

by Suz Hinton

苏兹·欣顿(Suz Hinton)

我在Twitch上进行现场编码的第一年的经验 (Lessons from my first year of live coding on Twitch)

I gave streaming a go for the first time last July. Instead of gaming, which the majority of streamers on Twitch do, I wanted to stream the open source work I do in my personal time. I work on NodeJS hardware libraries a fair bit (most of them my own). Given that I was already in a niche on Twitch, why not be in an even smaller niche, like JavaScript powered hardware ;) I signed up for my own channel, and have been streaming regularly since.

去年7月,我第一次进行了流式传输。 与其像大多数Twitch上的大多数直播者那样做游戏,不如说我想将自己从事的开源工作流化。 我在NodeJS硬件库上进行了相当多的工作(其中大多数是我自己的)。 鉴于我已经在Twitch上占据一席之地,为什么不进入一个较小的领域(如JavaScript驱动的硬件;),我注册了自己的频道 ,此后一直在定期播放视频。

Of course I’m not the first to do this. Handmade Hero was one of the first programmers I watched code online, quickly followed by the developers at Vlambeer who developed Nuclear Throne live on Twitch. I was fascinated by Vlambeer especially.

当然,我不是第一个这样做的人。 Handmade Hero是我在线上观看代码的第一批程序员之一,紧随其后的是Vlambeer的开发人员,他们在Twitch上开发了Nuclear Throne 。 我特别被Vlambeer迷住了。

What tipped me over the edge of wishing I could do it to actually doing it is credited to Nolan Lawson, a friend of mine. I watched him streaming his open source work one weekend, and it was awesome. He explained everything he was doing along the way. Everything. Replying to issues on GitHub, triaging bugs, debugging code in branches, you name it. I found it fascinating, as Nolan maintains open source libraries that get a lot of use and activity. His open source life is very different to mine.

我的一个希望 诺丁·劳森 ( Nolan Lawson )成为我的朋友,这使我不敢希望自己能真正做到这一点。 我看着他在一个周末流播了他的开源工作 ,这真棒。 他解释了他一路上所做的一切。 一切。 您可以在GitHub上答复问题,分类错误,在分支中调试代码,然后进行命名。 我发现它很有趣,因为Nolan维护着很多用途和活动的开源库。 他的开源生活与我的完全不同。

You can even see this comment I left under his video:


I gave it a go myself a week or so later, after setting up my Twitch channel and bumbling my way through using OBS. I believe I worked on Avrgirl-Arduino, which I still frequently work on while streaming. It was a rough first stream. I was very nervous, and I had stayed up late rehearsing everything I was going to do the night before.

设置我的Twitch频道并尝试使用OBS后,我自己大约一周后才尝试一下。 我相信我曾在Avrgirl-Arduino上工作,在流式传输时我仍然经常工作。 这是艰难的第一流。 我非常紧张,我熬夜都在排练我前一天晚上要做的一切。

The tiny number of viewers I got that Saturday were really encouraging though, so I kept at it. These days I have more than a thousand followers, and a lovely subset of them are regular visitors who I call “the noopkat fam”.

不过,那个星期六我得到的观众很少,这确实令人鼓舞,所以我一直坚持下去。 如今,我有超过一千的追随者,其中一小部分是固定访问者,我称之为“ noopkat fam”。

We have a lot of fun, and I like to call the live coding parts “massively multiplayer online pair programming”. I am truly touched by the kindness and wit of everyone joining me each weekend. One of the funniest moments I have had was when one of the fam pointed out that my Arduino board was not working with my software because the microchip was missing from the board:

我们玩得很开心,我喜欢将直播编码部分称为“大型多人在线结对编程”。 每个周末加入我的每个人的友善和机智,令我真正感到震惊。 我经历过的最有趣的时刻之一是,其中一位名人指出我的Arduino开发板无法与我的软件配合使用,因为开发板上缺少了微芯片:

I have logged off a stream many a time, only to find in my inbox that someone has sent a pull request for some work that I had mentioned I didn’t have the time to start on. I can honestly say that my open source work has been changed for the better, thanks to the generosity and encouragement of my Twitch community.

