

In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing about Swift Properties. Properties are an important part of Classes, Structures and Enumerations in Swift.

在本教程中,我们将讨论Swift属性。 属性是Swift中ClassStructuresEnumerations的重要组成部分。

迅捷属性 (Swift Properties)

Swift Properties are broadly classified into two types.


  1. Stored Properties: store constants and variables and are provided by classes and structures

    存储的属性 :存储常量和变量,由类和结构提供
  2. Computed Properties: Instead of storing values, these calculate values. Are provided by classes structs as well as enumerations.

    计算属性 :计算值而不是存储值。 由类结构和枚举提供。

Note: A computed property can’t be a constant.

注意 :计算属性不能为常数。

Swift存储属性示例 (Swift Stored Property Example)

An example of Stored Properties is given below.


struct Rect{
    var length : Int
    let breadth : Int

var r = Rect(length: 5, breadth: 5)
r.length = 6

Both the length and breadth are stored properties (variable and constant respectively) in the above snippet.


Modifying a Constant Structure instance


let r1 = Rect(length: 5, breadth: 5)
r1.length = 6 //compile-time error.

If the struct is intialised as a constant, changing stored properties isn’t possible even though they’re declared as variables. The reason is that structs are value types. The same isn’t the case with classes since they’re reference types.

如果将结构初始化为常量,则即使将其声明为变量,也无法更改存储的属性。 原因是结构是值类型 。 对于类,情况并非如此,因为它们是引用类型

Swift Lazy属性 (Swift Lazy Properties)

As per Apple’s documentation Swift Lazy property is defined as:

根据Apple的文档,Swift Lazy属性定义为:

Unlike other properties, a lazy property is initialised right before it’s being accessed for the first time.


  1. Lazy properties are useful when preventing unnecessary object creation and subsequently saving memory.

  2. Typically a property is defined as lazy when its dependent on other properties that are not known yet.

  3. A lazy modifier cannot be added to a constant. Constants require an initial value before the initialisation completes which is not the case with lazy properties.

    惰性修饰符不能添加到常量。 常数在初始化完成之前需要一个初始值,而懒惰属性则并非如此。
  4. A lazy property must have an initialiser and cannot be used simply with any variable.


The following is a wrong usage case of lazy var.

以下是lazy var的错误用法情况。

struct Rect{
    lazy var length : Int //compile-time error. lazy properties require an initaliser.
    let breadth : Int

An example of lazy var is given below:

下面是lazy var的示例:

truct Rect{
    var length : Int
    let breadth : Int
    init(length : Int, breadth: Int) {
        print("Rect struct is initialised now from the lazy var property")
        self.length = length
        self.breadth = breadth

struct Square{
    var sidesEqual : Bool
    lazy var r = Rect(length: 6, breadth: 6)
    init(sidesEqual : Bool) {
        self.sidesEqual = sidesEqual

var s = Square(sidesEqual: false)

if s.sidesEqual
    print("Rect struct hasn't been initialised using the lazy var")  //this gets printed

var s1 = Square(sidesEqual: true)

if s1.sidesEqual
    print(s1.r.length) //prints Rect struct is initialised now from the lazy var property \n 6
    print("Rect struct hasn't been initialised using the lazy var") //not printed

It’s evident in the above code that the Rect struct is instantiated from the lazy var instance only when it meets the condition.


Lazy Properties are handy when your code has many object instances since it’ll create the declared instances only when they’re needed.


Once a lazy property is initialised, for further accesses it generally reuses the first instance.


Note: If a property marked with the lazy modifier is accessed by multiple threads simultaneously and the property has not yet been initialized, there is no guarantee that the property will be initialized only once.

注意 :如果标记有lazy修饰符的属性同时被多个线程访问,并且该属性尚未初始化,则不能保证该属性仅被初始化一次。

带关闭的Swift Lazy属性 (Swift Lazy Properties with a Closure)

class Name {
    var name : String?
    lazy var greet : String = {[weak self] in
        guard let s = self else { return "Unable to unwrap self"}
        guard let n = s.name else { return "No name found" }
        return "Hi, \(n)"
    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name

var n = Name(name: "Anupam")
print(n.greet) //prints "Hi, Anupam\n"
重要事项 (Important Points)
  1. We’ve defined a closure inside the lazy var property in the above code.

    在上面的代码中,我们在lazy var属性内定义了一个闭包。
  2. The Closure returns a String.

  3. To eliminate a strong reference cycle, we’ve captured a weak self.

    为了消除强参考周期,我们捕获了一个weak self
  4. guard let is used to for optional unwrapping.

    guard let用于进行可选的展开。

Let’s do a few modifications of the above code and see how it behaves.


var n = Name(name: "Anupam")
print(n.greet) //prints "Hi, Anupam"
n.name = nil
print(n.greet) //prints "Hi, Anupam"

The above snippet is an interesting case that shows that lazy var property is re-used everytime. Changes to the name property does nothing.

上面的代码片段是一个有趣的案例,它表明lazy var属性每次都被重用。 更改name属性不会执行任何操作。

var n = Name(name: "Anupam")
n.name = nil
print(n.greet) //prints "No name found"

In the above snippet, the second guard let statement fails to unwrap the optional string.


Swift计算属性 (Swift Computed Properties)

Unlike Stored, Computed Properties don’t store values. Instead, they’re used as getters and optional setters to retrieve and set other properties and values indirectly.
A basic example is given below.

