

At Fiix (www.fiix.io), SEO is a big customer acquisition channel for us. We get more than 70K unique visitors a month from it, and a percentage of those visitors convert into actual paying customers.

Fiix(www.fiix.io)上 ,SEO是我们的重要客户获取渠道。 我们每个月从中吸引超过7万名唯一身份访问者,这些访问者中有一定百分比转换为实际的付费客户。

In this reading, I’ll show you our journey of how we built our SEO.


If you have any questions throughout, feel free to send me a message through Twitter ?


什么是SEO? (What is SEO?)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of growing organic visibility in search engine results through a non-paid manner. In simpler terms, it’s the process of aiming to have your website shown as the first result in Google (or other search engine) for specific search queries without needing to pay for ads to do so.

SEO(搜索引擎优化)是通过非付费方式提高搜索引擎结果的自然可见度的过程。 简而言之,该过程旨在将您的网站作为特定搜索查询的首个结果显示在Google(或其他搜索引擎)中,而无需为此付费。

在评估网页时,Google最关心什么? (What does Google care about most when assessing webpages?)

Relevance and authority.


People go to Google to ask questions and receive answers. Google’s #1 priority is to answer the user’s question as quickly, as accurately, and as reliably as possible. If someone visits Google and has trouble finding the answer they’re looking for, Google considers that a poor experience. Therefore, Google is very particular about which websites they display first.

人们去Google询问问题并获得答案。 Google的第一要务是尽快,准确和可靠地回答用户的问题。 如果某人访问Google并找不到所需的答案,则Google认为这是糟糕的体验。 因此,Google对于首先显示哪些网站非常挑剔。

SEO为什么重要? (Why is SEO important?)

SEO is one of the few acquisition channels with true scale. If done correctly, it gives your website an immense amount of traffic for free, which you can then convert to users/customers. The only cost to develop SEO is engineering opportunity cost.

SEO是为数不多的具有真正规模的获取渠道之一。 如果操作正确,它将为您的网站带来大量免费流量,然后您可以将其转化为用户/客户。 开发SEO的唯一成本是工程机会成本。

Some of the best companies today rely heavily on SEO to grow and retain their user base: Pinterest, Amazon, Yelp, Trivago, GrubHub, Expedia, and more.


我们如何决定建立我们的SEO? (How did we decide to build out our SEO?)

To give a little more context, Fiix sends expert, licensed mechanics to people’s homes, offices, or locations to repair their vehicles. Our target customer is anyone that owns a car and needs a car repair. So when thinking about the decision making process an individual goes through when they experience an issue with their car, they either do one of the following primary actions:

为了提供更多背景信息, Fiix将专家执照的机械师派往人们的家,办公室或地点,以修理他们的车辆。 我们的目标客户是拥有汽车并需要汽车维修的任何人。 因此,当考虑到决策过程时,一个人遇到自己的汽车问题时,他们会执行以下主要操作之一:

(1) Ask the car expert in their close circle for help (e.g. parent, friend, etc).


(2) Go to the closest repair shop to them.


(3) Go to Google to find some answers to problems they’re experiencing.


When we asked ourselves what the best method to tackle #3 was, we found that SEO was the clear solution ?.


SEO的目标是什么? (What was our goal with SEO?)

Our goal was to entice our target customers to visit our website to purchase an auto repair service that would be conducted at their home. When a car owner searches any topic to do with their car on Google, we wanted to be the website that shows up first after the user types in their query and be the place that a user can rely on to find answers.

我们的目标是吸引目标客户访问我们的网站,以购买将在其家中进行的汽车维修服务。 当车主在Google上搜索与自己的车有关的任何主题时,我们希望成为用户输入其查询后首先显示的网站,并成为用户可以用来查找答案的地方。

好吧,很酷...那么我们从什么开始呢? (Okay, cool… so what did we do start?)

1.首先利用Google Adwords(SEM)和Google关键字规划师 (1. Start by leveraging Google Adwords (SEM) and Google Keyword Planner)

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the process of gaining visibility in search engine results through paid methods. For example, if you pay Google to run an advertisement campaign for you, they can put you in the ad section at the top of the search results after searching in Google.

SEM(搜索引擎营销)是通过付费方式获得搜索引擎结果可见性的过程。 例如,如果您向Google付费以为其运行广告系列,则他们可以在Google搜索后将您置于搜索结果顶部的广告部分。

SEM is great for short-term/immediate results and SEO is great for consistent, long-term results. Even though we knew SEO would be an important channel for our customer acquisition, we also knew that we could not expect immediate, next-day results from it. It takes a while for Google to index your webpage, for Google to analyze and assess whether your website is popular and trustworthy, and for you to see organic traffic build up from there.

