知更鸟 wordpress_使用WordPress获得更多Facebook喜欢的10种快速方法

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Are you looking for ways to get more Likes on your Facebook page? Facebook Likes add social proof for your online business, which attracts more users and helps you expand your social reach. In this article, we will show you some simple and quick ways to get more likes on Facebook.

您是否正在寻找在Facebook页面上获得更多“赞”的方法? Facebook Likes为您的在线业务增加了社交证明,从而吸引了更多用户并帮助您扩大了社交范围。 在本文中,我们将向您展示一些简单快捷的方法来在Facebook上获得更多赞。

Easy ways to get more Facebook likes
为什么要在Facebook上获得更多赞? (Why You Should Get More Likes on Facebook?)

Facebook is the top social media website in the world with more than 2 Billion active users. For marketers, this brings tons of opportunities to leverage Facebook’s massive reach for growing their websites and businesses.

Facebook是全球最大的社交媒体网站,活跃用户超过20亿。 对于营销人员来说,这为利用Facebook的广泛影响力发展其网站和业务带来了无数机会。

Facebook likes are visible to users and their friends, helping you increase your reach and find new audiences for your website. Likes also add social proof for your new visitors, helping you win trust and get more users engaged with your content on Facebook.

用户和他们的朋友可以看到Facebook的喜欢,从而帮助您扩大影响范围并为网站找到新的受众。 点赞功能还可以为新访客添加社交证明 ,从而帮助您赢得信任并吸引更多用户与您在Facebook上的内容互动

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the quick ways to start getting more likes on Facebook.


1.将Facebook页面插件添加到您的博客 (1. Add Facebook Page Plugin to Your Blog)

Facebook Page Plugin is an easy way to get more likes on your business page. See our guide on how to add Facebook page plugin to your WordPress website.

Facebook Page Plugin是一种在您的业务页面上获得更多喜欢的简单方法。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何将Facebook页面插件添加到WordPress网站。

Normally, you would add the page plugin to your blog’s sidebar. However, this makes it less noticeable and may not get you as many likes as you want.

通常,您会将页面插件添加到博客的侧边栏中。 但是,这使得它不那么引人注目,并且可能无法获得您想要的尽可能多的赞。

This is where OptinMonster comes in. It is the number one lead generation software on the market and helps you convert website visitors into subscribers and followers.

这就是OptinMonster的用处 。它是市场上排名第一的潜在客户生成软件 ,可帮助您将网站访问者转化为订阅者和关注者。

OptinMonster comes with beautiful WordPress popups that you can trigger when users are about to leave your site, scroll down, or view specific pages. These optins include exit-intent popups, slide-in boxes, after post banners, and more.

OptinMonster带有漂亮的WordPress弹出窗口 ,您可以在用户即将离开您的网站,向下滚动或查看特定页面时触发这些弹出窗口 。 这些选择项包括退出意图弹出窗口,插入框,张贴横幅后等等。

Facebook like box popup

For details see our guide on how to create beautiful Facebook Like box popup in WordPress.

有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中创建漂亮的Facebook Like框弹出窗口的指南

2.添加Facebook的“赞”和“分享”按钮 (2. Add Facebook Like and Share buttons)

Facebook social share button

Facebook like and share buttons allow your users to like and share your individual blog posts without leaving your website. This is easier and convenient for your users and if you are using it with share counts then it also adds social proof to your blog posts.

Facebook的“喜欢”和“分享”按钮使您的用户可以在不离开您的网站的情况下喜欢和分享您的个人博客文章。 这对于您的用户来说更容易,更方便,如果您将其用于共享计数,那么它还会为您的博客帖子添加社交证明。

There are a ton of social media plugins for WordPress available. All of them can help you easily add share and like buttons to your site. However, social sharing plugins can affect WordPress speed and performance by loading too many external scripts.

有大量用于WordPress的社交媒体插件 。 所有这些都可以帮助您轻松地将共享和喜欢的按钮添加到您的站点。 但是,社交共享插件会通过加载太多外部脚本来影响WordPress的速度和性能

Now many of our users ask us what do we use to display the social sharing buttons on WPBeginner articles? We actually use a custom code solution written specifically for our websites.

现在,许多用户问我们如何使用WPBeginner文章显示社交共享按钮? 实际上,我们使用专门为我们的网站编写的自定义代码解决方案。

If you are looking for something similar, then we recommend Shared Counts plugin. It is extremely simple to use and incredibly fast.

如果您正在寻找类似的东西,那么我们建议您使用Shared Counts插件。 它使用起来非常简单,而且速度非常快。

For more details, see our guide on how to add social share buttons in WordPress.