我已经注销了一个流很多次,但是在我的收件箱中却发现有人发送了拉动请求,要求我完成一些我没有时间开始的工作。 老实说,由于我的Twitch社区的慷慨和鼓励,我的开源工作已经变得更好。

I have so much more to say about the benefits that streaming on Twitch has brought me, but that’s for another blog post probably. Instead, I want to share the lessons I have learned for anyone else who would like to try live coding in this way for themselves. Recently I’ve been asked by a few developers how they can get started, so I’m publishing the same advice I have given them!

关于Twitch上的流媒体带给我的好处,我还有很多话要说,但这可能是另一篇博客文章。 相反,我想与其他人分享我学到的经验,这些人希望自己尝试这种实时编码。 最近,一些开发人员问我如何开始,所以我要发布与他们相同的建议!

Firstly, I’m linking you to a guide called “Streaming and Finding Success on Twitch” which helped me a lot. It’s focused towards Twitch and gaming streams specifically, but there are still relevant sections and great advice in there. I’d recommend reading this first before considering any other details about starting your channel (like equipment or software choices).

首先,我将您链接到名为“在Twitch上流媒体并获得成功”的指南,该指南我有很大帮助。 它专门针对Twitch和游戏流,但是仍然有相关的部分和很好的建议。 建议您先阅读此内容,然后再考虑有关启动频道的其他任何信息(例如设备或软件选择)。

My own advice is below, which I have acquired from my own mistakes and the sage wisdom of fellow streamers (you know who you are!).


软件 (Software)

There’s a lot of free streaming software out there to stream with. I use Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). It’s available on most platforms. I found it really intuitive to get up and going, but others sometimes take a while to learn how it works. Your mileage may vary! Here is a screen-grab of what my OBS ‘desktop scene’ setup looks like as of today (click for larger image):

有很多免费的流媒体软件可供播放。 我使用Open Broadcaster Software(OBS) 。 它在大多数平台上都可用。 我发现起床和出行真的很直观,但是其他人有时会花一些时间来学习它的工作原理。 你的旅费可能会改变! 这是我今天的OBS“桌面场景”设置的屏幕截图(点击放大):

You essentially switch between ‘scenes’ while streaming. A scene is a collection of ‘sources’, layered and composited with each other. A source can be things like a camera, microphone, your desktop, a webpage, live text, images, the list goes on. OBS is very powerful.

实际上,您在流式传输时可以在“场景”之间切换。 场景是“源”的集合,彼此分层并合成。 来源可以是诸如照相机,麦克风,您的桌面,网页,实时文本,图像之类的东西,列表不胜枚举。 OBS非常强大。

This desktop scene above is where I do all of my live coding, and I mostly live here for the duration of the stream. I use iTerm and vim, and also have a browser window handy to switch to in order to look up documentation and triage things on GitHub, etc.

上面的桌面场景是我进行所有实时编码的地方,并且我大部分时间都在这里生活。 我使用iTerm和vim,还有一个浏览器窗口可以方便地切换到该窗口,以便在GitHub等上查找文档和分类。

The bottom black rectangle is my webcam, so folks can see me work and have a more personal connection. I have a handful of ‘labels’ for my scenes, many of which are to do with the stats and info in the top banner. The banner just adds personality, and is a nice persistent source of info while streaming. It’s an image I made in GIMP, and you import it as a source in your scene. Some labels are live stats that pull from text files (such as most recent follower). Another label is a custom one I made which shows the live temperature and humidity of the room I stream from.

底部的黑色矩形是我的网络摄像头,因此人们可以看到我的工作并建立更个人化的联系。 我的场景有几个“标签”,其中很多与顶部横幅中的统计信息有关。 标语只是增加了个性,是流媒体时很好的持久信息源。 这是我在GIMP中制作的图像,您将其作为场景中的源导入。 一些标签是从文本文件中提取的实时统计信息(例如最新的关注者)。 我制作的另一个标签是自定义标签,其中显示了我从中流出的房间的实时温度和湿度。

I have also ‘alerts’ set up in my scenes, which show cute banners over the top of my stream whenever someone follows or donates money. I use the web service Stream Labs to do this, importing it as a browser webpage source into the scene. Stream Labs also creates my recent followers live text file to show in my banner.

