
This is a summary of a presentation given by Scott Hanselman at Blog World Expo 2010.

这是Scott Hanselman在2010年博客世界博览会上所作演讲的摘要。

1) Know your audience. Analytic programs were developed for a reason. You cannot provide content that your audience wants if you do not know who your audience is and where they are coming from. If your audience is international, look at the words and acronyms that you use and bring them to a level that all of your users can understand.

1)了解你的听众。 分析程序的开发是有原因的。 如果您不知道观众是谁以及观众来自哪里,则无法提供观众想要的内容。 如果您的受众是国际用户,请查看您使用的单词和首字母缩写词,并将其带到所有用户都能理解的水平。

2) Keep overtly personal information off your blog. Anyone can take a latitude and longitude and pull up a street address. If you don’t want users (and stalkers) to show up at your door with questions or rob your home when you are on vacation, keep your location off your website.

2)禁止在博客上公开个人信息。 任何人都可以经纬度拉起街道地址。 如果您不希望用户(和缠扰者)在出门时出现问题或在度假时抢劫您的房屋,请将您的位置保留在您的网站之外。

3) Don’t apologize for not blogging enough. There comes a time and every blogger’s life when they take a mini blogging vacation. Family problems, broken computer, rabies, it doesn’t matter, when you take a hiatus from blogging, don’t make your first post back an apology. It takes up space that could be used for a more solid post.

3)不要为没有足够的博客而道歉。 每个博客作者度过一个迷你博客假期的时间和生活。 家庭问题,坏掉的计算机,狂犬病都没关系,当您在博客中休假时,不要在第一篇文章中道歉。 它占用了可用于更牢固帖子的空间。

4) Steer clear of politics (unless that’s your thing). Politics are good for one thing, splitting your audience in half. Regardless of how wonderfully stated your post is, bringing politics into an unpolitical blog is like signing your death warrant. Keep your followers, leave the politics.

4)避开政治(除非那是你的事)。 政治有利于一件事,将听众分成两半。 无论您的帖子有多精彩,将政治带入一个非政治性的博客就像在签署您的死刑令一样。 保持您的追随者,离开政治。

5) Don’t blog bile. Everyone gets angry. Your blog is your voice to the world and it is easy to spit out a post that is angry. But in the morning when your comment section explodes and you regret what you said that little moment of anger will not seem worth it anymore. Be aware of the messages you put into the world and think long and hard before you blog something negative.

5)不要博客胆。 每个人都会生气。 您的博客是您向世界表达的声音,很容易发出愤怒的帖子。 但是在早晨,当您的评论部分爆炸时,您感到遗憾的是,愤怒的那一刻似乎不再值得了。 在发布负面消息之前,请注意您发布给外界的消息并认真思考。

6) Think before you blog. Make sure that each thing you post is relevant and is something that your audience wants.

6)在写博客之前先三思。 确保您发布的每件事都是相关的,并且是受众想要的。

7) Don’t post throwaways. If a post is not sizable enough to really be a post tweet it. Or Facebook it. Have a minimum length for your posts and stick to it. Don’t post junk that’s not worth the time of your users.

7)不要张贴垃圾。 如果帖子的大小不足以真正成为帖子,则将其发布。 或Facebook吧。 帖子的长度要最短并坚持下去。 不要发布不值得用户花费时间的垃圾邮件。

8) Avoid “excessive quoting.” When a post is 30% or more copied from someone else it is no longer your post. Own the words that you create, don’t steal the words of someone else.

8)避免“过度报价”。 如果某篇文章是从其他人那里复制的30%或更多,则该帖子不再是您的文章。 拥有自己创造的话语,不要偷别人的话。

9) Use spell check. Your blog is your identity on the web. Be professional and take the two seconds to spell check your blog posts. Misspellings make you look careless, and you should never be careless.

9)使用拼写检查。 您的博客是您在网络上的身份。 要专业,花两秒钟来拼写检查您的博客文章。 拼写错误会使您看起来粗心,并且永远不要粗心。

10) Pay attention to formatting. Good content looks bad when your formatting is careless. Even little things like offsetting your text from your images makes a big difference to your users. Make your site look well put together and it will not only make your blog look good, but it will make you look good.

10)注意格式化。 粗心格式化时,好的内容看起来很糟。 甚至从图像中偏移文本之类的小事对您的用户也有很大的不同。 使您的网站看起来井井有条,不仅会让您的博客看起来不错,而且会使您看起来不错。

11) Turn on comments. If you have no comments on your blog, then it is no point to having a blog. Yes, spammers will try to spam your comments, but it is better to deal with the spam then lose your interaction with your audience.

11)打开评论。 如果您在博客上没有评论,那么拥有博客是没有意义的。 是的,垃圾邮件发送者将尝试对您的评论进行垃圾邮件处理,但是最好先处理垃圾邮件,然后再失去与受众的互动。

12) Solve comment spam. Get rid of your CAPTCHA and look into Akismet or similar programs. That will solve your problems.

12)解决垃圾评论。 摆脱您的验证码,看看Akismet或类似程序。 那将解决您的问题。

13) Claim your feed. Your feed is floating around the internet waiting for you to claim it. Websites like Bloglines or Technorati let you claim your feeds. Claiming that not only puts a feather in your hat, but gives you the tools to do some really awesome things and get feedback in return.

