洛杉矶分校 作弊 听证会_免费获得2011年洛杉矶博客世界博览会的通行证

洛杉矶分校 作弊 听证会

BlogWorld Expo is coming to LA, and for the third time in the row we will be attending. What’s even better is that we have passes to giveaway. The conference is scheduled for November 3-5 at Los Angeles Convention Center. BlogWorld is the first and only industry-wide conference, trade show and media event for all new media. We attended the first BlogWorld in Vegas, and we have been back since then. The event is very informational, and you meet tons of great people. Some of the amazing speakers at this event are: Darren Rowse (@problogger), Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan), Mari Smith (@marismith), and our very own Syed Balkhi (@syedbalkhi).

BlogWorld Expo即将来到洛杉矶,这是我们连续第三次参加。 更好的是,我们可以通过赠品活动。 会议定于11月3-5日在洛杉矶会议中心举行。 BlogWorld是所有新媒体的第一个也是唯一的行业性会议,贸易展览和媒体活动。 我们参加了在拉斯维加斯举行的第一届BlogWorld,从那时起我们就回来了。 该活动提供的信息非常丰富,您会遇到很多很棒的人。 这次活动的演讲者包括:达伦·罗瑟(@problogger),克里斯·布罗根(@chrisbrogan),玛丽·史密斯(@marismith)和我们自己的赛义德·巴尔基(Syed Balkhi)(@syedbalkhi)。

If you’re looking to take your blogging to the next level, expand your audience, grow your business, then attending BlogWorld is a MUST. We are giving away: 1 x two day pass, and 3 x one day passes. Here is how you can get a pass:

如果您希望将博客发展到一个新的水平,扩大您的受众群体,发展您的业务,那么必须参加BlogWorld。 我们正在赠送: 1 x两日通行证,和3 x一日通行证 。 您可以通过以下方式获得通行证:

First you need to retweet the following message:


Win a FREE pass to @BlogWorldExpo Los Angeles #BWELA from @wpbeginner – http://wpbeg.in/bwelafree (RT to Enter)

赢取@wpbeginner到@BlogWorldExpo洛杉矶#BWELA的免费通行证– http://wpbeg.in/bwelafree(RT进入)

Second, you need to reply to this post with a link to your tweet and explaining why you deserve to win the pass. The winner will be selected based on the quality of their reply which will be reviewed by our team. BlogWorld is a life changing event where you learn from leading industry experts, and we want to give the pass to someone who really wants it.

其次,您需要回复此帖子,并附上您的推文链接,并说明为什么值得赢得通行证。 优胜者将根据其答复的质量进行选择,我们的团队将对其进行审核。 BlogWorld是一个改变生活的活动,您可以从领先的行业专家那里学习,我们希望将通行证交给真正想要它的人。

Please only enter if you plan to go. These passes CANNOT be resold. We are only giving away the passes, so you are still responsible for paying the travel costs (loding, airfare etc). We WILL invite you to dinner in Los Angeles but other than that, you’re on your own for the expenses. The deadline for entering is Friday, October 14th, 2011. The winners will be announced the same day.

如果您打算去,请只输入。 这些通行证无法转售。 我们只提供通行证,因此您仍然有责任支付旅行费用(住宿,机票等)。 我们将邀请您在洛杉矶共进晚餐,除此之外,您需要自己承担费用。 报名截止日期为2011年10月14日,星期五。获奖者将在同一天宣布。

If it is not feasible for you to attend in person, then we highly recommend that you get the Virtual Ticket for BlogWorld which will get you access to all session recordings plus bonuses.

如果您不能亲自参加,那么我们强烈建议您获得BlogWorld的虚拟门票 ,这将使您能够访问所有会话记录以及奖金。

To get a preview of BlogWorld, check out the video below:

要预览BlogWorld ,请查看以下视频:

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/get-a-free-pass-to-blogworld-expo-la-2011/

洛杉矶分校 作弊 听证会





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