与“存储”不同,“计算属性”不存储值。 而是将它们用作获取器和可选的设置器,以间接检索和设置其他属性和值。

struct Rect{
    var length : Double
    let breadth : Double
    var area : Double {
            return length*breadth
            length = newArea/breadth

var r = Rect(length: 6, breadth: 5)
print(r.area) //prints 30.0
r.area = 40
print(r.length) //prints 8.0

In the above code getters and setters are used as get { } and set(param_name){ } on the computed property area. The getters and setters are accessed using the dot syntax.

在上面的代码中,getter和setter用作计算属性area上的get { }set(param_name){ } 。 使用点语法访问getter和setter。

If a param name isn’t specified inside the setter, Swift assigns the default name as newValue.


struct Rect{
    var length : Double
    let breadth : Double
    var area : Double {
            return length*breadth
            length = newValue/breadth

Computed Properties can’t be assign as a lazy var property. Computed Properties that have a get and set defined can’t be set as a constant let.

不能将计算属性分配为惰性var属性。 定义了get和set的计算属性不能设置为常量let

只读计算属性 (Read-only Computed Properties)

A Computed property without a setter is a read-only computed property. They can be defined as a constant.

不带setter的Computed属性是只读的计算属性。 它们可以定义为常量。

struct Rect{
    var length : Double
    let breadth : Double
    var area : Double {
            return length*breadth

var r = Rect(length: 6, breadth: 5)
r.area = 50 //compile-time error. area is a get-only property.

We can let go of the get keyword in the above case too:


var area : Double {
            return length*breadth

迅捷物业观察员 (Swift Property Observers)

Swift Property Observers respond to changes in the property value. These are typically used when two property values are dependent on each other. They contain two methods:

Swift属性观察者响应属性值的更改。 这些属性通常在两个属性值相互依赖时使用。 它们包含两种方法:

  1. willSet : This gets triggered just before the value is stored. It allows us to read the old value before its changed. We can access the new value using the keyword newValue

    willSet :这将在存储值之前触发。 它允许我们在更改之前读取旧值。 我们可以使用关键字newValue访问新值
  2. didSet : This gets triggered after the value is stored. It lets us read both the old and new values. We can access the old value using the keyword oldValue

    didSet :在值存储后触发。 它使我们可以读取旧值和新值。 我们可以使用关键字oldValue访问旧值

Property Observers get triggered every time the value is set. Let’s use Property Observers in an example where we need to convert yards to inches.

每次设置该值都会触发属性观察器。 让我们在需要将码转换为英寸的示例中使用属性观察器。

struct yardToInchesConversion{
    var yard : Double = 0 {
            print("new value of yards \(newValue)")
            print("old value of yards \(oldValue)")
            inches = yard*36
            print("Updated value of inches \(inches)")
    var inches : Double = 0

var yi = yardToInchesConversion()
yi.yard = 22

//The Following gets printed on the console:
new value of yards 22.0
old value of yards 0.0
Updated value of inches 792.0

Swift的全球和本地属性 (Swift Global and Local Properties)

Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any function, method, closure, or type context. Local variables are variables that are defined within a function, method, or closure context.
Global constants and variables are always computed lazily without the need to be marked with a lazy modifier.

全局变量是在任何函数,方法,闭包或类型上下文之外定义的变量。 局部变量是在函数,方法或闭包上下文中定义的变量。

雨燕类型属性 (Swift Type Properties)

  • Type Properties are used on the type(class/struct/enum) instead of the instance of that type.

  • Type Properties are defined with the keyword static.

  • Static Type Properties can’t be overridden in the subclass. The keyword class is used on the computed properties in this case.

    静态类型属性不能在子类中覆盖。 在这种情况下,将关键字class用于计算的属性。
  • class keyword isn’t supported with stored properties.


The following code snippets demonstrate the above concepts clearly.


class A {
    static var i : Int = 5
    static var name : String {
        return "Hello World"

    class var multiplyByANumber : Int {
        return i*5
    //class var j : Int = 1   //Not supported. Won't compile.
    static func printI()
        print("Value of i is \(i)")
    class func appendClassName()
        print("Class A Hello World")

class SubClass : A {
    //static var i = 10    Won't Compile
    override class var multiplyByANumber : Int{
        return i*5*5
    override class func appendClassName(){
        print("Class SubClass Hello World")

Output of above program:


Class A Hello World
Class SubClass Hello World

迅捷下标 (Swift Subscripts)

Swift Subscripts are shortcuts for accessing the member elements of a collection, list, or sequence. To access an element from an array, dictionary or a list we use the form array[index], dictionary[key] etc. Similarly, we can define a subscript for any type.

Swift下标是访问集合,列表或序列的成员元素的快捷方式。 要访问数组,字典或列表中的元素,我们使用array [index],dictionary [key]等形式。类似地,我们可以为任何类型定义下标。

We can define multiple subscripts for the same type and the appropriate subscript overload to use is selected based on the type of index value you pass to the subscript.


The syntax for a subscript is similar to computed properties as shown below.


subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
    get {
        // return an appropriate subscript value here
    set(newValue) {
        // perform a suitable setting action here

An example implementation of subscripts is given below.


class M {
    private var month = ["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April"]
    subscript(index: Int) -> String {
        get {
            return month[index]
        set(newValue) {
            self.month[index] = newValue
var m = M()
m[3] //April 
m[0] = "Dec"

This brings an end to Swift properties tutorial.


Reference: Apple Docs

参考: Apple Docs

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/16806/swift-properties






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