

by Vishal Kumar

通过维沙尔·库马尔(Vishal Kumar)

古代数学如何丰富您的设计技能 (How ancient mathematics can enrich your design skills)

Since March of 2017, I have been enriching my understanding of design through mathematics — specifically, ancient geometry. As you scroll down, I hope my findings will be enriching for you too!

自2017年3月以来,我一直在通过数学-特别是古代几何学,丰富我对设计的理解。 当您向下滚动时,我希望我的发现对您也有所帮助!

I provide three demonstrations to explain how theorems from ancient mathematics can help you improve your design skills.


To begin with, theorems from ancient mathematics can be simple, beautiful, and artistic. Take, for example, an equilateral triangle. You only need two circles of the same size to make a perfect equilateral triangle.

首先,来自古代数学的定理可以是简单,优美和艺术性的。 以等边三角形为例。 您只需要两个相同大小的圆就可以形成一个完美的等边三角形。

Draw the circle on the left. Then draw a straight line from the middle of that circle (A) to the end (B). Draw a circle exactly the same size on the right so that it passes through A. Then draw two straight lines from A and B to the intersection of the two circles (C).

在左侧画圆。 然后从该圆的中间(A)到终点(B)画一条直线。 在右侧绘制一个大小完全相同的圆,使其穿过A。然后从A和B到两条圆的交点(C)绘制两条直线。

Easy, right? Didn’t even need a calculator. It’s incredible to think that the red triangle above has sides that are all of the same length, with all inside angles being 60° — and we didn’t even need any numbers to make it!

容易吧? 甚至不需要计算器。 令人难以置信的是,上面的红色三角形的边长均相同,所有内角均为60°-我们甚至不需要任何数字就可以做到!

“I never knew math could be so simple.”

This is the first theorem of a book entitled The Elements, written over 2,300 years ago by an Ancient Greek mathematician, Euclid. It has been estimated to be second only to the Bible in terms of the number of editions published since mechanical printing was invented in the 15th Century.

这是2300年前由古希腊数学家Euclid撰写的题为《元素 》的书的第一个定理。 自从15世纪发明机械印刷以来,据估计出版数量仅次于圣经。

The Elements was so influential that Abraham Lincoln had a copy on his desk at all times. (Cool story).

《元素》的影响力是如此之大,以至于亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)始终在他的办公桌上放着一本副本。 (有趣的故事)。

Hold on, it gets better. Let’s take it up a level.

等一下,情况会好转。 让我们再上一个台阶。

There are many mysteries to an equilateral triangle. The same red equilateral triangle you saw above can be used to generate a range of other shapes and forms.

等边三角形有许多奥秘。 您在上方看到的相同的红色等边三角形可用于生成一系列其他形状和形式。

Below we see that the equilateral triangle can help draw a circle, hexagon, rectangle, and a whole range of other polygons. See how many you can find.

在下面我们看到等边三角形可以帮助绘制圆形,六边形,矩形和其他整个多边形。 看看有多少可以找到。

Throughout history the equilateral triangle has been fundamental to human civilization, society and religion.


In his 2010 paper, Mysteries of the Equilateral Triangle, mathematician Brian McCartin explains how the shape has helped with a broad range of designs — from map-building, to problem-solving, to creating works of art and making religious symbols and relics.

数学家布莱恩·麦卡丁(Brian McCartin)在他的2010年论文《等边三角形的奥秘》中解释了形状如何帮助广泛的设计-从地图绘制到解决问题,再到创作艺术品和制作宗教符号和文物。

Let’s look at architecture in Ancient Greece. The figure below (left) is very similar to my one above. It shows the facade of the Parthenon, built in 432 BC, together with superimposed concentric equilateral triangles, each successive triangle diminished in size by one-half. This diagram helps visualize the perfect and well-crafted proportions of the Parthenon.

让我们看一下古希腊的建筑。 下图(左)与上图非常相似。 它显示了建于公元前432年的帕台农神庙的外立面,以及叠加的同心等边三角形,每个连续的三角形的大小减小了一半。 此图有助于可视化帕台农神庙的完美和精心制作的比例。

It’s clear that the Greeks knew about the importance of geometry.


Another, and older, common example of equilateral triangles used in architecture is the Pyramid Complex of Giza in Egypt. Each of the four triangular sides that form the pyramids are equilateral triangles. These are examples of the strength of the triangle in architecture as the pyramids have been standing for over 4,000 years.

建筑中使用的等边三角形的另一个较旧的常见示例是埃及吉萨金字塔综合体。 形成金字塔的四个三角形边中的每一个都是等边三角形。 这些都是金字塔在建筑中的力量的例子,因为金字塔已经存在了4000多年。

为什么这很重要? (Why is any of this important?)

Taking a geometric approach to drawing basic, smooth shapes can set the foundations for improving one’s design skills.


A geometric approach allows you to organize and arrange your space in a much easier way — whether your space is a computer or mobile screen, your notebook, or even a post-it note.

