
Running a blog requires similar discipline that you need to run a business. You need to find topics to write about, schedule posts, manage multiple authors and more. All this organizational work can be made much easier in WordPress. In this article, we will show you 6 tips for creating a killer editorial calendar in WordPress.

经营博客需要与经营企业类似的纪律。 您需要查找主题来撰写,安排帖子,管理多位作者等等。 所有这些组织工作都可以在WordPress中简化。 在本文中,我们将向您展示6个在WordPress中创建杀手级编辑日历的技巧。

An editorial calendar in WordPress
影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


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1.创建编辑日历 (1. Create an Editorial Calendar)

At WPBeginner and all our websites, we use Edit Flow to manage our editorial workflow. It is a free WordPress plugins with amazing features to manage a multi-author blog. Even if you are running a single author website, you can still use the plugin to maintain a proper workflow.

在WPBeginner和我们所有的网站上,我们使用“编辑流程”来管理我们的编辑工作流程。 它是一个免费的WordPress插件,具有管理多作者博客的惊人功能。 即使您正在运行一个作者网站,您仍然可以使用该插件来维护适当的工作流程。

First thing you need to do is install and activate Edit Flow. Upon activation, the plugin adds a new Edit Flow menu item in your WordPress admin bar. Clicking on it will take you to the Edit Flow’s editorial dashboard where you will see different features of plugins and their configuration settings.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Edit Flow 。 激活后,该插件会在您的WordPress管理栏中添加一个新的Edit Flow菜单项。 单击它会将您带到“编辑流程”的编辑仪表板,您将在其中看到插件的不同功能及其配置设置。

Edit Flow's editorial dashboard

Edit Flow comes with a visual editorial calendar, custom post statuses, email notifications, editorial comments and meta data, story budget and user group features. To learn more about how to use it, see our guide on how to improve your editorial workflow in WordPress.

Edit Flow带有可视化的编辑日历,自定义帖子状态,电子邮件通知,编辑评论和元数据,故事预算和用户组功能。 要了解有关如何使用它的更多信息,请参阅有关如何改善 WordPress 编辑工作流程的指南。

2.确定发布时间表 (2. Deciding a Post Schedule)

Consistency is essential for your blog’s growth. Publishing at the same time allows your readers to know exactly when to come back.

一致性对于博客的增长至关重要。 同时发布使您的读者确切地知道什么时候回来。

You can also evaluate your analytics to see what’s the busiest time on your website, and determine your posting schedule accordingly.


Now if your post schedule is in a weird time zone, or for some reason you can’t be there to press the publish button, then WordPress got your back.


WordPress has a scheduling functionality that allows you to schedule posts far in advance. Take a look at our guide on how to schedule posts in WordPress.

WordPress具有计划功能,可让您提前计划帖子。 看看我们的指南,了解如何安排WordPress中的帖子

Scheduling posts in WordPress
3.浏览想法 (3. Browse Ideas)

One of the most commonly asked questions by small businesses is how to find new ideas for blog posts? There are lots of tools that you can use to get post ideas. One of our favorite tool to find new post ideas is Twitter Search.

小型企业最常问的问题之一是如何找到博客文章的新想法? 您可以使用许多工具来获取帖子提示。 查找新帖子想法的最喜欢的工具之一是Twitter搜索

Using Twitter Search to find post ideas

With its huge user base, Twitter is the conversation hub of the web. Search for your products, industry, or keywords related to your business, and you will see thousands of people talking about one thing or another. Many of these Tweets will be questions that you can answer in a blog post on your site.

Twitter拥有庞大的用户群,是Web的交流中心。 搜索您的产品,行业或与您的业务相关的关键字,您将看到成千上万的人谈论一件事或另一件事。 这些推文中的许多都是您可以在网站上的博客文章中回答的问题。

Google Keyword Tool is probably the most commonly used tool for post ideas. Simply login using your Google account and search for keywords related to your niche. Google Keyword Tool will start making suggestions based on similar keywords and will also show you search volume.

