

by Victor Cassone

由Victor Cassone

如何找到一位导师并加快学习速度:新手指南。 (How to find a mentor and accelerate your learning: a beginner’s guide.)

One of my biggest regrets while learning to program was that I isolated myself too much. I tried to do everything myself and didn’t seek out help from others. I would spend hours, sometimes days, beating my head against the keyboard trying to solve a problem that could’ve been explained to me in 10 minutes. I was too shy, oblivious, and stubborn to put in the effort to find help. The amount of time I wasted in those early days still haunts me.

在学习编程时,我最大的遗憾之一就是我过于孤立。 我试图自己做所有事情,没有寻求别人的帮助。 我会花几个小时,有时甚至是几天,将我的头撞在键盘上,试图解决一个可能在10分钟之内可以解释给我的问题。 我太害羞,忘却,固执,无法努力寻求帮助。 我在那些早年浪费的时间仍然困扰着我。

It took me a while to realize that finding a mentor is an important part of the learning process. A mentor can provide crucial feedback when there normally wouldn’t be any. It puts a stress test on your skills and challenges the knowledge areas where you might be weak.

我花了一段时间才意识到,寻找导师是学习过程的重要组成部分。 通常情况下,导师可以提供关键的反馈。 它对您的技能进行压力测试,并挑战您可能薄弱的知识领域。

Evidence of the effectiveness of mentors can be seen throughout history. Apprenticeships used to be the primary form of education before the university system took over. Some of the world’s greatest artists and creators studied under someone else.

在整个历史中都可以看到指导者有效性的证据。 学徒制曾经是大学系统接管之前的主要教育形式。 一些世界上最伟大的艺术家和创作者在别人的陪伴下学习。

There are a few ways you can use mentorship to your advantage. It will require some extra effort, but I believe it’s worth it.

您可以通过几种方法来利用导师制,以发挥自己的优势。 这将需要一些额外的努力,但是我认为这是值得的。

In this article, I will explain why mentorship is important and suggest a simple way to find one for yourself.


反馈是关键 (Feedback is the key)

You can’t learn anything if you don’t get feedback. It’s as simple as that. Feedback is a fundamental requirement of the learning process. Imagine trying to improve your free-throws without seeing if your shot went in. It’d be impossible.

如果没有反馈,您将学不到任何东西。 就这么简单。 反馈是学习过程的基本要求。 想象一下,在不考虑击球机会的情况下尝试提高罚球机会。这是不可能的。

There are really only two main ways to receive feedback:


  • You can give yourself feedback through self-study

  • Someone else can provide it


The self-study method is the most common in the programming world. Usually, when we get stuck or need to learn something new, we go to websites like Stack Overflow or GitHub. The goal is to learn new information so we can reflect on our work and approach the problem from a new angle.

自学习方法是编程领域中最常见的方法。 通常,当我们陷入困境或需要学习新知识时,我们会去Stack Overflow或GitHub等网站。 目的是学习新信息,以便我们可以反思自己的工作并以新的角度解决问题。

Self-study will always be part of a software developer’s job, because we are constantly running up against new problems. A good developer isn’t someone who has an amazing memory, but rather someone who can efficiently understand their problem and know where to find the solution.

自学始终是软件开发人员工作的一部分,因为我们一直在不断遇到新问题。 一个好的开发人员不是拥有出色记忆的人,而是能够有效地理解他们的问题并知道在哪里找到解决方案的人。

At my first programming job, I was blown away by how fast experienced developers could find answers to my problems. It felt like they knew exactly what to search for and where to find the important information.

在我的第一份编程工作中,经验丰富的开发人员能够为我的问题找到答案的速度让我震惊。 感觉就像他们确切地知道要搜索什么以及在哪里可以找到重要信息。

自学的缺陷 (The flaws of self-study)

Self-study is important, but there are two big problems.


Firstly, it takes time to hone your skills. Searching for relevant information is intuitive for an experienced developer, but feels more like a wild goose chase for someone who is inexperienced. It might seem simple, but it takes a lot of practice to know how to search Google or figure out the best places to look for answers.

