
Are you looking for an easy way to bulk install your favorite plugins in WordPress?


If you frequently create new WordPress sites, then you likely have a list of must have plugins which you install on every website that you create.

如果您经常创建新的WordPress网站 ,则可能会列出必须安装在创建的每个网站上的插件。

By default, WordPress allows you to install one plugin at a time. Manually installing multiple plugins, one by one, can take few extra minutes. This can become annoying if you do it quite often.

默认情况下,WordPress允许您一次安装一个插件。 手动一个接一个地安装多个插件可能需要几分钟。 如果您经常这样做,可能会很烦人。

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could quickly install all your favorite WordPress plugins at once? In this article, we will show you how to easily bulk install your favorite plugins in WordPress step by step.

如果可以一次快速安装所有喜欢的WordPress插件,那不是很好吗? 在本文中,我们将逐步向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress中批量安装您喜欢的插件。

Simple Guide on How to Bulk Install Plugins in WordPress
批量安装WordPress插件(分步进行) (Installing WordPress Plugins in Bulk (Step by Step))

There are more than 55,000+ plugins available in the free WordPress.org directory alone. However, most users stick to a set of must have WordPress plugins that they install on each new website.

仅在免费的WordPress.org目录中就有超过55,000+个插件可用。 但是,大多数用户坚持使用一组必须在每个新网站上安装的WordPress插件

Let’s see how you can bulk install all your favorite plugins in one go.


步骤1:安装WPCore插件管理器插件 (Step 1: Install WPCore Plugin Manager Plugin)

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WPCore Plugin Manager plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WPCore插件管理器插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

WPCore Plugin Manager is a free online tool which lets you create a collection of your favorite WordPress plugins and quickly install them on your site.


Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu labeled ‘WPCore’ in your WordPress admin panel. You need to click on it to configure settings.

激活后,该插件将在您的WordPress管理面板中添加一个标有“ WPCore”的新菜单。 您需要单击它以配置设置。

WPCore Plugin Manager Plugin Settings

On the WPCore plugin collections page, you will be prompted to add a collection key to import plugins.


So, the next step is to create a plugin collection with your selected plugins and get the key. Alternatively you can use many other pre-made collections from their website such as WPBeginner’s Favorite Plugins collection.

因此,下一步是使用所选插件创建一个插件集合并获取密钥。 或者,您可以从其网站上使用许多其他预制的收藏集,例如WPBeginner的收藏夹收藏集

第2步:创建收藏夹插件集合 (Step 2: Create a Collection of Your Favorite Plugins)

To create a collection of your favorite plugins, you need to visit WPCore website and click on the ‘Create your FREE account’ button.

要创建您最喜欢的插件的集合,您需要访问WPCore网站 ,然后单击“创建免费帐户”按钮。

Create a Free Account on WPCore

Next, you will see the registration page. Enter your username, email, and password, accept the terms, verify reCAPTCHA, and then click on the ‘Create Account’ button.

接下来,您将看到注册页面。 输入您的用户名,电子邮件和密码,接受条款,验证reCAPTCHA,然后单击“创建帐户”按钮。

Register FREE on WPCore Website

On the next screen, it will allow you to create your new plugin collection. Add your collection title, description, choose ‘Public’ or ‘Private’ collection you want to make and then click on the ‘Continue’ button.

在下一个屏幕上,它将允许您创建新的插件集合。 添加您的收藏名称,描述,选择您要制作的“公共”或“私人”收藏,然后单击“继续”按钮。

Create a New Plugin Collection on WPCore

After that, it will create the collection where you can add your favorite plugins in it. Simply click on the ‘Add’ icon next to ‘WordPress.org plugins’ to add plugins from the official WordPress plugin repository.

之后,它将创建一个集合,您可以在其中添加自己喜欢的插件。 只需单击“ WordPress.org插件”旁边的“添加”图标,即可从官方WordPress插件存储库添加插件。

Add Plugins on Your Plugin Collection on WPCore

After that, a new popup window will appear where you can search for a WordPress plugin by its name. For example, we will search ‘MonsterInsights’.

之后,将出现一个新的弹出窗口,您可以在其中按名称搜索WordPress插件。 例如,我们将搜索“ MonsterInsights ”。

Now it will search the plugin and show all the results related to the search term. Once the results are loaded, you need to choose the right option and click on it to add the plugin to your collection.

现在它将搜索插件并显示与搜索词相关的所有结果。 加载结果后,您需要选择正确的选项,然后单击它以将插件添加到您的集合中。

Search Plugin to Add in Your WPCore Plugin Collection

Once you select it, the plugin will be added to the collection.


