

Meetups are amazing! They are a great way to stay up to date on the latest technologies, dive deep into interesting subjects, ask questions, and network.

聚会很了不起! 它们是了解最新技术,深入研究有趣主题,提出问题和建立联系的一种好方法。

Software Craftsmen attend meetups. They take pride in writing code that is well thought out, future thinking, and built to last.

软件工匠参加聚会。 他们以编写经过深思熟虑,未来思考并经久耐用的代码而感到自豪。

So you decide to look for a meetup, but there isn't something local that covers your passion. You might be ready to create a meetup.

因此,您决定寻求聚会,但是没有什么可以满足您的热情的。 您可能已经准备好创建聚会。

I started the UtahJS monthly meetup in 2010. It's been a great success and I want to share some of the things I've learned over the years.


好的聚会是什么? (What makes a good meetup?)

Stay consistent with time and place. Find an event host and stick with them. It could be a tech company, a college campus, or a co-working space. If you keep meetups at the same time and location every month, people can make a habit of attending. This is by far the most important piece of advice.

与时间和地点保持一致。 寻找活动主持人并坚持下去。 可能是科技公司,大学校园或合作空间。 如果您每个月在同一时间和地点举行聚会,人们会养成参加的习惯。 到目前为止,这是最重要的建议。

Consider food. A lot of times venue hosts are willing to provide dinner. If not, seek sponsors for dinner. It can be something cheap like Pizza or Subs. And if you can't arrange dinner, make sure it is clear to that attendees should eat beforehand.

考虑食物。 很多时候,场地主持人都愿意提供晚餐。 如果没有,请寻求赞助商共进晚餐。 它可以是便宜的东西,例如Pizza或Subs。 而且,如果您不能安排晚餐,请确保与会人员应事先用餐。

Keep it free. There are lots of companies that like to give back to the community, boost their image and network with developers. Try to keep the event totally free.

保持自由。 有许多公司希望回馈社区,提高他们的形象并与开发人员建立联系。 尝试使活动完全免费。

Make it interesting. What keeps people coming back is interesting topics. Some people will attend only a few times a year, and that is ok. Try to cover a wide variety of topics and make each month something interesting.

使它有趣。 使人们回头的是有趣的话题。 有些人一年只参加几次,没关系。 尝试涵盖各种各样的主题,并使每个月的事情变得有趣。

Focus on community. Take a few minutes at the start of the event to say welcome. Emphasize that it is the community's meetup, not yours. Encourage attendees to take leadership roles, participate, and invite others to join. Spark participation with questions such as: "Who is hiring?" "Who is looking for a job?" and "Who is new to this topic?"

关注社区。 在活动开始前花点时间表示欢迎。 强调这是社区的聚会,而不是您的聚会。 鼓励与会者担任领导角色,参与并邀请其他人加入。 通过诸如“谁在招聘?”之类的问题引发参与。 “谁在找工作?” 和“谁是这个主题的新手?”

Avoid bashing. Having an "X Tech vs. Y Tech" presentation is fine but a "Y Tech Sucks" or an "If You Don't Use Y Tech You're Doing it Wrong" presentation is not appropriate. Build people up regardless of their tech background.

避免扑打。 拥有“ X Tech vs. Y Tech”演示文稿很好,但是“ Y Tech Sucks”或“如果您不使用Y Tech您做错了”演示文稿是不合适的。 不论技术背景如何,都能培养人才。

Be inclusive. Reach out to underrepresented groups. Make your meetup a safe place for everyone.

具有包容性。 与人数不足的团体接触。 使您的聚会成为所有人的安全场所。

我从哪说起呢? (Where do I start?)

Use a meetup website. I've enjoyed using Meetup.com but there new options such as freeCodeCamp's self-hosted Chapter software and All Events. Find a platform to announce topics, get RSVPs, seek speakers, and have discussions. Give your group a name and a method to contact the organizers.

