

As we’ve seen previously, Portlet is conceptually very similar to Servlet as they can only operate within a container. Both Servlet and Portlet have an obligations that their design must satisfy to allow them interact with their containers.

如前所述,Portlet在概念上与Servlet非常相似,因为它们只能在容器内运行。 Servlet和Portlet都有其设计必须满足的义务,以允许它们与容器进行交互。

As you should implement doGet(), doPost(), doDelete(), etc, you must also implement the Portlet’s specific methods like doView(), doHelp(), doEdit(), etc.


Let’s firstly starting by developing our first Portlet by implementing the Portlet interface than using of GenericPortlet and highlights the most important things.


Following sections would help cover these concepts:


实现Portlet接口 (Implementing Portlet Interface)

Generally, you can develop your Portlet by extending the GenericPortlet, any class that’s extending the GenericPortlet or by implementing the Portlet interface.

一般情况下,你可以通过扩展开发您的portlet GenericPortlet ,这就是扩展任何类GenericPortlet或实现Portlet接口。

package com.journaldev.portlet;

import java.io.IOException;

import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.Portlet;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;

public class LifecyclePortlet implements Portlet {
	private static int renderCount = 0;
	private static int actionCount = 0;
	private static int initCount = 0;

	public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException {
	public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
			throws PortletException, IOException {
	public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
			throws PortletException, IOException {

		response.getWriter().print("<form action="+response.createActionURL()+">"
				+ "<p> The number of initiated Portlets by the container is :: "+initCount+"</p>"
						+ "<p> The number of processed actions by the container is :: "+actionCount+"</p>"
								+ "<p> The number of achieved render by the container is :: "+renderCount+"</p>"
									+"<input value='Submit' type='submit'/><br/>"
										+ "<a href='"+response.createRenderURL()+"'>Render Again</a>"
											+ "</form>");
	public void destroy() {
		System.out.println("The number of Portlets get deployed :: "+initCount);
<project xmlns="https://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="https://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
		<deployFolder>D:/Apache Pluto/pluto-2.0.3/webapps</deployFolder>
		<!-- Java Portlet Specification V2.0 -->
			<!-- bind 'pluto2:assemble' goal to 'process-resources' lifecycle -->
			<!-- This plugin will read your portlet.xml and web.xml and injects required
				lines -->
			<!-- configure maven-war-plugin to use updated web.xml -->
			<!-- This plugin will make sure your WAR will contain the updated web.xml -->
								<copy file="target/${project.build.finalName}.war" tofile="${deployFolder}/${project.build.finalName}.war" />
								<delete file="${deployFolder}/${project.build.finalName}.war" />
								<delete dir="${deployFolder}/${project.build.finalName}" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<portlet-app xmlns="https://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_1_0.xsd"
	version="1.0" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

		<description>First Portlet</description>
		<display-name>First Portlet</display-name>



			<title>Lifecycle Portlet</title>
			<short-title>Lifecycle Portlet</short-title>


		<description>Second Portlet</description>
		<display-name>Second Portlet</display-name>



			<title>Lifecycle Portlet</title>
			<short-title>Lifecycle Portlet</short-title>


Here’s detailed explanation for code listed above:


  • Executing mvn clean integration-test package will get your project to be packaged and deployed against your Apache Pluto.

    执行mvn clean integration-test package将使您的项目被打包并针对Apache Pluto进行部署。
  • LifecyclePortlet has implemented the Portal interface, as it’s obvious all contract methods must be implemented.

  • Portlet deployment descriptor portlet.xml has defined two different Portlets that are referenced the same Portlet class. Such that deployment is acceptable as it can be deployed any number of Portlets that refer the same Portlet class with different names. It could also be to deploy two Portlets have the same name but make sure you are got deployed them into two different contexts.

    Portlet部署描述符portlet.xml已经定义了两个引用相同Portlet类的不同Portlet。 这样的部署是可以接受的,因为可以部署使用相同名称引用相同Portlet类的任意数量的Portlet。 也可能是部署两个具有相同名称的Portlet,但要确保将它们部署到两个不同的上下文中。
  • When it create a Portlet by implementing Portlet interface, render(), processAction(), init(), destroy() should be overridden.

  • When the Portlet get deployed, the Portlet container would call the init() at the initialization phase.

  • When the client has activated submit button that’s displayed at the Portlet, the Portlet container has received such that call and it’s called processAction() method by its turn.