首先,磨练技巧需要时间。 对于有经验的开发人员而言,搜索相关信息是很直观的,但是对于没有经验的人来说,感觉更像是在追赶。 看起来似乎很简单,但是要学会如何搜索Google或找出寻找答案的最佳位置需要大量的练习。

When I first started learning programming, I either didn’t know where to look or didn’t know exactly what I was looking for. I often felt lost and overwhelmed.

当我刚开始学习编程时,我要么不知道在哪里寻找,要么不知道我到底在寻找什么。 我常常感到迷茫和不知所措。

Secondly, relying too heavily on self-study makes it hard for you to take a step back and understand big picture concepts. It’s easy to find yourself solving individual problems without having a good understanding of how it fits into everything else. You might learn how to do something, but not know why it’s necessary.

其次,过于依赖自学使您难以退后一步,无法理解大概念。 很容易发现自己在解决单个问题的过程中,却不了解如何解决其他问题。 您可能会学习如何做某事,但不知道为什么要这样做。

It’s also not always clear if you are going down the right learning path. In the beginning, it’s hard to know where to start. People do a little research and pick a path. As time goes on, the path you initially chose might not be the best route for you. You might not correct course until much later down the road. You could be wasting time learning something that doesn’t align with your long term goals.

是否走正确的学习道路也不总是很清楚。 一开始,很难知道从哪里开始。 人们进行一些研究并选择一条道路。 随着时间的流逝,您最初选择的路径可能不是您的最佳选择。 您可能要等到很久以后才能纠正路线。 您可能会浪费时间学习与长期目标不符的东西。

To avoid these traps, it’s important to supplement self-study feedback with feedback from an outside source. Relying too heavily on self-study can result in wasting time on both the micro and macro level.

为了避免这些陷阱,重要的是用来自外部来源的反馈来补充自学反馈。 过于依赖自学会导致微观和宏观浪费时间。

为什么需要导师 (Why you need a mentor)

There are many advantages to finding a mentor.


They help you develop a firmer understanding of the material and create a stronger foundation of skills. As you are interacting with them, they poke holes in your current understanding and stress test your abilities. They have the experience to help you understand hard concepts and will be able to point you in the right direction when you hit a roadblock.

它们可以帮助您对材料有更深刻的理解,并建立更坚实的技能基础。 当您与他们互动时,他们会戳破您当前的理解并压力测试您的能力。 他们有丰富的经验,可以帮助您理解困难的概念,当遇到障碍时,能够为您指明正确的方向。

My first job as a programmer had a great mentoring system. There was always someone to answer my questions. I learned more in my first few months on the job than I did in the previous year teaching myself.

我作为程序员的第一份工作有一个很好的指导系统。 总是有人回答我的问题。 与上一年自学相比,我在工作的前几个月学到的东西更多。

Mentors are also great for helping you get networked in your local tech scene. Chances are they have their own network of friends and developers they can hook you into. This opens up opportunities to expand your own network, which will give you new and interesting perspectives and help you find a job when the time comes.

导师还可以帮助您在本地技术界建立联系。 他们有可能拥有自己的朋友和开发人员网络,可以吸引您。 这为扩展自己的网络提供了机会,这将为您提供新颖有趣的观点,并帮助您在时机成熟时找到工作。

They also provide encouragement where there might not be any. Learning programming is hard and isolating. Mentors help you get through the tough times. A experienced developer has most likely been up against whatever roadblock you’re facing. When you get stuck or discouraged, it’s helpful to know there’s someone you can reach out to.

他们还会在可能没有的地方提供鼓励。 学习编程是困难而孤立的。 导师可以帮助您度过艰难的时刻。 经验丰富的开发人员很可能会遇到您遇到的任何障碍。 当您陷入困境或沮丧时,了解可以与您联系的人会很有帮助。

如何找到导师 (How to find a mentor)

Finding an experienced mentor is very useful, but it’s easier said than done. There’s no yellow pages for looking up software developers who can mentor you. People going through a traditional 4-year school or a code school have the advantage of asking the teacher questions when they get stuck. Self-taught developers don’t usually have this luxury.

