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翻译 04-30.eri-test Kotlin:初学者指南和教程

Kotlin是JVM中的一种现代静态类型语言。 Kotlin是JetBrains根据Apache 2.0许可&#2...

2020-04-21 17:14:09 382

翻译 04-26.eri-test 使用Vert.x工具包的反应式Java

Vert.x is a toolkit for developing reactive applications on the JVM.Although it’s possible to use Vert.x with many different languages (Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Ceylon, Scala and...

2020-04-20 15:46:05 222

翻译 04-26.eri-test 查找地名的字谜(以GB为单位)

A little while ago 一种lasdair Rae asked if any one had combined an anagram engine with a list of place names.好吧,没有人上前&#6...

2020-04-20 15:43:35 180

翻译 04-23.eri-test 项目织机:Java on Fiber

b'\n With Java 9 came a whole bunch of ambitious projects to modernize the Java language and enhance the JVM performance; one of these projects is the Project Loom which tackled the multithread...

2020-04-20 15:20:14 215

翻译 04-23.eri-test 开发第一个Spring Boot应用程序

b'\n Spring Boot currently support Java, Kotlin and Groovy as language preference to create an application. You can also choose Maven or Gradle as a build automation tool. You can choose your f...

2020-04-20 15:20:07 133

翻译 04-23.eri-test 远程调试Java应用程序

b'\n -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005\n\n\n\n\n\n ' from: https://dev.to//jbaranski/remote-debug-java-application-3aak

2020-04-20 15:20:03 120

翻译 04-23.eri-test HashMap如何在Java内部工作

b'\n This is article is about how hashmap works internally in java. It is very important to understand the concept of hashmap as hashmap comes into our day-to-day programming practice and it is...

2020-04-20 15:19:58 128

翻译 04-23.eri-test 收到“ A”

b'\n I received an \'A\' in this Java class and was exempt from the final. Well next up is CPT 187 Object Oriented Programming. It has been truly rewarding to be able to complete all of my clas...

2020-04-20 15:19:57 129

翻译 04-23.eri-test 我用Java制作了一个国际象棋库

b'\n Hey guys, in this post I just wanted to share this project I\'ve been working on for the past couple of weeks.\n\nIt\'s basically a library written in Java that represents the game chess. ...

2020-04-20 15:19:53 129

翻译 04-23.eri-test Java基元与其他

b'\n "Friends don\'t let friends use Integer."\n\nRelated to my last post about not making everything static and recursing through chained methods, a colleague offered the above maxim. And, als...

2020-04-20 15:19:52 116

翻译 04-23.eri-test Java主要方法:为什么有那么多单词?

b'\n public static void main(String[] args){\n// code\n}\n\n\n\n"Seriously? I have to type this every time i write a program? That is a lot and I miss JavaScript! \xf0\x9f\x98\xad" These were a...

2020-04-20 15:19:51 108

翻译 04-23.eri-test 您好,K8s Spring Boot!

b'\n Let\'s try to build the simplest Java Spring application that runs as a pod in a Kubernetes cluster.\n\nThe full project can be found on my GitHub.\n\nThe project\'s structure:\n\n\n\xe2\x...

2020-04-20 15:19:50 130

翻译 04-23.eri-test 学习面向对象设计的4种方法

b'\n \n\nLooking back over 2019 I realized I\'ve had the privilege to work on a diverse set of software projects:\n\n\nArchitecting and coding an Enterprise Transform and Load (ETL) project in ...

2020-04-20 15:19:50 249

翻译 04-23.eri-test 在Java中复制未知类的对象需要使用反射。 太可怕了

b'\n In my \'Software Design and Architecture\' course, we are currently learning design patterns such as the Command pattern. From Wikipedia: \n\n\n... a command object is used to encapsulate ...

2020-04-20 15:19:45 108

翻译 04-23.eri-test 重塑数字艺术(第1部分)

b'\n So after some interweb perusing for blog post topics, I finally settled on an interesting topic that I thought would be fun and challenging for me to do. That being, find some art piece ma...

2020-04-20 15:19:45 127

翻译 04-23.eri-test 答案:使用PDFbox确定文档中单词的坐标

b'\n I\'m working on extract data from PDF files. This post helps me to determine for the coordinate position by word searching.\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n ...