  • When the client has activated the renderAgain link that’s rendered at the Portlet, the Portlet container has received such that call and it’s called render() method by its turn.

  • If you’ve execute mvn clean against LifecyclePortlet project, you should notice that your WAR file and its un-packaged format (WAR folder) are deleted. Deletion the context will cause that your defined Portlets to be destroyed.

    如果已对LifecyclePortlet项目执行mvn clean ,则应注意,您的WAR文件及其未打包的格式(WAR文件夹)已删除。 删除上下文将导致您定义的Portlet被销毁。
  • To get your WAR file removed a new execution has been added at the maven-antrun-plugin.


Now, let’s see what might happen if we have removed the deployed WAR and its unpackaged folder. Absolutely, removing your deployed application will get the context listener to be invoked as it will destroy the all resources that are deployed including these defined Portlets inside the portlet.xml file.

现在,让我们看看如果删除了已部署的WAR及其未打包的文件夹会发生什么。 绝对,删除已部署的应用程序将使上下文侦听器被调用,因为它将破坏已部署的所有资源,包括portlet.xml文件中已定义的Portlet。

As we have two deployed Portlets (PortletOne, PortletTwo), we print out the numbers of remaining Portlets inside the destroy() method. This method has invoked similar to Servlet’s destroy() method that’s invoked once the contained project has undeployed.

因为我们有两个已部署的Portlet(PortletOne,PortletTwo),所以我们打印出destroy()方法中剩余Portlet的数量。 此方法的调用类似于Servlet的destroy()方法,该方法在取消包含项目后立即调用。

If you’ve looked deeply at the console messages, you should notice the Portlet context /LifecyclePortlet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT be removed. Usually, the concepts of undeploy and context removal are used interchangeably.

如果您已深入查看控制台消息,则应注意已删除了Portlet上下文/LifecyclePortlet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT 。 通常,取消部署和上下文删除的概念可以互换使用。

Portlet生命周期 (Portlet Lifecycle)

As simple as that, we can break down the Portlet lifecycle into these below stages:


  • Creation of Portlet.

  • Processing of a number of user requests (or it might be none).

  • Removal and garbage collection of the Portlet.


Let’s delve thoroughly to discuss these stages deeply.


Portlet创建阶段 (Portlet Creation Stage)

The creation of the Portlet is the most expensive and complicated phase among mentioned phases as it consists of three distinct steps: loading the classes, invoking the constructors and initializing the Portlet.


Generally, the container is able to load the classes required by the Portlet before constructor invocation. The Portlet that’s loaded is considered as a minor part in compare with the whole application that might contain a lot of classes and libraries. As such the specification demands that the loading of the Portlet class must be done using the same classloader as the rest of the Portlet application that the loaded Portlet referred to.

通常,容器能够在构造函数调用之前加载Portlet所需的类。 与可能包含许多类和库的整个应用程序相比,已加载的Portlet被视为次要部分。 因此,规范要求必须使用与加载的Portlet所引用的Portlet应用程序其余部分相同的classloader来完成Portlet类的加载。

The Portlet container may decide to create an instance of your loaded Portlet’s class either when the Portlet container starts the Portlet application (WAR) or when the container determines that Portlet is used to serve certain request.


The most important thing that you must take care of is the time needed of Portlet’s resources to be initialized, for which the Portlet would wait until it’s finished to serve the first request. Once the first request has served, every request that’s coming after so would be served normally.

您必须注意的最重要的事情是初始化Portlet资源所需的时间,Portlet将等待该时间完成,直到完成为第一个请求。 一旦第一个请求得到处理,那么随后的每个请求将被正常处理。

While initialization the Portlet is passed an Object instance of PortletConfig interface that’s considered unique to the Portlet definition and provides access to the initialization parameters and the resource bundle configured for the Portlet in the Portlet definition.


Until the init() method has been invoked successfully, the Portlet isn’t considered as an active Portlet. In case your Portlet class has provided some of static initialization blocks, they must not trigger any methods that make this assumption.

在成功调用init()方法之前,该Portlet不会被视为活动Portlet。 如果您的Portlet类提供了一些静态初始化块,则它们不得触发任何进行此假设的方法。

You can use the Portlet configuration object (PortleConfig) for providing a lot of configurations that’s meant for the Portlet itself like a database connection URL and others.