3.在Facebook上分享您的内容 (3. Share Your Content Across Facebook)

You need to make sure that your Facebook page is active and the easiest way to do this is by regularly sharing content on your Facebook page. You can automatically post to Facebook from WordPress and don’t need to manually share your articles.

您需要确保您的Facebook页面处于活动状态,最简单的方法是定期在Facebook页面上共享内容。 您可以从WordPress自动发布到Facebook,而无需手动共享您的文章。

Share content on Facebook

Now, normally users would just share a post and wait for the Likes to follow. If your page is new, then chances are that very few people would actually see the post and even fewer would click the Like button.

现在,通常用户只会分享一条帖子,然后等待“顶”。 如果您的页面是新页面,那么实际上很少有人会看到该帖子,而单击“喜欢”按钮的人甚至更少。

Facebook’s algorithms show users the content they and their friends like. This means that if you get enough likes for your posts from the start, then Facebook will start showing your content to your followers more often.

Facebook的算法向用户显示他们和他们的朋友喜欢的内容。 这意味着,如果您从一开始就对您的帖子获得足够的喜欢,那么Facebook将开始更频繁地向您的关注者显示您的内容。

Here are a few tips that will help you get the ball rolling.


  • Ask your friends to like and share posts from your page

  • Share your page posts on your own personal profile

  • Share the post in Facebook groups or events where it is relevant and useful

4.参加比赛/赠品 (4. Run Contests/Giveaways)

Starbucks Facebook contest

One of the simplest and quickest way to earn more likes on your Facebook page is to run contests and giveaways. You can offer useful and attractive giveaways that are relevant to your users. In return, they’ll like your Facebook page and get more engaged.

在您的Facebook页面上赢得更多喜欢的最简单,最快的方法之一就是举办比赛和赠品。 您可以提供与您的用户相关的有用且有吸引力的赠品。 作为回报,他们会喜欢您的Facebook页面,并更加参与。

The giveaway doesn’t need to be very expensive. You can select something that your users may need and post it on your Facebook page. The more giveaways you offer, the more likes you get on your Facebook page.

赠品不必很昂贵。 您可以选择用户可能需要的内容并将其发布在您的Facebook页面上。 您提供的赠品越多,您在Facebook页面上获得的喜欢就越多。

You don’t even need third-party apps to run these contests. You can announce them on your blog or a Facebook post and allows users to enter by liking the post, leaving a comment, or uploading a photo.

您甚至都不需要第三方应用来运行这些比赛。 您可以在博客或Facebook帖子上宣布它们,并允许用户通过喜欢该帖子,发表评论或上传照片来进入。

However a proper WordPress giveaway plugin like RafflePress can significantly improve your chances of running a successful giveaway by introducing various viral sharing elements along with giving you an easy way to manage / run your giveaway.


For more details, see our guide on how to create a giveaway in WordPress.


5.计划状态更新 (5. Schedule Status Updates)

To gain more likes on your Facebook page you need to keep your users engaged by actively posting new updates. Now, this would take a lot of your time if you started doing that manually.

要在您的Facebook页面上获得更多喜欢,您需要通过积极发布新更新来吸引用户。 现在,如果您开始手动执行此操作,则将花费大量时间。

Luckily, you don’t need to. There are apps like Buffer to schedule your status updates on social media.

幸运的是,您不需要。 像Buffer这样的应用程序可以在社交媒体上安排您的状态更新。


You can also use plugins like Revive Old Posts to automatically share your old blog posts to Facebook.

您还可以使用Revive Old Posts之类的插件将您的旧Blog帖子自动共享到Facebook

Scheduling status updates works side by side with your automatic sharing of new WordPress blog posts. Make sure that you schedule both updates to appear at different times for maximum reach.

计划状态更新与您自动共享新的WordPress博客文章并排工作。 确保您安排两个更新都显示在不同的时间,以实现最大的覆盖范围。

6.回复评论 (6. Reply to Comments)

Comments bring life to any social platforms including Facebook. They are the easiest way to engage your users and build a thriving community around your website and brand.

评论使包括Facebook在内的任何社交平台都焕发出生命。 它们是吸引用户并围绕您的网站和品牌建立繁荣社区的最简单方法。

When users leave a comment on your Facebook page, Facebook starts showing them your posts more often. To boost this effect you can encourage users to leave more comments by simply answering their comments on your Facebook page.