2020-04-20 15:19:43 114

翻译 04-23.eri-test 向前迈进:将30款Java游戏大规模升级到JDK 11

b'\n This has been a much larger undertaking than I thought it would be... I\'ve completed the first 3 of the 7 phases:\n\n\nSet the SDK for all projects to JDK 11 [DONE]\nMigrate core dependen...

2020-04-20 15:19:41 123

翻译 04-23.eri-test Flink Forward虚拟会议2020-期望什么?

b'\n UPDATE: Flink Forward San Francisco 2020 is now a virtual event! Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the physical event sadly had to be cancelled. However, we\'ve spent the past couple o...

2020-04-20 15:19:39 148

翻译 04-23.eri-test TikTok XSS漏洞的交互式演示

b'\n The recent investigation conducted by Checkpoint Research against TikTok highlights trivially-exploitable security issues, that could have allowed motivated threat actors to gain an unders...

2020-04-20 15:19:36 143

翻译 04-23.eri-test gRPC是否比REST更好? 在哪里使用?

b'\n Welcome back, every one! In this lecture, we will discover some use cases of gRPC and how does it compare to REST.\n\nHere\'s the link to the full gRPC course playlist on Youtube\nGitlab r...

2020-04-20 15:19:35 153

翻译 04-23.eri-test 如何测试Class中是否有for循环?

b'\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n How can I test whether a for loop is available in the Class?\n \n \n \n Jan 26 \'20...

2020-04-20 15:19:33 102

翻译 04-23.eri-test Liquibase:请勿将ISO日期用作yml的变更集ID

b'\n After upgrading a service from java 8 to java 11, our liquibase got crazy and tried to apply every change to the database from the beginning. But they were already applied and no changes w...

2020-04-20 15:19:31 117

翻译 04-23.eri-test AEM中的复制API(Adobe Experience Manager)

b'\n Replication is a process of activating/publishing a page and it\'s content from author to publish environment. AEM provide replication API to build a custom step that replicates content fr...

2020-04-20 15:19:29 161

翻译 04-23.eri-test 如何在Java中删除Excel行和列

b'\n You may have encountered the situations where you need to remove the blank rows/columns from a worksheet, or delete rows/columns containing specific keywords. In this article, I will show ...

2020-04-20 15:19:26 234

翻译 04-23.eri-test 使用ColdFusion / Java进行语言检测

b'\n In the past, I\'ve used character ranges in an attempt to identify the language of text. While this seemed to work for Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Greek, Hebrew, Korean & Arab...

2020-04-20 15:19:24 168

翻译 04-23.eri-test 在Github上托管Maven存储库:site-maven-plugin

b'\n This article provides a step by step guide on publishing a maven project from GitHub using site-maven-plugin.\n\n\n \n \n Prerequisites\n\n\n\nProject repository on Github\nJava and Mav...

2020-04-20 15:19:22 149

翻译 04-23.eri-test 如何在Spring应用程序启动时执行代码

b'\n The blog is originally published on my blog jsblogs.github.io\n\n\n\n\n\nIntroduction\nTechnologies used\nApplication Events\nApplicationRunner\n\n\n\n \n \n Introduction \n\n\nHave you...

2020-04-20 15:19:20 204

翻译 04-23.eri-test 带有ThreadPool的Java 8并行流

b'\n When executing a parallel stream, it runs in the Common Fork Join Pool (ForkJoinPool.commonPool()), shared by all other parallel streams.\nSometimes we want to execute code in parallel on ...

2020-04-20 15:19:19 161

翻译 04-23.eri-test 事件存储:保存正确的字节类型[]

b'\n A colleague of mine recently started exploring Event Sourcing.\nWhile his focus is on .NET and mine is on Java, I was more than glad to help him out.\nI pointed him to Event Store as a gre...

2020-04-20 15:19:05 402

翻译 04-20.eri-test TestNG中的参数化– DataProvider和TestNG XML(带有示例)

测试自动化或俗称的自动化测试并不像听起来那样简单。 必须考虑所有可能的用户交互的所有排列和组合,并且在此基础上,您将必须创建测试脚本以通过多种浏览器和OS组合来验证Web应用程序。 这就是参数化在Selenium自动化测试中起关键作用的地方。 在此TestNG教程中,我将向您展示如何在TestNG中执行参数化以进行Selenium自动化测试。 Why Do We Para...

