hot deployment(Axis2 addresses技术)
hot update
但我个人却对hot deployment/update不感冒,因此我仍然抱着XFire不放.
很多人都认为AXIS2是垃圾代码产物, 打开AXIS2的Team页:http://ws.apache.org/axis2/team-list.html
,你发现WSO2几乎主导了整个AXIS2设计, WSO2据说是一个斯里兰卡的公司, AXIS2好多都是由学生式代码堆砌的, 可以用非常烂来形容.
有些人被Apache的不纯洁感到忧虑, WTO2的主导者Davanum Srinivas本身是一个顾问, 他是否想通过AXIS2获取更多的顾问费, 不得而知了.
用江南白衣的话来形容AXIS2, "那是一点都不POJO,不Spring!"
最后, 看看Denis Robert是如何批斗AXIS2的:
No question about it, stick with XFire. You’ll be
happy about it. My only gripe with XFire is the docs,
which are woefully incomplete. Hopefully that will
change with time. For the time being, you have to
plow through the source for any complex service.
But architecturally, it’s really sound.
Axis2 is a nightmare. Even with XFire’s incomplete
docs, I was able to go through the source to figure
out what I needed. Axis2 is such a jumble of code that
doing the same thing would take weeks, not hours.
Also, compared to Axis2, XFire’s docs are positively
brilliant! Not only are Axis2’s docs fragmentary
at best, half of it doesn’t correpond to the current
XFire looks like it’s going in the right direction,
and Dan Diephouse (the lead) seems like he’s on top
of the project.
You also have to take JAX-WS into account. Whether or
not it’s all it’s cracked up to be is another
discussion, but it nevertheless is the official standard.
The Axis2 team have made clear that they have
no intention of supporting it. JAX-RPC was horrible,
but it was at least common ground, and was the API
used by most enterprise users. Same will end up happening
with JAX-WS and JAXB 2. Websphere users will
end up using that, and knowing it’s out there will
make interop a lot easier. XFire has taken a “can’t
beat ‘em, join ‘em” approach here.
The way I see it, the Axis team dropped the ball on
this one, and the new kid has taken the lead.
It’s the circle of life…
happy about it. My only gripe with XFire is the docs,
which are woefully incomplete. Hopefully that will
change with time. For the time being, you have to
plow through the source for any complex service.
But architecturally, it’s really sound.
Axis2 is a nightmare. Even with XFire’s incomplete
docs, I was able to go through the source to figure
out what I needed. Axis2 is such a jumble of code that
doing the same thing would take weeks, not hours.
Also, compared to Axis2, XFire’s docs are positively
brilliant! Not only are Axis2’s docs fragmentary
at best, half of it doesn’t correpond to the current
XFire looks like it’s going in the right direction,
and Dan Diephouse (the lead) seems like he’s on top
of the project.
You also have to take JAX-WS into account. Whether or
not it’s all it’s cracked up to be is another
discussion, but it nevertheless is the official standard.
The Axis2 team have made clear that they have
no intention of supporting it. JAX-RPC was horrible,
but it was at least common ground, and was the API
used by most enterprise users. Same will end up happening
with JAX-WS and JAXB 2. Websphere users will
end up using that, and knowing it’s out there will
make interop a lot easier. XFire has taken a “can’t
beat ‘em, join ‘em” approach here.
The way I see it, the Axis team dropped the ball on
this one, and the new kid has taken the lead.
It’s the circle of life…
另外, TSS的AXIS2讨论也非常激烈:
posted on 2006-08-23 12:40 david.turing 阅读(7829) 评论(15) 编辑 收藏 所属分类: SOA/WebService
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# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2006-08-23 13:22 江南白衣
而且XFire的文档算不怎么样了,但AXIS2的文档更不像样。 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2006-08-24 08:32 david.turing
可以简单的理解为,斯里兰卡的Moratuwa大学三年纪学生们主导了AXIS2的设计。会所到2003年,这些学生加入了斯里兰卡软件开源组织LSF(http://www.opensource.lk/),那时候AXIS1还只是一个比较粗糙的东西。Sanjiva Weerawarana当时作为这些学生的导师,带领了他们参加他自己的一个非常有挑战性的工作,让AXIS提速10倍的工作。
这些学生完成了这些工作,回到了学校,后来他们有些读博士,有些工作去了。据称不少人都加入到WSO2公司,后来Apache瑞典国际开发机构打算资助4-5人继续在Apache Axis上面开发,于是Axis2诞生了。 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2006-08-28 21:50 新军
我自己本身是用Axis2的,从Axis2 0.93到0.94,0.95到1.0中间曾经出现过Packaging的变化。
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# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2007-02-23 12:36 匿名
XFire 2.0 + 才稍微完整地支持WS-*,而且我很疑问,除非对框架做大的更动,否则以XFire 1.2的arch支持WS-*有很大的难度 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2007-03-09 15:25 lodzio
http://www.puttane-in-calore.irsuto.info @X@ 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2007-04-27 17:05 路人
hot deployment(Axis2 addresses技术)
hot update
我倒觉得ws-addressing技术主要不是为了hot deployment,WS-Addressing为以同步和/或异步方式传输的SOAP消息提供了一种统一的寻址方法。此外,它还提供了寻址功能来帮助Web service开发人员在请求和响应的典型交换之外,围绕各种消息传递模式构建应用程序。
如果soap本身就不轻量,axis2怎么可能轻量?soap考虑的东西太多,跨协议传输soap之类的,谁用smtp和ftp之类的协议来传输soap呀? 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? [未登录] 2007-07-11 16:49 Apollo
但这两天对AXIS2的使用让我感到对消息(Message)控制的能力(I'm superman ;),以后复杂业务可也考虑喽。 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2007-12-04 13:04 w3c
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# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? [未登录] 2007-12-24 15:07 Vulcan
同意。确实用Axis2开发起来不爽,就说Eclipse工具,Axis生成的代理类运用起来就像本地方法一样,非常方便;而Axis2就乱七八糟了,要多写n行代码。xFire的升级项目CXF,有人实际用了没?怎么样 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? [未登录] 2007-12-25 18:35 aaa
axis2确实不怎么样,通过Eclipse生成的代码简直是让人恶心, 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2008-01-25 09:03 Bourncanyon
1。看了各位这么激烈的讨论,也让我这个WebServices新手也获益匪浅,至少就一门技术而言,都会有他独特之处,因为我在学习Web Services中,关于两种技术的优劣不能给予评价,我会继续学习并在以后给出自己的理解。
2。网上搜了一圈很少有关于XFire和AXIS2的详细介绍的文档。不知道哪问弟兄能提供一下XFire和AXIS2文档下载链接。 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2008-02-21 10:00 wayne lou
严重同意啊,我用了AXIS,现在后悔的要死,问题一堆,无法解决,一点点代码跟过去,越往里面看越觉得烂,不是一般的烂,是非常的烂。 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2008-02-28 14:17 kolko
其实 xfire 相对于 axis2 的主要优势是在性能方面比 axis2 要好很多 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? [未登录] 2008-03-07 16:14 chris
今天用了axis2,感觉很烂,代码中对spring 的动态代理不支持,决定不用了 回复 更多评论
# re: 跟XFire对比, AXIS2是垃圾吗? 2008-10-20 09:28 ksf
axix2-1.4.1非常好的,WS-*由APACHE的其他项目紧密结合,至于动态代理AXIS2有STU的CLIENT类库,我用了,感觉很好,性能比以前版本好很多 回复 更多评论