SEM非常适合短期/中期结果,SEO非常适合持续,长期的结果。 即使我们知道SEO将是吸引客户的重要渠道,但我们也知道我们无法期望SEO会立即产生第二天的结果。 Google会花一些时间将您的网页编入索引,Google会分析和评估您的网站是否受欢迎和值得信赖,并且您需要从那里建立自然的流量。

Knowing this, our goal with SEM was to not only create profitable, successful ad campaigns, but also to identify which keywords/queries were yielding us our highest ROI and acquiring us our target customers.


Metrics we would track in our SEM campaign would be:


(1) Impressions: How many people saw our ads for a given query. This would tell us whether the keyword/query we were targeting was highly searched or not.

(1) 印象数 :在给定查询中有多少人看到了我们的广告。 这将告诉我们我们定位的关键字/查询是否被高度搜索。

(2) CTR (Click Through Rate): Total # of clicks / total # of impressions. This would tell us how enticing our ad copy was to users. A high CTR was a very good sign and would influence how we construct our metadata and content for our organic webpages when it came time to develop SEO for the keyword.

(2)点阅率:点击总数/展示总数。 这将告诉我们广告文案对用户的吸引力。 较高的点击率是一个很好的信号,当需要为关键字开发SEO时,将影响我们为有机网页构建元数据和内容的方式。

(3) CPC (Cost Per Click): The total $$$ amount we had to pay every time someone clicked on one of our ads for a given query. This helped tell us whether the query was a competitive query or not, and whether our ad had a good quality score or not.

(3) CPC(每次点击费用) :对于给定的查询,每当有人点击我们的一个广告时,我们必须支付的总价。 这有助于告诉我们该查询是否为竞争性查询,以及我们的广告是否具有良好的质量得分。

(4) Conversion Rate: # of clicks (interactions) with our ad / # of conversions. This would tell us which keywords/queries were yielding us paying customers.

(4) 转化率 :与我们的广告的点击次数(互动)/转化次数。 这将告诉我们哪些关键字/查询正在使我们成为付费客户。

Note: to get some of this info, you don’t have to run an SEM campaign. You can instead use Google Keyword Planner to figure out some general statistics. We did SEM because we wanted to create profitable Adwords campaigns regardless.

注意 :要获取一些此类信息,您无需运行SEM广告系列。 您可以改用Google关键字规划师来了解一些常规统计信息。 我们执行SEM是因为无论如何我们都希望创建有利可图的Adwords广告系列。

After a few experimentations, we were able to see which keywords our target customers were searching for and whether they were converting into paying customers. From this, we now knew which keywords we needed to focus on and target when developing our SEO.

经过几次试验,我们能够看到目标客户正在搜索哪些关键字,以及它们是否已转变为付费客户。 由此,我们现在知道在开发SEO时需要重点关注和定位哪些关键字。

What were our findings from SEM:


From our SEM efforts, we then figured out which keywords and queries users were searching for and that worked well for us. From this we knew we had to create pages and content on our website that would target these keywords, as these were what our customers were searching for on Google.

从我们的SEM工作中,我们然后找出用户正在搜索哪些关键字和查询,哪些对我们来说效果很好。 由此我们知道,我们必须在我们的网站上创建针对这些关键字的页面和内容,因为这些正是我们的客户在Google上搜索的内容。

2.代替手动创建网页,而是通过利用数据动态创建网页。 (2. Instead of manually creating webpages, dynamically create them by leveraging data.)

The most time-consuming thing we could have done when creating our webpages would be to manually type out all the content we wanted on your website. It’s not truly scalable, it’s annoying, it’s time consuming, and can easily be automated with proper programming.

在创建网页时,我们最耗时的事情是手动键入我们想要在您网站上显示的所有内容。 它不是真正的可扩展性,令人讨厌,耗时,并且可以通过适当的编程轻松地自动化。

In our database we had a ton of information regarding all types of information related to our service offering. So what we did was dynamically create hundreds of thousands of pages with this data and form content that was specific to each data category.

在我们的数据库中,我们有大量有关与我们的服务产品有关的所有类型信息的信息。 因此,我们要做的就是使用此数据动态创建数十万个页面,并形成特定于每个数据类别的内容。

All of these pages were dynamically generated through templates we created for each page and by populating the templates with content from our databases based on the given URL and query params.


This allowed us to hit every long-tail keyword/query we wanted to target.


The way we thought of creating this engine for developing pages on our website was sparked through Andrew Chen (Partner at Andreesen Horowitz) and Reforge, in their lesson about developing growth loops within your product (highly recommend you check it out).