使用见面网站。 我很喜欢使用Meetup.com,但有新的选择,例如freeCodeCamp的自托管Chapter软件All Events 。 寻找一个平台来宣布主题,获得RSVP,寻找发言人并进行讨论。 给您的小组一个名称和联系组织者的方法。

Mix up presentation styles. Most groups lean toward lecture style. Try to mix in other things such as hands-on presentations, tutorials, or seeded discussions.

混合演示样式。 大多数小组倾向于讲课风格。 尝试混合其他内容,例如动手演示,教程或种子式讨论。

Fill time with lightning talks. If you run short, ask for impromptu presentations. You can announce it this way: “Does anyone have a mini-presentation, something cool that you’ve worked on, something interesting you saw, or a question you want answered? You can come up to the front and plug in your computer. Or just talk from your seat.” Some of the best meetings are those with lightning rounds and ensuing discussions.

用闪电般的谈话充实时间。 如果时间不够,请即兴演讲。 您可以通过以下方式宣布:“任何人都有微型演示文稿,您从事过的很酷的事情,看到过有趣的事情或想回答的问题吗? 您可以走到最前面并插入计算机。 或者只是坐在你的座位上说话。” 最好的会议是闪电会议和随后的讨论。

Have a backup plan. If you end up with no presenter, have some simple backup ideas. Pick out a video you can watch and discuss. Walk through good tutorials or blog posts that interest you.

有一个备份计划。 如果最终没有演示者,请准备一些简单的备份想法。 挑选一个您可以观看和讨论的视频。 浏览您感兴趣的优秀教程或博客文章。

Attend other meetups. You may get great ideas and great contacts from another meetup. Be active in the programming community.

参加其他聚会。 您可能会从另一个聚会中获得很棒的想法和好的联系。 积极参与编程社区。

Create an FAQ. Beginners like FAQs. Link to one on your Meetup.com group page. Provide answers to common questions and links to help understand the context of your meetup's subject matter. Use GitHub, Google Docs or something else that allows your community members to contribute changes and additions.

创建一个常见问题解答。 初学者喜欢常见问题解答。 链接到您的Meetup.com群组页面上的一个。 提供常见问题的答案和链接,以帮助了解您聚会的主题背景。 使用GitHub,Google文档或其他可让您的社区成员做出更改和添加的东西。

Partner up. Look for co-organizers to help you organize and run the meetups. A good long-term strategy involves multiple people.

合作起来。 寻找合作组织者来帮助您组织和组织聚会。 一个好的长期战略涉及多个人。

Make a logo. For inspiration, check out the JS Logo Registry.

制作徽标 。 要获取灵感,请查看JS Logo Registry

Create a Code of Conduct. I've found that the Contributor Covenant is a great place to start. It is an important step for everyone to feel safe and understand your commitment to inclusive contribution.

创建行为准则。 我发现《 贡献者公约》是一个很好的起点。 对于每个人来说,这都是重要的一步,让您感到安全并了解您对包容性贡献的承诺。

我该如何做广告? (How do I advertise?)

Tell your friends and coworkers. Word of mouth is more powerful than most people realize.

告诉你的朋友和同事。 口耳相传比大多数人意识到的要强大。

Tell Twitter. Tweet and ask others to retweet. Contact influencers and non-profits in your area that would be willing to tweet your Meetup link.

告诉Twitter。 鸣叫并要求其他人转发。 与您所在地区的有影响力人士和非营利组织联系,这些人将愿意发布您的Meetup链接。

Tell your Slack workspace. Look for a Slack workspace for local programmers or software in general. Maybe something tangential to your meetup. If there isn't one, create your own workspace! Choose a general name such as X City JavaScript or X State Web Development.

告诉您的Slack工作区。 通常,为本地程序员或软件寻找一个Slack工作空间。 也许与您的聚会有关。 如果没有,请创建自己的工作空间! 选择一个通用名称,例如X City JavaScript或X State Web Development。

Tell LinkedIn. Create a LinkedIn group and add it to your profile. Update your status with a link to your meetup. Reach out to acquaintances to tell them.

