

Have you come across a site that shows their social media followers count along with the icons? Recently, one of our users asked us if there was an easy way to show their social media follower count as text in WordPress without writing any code. In this article, we will show you how to display social media followers count as text in WordPress.

您是否遇到过一个网站,该网站显示了其社交媒体关注者以及图标的数量? 最近,我们的一位用户问我们是否有一种简便的方法可以将社交媒体关注者人数显示为WordPress中的文本,而无需编写任何代码 。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何显示WordPress中以文本形式显示的社交媒体关注者。

Social Follower Count Buttons

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Social Count Plus plugin. Upon activation, you need to go to Settings » Social Count Plus to enter your social media profiles.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Social Count Plus插件。 激活后,您需要进入设置»Social Count Plus输入您的社交媒体资料。

Entering your social media profiles

First you need to enter your Twitter username without the @ sign. e.g. wpbeginner.

首先,您需要输入没有@符号的Twitter用户名。 例如wpbeginner

To obtain Twitter consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret keys, you need to visit Twitter Developer website and create a Twitter App. Don’t worry it sounds harder than it really is, and we will walk you through the process.

要获取Twitter消费者密钥,消费者秘密,访问令牌和访问令牌秘密密钥,您需要访问Twitter Developer网站并创建一个Twitter App。 别担心这听起来比实际困难,我们将逐步指导您。

First you need to sign in with your Twitter username and password. Once you are logged in, you need to click on your Profile photo at the top right corner of the screen and from the dropdown click on My Applications.

首先,您需要使用您的Twitter用户名和密码登录。 登录后,您需要单击屏幕右上角的个人资料照片,然后从下拉菜单中单击我的应用程序

Click on Twitter My Apps

Twitter will either show you some apps that you previously created, or it will tell you that you currently don’t have any applications. In either case, you need to click on Create New App button.

Twitter会向您显示您以前创建的某些应用程序,或者会告诉您当前没有任何应用程序。 无论哪种情况,都需要单击“ 创建新应用”按钮。

Creating Twitter App

On the next screen, provide a name for your app, add some description, and enter your website’s URL. After that check the ‘I agree’ box below the terms and conditions. Lastly, click on the Create Your Twitter Application button.

在下一个屏幕上,为您的应用提供一个名称,添加一些描述,然后输入您网站的URL。 之后,选中条款和条件下方的“我同意”框。 最后,单击“ 创建您的Twitter应用程序”按钮。

Twitter will now create your application, and you will land on your application settings page. There you need to click on the API Settings tab. On the API Settings, scroll down to your access token section and click on the Generate my access token button. Twitter will reload the page and show you a notification that an access token has been generated for you. After that you need to click on the Test oAuth button.

Twitter现在将创建您的应用程序,并且您将进入“应用程序设置”页面。 您需要在此处单击“ API设置”选项卡。 在“ API设置”上,向下滚动到“访问令牌”部分,然后单击“ 生成我的访问令牌”按钮。 Twitter将重新加载页面,并向您显示已为您生成访问令牌的通知。 之后,您需要单击“测试oAuth”按钮。

Generating Twitter Access Keys

On the next screen, you will all the keys you need to copy and paste Social Count Plus settings on your WordPress site.

在下一个屏幕上,您将需要复制和粘贴WordPress站点上的Social Count Plus设置所需的所有键。

After entering your Twitter keys, you can add your Facebook page ID. To obtain your Facebook page ID, you need to click on Edit Page while viewing your page as an admin.

输入Twitter密钥后,您可以添加Facebook页面ID。 要获取您的Facebook页面ID,您需要在以管理员身份查看页面的同时单击“ 编辑页面”

Rest of the options are easy. You can add your YouTube Profile, YouTube Channel URL, Google Plus page, Instagram, SoundCloud, etc. You can also choose to display your total post and comment count. Once you are done, click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

其余选项很简单。 您可以添加您的YouTube个人资料,YouTube频道URL,Google Plus页面,Instagram,SoundCloud等。您还可以选择显示您的总帖子和评论数。 完成后,单击“保存更改”按钮以存储您的设置。

为社交媒体关注者计数按钮选择设计 (Choosing Design For Social Media Follower Count Buttons)

Social Count Plus comes with 6 different button design settings to choose from. You can also choose the text color for the follower count text by going to the Design tab in Social Counts Plus settings.

Social Count Plus具有6种不同的按钮设计设置可供选择。 您也可以通过转到Social Counts Plus设置中的“设计”选项卡,为关注者计数文本选择文本颜色。

Choose a button design and style for your social media follower count buttons

After choosing a design for your Social Count buttons, you need to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.


在您的网站上显示社交计数 (Displaying Social Count on Your Site)

You can display your social count buttons using widget, shortcodes, and template tags. If you want to add the Social Count buttons to your blogs sidebar, then you need to go to Appearance » Widgets and drag and drop Social Count Plus widget to your sidebar.

您可以使用小部件 ,短代码和模板标签显示社交计数按钮。 如果要将“社交计数”按钮添加到博客侧边栏 ,则需要转到“ 外观”»“小部件”并将“社交计数加”小部件拖放到侧边栏中。

Social Count Plus Widget

The plugin comes with a number of shortcodes and functions which you can use in your posts, pages, or your theme’s template files to display Social Count buttons. A list of these shortcodes and functions are available on the plugin’s settings page under the Shortcodes and Functions tab.

该插件带有许多短代码和功能,您可以在帖子,页面或主题的模板文件中使用这些短代码和功能来显示“社交计数”按钮。 这些短代码和功能的列表在插件的“设置”页面的“短代码和功能”选项卡下提供。

Shortcodes and Functions to Display Social Count Buttons

We hope this article helped you display your social media followers count as text on your WordPress blog.


If you liked the article, then please follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/display-social-media-followers-count-text-wordpress/






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