

This is an introductory article for students who are willing to learn computer programming languages like C/C++, Python, JavaScript, or any other programming language. This will provide basic details about programming languages.

这是一篇入门文章,适用于愿意学习计算机编程语言(例如C / C ++PythonJavaScript或任何其他编程语言)的学生。 这将提供有关编程语言的基本细节。

Let's start with the language first.


什么是语言? (What is a language?)

Language is the medium of communication to share ideas, opinions with each other. For example, if we want to communicate with someone, we need a language that can be any of the languages that both the communicators know it can be English, Hindi, Spanish, or another language. But you need at least one language to communicate with someone (human/person).

语言是交流思想,观点的媒介。 例如,如果我们想与某人交流,我们需要的语言可以是双方都知道的任何一种语言,可以是英语,北印度语,西班牙语或其他语言。 但是您至少需要一种语言才能与某人(人/人)进行交流。

什么是编程语言? (What is a programming language?)

To communicate with a person, you need a language. In the same way, if you need to communicate with the computer, you need a programming language. Without a programming language, you cannot communicate with the computer.

要与人交流,您需要一种语言。 同样,如果您需要与计算机通信,则需要一种编程语言。 没有编程语言,就无法与计算机通信。

Thus, the programming language is the medium of communication between human and computer systems. It is the set of instructions written in a specific style (coding) to instruct the computer to perform a specific task.

因此, 编程语言是人与计算机系统之间通信的媒介。 它是以特定样式(编码)编写的一组指令,用于指示计算机执行特定任务

计算机编程语言的类型 (Types of computer programming languages)

There are three types of computer programming languages, they are,


  1. Low-level programming languages


  2. High-level programming languages


  3. Middle-level programming languages


1)低级编程语言 (1) Low-level programming languages)

These are machine-dependent programming languages such as Binary (Machine code) and Assembly language.


Since computers can only understand Binary language which is instructions in the form of 0's and 1's (Signals - that can be either High or Low). So these programming languages are the best way to give signals (Binary Instructions) to the computer directly but are not that human friendly.

由于计算机只能理解二进制语言,因此是0和1(信号-可以是高电平或低电平)形式的指令。 因此,这些编程语言是直接向计算机发送信号(二进制指令)的最佳方法,但并不友好。

Machine Code (Binary Language) does not need an interpreter or compiler because the computer understands these signals directly.


The assembly language needs to be converted to equivalent Binary code so that the computer can understand the instructions written in Assembly. Assembler is used to convert an assembly code to its equivalent Binary code.

汇编语言需要转换为等效的二进制代码,以便计算机可以理解汇编中编写的指令。 汇编程序用于将汇编代码转换为其等效的二进制代码。

The codes written in such kind of languages are difficult to write, read, edit, and understand. Also, the programs are not portable to any other computer system.

用这种语言编写的代码很难编写,阅读,编辑和理解。 而且,程序不可移植到任何其他计算机系统。

Low-Level programming language programs are faster than High-Level programming language programs as they have fewer keywords, symbols and there is no need to convert it into Machine Code.


2)高级编程语言 (2) High-level programming languages)

These are the machine-independent programming languages, which are easy to write, read, edit, and understand.


Languages like Java, .Net, Python, JavaScript, C++, C, C#, and others (which are very popular now to develop user-end applications). These languages come under the category of high-level programming language.

诸如Java.Net ,Python,JavaScript,C ++,C,C#等语言(现在在开发用户端应用程序中非常流行)。 这些语言属于高级编程语言。

High-level programming languages have special keywords, functions, and class libraries. Using these we can easily build a computer program.

高级编程语言具有特殊的关键字,函数和类库。 使用这些,我们可以轻松地构建计算机程序。

The computer does not understand the program written in such languages directly, As the computer understands only Machine code. So, Programming language translators are required to convert a high-level program to its equivalent Machine code.

由于计算机只能理解机器代码,因此计算机无法直接理解用此类语言编写的程序。 因此,需要编程语言翻译器才能将高级程序转换为其等效的机器代码。

Programming translators are generally called Compilers and Interpreters. Compilers are the system software that converts a program written in particular programming languages to its equivalent Machine code.

编程翻译器通常称为编译器和解释器。 编译器是系统软件,可以将以特定编程语言编写的程序转换为其等效的机器代码。

Features of High-level programming languages,


  • Portable (system-independent): The programs written in High-Level programming languages are independent of the system which means a program written on one system can run on another system.

    可移植(独立系统) :用高级编程语言编写的程序独立于系统,这意味着在一个系统上编写的程序可以在另一个系统上运行。

  • Easy to understand: As these programming languages contain keywords, functions, class libraries (which are similar to English words), we can easily understand the meaning of a particular term in that programming language.

    易于理解 :由于这些编程语言包含关键字,函数,类库(类似于英语单词),因此我们可以轻松地理解该编程语言中特定术语的含义。

  • Easy to code, read, and edit: The programs written in a high-level programming language are easy to code, read, and edit. Even we can edit programs written by other programmers easily by easily if we have a little knowledge of the programming language.

    易于编码,阅读和编​​辑 :用高级编程语言编写的程序易于编码,阅读和编​​辑。 即使我们对编程语言有一点了解,也可以轻松地编辑其他程序员编写的程序。

  • Even though programs written in high-level language compile/run slower than programs in low-level language, these programming languages are popular to develop User End Applications.


3)中级编程语言 (3) Middle-level programming languages)

There is no such category of programming languages. But the programming languages that have features of both low level and high-level programming languages come under this category.

没有此类编程语言。 但是具有低级和高级编程语言功能的编程语言属于此类别。

Hence, we can say that the programming languages which have features of Low Level as well as High-Level programming languages known as "Middle Level" programming language.


C programming languages is the best example of Middle-Level Programming languages as it has features of low level and high-level programming languages both.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/computer-programming-languages.aspx






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