寻找经验丰富的导师非常有用,但是说起来容易做起来难。 没有黄页可以查找可以指导您的软件开发人员。 在传统的4年制学校或代码学校上课的人有被卡住时向老师提问的优点。 自学成才的开发人员通常没有这种奢侈。

To find a mentor, you will need to be prepared, get out into the world, and meet people.


Meetups and user groups are a great place to start. If you live in a decently sized city, there are most likely a variety of different tech events happening each week. Just go to Meetup.com and look for an event that you find interesting.

聚会和用户组是一个很好的起点。 如果您居住在一个体面的城市,那么每周最有可能发生各种不同的技术事件。 只需访问Meetup.com并查找您认为有趣的活动即可。

Going to a meeting with a bunch of strangers is nerve-racking. At my first Meetup, I remember sitting in my car at the venue for 5-10 minutes before I finally gathered the courage to go inside. But, in the end I’m happy I did. The people I met at that first Meetup ended up helping me land my first software development job down the road.

和一群陌生人一起开会真是令人伤脑筋。 在我第一次见面时,我记得自己在会场里坐了5-10分钟,直到我终于鼓起勇气进去了。 但是,最后我很开心。 我在第一次聚会中遇到的人最终帮助我顺利完成了我的第一项软件开发工作。

It’s important that you overcome your fears so you can put yourself in a better position to succeed. At first, if you are too nervous to talk to anyone, then don’t. Sit in the corner, watch the presentation, enjoy the free pizza, and consider it a win. The next time you go to a meeting you will feel more comfortable and be ready to interact with others.

克服恐惧很重要,这样才能使自己处于更好的位置来取得成功。 首先,如果您太紧张以至于无法与任何人交谈,那就不要。 坐在角落里,观看演示文稿,享受免费的比萨饼,并认为这是一场胜利。 下次您参加会议时,您会感到更加自在,并准备与他人互动。

与经验丰富的开发人员互动 (Interacting with experienced developers)

Once you start interacting with people, make sure to remove your ego as much as possible. You have nothing to prove to anyone. People have a tendency to overstate their abilities when interacting with people with more skill or experience.

开始与人互动后,请确保尽可能消除自我。 你没有任何东西可以证明给任何人。 与具有更多技能或经验的人互动时,人们倾向于夸大其能力。

Overstating your abilities can be a tragic move. The point of going to the meetup in the first place is to build connections and find people who might want to help you. Acting like you know more than you do will either make you look stupid or will make people think you have it all figured out.

夸大您的能力可能是一个悲惨的举动。 首先参加聚会的目的是建立联系并找到可能想要帮助您的人。 表现得比您了解的更多,要么会让您看起来很愚蠢,要么会让别人认为您已经掌握了一切。

The key is to be vulnerable and embrace the fact that you are a newbie developer. Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know something. Let other people know you’ve just started learning and you are open to any advice they can give.

关键是要容易受到攻击并接受您是新手开发人员的事实。 不要害怕承认你不知道什么。 让其他人知道您刚刚开始学习,并且愿意接受他们提供的任何建议。

Come prepared with questions. Ask something like, “How would you approach learning if you were in my position?” You’ll be surprised how much people will want to help you. Every developer at that meeting can sympathize with you because they were at some point in the same position as you. There are many valuable insights you can gain just from these conversations alone.

准备问题。 问类似的问题,“如果您处于我的位置,您将如何进行学习?” 您会惊讶于有多少人想要帮助您。 那个会议上的每个开发人员都可以同情您,因为他们在某个时候与您处于同一位置。 仅从这些对话中,您可以获得许多有价值的见解。

继续对话 (Continue the dialogue)

Once you’ve met and talked to a few people, ask for their email addresses just in case you have follow-up questions.


Getting some sort of contact information is crucial. It allows you to stay in touch with the person and it opens up opportunities for future meetings.

获取某种联系信息至关重要。 它使您可以与该人保持联系,并为以后的会议打开了机会。

After the meeting, reach out to the people you’ve met and ask if you can buy them a cup of coffee. It might feel like you are inconveniencing them, but people generally enjoy helping others (especially other software developers). As long as you are respectful of their time and show them you are grateful for their help, they will most likely be happy to meet with you.