您可以使用Portlet配置对象( PortleConfig )提供许多针对Portlet本身的配置,例如数据库连接URL等。

Init() method is error-prone by its nature, you may access a database that’s already down or you don’t have a proper permission over it. For such cases, init() has defined as it throws a PortletException. You may also can throw an UnavailableException in between, but regardless of the exception type being thrown, you must ensure that all resources that been acquired are released as the destroy() method won’t be called subsequently. However, failure of initialization does mean that the Portlet container won’t place the Portlet object into active service and it must release the Portlet object.

Init()方法本质上很容易出错,您可能会访问已关闭的数据库,或者您对该数据库没有适当的权限。 对于这种情况, init()已定义为引发PortletException 。 您也可以在两者之间抛出UnavailableException ,但是无论抛出何种异常类型,都必须确保释放所有已获取的资源,因为随后不会调用destroy()方法。 但是,初始化失败确实意味着Portlet容器不会将Portlet对象置于活动服务中,它必须释放Portlet对象。

According to Java Portlet Specification 2.0, the Portlet container may reattempt to instantiate and initialize the Portlets at any time after failure. In case you’ve used UnavilableException and provided a wait time, the Portlet container must wait for the specified time before creating and initializing a new Portlet object. Practically, this feature

根据Java Portlet Specification 2.0,Portlet容器可以在失败后的任何时间重新尝试实例化和初始化Portlet。 如果您已使用UnavilableException并提供了等待时间,则Portlet容器必须等待指定的时间才能创建和初始化新的Portlet对象。 实际上,此功能

In case you’ve got a RuntimeException during initialization, it must be handled as a PortletException.

如果在初始化过程中遇到RuntimeException ,则必须将其作为PortletException进行处理。

请求处理阶段 (Request Handling Stage)

Once the Portlet get initialized, it’s become waiting for users interactions. The interactions with the Portlets can be done through set of requests, these requests are translated into render() and processAction() requests.

一旦Portlet初始化,它就开始等待用户交互。 与Portlet的交互可以通过一组请求完成,这些请求被转换为render()processAction()请求。

Action requests are are asking the Portlets to change the state of its underlying application, while the render requests are displaying the Portlet with its current states. Practically, a subsequent render() request has been initiated once the processAction() got finished.

动作请求正在要求Portlet更改其基础应用程序的状态,而渲染请求正在显示具有当前状态的Portlet。 实际上,一旦processAction()完成,便会启动后续的render()请求。

As we’ve stated previously, you can make a render request and action request by calling createRenderURL() and createActionURL() respectively against passed response object.


Generally, RenderRequest that’s passed for render() method is responsible for providing:


  • The state of the Portlet window (minimized, maximized, etc.)

  • The mode of the Portlet (e.g VIEW, EDIT, etc.)

  • The context of the Portlet.

  • The session associated with the Portlet (including authorization information).

  • The preferences information associated with the Portlet.

  • Any render parameters that have been set on a render URL from a posted form or that have been set during the processAction() method.


RenderResponse is also responsible of writing the Portlet’s content fragment into Portal page as it’s also capable to render URLs into that content, which will invoke actions to the Portlet (e.g createActionURL(), createRenderURL(), etc).

RenderResponse还负责将Portlet的内容片段写入门户网站页面,因为它还能够将URL呈现到该内容中,这将调用对Portlet的操作(例如createActionURL() ,createRenderURL()等)。

ActionRequest object represents the opportunity to change the state of the Portlet, it provides everything that’s already offered by PortletRequest along with direct access to the content of the HTTP request made by the user of the Portal. To respond to processAction() the Portlet should update its ActionResponse object which provides methods to:

ActionRequest对象代表更改Portlet状态的机会,它提供PortletRequest已经提供的所有内容,以及对门户网站用户发出的HTTP请求内容的直接访问。 为了响应processAction() ,Portlet应该更新其ActionResponse对象,该对象提供以下方法:

  • Redirect the client to a new Page.

  • Change the mode of the Portlet.

  • Add or modify rendering parameters for the user’s session.


The processAction() proposed above makes a trivial change for the actionCount counter and so it doesn’t have to inform the container of any changes via the response. Following sample shows you how can use the ActionResponse to make a change in the response.

