

by Sam Galizia

由山姆·加利齐亚(Sam Galizia)

为什么我哀悼剖析之死 (Why I Mourn the Death of Parse)

In the past few days, most of you have probably heard of the tragic news involving Parse. If you have not, let me get you up to speed with what’s happening.

在过去的几天中,大多数人可能已经听说了涉及Parse的悲惨消息。 如果您还没有,请允许我快速掌握最新情况。

On January 28th, Parse released an official letter stating that they were going to be winding down their services, and will officially shut them down one year from now.


This news came as a complete shock to everyone, because they had just released major Apple Watch and Apple TV SDKs last month.

令所有人震惊的消息是,他们上个月才发布了主要的Apple Watch和Apple TV SDK。

Now I know what you are thinking, “How can you be mourning the death of a service that isn’t dead yet.” Let me put it this way: the service may still be alive for the moment, but it has one foot in the grave, and every passing day it gets one step closer to being 6 feet under.

现在,我知道您在想什么:“您如何哀悼尚未死亡的服务的失败。” 让我这样说:这项服务可能暂时还活着,但它在坟墓中只剩一只脚了,而且随着时间的流逝,距离下方的6英尺只差了一步。

为什么解析这么重要? (Why is Parse Such a Big Deal?)

First, Parse is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) that helps newer developers — and those who don’t have the know-how to build a back end from nothing


Parse and other back end services provide an easy-to-use platform for mobile and web developers to focus on building their front end without having to worry about their back end.


In most cases, the back end service is cross platform, and easily allows access to the same information, regardless of device and platform.


The second reason Parse is a big deal is that it was the first tool many mobile developers used for their back end, and some still use it.


My first experiences with Parse was that it was pretty easy to set up, and the documentation was great. It honestly didn’t take more than 5 minutes to get my project up and running.

我最初使用Parse的经历是,它很容易设置,并且文档很棒。 老实说,启动我的项目并不需要花费超过5分钟的时间。

The third reason Parse is a big deal is that it was by far one of the biggest BaaS out there, and a lot of App Store and Play Store apps still rely on Parse. This means that a bunch of production apps now have to find a different service to host their data — or they have to build their own back end.

Parse之所以重要的第三个原因是,它是迄今为止最大的BaaS之一,而且许多App Store和Play Store应用程序仍然依赖于Parse。 这意味着许多生产应用程序现在必须找到其他服务来托管其数据,或者必须构建自己的后端。

Having to build your own back end is a bigger deal for smaller studios and individuals who don’t have the know-how or funds to achieve this.


To people who have made a back end before, or have the drive and resources to accomplish this, it is not such a big deal. For newer developers who were still learning how to put together the front end of an app, this is a huge deal. The scope of what a person needs to learn suddenly doubles in size when you have to create your own back end.

对于以前做过后端工作或有动力完成这项工作的人来说,这没什么大不了的。 对于仍在学习如何将应用程序前端组合在一起的新开发人员而言,这是一笔不小的数目。 当您必须创建自己的后端时,一个人需要学习的内容的范围突然扩大了一倍。

Luckily there are other services out there, like Firebase, that can help achieve the same results as using Parse. Even then, moving apps that are already in production from one BaaS to another is a lot of unwanted work.

幸运的是,还有其他服务,例如Firebase ,可以帮助获得与使用Parse相同的结果。 即使那样,将已经在生产中的应用程序从一个BaaS迁移到另一个BaaS仍然是很多不必要的工作。

To Parse’s credit, they’ve built a migration tool that will make it easier to move to another BaaS. They’ve also open-sourced the Parse server itself, and you can run your own instance of it in the cloud with Node.js.

值得赞扬的是,他们已经构建了一个迁移工具,可以更轻松地迁移到另一个BaaS。 他们还开放了Parse服务器本身的源代码 ,您可以使用Node.js在云中运行自己的实例。

为什么解析被关闭? (Why is Parse Being Shut Down?)

Well that is a really good question. Honestly, no one outside the company or Facebook knows for sure. When they made their announcement that they were going to start winding down their services, all they said was that they needed to put their resources elsewhere.

嗯,这是一个非常好的问题。 老实说,公司或Facebook之外没有人确切知道。 当他们宣布将要停止服务时,他们只说需要将资源放在其他地方。

Parse was acquired by Facebook in 2013, and has continued running strong since. Facebook’s decision to shut down Parse is surprising, as it was Facebook’s major play in the mobile app field.

Parse在2013年被Facebook收购,自那以来一直保持强劲势头。 Facebook决定关闭Parse的决定令人惊讶,因为这是Facebook在移动应用程序领域的主要业务。

Because Facebook doesn’t have their own operating system — like Google and Apple do — Parse was a way for Facebook to really get into the mobile app market and establish themselves. Obviously Facebook has their own mobile app, ad service, and authentication service, but Parse opened up the rest of the market for them.

因为Facebook没有像Google和Apple一样拥有自己的操作系统,所以Parse是Facebook真正进入移动应用市场并建立自己的一种方式。 显然,Facebook有自己的移动应用程序,广告服务和身份验证服务,但Parse为他们打开了其他市场。

为什么我哀悼失去解析 (Why I Mourn the Loss of Parse)

Personally, I am sad to see Parse go, because I have apps that were still being developed that relied heavily on Parse. For me, it will be easier to transfer over to another service and start over. But I wish I didn’t have too.

就个人而言,我很悲伤地看到解析去,因为我有仍在开发的应用程序,在很大程度上依赖于解析。 对我来说,转移到另一个服务并重新开始会更容易。 但我希望我也没有。

Parse was a familiar tool and something that I was getting rather adept at using. Starting over means learning a whole new platform which takes time and resources to accomplish, effectively lengthening the process of launching the app.

解析是一个熟悉的工具,我已经相当熟练地使用了它。 从头开始意味着学习一个全新的平台,这需要时间和资源来完成,从而有效地延长了启动该应用程序的过程。

The image of the old train is represents to me how many companies end up in tech. At one point, they are a shiny locomotive built with a state-of-the-art steam engine inside. And then — before you know it — they are sitting in an abandoned cemetery, slowly rusting away.

在我看来,旧火车的形象代表着多少公司最终采用了技术。 一方面,它们是一台内部装有最先进的蒸汽机的闪亮机车。 然后,在您不知道的情况下,他们正坐在废弃的墓地中,逐渐生锈。

Now I know this article was rather dramatic, but I did really enjoy using Parse and I am actually sad to see it go. I wish all the engineers and staff the best, and I hope they can bring us another great service sometime in the future!

现在我知道这篇文章是相当显着的,但我也很喜欢使用解析和我其实悲伤地看到它。 我希望所有的工程师和员工都最好,也希望他们能在将来的某个时候为我们带来另一项优质的服务!

R.I.P Parse.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-i-mourn-the-death-of-parse-4f4dfb15af34/


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