几何方法使您可以更轻松地组织和安排空间 —无论您的空间是计算机,移动屏幕,笔记本还是便利贴。

Look at how Apple designed their logo. Inkbot Design challenges Apple’s logo, dissecting it and asking whether their logo was designed using the Golden Ratio.

看看苹果如何设计他们的徽标。 Inkbot Design向Apple的徽标提出挑战,将其解剖并询问其徽标是否使用黄金分割率设计。

Related story: Jinju Jang also explains how she used mathematics and geometry to improve her design skills.

相关故事:张金菊(Jinju Jang)也解释了她如何使用数学和几何来提高她的设计技能。

So far the equilateral triangle has been the star of my story, but it is only the first of many interesting characters and protagonists.


Euclidean geometry is the classic geometry we learn at school to make shapes with ‘smooth’ edges, such as a triangle or circle. Euclidean geometry proceeds logically from axioms, to theorems and then to three-dimensional space.

欧几里得几何是我们在学校学习的经典几何形状,用于制作具有“平滑”边缘的形状,例如三角形或圆形。 欧几里得几何从公理到定理,再到三维空间。

If you add in a ‘time’ dimension you get Newtonian physics, forming a single space-time continuum.


[Kroneker Wallis, a minimalist production team in Barcelona, have even created contemporary designed books that explain precisely this in more detail! This also validates my point about ancient mathematics being important for design today — so, support them on Kickstarter!]

[巴塞罗那的极简主义制作团队克罗内克·沃利斯(Kroneker Wallis)甚至创作了当代设计的书籍,对此进行了更详细的解释! 这也证实了我的观点,即古代数学对于当今的设计很重要-因此,请在Kickstarter上为他们提供支持!]

“I never knew math could be so artistic!”

However, there are adaptations of geometry to make infinitely complex shapes with ‘rough’ edges and across multiple dimensions in addition to space and time: design materials based on biological or environmental properties, for example.


Enter fractal geometry.


Fractal geometry is used across the natural sciences — mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology — but more recently, for building and urban design. For example, Neri Oxman at the MIT Media lab computationally simulates fractal forms from nature to design and generate new materials and buildings (see below).

分形几何学在自然科学(数学,物理学,化学和生物学)中得到了广泛的应用,但最近在建筑和城市设计中得到了应用。 例如,麻省理工学院媒体实验室的Neri Oxman通过计算模拟了自然界的分形形式,以设计并生成新的材料和建筑物(请参见下文)。

Moreover, Michael Batty from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at the Bartlett, UCL, explains that fractal geometry has much to do with the way cities evolve. His research computationally simulates the evolutionary process to suggest “good” urban design as opposed to “bad” urban design.

此外,UCL巴特利特市高级空间分析中心的迈克尔·巴蒂(Michael Batty)解释说,分形几何与城市发展方式有很大关系。 他的研究在计算上模拟了进化过程,以提出“良好”的城市设计,而不是“不良”的城市设计。

Fractal geometry is a field of mathematics born in the 1970s and mainly developed by Benoit Mandelbrot. It can lead to self-similar forms across different scales, in this way evoking natural growth and design — the beautiful image below is a nested Apollonian gasket.

分形几何是1970年代出生的数学领域,主要由Benoit Mandelbrot开发。 它可以导致不同尺度的自相似形式,从而引起自然的生长和设计-下面的美丽图像是嵌套的Apollonian垫片。

The theory of fractals can also be linked to complexity theory and chaos theory — please look at the bottom left of Dominic Walliman’s Map of Mathematics poster.

分形理论也可以与复杂性理论和混沌理论联系起来-请查看Dominic Walliman的《数学地图》海报的左下方。

Right, I promised that this post was not going to get boring, so I am going to stop here. (I hope it has been enriching!)

是的,我保证这篇文章不会变得无聊,所以我将在这里停止。 (我希望它一直在丰富!)

结论 (Conclusion)

I would like to highlight two major points made in this article:


  1. Simple ideas from geometry and mathematics can be helpful and profound for those interested in all spectrums of design. Matej Latin describes how he used geometry to get a pixel perfect User Interface element for his project.

    对于对所有设计领域感兴趣的人,几何和数学方面的简单想法都可能会有所帮助和深刻。 Matej Latin 描述了他如何使用几何图形为其项目获得像素完美的用户界面元素。

  2. It is possible to use more complex strands of geometry to create much more interesting shapes. For example, generating designs similar to natural forms.

    可以使用更复杂的几何线来创建更多有趣的形状。 例如,生成类似于自然形式的设计。

I will continue to explore and explain how mathematics can help us understand design at a much deeper level. This first post was mainly about geometry, but I hope to also look at other fundamental ideas from algebra, calculus and trigonometry.

我将继续探索并解释数学如何帮助我们更深入地了解设计。 第一篇文章主要是关于几何的,但是我希望也能从代数,微积分和三角学中了解其他基本思想。

Thank you for reading!


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See more of Vishal’s work on Instagram @vishalkumar.london or on his website.

在Instagram @ vishalkumar.london或他的网站上查看Vishal的更多作品。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/using-ancient-mathematics-to-enrich-your-design-skills-ac360a83d297/






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