Plugin Added to WPCore Plugin Collection

Now you can add more plugins by following the same steps.


The free version of the WPCore Plugin Manager lets you add only the free plugins from WordPress.org. If you want to bulk install custom plugins and premium WordPress plugins from other third-party sites, then you need to use their paid plan.

WPCore插件管理器的免费版本仅允许您从WordPress.org添加免费插件。 如果要从其他第三方站点批量安装自定义插件和高级WordPress插件 ,则需要使用其付费计划。

Once you have added all the best WordPress plugins of your choice, navigate to a small box at the top right side of your screen. The code in the red color inside the box is your plugin collection key.

添加完所有选择的最佳WordPress插件后,导航至屏幕右上方的小方框。 框内红色的代码是您的插件收集密钥。

WPCore Plugin Collection Key

Go ahead and copy the code. Next, you have to add the key on your WordPress site using the WPCore plugin which you installed earlier.

继续并复制代码。 接下来,您必须使用先前安装的WPCore插件在WordPress网站上添加密钥。

步骤3:批量安装您喜欢的插件 (Step 3: Bulk Install Your Favorite Plugins)

Go ahead and open the ‘WPCore’ option on your admin panel and click on the ‘Add a collection key’ button there.

继续并在管理面板上打开“ WPCore”选项,然后单击那里的“添加收藏夹”按钮。

Add Collection key on WPCore Plugin Manager Plugin

After that, it will show a field where you need to paste the plugin collection key. Paste the key that you copied earlier and click on the ‘Save Collections’ button. You can also use our collection key here too for installing WPBeginner’s Favorite Plugins collection.

之后,它将显示一个字段,您需要在其中粘贴插件集合密钥。 粘贴您先前复制的密钥,然后单击“保存收藏集”按钮。 您也可以在此处使用我们的收藏夹来安装WPBeginner的收藏夹收藏集

Save WPCore Plugin Collection Key on WordPress

WPCore plugin will now load your plugin collection and prepare for installation. It will add a notification which reads ‘WPCore recommends the following plugins:’ at the top. and shows the list of the plugins

WPCore插件现在将加载您的插件集合并准备安装。 它将在顶部添加一个通知,内容为“ WPCore推荐以下插件:”。 并显示插件列表

Now you just need to click on the ‘Begin installing plugins’ option, and the plugin will start the job.


Click Begin Installing Plugins Option on WPCore

On the next screen, you will see the ‘Install Plugins’ page with your list of favorite plugins. To install the plugins in bulk, select all by clicking on the box next to ‘Plugin’ option at the top.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到“安装插件”页面,其中包含您喜欢的插件列表。 要批量安装插件,请通过单击顶部“插件”选项旁边的框来选择全部插件。

Select All Plugins to Bulk Install on WordPress with WPCore

Once all the plugins are selected, click on the dropdown option and choose the ‘Install’ option. Next, click on the ‘Apply’ button.

选择所有插件后,单击下拉选项,然后选择“安装”选项。 接下来,点击“应用”按钮。

Install WordPress Plugins in Bulk with WPCore

After that, WordPress will install the plugins one by one. Once done, it will notify you with ‘All installations have been completed’ message.

之后,WordPress将一个接一个地安装插件。 完成后,它将通过“所有安装已完成”消息通知您。

All Plugins Installed in WordPress with WPCore

Simply click on the ‘Return to Required Plugins Installer.’


On the next screen, you will see the list of plugins that you just installed. Now you have to activate these plugins.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到刚刚安装的插件列表。 现在,您必须激活这些插件。

First, select all plugins by clicking on the checkbox and choose ‘Activate’ option from the dropdown. Next, click on the ‘Apply’ button.

首先,通过单击复选框选择所有插件,然后从下拉列表中选择“激活”选项。 接下来,点击“应用”按钮。

Activate Plugins in Bulk with WPCore

Now WordPress will activate all the plugins one by one. Once done, it will display a notification message to inform you that all plugins are active.

现在,WordPress将一一激活所有插件。 完成后,它将显示一条通知消息,通知您所有插件均处于活动状态。

All Plugins Activated Message on WordPress with WPCore

After that, you can see your installed plugins by going to Plugins » Installed Plugins page from your dashboard.

之后,您可以通过从信息中心转到“ 插件»已安装的插件”页面来查看已安装的插件

Installed Plugins Page in WordPress

Now you can start configuring your plugin settings and other configurations on your website.


We hope this article helped you learn how to bulk install plugins in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to speed up WordPress and improve your WordPress security.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中批量安装插件。 您可能还需要查看我们的指南,以了解如何加快WordPress提高WordPress安全性

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-bulk-install-your-favorite-plugins-in-wordpress/





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