Google关键字工具可能是发布想法最常用的工具。 只需使用您的Google帐户登录并搜索与您的利基相关的关键字即可。 Google关键字工具将开始根据相似的关键字提出建议,并向您显示搜索量。

Some other commonly used techniques include making lists of frequently asked questions about your products or services and write blog posts answering them. Debunk some common myths in your industry, interview clients, peers, colleagues, make lists of useful blogs, resources, and social media accounts to follow. Write about your company’s unique selling points and offer users a behind the scenes look inside your business.

其他一些常用技术包括列出有关您的产品或服务的常见问题,并撰写回答这些问题的博客文章。 揭穿行业中的一些常识,采访客户,同行,同事,列出有用的博客,资源和社交媒体帐户列表。 写出您公司的独特卖点,并为用户提供幕后花絮。

You can reuse this strategy as many times as you want to reproduce a never ending list of blog post ideas. Remember that any topic can be reused with some new information and updates.

您可以重复使用此策略多次,以重现博客文章创意的永无止境的列表。 请记住,任何主题都可以与一些新信息和更新重复使用。

4.使用帖子状态和编辑元数据设置截止日期 (4. Use Post Status and Editorial Metadata to Set Deadlines)

Edit Flow allows you to create custom post statuses and add editorial metadata into posts. Use these features to add new article ideas as pitches. Assign those articles to your team and then use editorial metadata to set deadlines for those articles.

编辑流程允许您创建自定义帖子状态,并将编辑元数据添加到帖子中。 使用这些功能可以添加新的文章创意。 将这些文章分配给您的团队,然后使用编辑元数据设置这些文章的截止日期。

Creating a new custom post status

This not only improves your workflow, but also allows your editorial team to collaborate. Following the articles in progress improves the quality of articles while setting reasonable deadlines

这不仅可以改善您的工作流程,还可以让您的编辑团队进行协作。 跟踪进行中的文章可提高文章的质量,同时设置合理的期限

5.撰写署名和注释 (5. Write Bylines and Notes)

When adding an idea to work on later, make sure to include all the information you have in your mind along with your article pitch.


Sometimes you forget which keywords or ideas to focus on in an article. Use bylines and headings to give your article an outline.

有时,您忘记了文章中要关注的关键字或想法。 使用标题和标题为您的文章提供大纲。

Using editorial comments to leave notes on a post

Use editorial comments to leave notes with your article ideas, so the author working on it can see what you had in your mind and can follow the instructions. Editorial comments will also help you review an article when it ready to be published to make sure that it covers the topics you had in mind.

使用社论评论在文章创意中留下注释,以便作者进行创作时可以看到您的想法并可以按照说明进行操作。 当文章准备好发表时,编辑评论还可以帮助您查看该文章,以确保该文章涵盖了您所考虑的主题。

6更新并重复 (6 Update and Repeat)

Keep using these tips and repeat them for all your blog posts. You will soon notice how smoothly your blog goes. These tips are there to run a nice editorial workflow on your blog. You will learn about new tips and tools along the way, implement those in your editorial process.

继续使用这些技巧,并在所有博客文章中重复这些技巧。 您很快就会注意到您的博客进展顺利。 这些技巧可在您的博客上运行出色的编辑工作流程。 您将在此过程中了解新的技巧和工具,并在编辑过程中实施这些技巧和工具。

Remember the goal is to make it easier for you to create helpful and useful content for your blog. If an editorial tip is becoming a hurdle in producing good content, then feel free to stop using it.

请记住,目标是使您更轻松地为博客创建有用的内容。 如果社论提示成为制作高质量内容的障碍,请随时停止使用它。

We hope these tips helped you create a killer editorial calendar in WordPress. You may also want to checkout our guide on how to manage content progress.

我们希望这些技巧能帮助您在WordPress中创建杀手级的编辑日历。 您可能还需要查看有关如何管理内容进度的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterGoogle+上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/6-tips-for-creating-a-killer-editorial-calendar-in-wordpress/





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