

Do you want to monitor user activity on your WordPress site?


Running a multi-author blog or membership site comes with its own unique challenges such as stopping spam registrations and managing editorial workflow.


One solution that owners and admins of multi-user WordPress sites seek out is the ability to easily monitor user activity on their website.


This allows them to put a check and balance system in place. If things go out of control, then they can easily figure out what went wrong, who did it, and how to fix it.

这使他们可以建立一个制衡系统。 如果事情失控,那么他们可以轻松找出问题出在哪里,谁做错了以及如何解决。

In this article, we will show you how to monitor user activity and keep a security audit log in WordPress.


Monitor User Activity in WordPress
为什么要启用WordPress活动监视器和日志? (Why You Should Enable WordPress Activity Monitor and Logs?)

A common objection that often comes up is you shouldn’t give WordPress login access to anyone that you don’t trust. If you do that, then you won’t need an activity tracking solution.

通常会出现一个常见的反对意见,那就是您不应该向不信任的任何人授予WordPress登录访问权限。 如果这样做,则不需要活动跟踪解决方案。

That’s a bit extreme because there are several very valid use-cases of activity logs.


Sometimes users can accidentally make an error or mistake that may break your WordPress website. Having an activity tracking log helps you identify and fix those issues faster.

有时,用户可能不小心犯了一个错误或错误,可能会破坏您的WordPress网站 。 拥有活动跟踪日志可以帮助您更快地识别和解决这些问题。

Since the audit logs will show you which user made the mistake, you can also educate them on best practices to prevent the same mistake in the future.


A good example is if a moderator approved a comment that doesn’t fit your comment guidelines, then you can quickly correct their mistake and also notify them about it.


Another very good use-case for security audit logs is when you hire a WordPress developer from third-party contract websites like Codeable, Upwork, etc.

安全审核日志的另一个很好的用例是,当您从Codeable ,Upwork等第三方合同网站雇用WordPress开发人员时

While most developers are trustworthy, sometimes you will run into a dishonest developer who can cause your business to lose significant amount of money.


Recently one of our Facebook group members reported that a developer she hired from Upwork changed the PayPal address in her WooCommerce store.


Upwork Scammer

These kind of subtle changes are extremely hard to detect unless you have a WordPress user audit log that keeps track of all activity.


Several years ago this issue happened to WPBeginner founder, Syed Balkhi, where a freelance developer quietly changed several of his affiliate links. Syed caught and fixed the issue thanks to a security audit log plugin.

几年前,这个问题发生在WPBeginner创始人Syed Balkhi身上,一名自由开发人员悄悄地更改了他的一些会员链接。 Syed通过安全审核日志插件捕获并解决了该问题。

With the above benefits in minds, let’s take a look at how to set up and monitor user activities on your WordPress website.


We will share two WordPress audit log plugins.


  1. Simple History (free plugin, but not as robust)简单历史记录 (免费插件,但不够强大)
  2. WP Security Audit Log (best-in-class for what it does)WP安全审核日志 (同类最佳)
使用简单历史记录监视用户活动 (Monitoring User Activity with Simple History)

Simple History is a free user activity monitoring plugin for WordPress, but it is not as feature rich. If you run a small website or WordPress blog, then this plugin will work for you.

简单历史记录是WordPress的免费用户活动监视插件,但功能不丰富。 如果您经营一个小型网站或WordPress博客 ,那么此插件将为您工作。

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Simple History plugin. You may follow our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin for detailed instructions.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活简单历史记录插件。 您可以按照我们的初学者指南安装WordPress插件,以获取详细说明。

Upon activation, head over to Settings » Simple History from the left sidebar of your WordPress admin panel.

激活后,从WordPress管理面板的左侧栏中转到“设置” »“ 简单历史记录”

Simple History plugin settings page

On the settings page, you can choose whether you want the activity log to appear on the dashboard, on a separate page, or both.


You can also decide the number of items that will appear on the Dashboard and the log page.


By default, the Simple History plugin cleans the activity log history that is older than 60 days. You can also delete the history manually by clicking on the Clear log now button on the settings page.

默认情况下,“简单历史记录”插件会清除超过60天的活动日志历史记录。 您也可以通过单击设置页面上的立即清除日志按钮来手动删除历史记录

This plugin allows you to monitor the history with the help of a secret RSS feed. However, you need to check the “Enable RSS feed” option to use it.

该插件使您可以通过秘密RSS提要监视历史记录。 但是,您需要选中“启用RSS feed”选项才能使用它。

查看具有简单历史记录的用户活动 (Viewing User Activities with Simple History)

To check the user activity log, you need to visit the Dashboard » Simple History page. You can also view them on the Dashboard, but this will depend on how you have configured the settings of this plugin.

要查看用户活动日志,您需要访问Dashboard»Simple History页面。 您也可以在仪表板上查看它们,但这取决于您如何配置此插件的设置。

Simple History user activity log

This plugin displays the events of the last 30 days by default. You can change it to a fixed range (up to 60 days) or to a custom range by clicking on the Dates dropdown menu.

此插件默认显示最近30天的事件。 您可以通过单击日期下拉菜单将其更改为固定范围(最多60天)或自定义范围。

To search for specific events on your site, you need to click on the “Show search options” link. This will open up a number of fields. You can either use a single field or a combination of them to find the desired data.