我们在网站上开发此引擎的想法是通过Andrew Chen(Andreesen Horowitz的合伙人)和Reforge提出的,他们在关于在产品中开发增长循环的课程 (强烈建议您检出)

3.现在我们有了关键字和内容,我们如何针对SEO进行优化? (3. Now that we had our keywords and content, how did we optimize for SEO?)

It was one thing to have content and pages across our entire website, but if it was not structured and presented in a way that makes it easy for Googlebot to crawl, then we would have difficulties showing up on Google.


Wait, what’s Googlebot?


Googlebot is Google’s web crawling bot (also referred to as “spider”). Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index.

Googlebot是Google的网络抓取机器人(也称为“蜘蛛”)。 抓取是Googlebot发现要添加到Google索引的新页面和更新页面的过程。

When Googlebot is crawling our website, our main goal is to make sure that Googlebot is able to extract and interpret all the relevant info as easily as possible.


So what do we improve and optimize for then?


On-Page factors. These are factors that are controlled by you or by the code on your page.

页面因素。 这些是由您或页面上的代码控制的因素。

  • Proper use of HTML elements and structuring throughout each web page (e.g. h1, h2, h3, title, meta, etc)

  • Uniqueness throughout every webpage. Each page’s content needs to be at least 70% unique compared to every other page on the website and contain barely any duplicate content.

    每个网页的唯一性。 与网站上的其他页面相比,每个页面的内容至少必须具有70%的唯一性,并且几乎不包含重复的内容。
  • Discoverability in each webpage. Content displayed on a webpage should be displayed in text and not so much images, JavaScript, or CSS. Even though Googlebot is intelligent, it has a much easier time parsing text.

    每个网页的可发现性。 网页上显示的内容应以文本显示,而不是图像,JavaScript或CSS。 即使Googlebot很聪明,解析文本的时间也要容易得多。
  • Freshness throughout every webpage. Content on each page should be updated periodically to show Google that the website is actively being maintained and staying relevant.

    每个网页的新鲜度。 每个页面上的内容应定期更新,以向Google显示该网站正在积极维护并保持相关性。
  • Placement of targeted keywords in important places in the HTML structure. For example, placing important keywords in the first <h1> tag, in the title tags, and other metadata spots.

    将目标关键字放在HTML结构中的重要位置。 例如,将重要的关键字放在第一个<h1>标签,标题标签和其他元数据位置。
  • Having diversity of content throughout page (images, lists, videos, text, etc). It shows Googlebot that the page is rich in content.

    在整个页面上具有多样化的内容(图像,列表,视频,文本等)。 它向Googlebot显示该页面内容丰富。
  • Server-side rendering, not client-side rendering when rendering content on the webpage. We didn’t want our content to be loaded dynamically after the page loads, because Googlebot crawls pages as soon as the browser receives the HTML response from the server.

    在网页上呈现内容时,是服务器端呈现,而不是客户端呈现。 我们不希望在页面加载后动态加载内容,因为Googlebot会在浏览器收到来自服务器HTML响应后立即对页面进行爬网。
  • Using Google structured snippets whenever we could, so that Googlebot can parse it easier and also be able to showcase content better within the search results such as in the image to the left.

  • Making use of internal links throughout the webpage so that GoogleBot can continue crawling the website and so that in can pass on SEO juice to others pages of the website.


User Experience (UX):


  • Making sure webpages are mobile responsive.

  • Making sure webpages load quickly.


Off-Page factors. These are factors that are not directly controlled by you.

页面外因素。 这些因素不是您直接控制的。

  • Backlinks. The quantity and quality of external links linking to your webpages is a very important factor. It helps Google understand how authoritative the website is. If a lot of high-authoritative domains linked to our website, it signals to Google that our website must be authoritative as well.

    反向链接。 链接到您的网页的外部链接的数量和质量是一个 非常重要的因素。 它可以帮助Google了解该网站的权威性。 如果许多高权威性域名链接到我们的网站,则向Google发出信号,表明我们的网站也必须具有权威性。

  • Anchor text of links. Ideally the anchor text should be consistent to the target keyword for the page it’s linking to.

    链接的锚文本。 理想情况下,锚文本应与其链接到的页面的目标关键字一致。
  • Metrics from search engines. A high bounce rate tells Google that the user went to our website with a question in mind and likely didn’t get that question answered from it. A high CTR tells Google that users are intrigued with our website and want to learn from it.

    搜索引擎的指标。 较高的跳出率告诉Google,用户在访问我们的网站时就想到了一个问题,并且很可能没有从该问题中得到答案。 较高的点击率告诉Google用户对我们的网站很感兴趣,并希望从中学习。



  • Making sure filenames had target keywords in it.

  • Making sure the hierarchy and sitemap of the website was well structured so that SEO juice can flow nicely and to our highest ROI pages first.

