
Do a scan, but only emit the final value.
Return the sum of all your items.

转换运算符 (Conversion Operators)

Convert an observable into a List, Map or Array, or whatever I tell you to.

That’s it for now. There are other operators as well, which you can find here. You can also check out RxMarbles, which has cool diagrams for demonstrating each operator.

现在就这样。 还有其他运算符,您可以在这里找到。 您也可以签出RxMarbles ,其中具有用于演示每个运算符的漂亮图表。

Anyway, thank you for reading. I hope the article helped you better understand what each of these commands does in a fun way.

无论如何,谢谢您的阅读。 我希望本文能帮助您更好地了解这些命令的有趣方式。

Happy coding!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/rx-if-the-operators-could-speak-58567c4618f1/


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