告诉LinkedIn。 创建一个LinkedIn组并将其添加到您的个人资料。 使用聚会的链接更新您的状态。 接触熟人告诉他们。

Tell your local mailing list. There are still some flourishing mailing lists with members who would like to know about your meetup.

告诉您的本地邮件列表。 仍然有一些想与您聚会的成员一起发信的邮件列表。

Use these methods monthly. As appropriate, continue to announce and advertise. Some folks may be enticed by a certain topic.

每月使用这些方法。 在适当的情况下,继续发布广告。 有些人可能对某个主题感兴趣。

我的故事 (My story)

In 2010, my friends Kip Lawrence and Nate Pilling and I started meeting in a conference room after work once a month. We chatted about JavaScript projects we were working on. We demoed some cool web app features. We watched Douglas Crockford videos.

2010年,我的朋友Kip Lawrence和Nate Pilling每月下班一次,就开始在会议室开会。 我们聊了聊我们正在从事JavaScript项目。 我们演示了一些很棒的网络应用程序功能。 我们观看了道格拉斯·克罗克福德的视频

Our goal was not to get "big." But slowly our informal show-and-tell sessions grew into a meetup. Now various organizers run monthly UtahJS meetup events in Salt Lake City, Lehi, Ogden, and Logan.

我们的目标不是变得“大”。 但是慢慢地,我们的非正式表演会议变成了聚会。 现在,各种组织者每月在盐湖城,Lehi,Ogden和Logan 举办犹他州的JS聚会活动

One important takeaway from looking at our origins–start small. Even after all the planning and advertising, your first several meetups might draw only a few people. And that's OK.

从起源入手,重要的一点-从小做起。 即使进行了所有计划和广告宣传,您的前几次聚会也可能只会吸引少数人。 没关系。

Small events are fine. If you think back to the original goals of your meetup, you'll likely see that a small meetup fulfills those goals pretty well.

小事件很好。 如果回想起聚会的原始目标,您可能会发现一次小型聚会可以很好地实现这些目标。

For me those goals were:


  • Stay up to date on the latest technologies

  • Dive deep into interesting subjects

  • Ask questions

  • Network


For me, all those goals can be met in small groups.


COVID-19一句话 (A word on COVID-19)

At the time of writing, many meetups and conferences are delayed or canceled. But I say take advantage of the opportunity for fully remote meetups. Virtual meetups can be successful and even have some advantages. For one, folks who usually have constraints on time, location, or commute may be able to attend a virtual meetup. And two, everyone can see and hear the presenter more clearly.

在撰写本文时,许多聚会和会议都被延迟或取消。 但我说要利用这次机会进行完全远程的聚会。 虚拟聚会可能会成功,甚至会有一些优势。 对于一个人来说,通常在时间,地点或通勤方面受到限制的人们可能能够参加虚拟聚会。 第二,每个人都可以更清楚地看到和听到演示者。

I've had success with Google Meet (formerly Hangouts) and Zoom. Use what you are comfortable with.

我在Google Meet(以前称为Hangouts)和Zoom上取得了成功。 使用自己喜欢的东西。

2020年犹他州JS会议 (The 2020 UtahJS Conference)

We've been holding conferences since 2012. The UtahJS Conference this year is on Friday, September 18, 2020. The call for proposals is currently open and runs through April 30, 2020. Tickets will go on sale this Summer. Timing is dependent on the outlook of COVID-19 social distancing policies.

自2012年以来,我们一直在举办会议。今年的犹他州JS大会在2020年9月18日星期五举行。 征集建议书的活动目前已经开放,并将持续到2020年4月30日。门票将于今年夏天开始销售。 时间取决于COVID-19社会疏远政策的前景。

If you are reading this article from the future, you can go to conf.utahjs.com to check out our latest conference.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Don't be afraid to start a meetup. The experience is very rewarding. You and your community will learn new things, gain leadership experience, and make new connections.

不要害怕开始聚会。 经验是非常有益的。 您和您的社区将学习新事物,获得领导经验并建立新的联系。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-create-a-meetup/






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