我还在场景中设置了“警报”,每当有人关注或捐款时,这些警报就会在流的顶部显示可爱的横幅。 我使用Web服务Stream Labs进行此操作,将其作为浏览器网页源导入到场景中。 Stream Labs还会创建我最近的关注者实时文本文件,以显示在横幅中。

I also have a standby screen that I use when I’m about to be live:


I additionally need a scene for when I’m entering secret tokens or API keys. It shows me on the webcam but hides my desktop with an entertaining webpage, so I can work in privacy:

当我输入秘密令牌或API密钥时,我还需要一个场景。 它在网络摄像头上显示了我,但用有趣的网页隐藏了我的桌面,因此我可以在私密环境中工作:

As you can see, I don’t take stuff too seriously when streaming, but I like to have a good setup for my viewers to get the most out of my stream.


But now for an actual secret: I use OBS to crop out the bottom and right edges of my screen, while keeping the same video size ratio as what Twitch expects. That leaves me with space to watch my events (follows, etc) on the bottom, and look at and respond to my channel chat box on the right. Twitch allows you to ‘pop out’ the chatbox in a new window which is really helpful.

但是现在有一个实际的秘密:我使用OBS裁剪屏幕的底部和右侧边缘,同时保持与Twitch预期相同的视频尺寸比率。 这为我留出了空间,可以在底部观看我的事件(跟进等),并在右侧查看并响应我的频道聊天框。 Twitch允许您在新窗口中“弹出”聊天框,这真的很有帮助。

This is what my full desktop really looks like:


I started doing this a few months ago and haven’t looked back. I’m not even sure my viewers realise this is how my setup works. I think they take for granted that I can see everything, even though I cannot see what is actually being streamed live when I’m busy programming!

我从几个月前开始这样做,然后再回头。 我什至不确定我的观众是否意识到我的设置是这样工作的。 我认为他们认为我可以看到所有内容是理所当然的,即使我在忙于编程时也看不到实际正在直播的内容!

You might be wondering why I only use one monitor. It’s because two monitors was just too much to manage on top of everything else I was doing while streaming. I figured this out quickly and have stuck with one screen since.

您可能想知道为什么我只使用一台显示器。 这是因为在流式传输时,除了我正在做的所有其他事情之外,两个监视器实在太多了,无法管理。 我很快就发现了这一点,此后一直停留在一个屏幕上。

硬件 (Hardware)

I used cheaper stuff to start out, and slowly bought nicer stuff as I realised that streaming was going to be something I stuck with. Use whatever you have when getting started, even if it’s your laptop’s built in microphone and camera.

我开始使用便宜的东西开始,然后慢慢购买更好的东西,因为我意识到流媒体将成为我的坚持。 即使开始使用笔记本电脑的内置麦克风和相机,也请使用入门时使用的所有物品。

Nowadays I use a Logitech Pro C920 webcam, and a Blue Yeti microphone on a microphone arm with a mic shock. Totally worth the money in the end if you have it to spend. It made a difference to the quality of my streams.

如今,我使用Logitech Pro C920网络摄像头,并在带有麦克风震动的麦克风臂上使用Blue Yeti麦克风。 最终,如果您有足够的钱可以花钱。 它影响了我的信息流质量。

I use a large monitor (27"), because as I mentioned earlier using two monitors just didn’t work for me. I was missing things in the chat because I was not looking over to the second laptop screen enough, etc etc. Your milage may vary here, but having everything on one screen was key for me to pay attention to everything happening.


That’s pretty much it on the hardware side; I don’t have a very complicated setup.

在硬件方面就差不多了。 我没有非常复杂的设置。

If you were interested, my desk looks pretty normal except for the obnoxious looming microphone:


提示 (Tips)

This last section has some general tips I’ve picked up, that have made my stream better and more enjoyable overall.


面板 (Panels)

Spend some time on creating great panels. Panels are the little content boxes on the bottom of everyone’s channel page. I see them as the new MySpace profile boxes (lol but really). Panel ideas could be things like chat rules, information about when you stream, what computer and equipment you use, your favourite cat breed; anything that creates a personal touch. Look at other channels (especially popular ones) for ideas!

花一些时间来创建出色的面板。 面板是每个人频道页面底部的小内容框。 我将它们视为新的MySpace配置文件框(大声笑,但确实如此)。 座谈会的想法可能是诸如聊天规则,有关何时播出,使用何种计算机和设备,您最喜欢的猫品种的信息; 任何能产生个人风格的东西。 查看其他渠道(尤其是受欢迎的渠道)以获取想法!