要在您的站点上搜索特定事件,您需要单击“显示搜索选项”链接。 这将打开许多字段。 您可以使用单个字段或它们的组合来查找所需的数据。

Simple History activity log search options

For example, you can use the Users field to find someone and then, click on the Search events button to see the activities of that person in the last 30 days.

例如,您可以使用“ 用户”字段来查找某人,然后单击“ 搜索事件”按钮以查看该人在过去30天内的活动。

By default, the Simple History plugin allows you to monitor login, logout, wrong password, post/page editing, media upload, plugin install/update, user profile changes, and more.


It also has support for bbPress forums which lets you see the forum and topic activities on your website.

它还支持bbPress论坛 ,使您可以在网站上查看论坛和主题活动。

Simple History allows you to add your own custom events as well. If you have development experience and want to add a custom event, then you can check out the details on this page.

简单历史记录还允许您添加自己的自定义事件。 如果您具有开发经验并想要添加自定义事件,那么可以在此页面上查看详细信息。

使用WP安全审核日志监视用户活动 (Monitor User Activity using the WP Security Audit Log)

Although Simple History does a good job of tracking user activities on your website, it is limited in functionality.


If you are looking for a plugin that provides detailed and real-time user activity reports, then you should use the WP Security Audit Log plugin.

如果您正在寻找一个提供详细的实时用户活动报告的插件,那么您应该使用WP Security Audit Log插件。

It is a feature-rich plugin that allows you to keep track of every change that happens on your website. You can also get email and SMS notifications for important site events.

它是一个功能丰富的插件,可让您跟踪网站上发生的每项更改。 您还可以获取有关重要站点事件的电子邮件和SMS通知。

To get started, you need to install and activate the WP Security Audit Log plugin on your WordPress site.

首先,您需要在WordPress网站上安装并激活WP Security Audit Log插件。

Upon activation, you will see a new menu item Audit Log in the left sidebar of your admin panel. You need to click on it to configure this plugin.

激活后,您将在管理面板的左侧栏中看到一个新的菜单项“ 审核日志 ”。 您需要单击它来配置此插件。

WP Scurity Activity Log plugin

On the settings page, you will have to enter the license key of this plugin, and then you need to click on the “Agree & Activate License” button to start using this plugin.


Note: To get the license key, you can check the welcome email that you have received after purchasing the plugin.

注意 :要获取许可证密钥,您可以检查购买插件后收到的欢迎电子邮件。

Once activated, you will see new options under the Audit Log menu in the left sidebar.


To monitor the events on your website, you need to head over to the Audit Log » Audit Log Viewer page.

要监视您网站上的事件,您需要转到“ 审核日志»审核日志查看器”页面。

Audit Log Viewer to monitor events

This plugin displays the latest events at the top bar of your screen. You can also click on those notifications to go to the Audit Log Viewer page.

此插件在屏幕顶部栏显示最新事件。 您也可以单击这些通知以转到“审核日志查看器”页面。

The log page will allow you to see all events on your website. You will get important details like the date of the event, the user involved, IP address of the user, and the event message.

日志页面将允许您查看网站上的所有事件。 您将获得重要的详细信息,例如事件的日期,所涉及的用户,用户的IP地址以及事件消息。

For example, if someone logged into your site, then you will be able to find out who was that user, when did that person login, and the IP address of the user.


You can also control the events that you want to track by going to the Audit Log » Enable/Disable Events page.


Enable or Disable Events to monitor

Here you can select Basic, Geek, or Custom from the Log Level dropdown menu. Based on your selection, you will see different event names and their description on that page.

在这里,您可以从日志级别下拉菜单中选择基本,极客或自定义。 根据您的选择,您将在该页面上看到不同的事件名称及其描述。

You can now enable or disable individual events by checking/unchecking the boxes. You can do the same by going to different tabs like Content & Comments, WordPress Install, Visitor Events, etc.

现在,您可以通过选中/取消选中框来启用或禁用单个事件。 您可以通过转到不同的选项卡执行相同的操作,例如内容和注释,WordPress安装,访客事件等。

To track the logged in users on your site, you need to go to the Audit Log » Logged In Users page.


WP Security Audit Log Plugin logged in users

From here you will see all the users who are logged into your site. You can also force someone to log out by clicking on the Terminate Session button.

从这里您将看到所有登录到您网站的用户。 您也可以通过单击终止会话按钮来强制某人注销。

If you want to download the activity log of your site, then simply go to the Audit Log » Reports page to generate a report based on the criteria that you may have.

如果要下载站点的活动日志,则只需转到“ 审核日志»报告”页面即可根据您可能具有的条件生成报告。

That’s all! We hope this article helped you to understand how to monitor user activity in WordPress with the help of Simple History or WP Security Audit Log plugin.

就这样! 我们希望本文能帮助您了解如何借助“简单历史记录”或WP Security Audit Log插件监视WordPress中的用户活动。

You may also want to check out our ultimate WordPress security guide and our list of the best WordPress firewall plugins.


If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-monitor-user-activity-in-wordpress-with-simple-history/






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