mysql5.7重新启动_3,2,1 ...重新启动软件工程!


Don’t put inside your head that you’re too old, or that you can’t do it because it’s too hard... Just commit to your decision and go ahead! Pursue what makes you happy! Get to the Point of No Return! Love yourself and always thrive to be a better Human Being!

不要在脑子里说自己年纪太大,或者因为太难而不能做……只要做出自己的决定就可以了! 追求让您快乐的东西! 到达无路可退的地步! 爱自己,永远成长为一个更好的人!

The end of the year is approaching and there was something in my Wunderlist that needed to be done. Today it’s Sunday and I’m relaxing a little bit from my effort on completing MongoDB Developer Certification. I thought it was the best time to bring a cup of ginger tea to my computer desk and share with you how I’ve became a Software Engineer in 1800 hours.

年底将至,我的奇妙清单中有一些事情需要做。 今天是星期天,我在完成MongoDB开发人员认证方面的工作使我放松了一些。 我认为现在是将一杯生姜茶带到我的电脑桌上并与您分享我在1800小时内成为一名软件工程师的最佳时机。

I always keep some time for myself in December to think about last year and do some introspection. Last December (2016) I’ve decided it was time to reboot my career. I’ve been a Civil Engineer for 12 years, working in Portugal and abroad, in the Sub-Saharan Africa (Angola). The market has changed and in spite of loving what I was doing I felt I only had one life to do everything I’ve ever dreamed about. I needed to change, to get new challenges, to study, to dedicate myself to other type of “quests”, to feel curious, to wonder about something else.

我总是在十二月为自己留一些时间来思考去年并做一些自省。 去年十二月(2016),我决定是时候重新开始我的职业了。 我担任土木工程师已有12年,在葡萄牙和撒哈拉以南非洲(安哥拉)的国外工作。 市场已经发生了变化,尽管热爱我在做什么,但我感到自己只有一种生活可以做我梦I以求的一切。 我需要改变,接受新的挑战,学习,致力于其他类型的“任务”,感到好奇,想知道其他事情。

It wasn’t an easy decision. Life pushed me thrice out of my comfort zone and I guess that was a gift (… but this is another long story…).

这不是一个容易的决定。 生活使我三次离开了自己的舒适区,我想那是一份礼物(……但这是另外一个漫长的故事……)。

Since then I’ve never had the desire to settle back and see life passing by comfortably installed on my arm chair. I’ve learnt to surpass difficulties and to adapt to a lot of different cultures and life styles.

从那时起,我再也没有渴望安顿下来并看到舒适地安放在扶手椅上的生活​​的过去了。 我学会了克服困难,适应各种不同的文化和生活方式。

I’m happy to see my twitter profile today and remember of all the nights I’ve spent on learning how to code. Because they were pure delight.

我很高兴今天看到我的Twitter个人资料,并记起我花了整夜学习编码的知识。 因为他们是纯粹的喜悦。

I’ve started to learn on “Codecademy” and a few days later I’ve discovered freeCodeCamp.

我开始学习“ C odecademy ”,几天后,我发现了freeCodeCamp

Well… I don’t want to sound repetitive… but freeCodeCamp was a great help to understand what I needed to study and how would I become a Software Engineer not knowing anyone on the field that could help me find out what languages to study or how to organize my path.


Thank you Quincy Larson (teacher and programmer) for creating freeCodeCamp and for transforming my life!

感谢Quincy Larson (老师和程序员)创建freeCodeCamp并改变了我的生活!

I’ve also learnt quite fast that to become a programmer I’d need to program everyday. This is a must, a rule that you can’t break!

我还很快学会了要成为一名程序员,我每天都需要编程。 这是必须的,不能打破的规则!

Thank you Alexander Kallaway (self-taught programmer) for creating a challenge on Twitter called #100DaysOfCode!

感谢Alexander Kallaway (自学成才的程序员)在Twitter上发起了一个名为#100DaysOfCode的挑战!

With these two tools I’ve started my study, surpassing all the difficulties on learning how to code on a daily basis.


HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap were easy to get. When I’ve started JavaScript challenges I felt the need to have someone to clear my doubts and to guide me through my fights against more complex challenges.

HTML,CSS,jQuery,Bootstrap很容易获得。 当我开始JavaScript挑战时,我觉得需要有人来消除我的疑虑,并指导我完成更复杂的挑战。

freeCodeCamp provides you with a forum, Gitter, Youtube, Facebook groups. It doesn’t allow you to stay alone closed in your world and that is 90% of the magic. To improve and grow as a programmer you need to talk with more experienced programmers and to have some “travel” mates that are struggling at your side with the same challenges — thank you João Henrique, You’ve been there from the beginning!

freeCodeCamp为您提供了一个论坛,包括Gitter ,Youtube和Facebook群组。 它不允许您一个人呆在自己的世界中,这就是魔咒的90%。 为了提高和成长为一名程序员,您需要与更有经验的程序员交谈,并让一些“旅行”伙伴在您身边面临同样的挑战-谢谢JoãoHenrique,您从一开始就去过那里!

When June arrived I had already completed my freeCodeCamp Front End Certification and was struggling with the Back End one. By that time I wasn’t already working. I was 100% dedicated to become a Software Engineer and left Africa settling at home in Portugal. It was my Point of No Return. I had to get inside my head that I was a Software Engineer and that I needed to get a job to pay the bills! I also had to relocate my family and this was another big adventure to share with you later!