An example of one of my panels:


聊天室 (Chat)

Chat is really important. You’re going to get the same questions over and over as people join your stream halfway through, so having chat ‘macros’ can really help. “What are you working on?” is the most common question asked while I’m coding. I have chat shortcut ‘commands’ for that, which I made with Nightbot. It will put an explanation of something I have entered in ahead of time, by typing a small one word command like !whatamidoing

聊天真的很重要。 当人们在半途中加入您的信息流时,您将一遍又一遍地遇到相同的问题,因此聊天“宏”确实可以提供帮助。 “你在做什么?” 是我编码时最常问的问题。 我有使用Nightbot进行的聊天快捷方式“命令”。 通过输入一个小的单词命令,如!whatamidoing ,它将对我提前输入的内容进行解释。

When folks ask questions or leave nice comments, talk back to them! Say thanks, say their Twitch handle, and they’ll really appreciate the attention and acknowledgement. This is SUPER hard to stay on top of when you first start streaming, but multitasking will come easier as you do more. Try to take a few seconds every couple of minutes to look at the chat for new messages.

当人们提出问题或发表好评论时,请与他们交谈! 说谢谢,说出他们的Twitch句柄,他们将非常感谢您的关注和认可。 首次开始流媒体播放时,这很难保持超级优势,但是随着您执行更多的任务,多任务处理将变得更加容易。 尝试每隔几分钟花几秒钟查看聊天中是否有新消息。

When programming, explain what you’re doing. Talk a lot. Make jokes. Even when I’m stuck, I’ll say, “oh, crap, I forget how to use this method lemme Google it hahaha” and folks are always nice and sometimes they’ll even read along with you and help you out. It’s fun and engaging, and keeps folks watching.

进行编程时,请说明您的工作 。 聊了很多。 讲笑话。 即使遇到困难,我也会说:“糟糕,我忘记了如何使用此方法来使Google变得更糟”,人们总是很友善,有时他们甚至会与您一起阅读并为您提供帮助。 它既有趣又引人入胜,并让人们保持观看。

I lose interest quickly when I’m watching programming streams where the streamer is sitting in silence typing code, ignoring the chat and their new follower alerts.


It’s highly likely that 99% of folks who find their way to your channel will be friendly and curious. I get the occasional troll, but the moderation tools offered by Twitch and Nightbot really help to discourage this.

进入您的频道的人们中,有99%的人很可能会友好而好奇。 我偶尔会收到巨魔,但是Twitch和Nightbot提供的审核工具确实有助于阻止这种情况。

准备时间 (Prep time)

Automate your setup as much as possible. My terminal is iTerm, and it lets you save window arrangements and font sizes so you can restore back to them later. I have one window arrangement for streaming and one for non streaming. It’s a massive time saver. I hit one command and everything is the perfect size and in the right position, ready to go.

尽可能自动执行设置。 我的终端是iTerm,它可以让您保存窗口排列和字体大小,以便以后可以恢复它们。 我有一种窗口安排用于流式传输,而另一种则用于非流式传输。 这可以节省大量时间。 我按了一个命令,一切都变得完美,并且位置正确,随时可以使用。

There are other apps out there that automate all of your app window placements, have a look to see if any of them would also help.


Make your font size really large in your terminal and code editor so everyone can see.


规律性 (Regularity)

Be regular with your schedule. I only stream once a week, but always at the same time. Let folks know if you’re not able to stream during an expected time you normally do. This has netted me a regular audience. Some folks love routine and it’s exactly like catching up with a friend. You’re in a social circle with your community, so treat it that way.

定期安排时间表。 我每周只播放一次,但总是在同一时间播放。 让人们知道您是否无法在正常时间内正常播放。 这使我成为普通观众。 有些人喜欢例行公事,就像跟朋友追赶一样。 您与您的社区处于社交圈中,因此应以这种方式对待。

I want to stream more often, but I know I can’t commit to more than once a week because of travel. I am trying to come up with a way to stream in high quality when on the road, or perhaps just have casual chats and save programming for my regular Sunday stream. I’m still trying to figure this out!

我想更多地进行直播,但我知道由于旅行,我每周只能承诺一次以上。 我正在尝试提出一种在旅途中以高品质进行直播的方法,或者只是休闲聊天并为我的常规周日直播保存节目。 我仍在设法弄清楚!