当用户在您的Facebook页面上发表评论时,Facebook开始向他们显示您的帖子的频率更高。 为了增强这种效果,您可以鼓励用户通过在您的Facebook页面上简单回答他们的评论来留下更多评论。

Build user engagement by answering comments on your Facebook page
7.在Facebook上重新定位网站访问者 (7. Retarget Website Visitors on Facebook)

Have you ever visited a website and then started seeing their ads in your Facebook feed? These are called remarketing or retargeting ads.

您是否曾经浏览过某个网站,然后开始在您的Facebook Feed中看到他们的广告? 这些称为再营销或重定向广告。

Basically, you install a cookie on your website which helps Facebook identify that user. After that, you purchase Facebook ads and select your website visitors as the target audience.

基本上,您在网站上安装cookie,以帮助Facebook识别该用户。 之后,您购买Facebook广告并选择您的网站访问者作为目标受众。

Custom audience website visitors

Contrary to popular belief, Facebook ads don’t cost that much money and you can control how much money you want to spend. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install Facebook retargeting pixel in WordPress.

与流行的看法相反,Facebook广告不需要花费那么多钱,您可以控制要花费多少钱。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装Facebook重定位像素的逐步指南。

8.使用开放图谱使您的帖子脱颖而出 (8. Make Your Posts Standout with Open Graph)

Open Graph is metadata that you can add to your content and control how it appears when shared on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook.

Open Graph是元数据,您可以将其添加到内容中并控制在Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体网站上共享时的外观。

Open Graph image in Facebook feed

Normally Facebook can automatically fetch correct title and description for your content. However, if you don’t explicitly tell it which image to use, then it will randomly pick any image from your article which may not look good.

通常,Facebook可以自动获取您内容的正确标题和描述。 但是,如果您没有明确告诉它要使用哪个图像,则它将从您的文章中随机选择看起来不太好的任何图像。

The easiest way to use Open Graph metadata on your website is by using the Yoast SEO plugin. After installing the plugin, simply edit a post and scroll down to Yoast SEO box. Click on the social sharing tab and then upload your Open Graph image.

在您的网站上使用Open Graph元数据的最简单方法是使用Yoast SEO插件。 安装插件后,只需编辑帖子并向下滚动到Yoast SEO框。 单击社交共享选项卡,然后上传您的Open Graph图像。

Facebook Open Graph image

Images work like a charm when it comes to getting your users to click on something. This brings us to the next tip.

在吸引用户点击某些内容时,图像就像一种魅力。 这将带我们到下一个技巧。

9.上传照片和图像以获得更多喜欢 (9. Upload Photos and Images to Get More Likes)

A study conducted by HubSpot found that photos on Facebook generate 53% more Likes and 104% more comments than an average post. That’s why you see top brands uploading tons of photos to their Facebook pages.

HubSpot进行的一项研究发现,与普通帖子相比,Facebook上的照片的“顶”和“评论”多出53%。 这就是为什么您看到顶级品牌将大量照片上传到其Facebook页面的原因。

Facebook study results

Photos of products, services, employees, holidays, or even random quotes work really well on Facebook. You can use free tools like Canva to create beautiful infographics, quotes, and other images to use on your Facebook page.

产品,服务,员工,假期甚至随机报价的照片在Facebook上都非常有效。 您可以使用Canva等免费工具创建漂亮的信息图,报价和其他图像,以在您的Facebook页面上使用。

10.在WordPress中跟踪您的Facebook用户 (10. Track Your Facebook Users in WordPress)

Now you may be wondering, how do I track if all my efforts to get Facebook likes are paying off? The obvious answer is by looking at your Page’s Facebook Insights report.

现在,您可能想知道,如何跟踪为获得Facebook喜欢而付出的所有努力是否都得到了回报? 显而易见的答案是查看您的Page的Facebook Insights报告。

However, it doesn’t tell you how much traffic you are getting from Facebook to your website and how those users are converting.


For that, you’ll need to install Google Analytics in WordPress. Once you have set it up, you can view your Facebook traffic under Acquisition » Channels » Social report.

为此,您需要在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析) 。 设置完毕后,您可以在“ 获取”»“渠道”»“社交”报告下查看您的Facebook流量。

Social channels in Google Analytics

For more details, see this step by step article on how to track your Facebook users in Google Analytics.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅本分步指南,了解如何在Google Analytics(分析)中跟踪您的Facebook用户

We hope this article helped you find the ways to get more likes on Facebook. You may also want to see our list of best WordPress SEO plugins to grow your website traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到在Facebook上获得更多赞的方式。 您可能还想查看我们的最佳WordPress SEO插件列表,以增加您的网站流量。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/5-quick-ways-to-get-more-facebook-likes-using-wordpress/

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