

Automated Virtual Assistants

The automated virtual assistant or commonly called personal assistants, are developed to serve its users by performing some tasks, setting reminders and much more based on the input is given and local awareness. It is integrated with a large variety of other online resources available such as weather information, news, schedules, and prices. The assistants can be very simple that performs only some specified task and has the particular scope of areas to work, but they can also be very complex programs which can perform a wide variety of tasks as desired by the user using it. Here in this article, we discuss such smart assistants which have been very well incorporated in the devices ranging from your smartphone to smart devices such as Google home, echo etc.

自动化的虚拟助手或通常称为个人助手的开发旨在通过执行一些任务,设置提醒等功能来为其用户提供服务,这取决于输入内容和本地意识。 它与各种其他在线资源集成在一起,例如天气信息,新闻,时间表和价格。 助手可以非常简单,仅执行某些指定的任务,并且具有特定的工作范围,但是它们也可以是非常复杂的程序,可以根据用户使用它的需要执行各种任务。 在本文的本文中,我们讨论了这样的智能助手,它们已经很好地集成在从智能手机到Google Home,Echo等智能设备的各种设备中。

1)Google助手 (1) Google Assistant)

Automated Virtual Assistants - google-assistant

Google Assistant tops the list because of its user-friendly interface and a large number of supported devices. You can anytime enquire about anything be it about latest movies released, latest happenings around the globe, control your device to play music for you, set alarms or perform some task for you. The thing that makes it so much acceptable by users all over the globe is that it supports a large number of languages with more numbers getting added after each update. You can use it handsfree through the voice recognition technology and give commands to control your device or smart home.

Google助手由于其友好的用户界面和大量受支持的设备而位居榜首。 您可以随时查询发布的最新电影,全球最新动态,控制设备为您播放音乐,设置闹钟或执行某些任务。 之所以使它受到全球用户的欢迎,是因为它支持大量的语言,每次更新后都会添加更多的语言。 您可以通过语音识别技术免提使用它,并发出命令来控制设备或智能家居。

2)Siri (2) Siri)

Automated Virtual Assistants - siri

Siri is the personal virtual assistant developed exclusively for Apple devices. The software allows you to manage your daily tasks by creating reminders. Siri has inbuilt option to change the voice to choose either from a male or female voice based on your preference. With Siri, you can effectively communicate with other applications in your device such as WhatsApp, Skype or any local messaging app, music app, search engines etc. Siri can track the type of songs, their genres, artists that you generally listen and can make a playlist of your choice without the need of creating one manually. Thus the more you use the assistant, the smarter it becomes.

Siri是专门为Apple设备开发的个人虚拟助手。 该软件允许您通过创建提醒来管理日常任务。 Siri具有内置选项,可根据您的喜好更改声音以从男声或女声中选择。 使用Siri,您可以有效地与设备中的其他应用程序进行通信,例如WhatsApp,Skype或任何本地消息传递应用程序,音乐应用程序,搜索引擎等。Siri可以跟踪您通常听并且可以制作的歌曲类型,类型,艺术家。您选择的播放列表,而无需手动创建。 因此,您使用助手的次数越多,它就会变得越聪明。

3)Cortana (3) Cortana)

Automated Virtual Assistants - Cortana

Cortana is a virtual assistant technology developed by the Microsoft Corporations for the windows platform. Cortana provides Cortana notebook which takes account of your individual requirements such as your favorites, interests, preference and among others. Cortana utilizes the built-in the browser called the Microsoft edge for all your search related queries. The Cortana can fetch you a good amount of discounts by suggesting offers based on your online shopping preference. So you no longer have to spend hours searching for discounts for your favorite products.

Cortana是由Microsoft Corporations针对Windows平台开发的虚拟助手技术。 Cortana提供Cortana笔记本,该笔记本考虑了您的个人需求,例如您的收藏夹,兴趣,偏好等。 Cortana使用称为Microsoft Edge的内置浏览器来处理所有与搜索有关的查询。 根据您的在线购物偏好,Cortana可以为您提供大量折扣。 因此,您不再需要花费数小时来搜索自己喜欢的产品的折扣。

4)Alexa (4) Alexa)

Automated Virtual Assistants - Alexa

Alexa is the intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon for hands-free speaker Amazon echo that can be controlled by your voice with a connection to Alexa voice service. Amazon echo has the ability to manage smarter homes by controlling the devices linked, such as automatically turning lights off in absence of inmates, regulation of room temperature, refrigeration of products in the refrigerator. The device is built considering the important handsfree aspect, which gives users the freedom to use any speech patterns, vocabularies from any direction and the device will collect it and respond. You just have to know your requirements and use Alexa enabled Amazon Echo to perform it for you.

Alexa是由Amazon开发的智能个人助理,用于免提扬声器Amazon回声,可以通过连接到Alexa语音服务的声音来控制它。 亚马逊回声能够通过控制链接的设备来管理更智能的房屋,例如在没有囚犯的情况下自动关闭灯,调节室温,冷藏冰箱中的产品。 该设备的构建考虑了重要的免提功能,使用户可以自由使用任何语音模式,任何方向的词汇,并且该设备将收集并做出响应。 您只需要了解您的要求,然后使用启用了Alexa的Amazon Echo为您执行此操作即可。

5)黑莓助手 (5) Blackberry Assistant)

Automated Virtual Assistants - Blackberry Assistant

Blackberry personal digital assistant is developed to support the platform of blackberry devices. The assistant allows users to perform multitasking operations in an efficient way. Since the main target users of Blackberry devices are business people, during any meeting or no phone call case the assistant replies with some predefined texts or information which is sent directly without the need for any user intervention. Thus no interruption is caused during the meeting. The assistant proves to be of great use to everyday users by providing directions, address, weather forecast, stock market rates etc. Thus, proving to be an ideal assistant for businesspersons.

开发了Blackberry个人数字助理以支持Blackberry设备的平台。 助手允许用户以有效的方式执行多任务操作。 由于Blackberry设备的主要目标用户是商务人士,因此在任何会议或没有电话通话的情况下,助理都会回复一些预定义的文本或信息,这些文本或信息可以直接发送而无需任何用户干预。 因此,在会议期间不会造成任何干扰。 通过提供方向,地址,天气预报,股票市场价格等信息,该助手对日常用户非常有用。因此,它被证明是商务人士的理想助手。

Next we provide a list of other virtual assistant which are not so frequently used as the above mentioned ones but are still serving many users across the globe.


  • Nina


  • Viv


  • Jibo


  • Hey Athena


  • Mycroft


  • Braina Virtual Assistant




  • Cubic


  • Lucida


  • Bixby


  • Dragon Go


  • Hound


  • Ubi kit


  • Aido


  • Maluuba


  • Vlinga


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/articles/automated-virtual-assistants.aspx






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