尴尬 (Awkwardness)

It’s going to feel weird when you get started. You’re going to feel nervous about folks watching you code. That’s normal! I felt that really strongly at the beginning, even though I have public speaking experience. I felt like there was nowhere for me to hide, and it scared me. I thought, “everyone is going to think my code is bad, and that I’m a bad developer”. This is a thought pattern that has plagued me my entire career though, it’s nothing new. I knew that with this, I couldn’t quietly refactor code before pushing to GitHub, which is generally much safer for my reputation as a developer.

当您开始时,会觉得很奇怪。 您将对那些看着您的代码的人感到紧张。 那很正常! 尽管我有公开演讲的经验,但一开始我还是非常强烈。 我觉得我无处可藏,这让我很害怕。 我以为,“每个人都会认为我的代码不好,而且我是一个糟糕的开发人员”。 这是困扰我整个职业生涯的一种思维模式,这并不是什么新鲜事物。 我知道,有了这个,我无法在进入GitHub之前悄悄地重构代码,这对我作为开发人员的声誉来说通常要安全得多。

I learned a lot about my programming style by live coding on Twitch. I learned that I’m definitely the “make it work, then make it readable, then make it fast” type. I don’t rehearse the night before anymore (I gave that up after 3 or 4 streams right at the beginning), so I write pretty rough code on Twitch and have to be okay with that. I write my best code when alone with my thoughts and not watching a chat box + talking aloud, and that’s okay. I forget method signatures that I’ve used a thousand times, and make ‘silly’ mistakes in almost every single stream. For most, it’s not a productive environment for being at your best.

通过在Twitch上进行实时编码,我了解了很多编程风格。 我了解到我绝对是“使其工作,然后使其可读,然后使其快速”的类型。 我不再排练前一天的夜晚(我一开始就在3或4个流之后就放弃了),所以我在Twitch上编写了相当粗糙的代码,并且必须做到这一点。 当我独自思考时,我会写自己最好的代码,而不是看着聊天框+大声说话,这没关系。 我忘记了我使用过上千次的方法签名,并且几乎在每个流中都会犯“愚蠢”的错误。 对于大多数人来说,这并不是一个最好的生产环境。

My Twitch community never judges me for this, and they help me out a lot. They understand I’m multitasking, and are really great about pragmatic advice and suggestions. Sometimes they bail me out, and other times I have to explain to them why their suggestion won’t work. It’s really just like regular pair programming!

我的Twitch社区从不为此评判我,他们为我提供了很多帮助。 他们了解我的工作量很大,并且非常注重实用建议。 有时他们会救我,其他时候我必须向他们解释为什么他们的建议行不通。 真的就像常规的结对编程一样!

I think the ‘warts and all’ approach to this medium is a strength, not a weakness. It makes you more relatable, and it’s important to show that there’s no such thing as the perfect programmer, or the perfect code. It’s probably quite refreshing for new coders to see, and humbling for myself as a more experienced coder.

我认为,对这种媒介采取“全面尝试”是一种优势,而不是劣势。 它使您更亲切,并且重要的是要表明没有完美的程序员或完美的代码之类的东西。 对于新的编码人员来说,这可能是非常令人耳目一新的,对自己作为一个更有经验的编码人员而言,我感到很谦卑。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you’ve been wanting to get into live coding on Twitch, I encourage you to give it a try! I hope this post helped you if you have been wondering where to start.

如果您一直想在Twitch上进行实时编码,建议您尝试一下! 如果您一直想从哪里开始,希望这篇文章对您有所帮助。

If you’d like to join me on Sundays, you can follow my channel on Twitch :)

如果您想在周日加入我,可以在Twitch上关注我的频道 :)

On my last note, I’d like to personally thank Mattias Johansson for his wisdom and encouragement early on in my streaming journey. He was incredibly generous, and his FunFunFunction YouTube channel is a continuous source of inspiration.

最后一点,我想亲自感谢Mattias Johansson在我的流媒体之旅的初期所提供的智慧和鼓励。 他非常慷慨,他的FunFunFunction YouTube频道不断激发灵感。

Update: a bunch of folks have been asking about my keyboard and other parts of my workstation. Here is the complete list of what I use. Thanks for the interest!

更新:一群人一直在问我的键盘和工作站的其他部分。 这是我使用的完整列表 。 感谢您的关注!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/lessons-from-my-first-year-of-live-coding-on-twitch-41a32e2f41c1/






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