会议结束后,与您认识的人联系,问您是否可以给他们买杯咖啡。 似乎给您带来了不便,但是人们通常喜欢帮助他人(尤其是其他软件开发人员)。 只要您尊重他们的时间并向他们表明您感谢他们的帮助,他们很可能很高兴与您见面。

I’ve always enjoyed meeting with beginner developers. It feels good imparting some of my acquired wisdom. It’s a great feeling knowing you are positively contributing to someone’s life. I made a lot of mistakes when I was first learning, and it’s nice helping other people steer away from those traps.

我一直很喜欢与新手开发人员见面。 传授我一些后天的智慧感觉很好。 知道您为某人的生活做出了积极的贡献,这真是一种很棒的感觉。 刚开始学习时,我犯了很多错误,很高兴能帮助其他人摆脱那些陷阱。

A word of caution before proceeding. It’s important to not abuse the relationships you build. If you email a person 5 times a day and are constantly bugging them, they will stop wanting to help you. It’s ok to ask for help, but it’s not ok to have them do the work for you.

在继续操作之前请注意。 重要的是不要滥用您建立的关系。 如果您每天给某人发送电子邮件5次,并且不断给他们打扰,那么他们将不再希望帮助您。 可以寻求帮助,但让他们为您完成工作也不是可以的。

You aren’t going to get all your specific technical questions answered through this network of people. If you do find yourself asking them technical questions, make sure they are well thought out, precise, and short. Give them the opportunity to answer you quickly. Try to avoid questions with lengthy answers unless you feel they are willing to answer them (especially in emails).

您不会通过此人脉网络回答所有特定的技术问题。 如果您发现自己在向他们询问技术问题,请确保他们经过深思熟虑,准确且简短。 给他们机会Swift回答您。 除非您觉得他们愿意回答,否则请尽量避免回答冗长的问题(尤其是在电子邮件中)。

Think of an experienced developer as a compass. They won’t physically get you to your destination, but they will make sure you are going in the right direction. This will help you avoid wasting time on things that might not be helpful in your pursuit of a job. At a minimum, they will give you new things to think about and will help you self-analyze your progress.

将经验丰富的开发人员视为指南针。 他们不会实际将您带到目的地,但是他们会确保您朝正确的方向前进。 这将帮助您避免浪费时间在可能对您的工作没有帮助的事情上。 至少,它们会给您带来新的思考的条件,并帮助您自我分析进度。

Remember: the relationship you build is more important than the answers you receive. Answers are finite. Relationships are infinite.

请记住: 建立的关系比得到的答案更重要 。 答案是有限的。 关系是无限的。

结论 (Conclusion)

Finding a mentor is just one way to increase your feedback. You might have other ways at your disposal. If you do, great! Use them as much as you can.

寻找导师只是增加反馈的一种方法。 您可能还有其他方法可以使用。 如果您这样做,那就太好了! 尽可能多地使用它们。

If meeting someone in the physical world is out of the question, then move digitally. Look for Facebook groups, online forums, or subreddits where you can interact with experienced developers. There are many articles written about all these different places, so I won’t go into it here.

如果与现实世界中的某人见面是不可能的,那么请以数字方式移动。 寻找可以与经验丰富的开发人员进行交互的Facebook组,在线论坛或子目录。 关于所有这些不同地方的文章很多,因此在这里不再赘述。

The key is to understand that finding a mentor (or someone with more experience than you) is a very useful tool in your learning process. It could be the difference between success and failure.

关键是要了解,在您的学习过程中,寻找导师(或比您更有经验的人)是一个非常有用的工具。 可能是成功与失败之间的区别。

They won’t find you. You will need to go out in the world and seek them out. But make sure you do.

他们找不到你。 您需要走出世界去寻找他们。 但是请确保您这样做。

If you’ve enjoyed this article, sign-up to the Self-Taught Developer Newsletter. You will receive information like this along with other exclusive tips and tricks.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请注册《 自学开发人员通讯》 。 您将收到类似这样的信息以及其他专有的提示和技巧。

If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment below or reach out to me at vic.cassone@gmail.com.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-find-a-mentor-and-accelerate-your-learning-a-beginners-guide-1a0a41ca65e3/


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