13)索取您的饲料。 您的供稿正在互联网上浮动,等待您声明它。 Bloglines或Technorati等网站可让您声明Feed。 声称这样做不仅可以让您大饱眼福,还可以为您提供做一些很棒的事情并获得反馈的工具。

14) Decide what your blog’s URL is and stick with it. When you have a blog for a long time, sometimes your develop four or five (or in Scott’s case, 11) ways to get to your blog. Whether it is through old domains that are forwarding to your new site, or a switch to a sub-domain specifically from your blog, try to consolidate. Pick one URL for your blog and stick with it.

14)确定您博客的URL,并坚持使用。 当您拥有一个博客很长一段时间时,有时您会开发四到五个(或者在Scott的情况下为11)开发博客的方式。 无论是通过旧域转发到您的新站点,还是专门从您的博客切换到子域,请尝试合并。 为您的博客选择一个URL并坚持使用。

15) Use simple URLs for your popular posts. Do you have a post that people just go crazy for? Take the time to get a personal short URL for that post. That way when you direct someone have just met to a really awesome post, they can write the URL down quickly.

15)为您的热门帖子使用简单的URL。 您是否有一篇让人发疯的帖子? 花点时间获得该帖子的个人短网址。 这样,当您指示某人刚遇到一个很棒的帖子时,他们可以快速记下该URL。

16) Have a brain garage sale. Sort through your mind and pull out all those little ideas that you have done nothing with. Write them all down and see what you can make of them.

16)进行脑力大甩卖。 整理一下思路,找出所有您没有做过的小想法。 写下所有内容,看看您能从中得到什么。

17) License your blog. Research the Creative Commons license and decide how you want people to use your content. If you don’t license it, you take the chance of your content ending up who knows where without any attribution to you.

17)许可您的博客。 研究知识共享许可,并确定您希望人们如何使用您的内容。 如果您不授予许可,则您的内容最终有机会被谁知道,而您却没有任何归属。

18) Make it easy to subscribe and read. RSS feeds are great, but most people still prefer email. Make your subscription buttons large and make your subscription process easy. Also, look into mobile versions of your website. If people can’t read your website on their phone, that cuts your readership drastically.

18)易于订阅和阅读。 RSS提要很棒,但是大多数人还是喜欢电子邮件。 使您的订阅按钮变大,并使订阅过程变得容易。 另外,查看您网站的移动版本。 如果人们无法通过手机阅读您的网站,那将大大减少您的读者群。

19) Have your contact info somewhere. A blog is nothing without feedback from your users. Have your contact information somewhere so that people know how to contact you when they have a question or suggestion.

19)将您的联系信息放在某处。 没有用户的反馈,博客就算什么。 将您的联系信息放在某处,以便人们在有疑问或建议时知道如何与您联系。

20) Have an About Me page. Why should I trust you to give me travel advice? Or advice on the best coffee maker? Or about raising children? Have an about me page so your users get to know who you really are and why they heck they should trust you.

20)有一个关于我页面。 为什么我应该相信您给我旅行建议? 或有关最佳咖啡机的建议? 或关于抚养孩子? 有一个关于我的页面,以便您的用户了解您的真实身份,以及为什么他们认为自己应该信任您。

21) Use a social bookmarking site. This allows you to share links with other people, get ideas from popular links, and accumulate information for a post or project without much work. It also allows you to take your bookmarks with you everywhere instead of latching them to your computer. Have to write a post on the road? Well your bookmarked research is right there on your profile without you having to take that extra step.

21)使用社交书签网站。 这使您可以与其他人共享链接,从受欢迎的链接中获取想法,并无需大量工作即可积累帖子或项目的信息。 它还使您可以随身携带书签,而不必将其锁定到计算机上。 必须在路上写一篇文章? 好吧,您加了书签的研究就在您的个人资料上,而无需采取额外步骤。

22) Decide what’s above the fold. The fold does matter. Put the most important things up top so that you put your best foot forward. Think about what is most important to you and put that up top.

22)决定什么是最重要的。 折叠很重要。 把最重要的事情放在首位,以便您尽最大努力。 考虑什么对您来说最重要,然后加以考虑。

23) Integrate search. Use Google’s theming tools to put a real search box into your website that looks like your site and not like Google.

23)整合搜索。 使用Google的主题工具在您的网站中放置一个看起来像您的网站而不是Google的真实搜索框。

24) Get the message out – by any means necessary. Use your feed, Facebook, Twitter, or Feedblitz to get the word about about your content. If you don’t who will?

24)以任何必要的方式传达信息。 使用您的供稿,Facebook,Twitter或Feedblitz来获得有关您的内容的信息。 如果没有,谁会呢?

25) Tune your bandwidth. Use analytics to monitor your bandwidth usage. Sometimes even small things, like a Favicon, can use more bandwidth then you expect.

25)调整带宽。 使用分析来监视您的带宽使用情况。 有时,甚至像Favicon这样的小东西都可以使用比您期望的更多的带宽。

26) “This blog has moved.” Don’t post messages about moving your blog. Users are just going to get annoyed with each extra click you make them do. Use 301 redirects to make your life and the life of your user easier. No one wants to update thie

26)“此博客已移动。” 不要发布有关移动博客的消息。 用户每次对您的额外点击都会感到烦恼。 使用301重定向可以使您的生活和用户的生活更加轻松。 没有人想要更新

27) Don’t break links – maintain permalinks at all costs.


28) Avoid split brain at all costs – Pick a blog and stay there.


28a) Avoid cross posting.


29) Conserve your keystrokes.


30) Know where your content travels.


31) Don’t blog to get rich.


32) Blog interesting.


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翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/32-ways-to-make-your-blog-suck-less-blog-world-2010/





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