上面建议的processAction()actionCount计数器进行了微不足道的更改,因此不必通过响应将任何更改通知容器。 以下示例显示了如何使用ActionResponse来更改响应。

package com.journaldev.portlet;

import java.io.IOException;

import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.Portlet;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;

public class LifecyclePortlet implements Portlet {
	private static int renderCount = 0;
	private static int actionCount = 0;
	private static int initCount = 0;

	public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException {
	public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
			throws PortletException, IOException {
	public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
			throws PortletException, IOException {

		response.getWriter().print("<form action="+response.createActionURL()+">"
				+ "<p> The number of initiated Portlets by the container is :: "+initCount+"</p>"
						+ "<p> The number of processed actions by the container is :: "+actionCount+"</p>"
								+ "<p> The number of achieved render by the container is :: "+renderCount+"</p>"
									+"<input value='Submit' type='submit'/><br/>"
										+ "<a href='"+response.createRenderURL()+"'>Render Again</a>"
											+ "</form>");
	public void destroy() {
		System.out.println("The number of Portlets get deployed :: "+initCount);




<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>ActionResponse Sample</title>
		<p>ActionResponse redirects the client into this page</p>

Here’s some of important points need to notice:


  • Determine of context path of Portlet application has been done through using of ActionRequest.

  • ActionResponse does redirect the action request to be served by using different content (i.e index.html).


Portlet销毁阶段 (Portlet Destroying Stage)

As we’ve stated earlier, the destroy() method won’t be invoked as a subsequent phase when the initialization phase is failed. To allow Portlet container from destroying a certain Portlet, the Portlet must be instantiated and initialized successfully and all processing threads on the Portlet’s instance have completed.

如前所述,初始化阶段失败时,不会将destroy()方法作为后续阶段调用。 为了允许Portlet容器销毁某个Portlet,必须成功实例化和初始化Portlet,并且必须完成Portlet实例上的所有处理线程。

If you’ve integrated with third parties, the destroy() method is the best place to notify those third parties about the Portlet is becoming unavailable. According for Java Portlet Specification 2.0, after destroy() method completes, the Portlet container must release the Portlet object so that it’s eligible for garbage collection. Portlet implementations shouldn’t use finalizers.

如果您已与第三方集成,则destroy()方法是通知这些第三方有关Portlet变得不可用的最佳位置。 根据Java Portlet Specification 2.0,在destroy()方法完成之后,Portlet容器必须释放Portlet对象,以便可以进行垃圾回收。 Portlet实现不应使用终结器

线程问题 (Threading Issues)

According to Java Portlet Specification 2.0, The Portlet container is able to handle the requests concurrently. Portlet developers must design their Portlets to handle concurrent execution from multiple threads from within the processAction() and render() methods or any of the optional lifecycle methods, like prcoessEvent() or serveResource(), at any particular time.

根据Java Portlet Specification 2.0,Portlet容器能够同时处理请求。 Portlet开发人员必须设计其Portlet,以在任何特定时间处理processAction()render()方法或任何可选的生命周期方法(例如prcoessEvent()serveResource()内多个线程的并发执行。

Actually, implementations of the request and response objects aren’t guaranteed to be thread safe. This means that they must only be used within the scope of thread invoking the processAction(), render(), processEvent() and serveResource() methods.

实际上,不能保证请求和响应对象的实现是线程安全的。 这意味着它们只能在调用processAction()render()processEvent()serveResource()方法的线程范围内使用。

To remain Portable, Portlet applications shouldn’t give references of the request and response objects to objects executing in other threads as the resulting may be non-deterministic.


In other words, any combination and number of simultaneous calls to render() and/or processAction() would be safe unless the Portlet has used an instance variables and/or external resources.


As we’ve stated earlier at the provided sample, all counters had defined as an instance variables and so, they’re not safe when it comes to be processed by concurrent threads. For handling increments for all of them concurrently, we’ve stated them within a synchronized block.

正如我们之前在提供的示例中所述,所有计数器都已定义为实例变量,因此,当它们被并发线程处理时,它们是不安全的。 为了同时处理所有这些增量,我们在一个同步块中声明了它们。

Portlet生命周期摘要 (Portlet Lifecycle Summary)

Similar for Servlet, user requests for Portlet are handled through well-defined lifecycle that’s maintained by the Portlet container. This tutorial has focused on the lifecycle and its details as well as for threading issue. Contribute us by commenting below and find downloaded source code.

与Servlet类似,用户对Portlet的请求是通过Portlet容器维护的定义明确的生命周期来处理的。 本教程重点讨论生命周期及其详细信息以及线程问题。 通过在下面评论来贡献我们,并找到下载的源代码。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/4732/portlet-lifecycle






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