2020-04-20 14:51:24 270

翻译 04-20.eri-test 挥发性改性剂的实际用途是什么?


2020-04-20 14:49:00 93

翻译 04-20.eri-test 您真的了解界面吗?

Table of Contents:The lead-upDeadly Diamond of DeathHow interfaces solve the diamond problem?The idea behind interfacesThe practical use of interfaces while writing softwareTo conclude。。...

2020-04-20 14:45:27 128

翻译 04-20.eri-test 配置Mac以进行Java开发

About a year ago, I joined Hackages team to start working on a new training about "Migrating Java App from version 8 to 12". 我们面临着激动人心的挑战: 我们需要从头开始构建内容,以帮助Java开发人员继续开发新版本的Java.Indeed since 201...

2020-04-20 14:44:10 130

翻译 04-20.eri-test 如何使用REST-Assured和OkHTTP编写API测试?

❓ What is REST-Assured?REST Assured是一个Java库,它提供一种特定领域的语言(DSL),用于为RESTful API编写功能强大且可维护的测试。 ❓ What is OkHttp?OkHTTP是一个开放源码项目,旨在成为高效的HTTP客户端:HTTP / 2支持允许对同一主机的所有请求共享一个套接字...

2020-04-20 14:43:35 203

翻译 04-20.eri-test 测试Kafka Streams应用程序

Kafka Streams系列中的先前博客文章涵盖了无状态和有状态的DSL API中的操作。 在此博客中,我们将探索一些示例,以演示如何使用测试实用程序基于Kafka Streams DSL API验证拓扑。Kafka Streams提供了测试实用程序,可以为您的流处理管道执行单元测试,而不必依赖外部或嵌入式Kafka集群。 除了测试之外,这些实用程序还可以作为学习各种API功能的...

2020-04-20 14:43:17 203

翻译 04-20.eri-test S.O.L.I.D:开放/封闭原则

What is S。Ø。大号.一世.D顺便问一下?As per Wiki:在面向对象的计算机编程中,SOLID是五个设计原则的助记词缩写,旨在使软件设计更易于理解,灵活和可维护。SOLID is an acronym for 5 important design principles when doing OOP. 它是由Robert C首次引入的。. Martin (...

2020-04-20 14:41:08 149

翻译 04-20.eri-test Spring Webflux-响应式Java应用程序-第1部分

近年来,反应式编程已经越来越多地扩展,它已经被多种语言所解决,但是在Java中,它对您来说是新事物吗? 然后,这一系列文章适合您!在本系列文章中,我将讨论诸如反应式编程,Spring Webflux,Project Reactor和Netty之类的问题。在本文的第一部分中,我将介绍一些一般概念,然后深入研究每个概念,然后开始: The Problem:我们希望我们的应用程...

2020-04-20 14:40:07 98

翻译 04-20.eri-test Mockito:将any()和文字传递给相同的方法

Mockito在使用时有限制Mockito.when(someMethod(...))你不能通过结合任何()和文字值someMethod()它抱怨我们必须选一个。 因此,以下内容是非法的:解决方案1(首选,如Stephen所示):Mockito.when(context.configFileProvider(eq(“ file1”),any()))。thenReturn(“...

2020-04-20 14:39:14 240

翻译 04-20.eri-test Azure Functions技巧:了解GSON JsonSyntaxException

I was working on Azure Functions using Azure Event Hubs trigger and this error popped up:Result: FailureException: IllegalStateException: 预期为BEGIN_OBJECT,但为BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 path...

2020-04-20 14:38:48 104

翻译 04-20.eri-test Spring Boot:自动配置和项目

What is the Spring Boot?Spring Boot基本上是Spring框架的扩展,它消除了设置Spring应用程序所需的样板配置。.Indeed, you may find source code github, open source. 它对Spring平台持固执己见,为更快,更高效的开发生态系统铺平了道路。这些组件(或bean)在Spring应用...

2020-04-20 14:38:13 219



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