wordpress插件_9个最好的WordPress Facebook插件来发展您的博客


Ae you looking for the best Facebook plugins for WordPress? Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform with more than 1 billion active users. In this article, we have hand-picked the best WordPress Facebook plugins to help you grow your blog and get more traffic.

您是否正在寻找适用于WordPress的最佳Facebook插件? Facebook是全球最大的社交媒体平台,活跃用户超过10亿。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了最好的WordPress Facebook插件,以帮助您发展博客并获得更多流量。

Best Facebook plugins for WordPress
1.共享计数 (1. Shared Counts)

Shared Counts

Shared Counts is one of the best social media plugins for WordPress. It allows you to easily add social sharing buttons to your WordPress posts including the Facebook share button.

Shared Counts是WordPress最好的社交媒体插件之一 。 它使您可以轻松地将社交共享按钮(包括Facebook共享按钮)添加到WordPress帖子中。

It is highly optimized for speed and performance and can accurately show shares count for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. It comes with multiple button styles which allows you to choose the one that looks best on your site.

它针对速度和性能进行了高度优化,并且可以准确显示Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn等的共享数量。 它具有多种按钮样式,可让您选择最适合您网站的样式。

2.自定义Facebook Feed (2. Custom Facebook Feed)

Custom Facebook Feed

Custom Facebook Feed allows you to display your posts from a Facebook page on your WordPress website. This custom Facebook feed is responsive, SEO friendly, and customizable. You can even fetch multiple feeds from different Facebook pages and display them anywhere on your website using a shortcode.

自定义Facebook Feed可让您显示WordPress网站上Facebook页面上的帖子。 此自定义Facebook提要具有响应性,对SEO友好且可自定义。 您甚至可以从不同的Facebook页面获取多个供稿,并使用简码将其显示在您网站的任何位置。

You can create a new page for your Facebook feed or display it in your blog’s sidebar. The plugin is optimized for speed and makes it super easy to change colors / style of your feeds from the WordPress admin area. For detailed instructions, see our article on how to create a custom Facebook feed in WordPress.

您可以为Facebook feed创建一个新页面,或在博客的侧边栏中显示它。 该插件针对速度进行了优化,可以非常轻松地从WordPress管理区域更改Feed的颜色/样式。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中创建自定义Facebook feed的文章。

3.像素猫– Facebook像素 (3. Pixel Cat – Facebook Pixel)

Pixel Cat - Facebook Pixel

Pixel Cat Facebook Pixel plugin allows you to add your Facebook retargeting pixel to your WordPress site. This pixel allows you to show customized ads to Facebook users who have visited your website. To learn more, see our article on how to install Facebook retargeting pixel in WordPress.

Pixel Cat Facebook Pixel插件可让您将Facebook重新定位像素添加到WordPress网站。 通过此像素,您可以向访问过您网站的Facebook用户展示自定义广告。 要了解更多信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装Facebook重定向像素的文章。

Aside from making it easy to install the Facebook pixel in WordPress, this plugin also helps you track WooCommerce customers and show them better ads in their Facebook feeds.

除了可以轻松在WordPress中安装Facebook像素外,此插件还可以帮助您跟踪WooCommerce客户并在其Facebook feed中向他们展示更好的广告。

4. Facebook评论 (4. Facebook Reviews)

Facebook Reviews

Facebook Reviews plugin allows you to display Facebook page reviews on your WordPress website. It comes with an easy to use widget that allows you to connect your website to your Facebook page and display Facebook users reviews.

Facebook Reviews插件可让您在WordPress网站上显示Facebook页面评论。 它带有易于使用的小部件,可让您将网站连接到Facebook页面并显示Facebook用户评论。

This helps you add social proof to your website and build trust in your brand. The free version works fine, but you will need the pro version to display reviews in Schema.org rich snippets format.

这可以帮助您向网站添加社交证明并建立对品牌的信任。 免费版可以正常工作,但是您需要专业版才能以Schema.org丰富摘要的格式显示评论。

5. Facebook窗口小部件 (5. Facebook Widget)

Facebook Widget

Facebook Widget plugin allows you to easily add a Facebook page plugin to your blog’s sidebar. It is extremely easy to use and comes with a shortcode that you can use to display the Facebook Like box anywhere on your website.

