

In the branch of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology and all the associated branches among these fields the term "Divide and Conquer" is an algorithm design paradigm based on the principle of recursion ( multi-branched). In this algorithmic approach, the algorithm designed works recursively by breaking down the problem in hand, into two or more sub-problems or parts based on the complexity of the problem. This sub-problems or parts are also called atomic or fractions. This atomics or fractions are recursively broken down into more and more atomic or fractions until they are broken down into a form that can be solved. After solving these fractions or atomics they are then again traversed back recursively but this time instead of breaking down the problem, the problems are merged back with their recursively broken counterparts then the required solution for that particular problem is generated.

在计算机科学与工程,信息技术以及所有这些领域的相关分支中,术语“分而治之”是一种基于递归原理(多分支)的算法设计范例。 在这种算法方法中,根据问题的复杂性,设计的算法通过将手头的问题分解为两个或更多子问题或部分来递归工作。 此子问题或部分也称为原子或分数。 将此原子或分数递归分解为越来越多的原子或分数,直到将其分解为可以求解的形式为止。 在解决了这些分数或原子之后,它们再次被递归地遍历,但是这次不是分解问题,而是将问题与它们的递归破坏的对等体合并回去,然后生成该特定问题所需的解决方案。

Divide and Conquer Approach is divided into three processes and these three processes form the basis of divide and conquer paradigm for problem-solving:


1)除 (1) Divide)

The first and foremost process for solving any problem using Divide and Conquer paradigm. As suggested by the name it’s function is just to divide the problem into sub-problem which in turn if are more complex then are again divided into more sub-parts. Basically , if we consider for example binary search ( an example of Divide and Conquer approach ) the given list is broken ( under some specified consider defined by its algorithm and user input ) into single elements among which then the element to search is compared and the user gets a prompt whether the element is in the list.

使用分而治之范式解决任何问题的第一个也是最重要的过程。 顾名思义,它的功能只是将问题分解为子问题,如果问题更复杂,则又将其分解为更多的子部分。 基本上,如果我们考虑例如二进制搜索(分而治之方法的示例),则给定列表被分解(在其算法和用户输入定义的某些特定考虑下)成单个元素,然后在其中比较要搜索的元素,用户会收到提示,提示该元素是否在列表中。

2)征服 (2) Conquer)

This process is referred to as ‘ Conquer ’ because this process is what which performs the basic operation of a defined algorithm like sort in cases of various sorts, finds the element to be searched in case of binary search, multiplying of the numbers in Karatsuba Algorithm and etc. But almost among algorithms at least the most basic ones that we study mostly are considered to be solved in this part since the divide part breaks them into single elements which can be simply solved.


3)合并 (3) Merge)

This is the last process of the 'Divide' and 'Conquer' approach whose function is to recursively rebuild the original problem but what we get now is the solution to that problem. In merge procedure, the solved elements of the ‘ Conquer ‘ are recursively merged together like the way they divided in the first step i.e. ‘ Divide’.

这是“划分”“征服”方法的最后一个过程,其功能是递归地重建原始问题,但是我们现在得到的是该问题的解决方案。 在合并过程中,“征服”的已解决元素被递归合并在一起,就像它们在第一步中划分的方式一样,即“除法”。

Divide and Conquer Paradigm

The steps 'Conquer' and 'Merge' work so close that sometimes they are treated as a single step. The Divide and Conquer can be implemented in two ways:

“征服”“合并”步骤是如此接近,以至于有时将它们视为一个步骤。 分而治之可以两种方式实现:

  1. Naturally i.e. by using recursion


  2. Explicitly i.e. by using data structures like stack and queues etc


One of the major characteristics of Divide and Conquer is that the time complexity of its algorithms can be easily calculated by solving recurrence relations and its correctness can be evaluated via Mathematical Induction.


分而治之策略的应用 (Applications of Divide and Conquer Strategy)

  1. Binary Search (C program for binary search)

    二进制搜索( 用于二进制搜索的C程序 )

  2. Merge Sort (Merge sort | C++ Example)

    合并排序( 合并排序| C ++示例)

  3. Quick Sort (Quick sort | C++ Example)

    快速排序( 快速排序| C ++示例)

  4. Closest Pair of Points


  5. Strassen’s Multiplication


  6. Karatsuba Algorithm


  7. Cooley-Tukey Algorithm


分而治之策略的优点 (Pros of Divide and Conquer Strategy)

  1. Solves difficult problems with ease.


  2. Algorithms designed with Divide and Conquer strategies are efficient when compared to its counterpart Brute-Force approach for e.g. if we compare time complexity of simple matrix multiplication i.e. O(n3) and that of Strassen's matrix multiplication i.e. O(n2.81).


  3. Algorithms designed under Divide and Conquer strategy does not require any modification as they inhibit parallelism and can easily be processed by parallel processing systems.


  4. It makes efficient use of memory cache this happens so because that problems when divided gets so small that they can be easily solved in the cache itself.


  5. If we use floating numbers then the results may improve since round off control is very efficient in such algorithms.


分而治之的弊端 (Cons of Divide and Conquer Strategy)

  1. Divide and Conquer strategy uses recursion that makes it a little slower and if a little error occurs in the code the program may enter into an infinite loop.


  2. Usage of explicit stacks may make use of extra space.


  3. If performing a recursion for no. times greater than the stack in the CPU than the system may crash.

    如果不执行递归。 倍于CPU中堆栈的倍数,可能导致系统崩溃。

  4. Choosing base cases is also a limitation as picking small cases may work if the cases are taken much higher than the capacity of the system than problems may occur.


  5. Sometimes a case where the problem when broken down results in same subproblems which may needlessly increase the solving time and extra space may be consumed.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/algorithms/divide-and-conquer-paradigm.aspx


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