  • Not unnecessarily linking to other websites and keeping as much SEO juice within our website.

  • Increasing page session time of a user with interactive applications, online chat sessions (e.g. Intercom), and more.


  • Using Hotjar or FullStory to see how users were interacting with our webpage and whether they were getting confused or not.


  • A/B testing metadata (titles, description) to increase CTR. We did this internally and used RankScience as well.

    A / B测试元数据(标题,说明)以提高CTR。 我们在内部进行了此操作,还使用了RankScience

您如何衡量SEO? 您怎么知道它正在改善? (How do you measure SEO? How do you know it’s improving?)

There are a bunch of websites out there that automatically measure SEO efforts. However the accuracy of them is unsure. Some of these websites are: SpyFu, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz, and more.

有很多网站可以自动衡量SEO的工作量。 但是,不确定它们的准确性。 其中一些网站是:SpyFu,SEMRush,Ahrefs,Moz等。

We personally use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to measure most of our efforts as we can get precise numbers on traffic, CTR, rankings, and more in an aggregate view and on a precise keyword level.

我们个人使用Google Analytics(分析)Google Search Console来衡量我们的大部分工作,因为我们可以通过汇总视图和精确的关键字级别获得准确的点击量,点击率,排名等信息。

At this point, doing all of this immediately made us way better than our competition.


但是我们如何才能改善基础知识呢? (But how can we improve past the basics?)

After reading some more talks from Casey Winters and Andrew Chen, we strived to do 2 more things.

在阅读了Casey Winters和Andrew Chen的更多演讲后,我们努力做另外2件事。

(1) Grow our SEO through “User Generated Content”


(2) Create custom content, manually


User generated content is an important growth loop that can greatly boost SEO. By allowing users to create high quality content on our website, we could tackle more long-tail keywords, continue to provide answers to other users’ questions, and encourage more and more content to be made.

用户生成的内容是一个重要的增长循环,可以大大提高SEO。 通过允许用户在我们的网站上创建高质量的内容,我们可以解决更多的长尾关键词,继续为其他用户的问题提供答案,并鼓励制作越来越多的内容。

The way we went about this was by developing a “Stack Overflow for Mechanics”, where users can ask any car related question they had, and other users and staff members can answer any question.


We decided to create custom content manually as well, as there was some content we knew users would search for that just needed to be authored manually.


我们还需要做什么? (What do we still need to do?)

  1. More user-generated content throughout the website

  2. Integrating more of Google’s technologies to make the UX of the website better, such as Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (https://www.ampproject.org/)

    集成了更多的Google技术,以改善网站的用户体验,例如Google的“加速的移动页面”( https://www.ampproject.org/ )

  3. More natural, organic backlinks for authoritative domains (e.g. press articles, blogs, influencers, etc)


而已! (That’s it!)

And with all that, we built the foundation of our website and let Google and time take over to bake our SEO. Now, we have 70K+ visitors a month. And even though we’ve achieved this, we still have a lot to do to make our SEO even better.

所有这些,我们建立了网站的基础,让Google和时间接管了我们的SEO。 现在,我们每个月有7万多名访客。 即使我们已经做到了这一点,我们仍有许多工作要做,以使我们的SEO更好。

If you have any questions throughout, feel free to send me a message through Twitter: www.twitter.com/ZainManji ?

如果您有任何疑问,请随时通过Twitter向我发送消息: www.twitter.com/ZainManji

Please share with anyone you feel may find value from it as well ?


And lastly, feel free to subscribe to my free newsletter as well, where I periodically post articles just like this one: https://zainmanji.substack.com ?

最后,也可以随时订阅我的免费新闻通讯,在那里我会定期发布这样的文章: https : //zainmanji.substack.com

荣誉??? (Kudos ???)

Thank you to the following people who helped us learn more about SEO and shape our growth efforts.


Gustaf AlstromerTwitter: www.twitter.com/gustaf

古斯塔夫·阿尔斯特默(Gustaf Alstromer) Twitter:www。 twitter.com/gustaf

Andrew ChenWebsite: www.andrewchen.co/Twitter: www.twitter.com/andrewchen

Andrew Chen网站: www.andrewchen.co/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/andrewchen

Casey WintersWebsite: www.caseyaccidental.com/Twitter: www.twitter.com/onecaseman

Casey Winters网站: www.caseyaccidental.com/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/onecaseman

Julian ShapiroWebsite: www.julian.comTwitter: www.twitter.com/Julian

朱利安·夏皮罗(Julian Shapiro)网站: www.julian.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/Julian

RankScienceWebsite: https://www.rankscience.com/

RankScience网站: https//www.rankscience.com/

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-we-grew-our-seo-to-bring-our-site-70k-visitors-a-month-73e650a05c28/






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