Facebook Widget插件可让您轻松将Facebook页面插件添加到博客的侧边栏。 它非常易于使用,并带有一个短代码,您可以使用该短代码在网站上的任何位置显示Facebook Like框。

It comes with the same customization options as the default Facebook page plugin. You can show or hide profile pics, page cover, customize width / height, and select language.

它具有与默认Facebook页面插件相同的自定义选项。 您可以显示或隐藏个人资料照片,页面封面,自定义宽度/高度以及选择语言。

6. Nextend社交连接 (6. Nextend Social Connect)

Nextend Social Login

Nextend Social Connect plugin allows users to register and login on your website using their social profiles. It supports login with Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

Nextend Social Connect插件允许用户使用其社交资料在您的网站上注册和登录。 它支持使用Facebook ,Google和Twitter 登录

It works seamlessly with the default WordPress login and registration forms, so users have the option to use Facebook or use the default signup method. Once registered, users can disconnect their social account at any time by visiting their user profile page inside the admin area.

它可以与默认的WordPress登录和注册表单无缝配合,因此用户可以选择使用Facebook或使用默认的注册方法。 注册后,用户可以随时通过访问管理区域内的用户个人资料页面来断开其社交帐户的连接。

7. AccessPress Facebook自动发布 (7. AccessPress Facebook Auto Post)

As the name suggests, AccessPress Facebook Auto post allows you to automatically share new articles on your Facebook page or profile. Upon activation, you will need to connect to your profile and authorize your website.

顾名思义,AccessPress Facebook自动帖子可让您在Facebook页面或个人资料上自动共享新文章。 激活后,您将需要连接到您的个人资料并授权您的网站。

It allows you to choose which content you want to share: posts, pages, and custom post types. You can even disable sharing for a single item before publishing it. For detailed setup instructions, see our article on how to automatically post to Facebook from WordPress.

它允许您选择要共享的内容:帖子,页面和自定义帖子类型。 您甚至可以在发布单个项目之前禁用共享。 有关详细的设置说明,请参阅有关如何从WordPress自动发布到Facebook的文章。

8. WP嵌入Facebook (8. WP Embed Facebook)

WP Embed Facebook

WP Embed Facebook plugin makes it easier to embed Facebook events, pages, profiles, and Facebook videos on your WordPress website.

WP Embed Facebook插件使您可以更轻松地将Facebook事件 ,页面,个人资料和Facebook视频 嵌入 WordPress网站。

You can also use it to add a Facebook like or share button. The plugin comes with a handy shortcode that you can use to embed different items anywhere on your site. It also comes with really good documentation to help you make the most out of it.

您也可以使用它添加Facebook赞或分享按钮。 该插件附带了一个方便的短代码,您可以使用该短代码在网站上的任何地方嵌入不同的项目。 它还带有非常好的文档,可以帮助您充分利用它。

9. Yoast SEO (9. Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the complete WordPress SEO plugin on the market. Apart from adding SEO meta tags, it does so many other things to improve your website including social features.

Yoast SEO是市场上完整的WordPress SEO插件。 除了添加SEO元标记外,它还可以做很多其他事情来改善您的网站,包括社交功能。

You can use it to fix incorrect Facebook thumbnail issue and automatically add Facebook Open Graph meta tags to every page on your website. You can also let search engines discover social media profiles associated with your website.

您可以使用它来解决错误的Facebook缩略图问题,并自动将Facebook Open Graph元标记添加到网站上的每个页面。 您还可以让搜索引擎发现与您的网站关联的社交媒体资料。

That’s all, we hope this article helped you discover the best WordPress Facebook plugins to grow your blog. You may also want to see these actionable tips to drive traffic to your WordPress site.

仅此而已,我们希望本文能帮助您发现最好的WordPress Facebook插件来发展您的博客。 您可能还希望看到这些可行的技巧,以吸引访问WordPress网站的流量

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/best-wordpress-facebook-plugins-to-grow-your-blog/






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