6月到达时,我已经完成了我的freeCodeCamp前端认证,并且正在与后端竞争。 到那时我还没有工作。 我100%致力于成为一名软件工程师,然后离开非洲在葡萄牙定居。 这是我的不归路 。 我必须深知自己是一名软件工程师,而且我需要找到一份工作来支付账单! 我也不得不搬家,这是以后与您分享的又一次大冒险!

I’ve felt the need of getting some local support and getting in touch with the community. I’ve started to appear in NodeSchool and some local “hackathons”. That allowed me to do some networking and to know better the Peeps with whom I was already talking on the Internet from a few months ago.

我感到有必要获得一些本地支持并与社区保持联系。 我开始出现在NodeSchool和一些本地的“黑客马拉松”中。 这使我能够进行一些联网工作,并更好地了解几个月前我已经在互联网上与之交谈的Peeps。

By that time I already was on the GeekSessions’ Faro Slack. I was already being mentored by some fine “Super Humans”! Thank you guys! Miguel Coquet, André Jonas and Nelson Neves! You are the best!

到那时,我已经在GeekSessions的Faro Slack上了 。 我已经被一些优秀的“超级人类”所指导! 感谢你们! Miguel Coquet,AndréJonas和Nelson Neves! 你是最棒的!

When August arrived one of my mentors, Miguel Coquet, told me it was time to get a job. I felt shocked, I couldn’t believe for an instance that I could be ready to handle such a responsibility at that time. I felt so noob, so new in the business, with so much to learn… I couldn’t believe I was ready.

当八月到来时,我的一位导师Miguel Coquet告诉我是时候找到工作了。 我感到震惊,我不敢相信当时我已经准备好承担这样的责任。 我感到新手,业务如此新奇,还有很多东西要学习……我不敢相信自己已经准备好了。

He suggested me to try. To send some cvs and make some tests. To expose myself to the business and taste the difficulty of getting a job interview.

他建议我尝试一下。 发送一些简历并进行一些测试。 使自己了解业务并品尝获得工作面试的困难。

I’ve started sending some cvs and I got my first interview. It was a great team with very nice people but the work wasn’t what I wanted it to be! I really wanted to do React or Node.

我已经开始发送一些简历,并且得到了第一次面试。 这是一个很棒的团队,有很好的人,但是工作不是我想要的! 我真的很想做React或Node。

Talking with Miguel about this job thing started to happen on a daily basis and after some weeks he opened his door and told me he could try to find something for me to do as a front-ender in React.


In a few days he pulled the strings and found some work. It was time to dance in the rain and get a real job. I only took some days to fall into this reality and fine tune the mindset to believe that I could be a junior developer.

几天后,他拉弦,找到了工作。 是时候在雨中跳舞并找到一份真正的工作了。 我只花了几天时间就进入了这个现实,并微调了思维方式,使自己相信自己可以成为一名初级开发人员。

I’ve answered to Miguel immediately and told him it would be a great pleasure to work at his side. He was already my mentor for some time and everything was great!

我立即回答了米格尔,并告诉他在他身边工作将是一种极大的荣幸。 他已经是我的导师了一段时间,一切都很棒!

Thank you Miguel! You’ve helped me a lot this year! Without you everything would be thrice as hard!

谢谢米格尔! 您今年对我有很大帮助! 没有你,一切都会变得如此艰难!

And so it was! 4 months have passed since I’ve started to work at Miguel’s side and the feedback from the client was amazingly positive! I feel completely integrated on a dev team and his mentoring has revealed to be a great plus everyday.

原来如此! 自从我开始在Miguel的公司工作以来,已经过去了4个月,客户的反馈令人惊讶! 我感到自己完全融入了一个开发团队,他的指导每天都变得很棒。

The challenge is DONE! For those who are asking this - I’ve studied somethinglike 2500 hours this year.

挑战完成了! 对于那些提出这个问题的人-今年我学习了大约2500个小时。

Programming is definitely a craft and you need to keep improving on a daily basis. The more you study, the more you feel you have to keep on studying.

编程绝对是一种技巧,您需要每天不断改进。 学习越多,您就越需要继续学习。

I’ve always had an idea that programmers were geniuses and rockstars that worked alone in the basement! The truth is that I got to know a lot of interesting people and made some really good friends!

我一直认为程序员是天才和摇滚明星,他们在地下室独自工作! 事实是,我认识了很多有趣的人,并且结交了一些非常好的朋友!

All of this to explain you and share with you how I’ve finished this quest on becoming a Software Engineer. I’m very happy and I really enjoy my new job!

所有这些都可以向您解释并与您分享我如何完成了成为软件工程师的任务。 我很高兴,我真的很喜欢我的新工作!

Champagne please!!!


永远不要放弃你的梦想! 赶快! 生活不会等你! (Never quit your dreams! Hurry up! Life doesn’t wait for you!)



Don’t put inside your head that you’re too old, or that you can’t do it because it’s too hard. Just commit to your decision and go ahead! Pursue what makes you happy! Love yourself and always thrive to be a better Human Being!

不要将自己的大脑过大,或者因为太难而不能这样做。 只需做出您的决定就可以了! 追求让您快乐的东西! 爱自己,永远成长为一个更好的人!

Receipt: Decision to Reboot + FreeCodeCamp + Study +Social Networking + Finding a Mentor + Perseverance + Self Commitment on a daily basis!

收据:决定每天重新启动+ FreeCodeCamp +学习+社交网络+寻找导师+毅力+自我承诺!

Have fun and press the reboot button inside your brain!










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