

Our friends over at Themify has notified us of the launch of their first ever tumblr like WordPress theme called Wumblr. While we were test driving this theme, we were amazed with the features this theme has to offer. This theme includes 9 different post formats, 15 different color presets that help customize the look of each post, 3 different column layouts for your pages, 7 different color skins for the site, footer widgets, lightbox gallery, and much more.

Themify的朋友们已经通知我们他们第一个类似WordPress主题的tumblr的发布,该主题称为Wumblr 。 当我们测试驱动该主题时,我们对该主题必须提供的功能感到惊讶。 此主题包括9种不同的帖子格式,15种有助于自定义每个帖子外观的颜色预设,页面的3种不同列布局,网站的7种不同颜色皮肤,页脚小部件,灯箱画廊等等。

邮政格式和配色方案 (Post Formats and Color Scheme)

Wumblr Post Format

You get 9 post formats to classify your posts with including: default, text, video, image, gallery, quote, audio, link, and status. You also have an option to give each post it’s own color scheme by picking one of the 15 colors that are provided in the post color. Video URLs are easy to embed, all you have to do is simply paste the video URL. The audio is handled by HTML5 with fallback support. If user’s browser doesn’t HTML 5, it will display a download link.

您可以通过9种帖子格式对帖子进行分类,包括: 默认,文本,视频,图像,图库,报价,音频,链接和状态 。 您还可以通过选择帖子颜色中提供的15种颜色之一,为每个帖子提供自己的配色方案。 视频网址易于嵌入,您只需粘贴视频网址即可。 音频由具有后备支持HTML5处理。 如果用户的浏览器没有HTML 5,它将显示下载链接。

1,2,3列布局选项 (1, 2, 3 Column Layout Option)

Wumblr Column Layout

You have an option to pick the column layout for your site. You can have a 1 column layout with a sidebar, 2 column layout with no sidebar, or 3 column layout with no sidebar. You also have an option to footer widgets and how many columns you want in there. You can have up to 4 column widgetized footer.

您可以选择网站的列布局。 您可以使用带侧栏的1列布局,不带侧栏的2列布局或不带侧栏的3列布局。 您还可以选择在页脚小部件以及其中要包含多少列的选项。 您最多可以有4列窗口化的页脚。

灯箱图库支持 (Lightbox Gallery Support)

Wumblr Gallery Support

Posting a picture about a trip you went on? or a birthday party? The Lightbox gallery option in this theme is amazing for that.

发布有关您进行的旅行的图片? 或生日派对? 这个主题中的Lightbox Gallery选项非常适合。

7种肤色 (7 Color Skins)

Wumblr Color Skins

The theme comes with 7 skins to allow you to reflect your personality from your blog. Are you a pink lover? Well that is an option here as well.

该主题具有7种外观,可让您从博客中反映出自己的个性。 您是粉红色的情人吗? 嗯,这也是一个选择。

Wumblr is listed for $65, but if you use the coupon “wumblr” before January 14th, 2011 you will be able to get 40% off the original price.

Wumblr的价格为65美元,但如果您在2011年1月14日之前使用优惠券“ wumblr”,则可以享受原价40%的折扣。

This is just the start of Tumblr like themes in WordPress. Once WordPress 3.1 is officially released, and developers have full access to play with Post Formats, we will see a lot of new themes of this style.

这仅仅是WordPress中类似Tumblr主题的开始。 WordPress 3.1正式发布后,开发人员可以完全使用Post Formats进行游戏,我们将看到许多这种风格的新主题。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/start-microblogging-in-wordpress-with-wumblr/






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