Android Volley

In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing at length, an important networking library in our application, namely Android Volley. Android Volley library has been developed by Google. The first glimpses of it were seen in Google I/O 2013. Let’s see what it has in store!

在本教程中,我们将详细讨论应用程序中的一个重要网络库,即Android Volley。 Android Volley库由Google开发。 谷歌I / O 2013首次展示了它。让我们来看看它的功能!

Android Volley (Android Volley)

Networking is a key component in most of the Android Applications today. Using an AsyncTask might not be the best option when we have too many networking requests to handle. AsyncTask can’t prioritize parallel/multiple requests in an orderly manner. Besides they have a lot of boilerplate code. Here’s where Android Volley library comes as a handy tool. It has some powerful features and is a lot faster than AsyncTask.

网络是当今大多数Android应用程序中的关键组件。 当我们有太多网络请求需要处理时,使用AsyncTask可能不是最佳选择。 AsyncTask无法按顺序排列并行/多个请求的优先级。 此外,它们还有很多样板代码。 这是Android Volley库随手提供的工具。 它具有一些强大的功能,并且比AsyncTask快很多。

Android Volley Library的优点 (Advantages of Android Volley Library)

  1. Automatic scheduling of all network requests.

  2. Multiple concurrent network connections.

  3. Requests queuing and prioritization.

  4. Caching responses. It supports memory and disk-based caches.

    缓存响应。 它支持基于内存和磁盘的缓存。
  5. Cancelling one or more requests.

  6. Built-in support for String, Images, JSONObject and JSONArray Requests.

  7. Ability to create custom requests.

  8. Built-in NetworkImageView widget to load images from a URL easily.

  9. Support for retrying requests.

  10. Powerful debugging and tracing tools to catch errors.


Android Volley入门 (Getting Started with Android Volley)

To integrate Volley in your Android Studio Project, you need to add the following dependency in your build.gradle file:

要将Volley集成到您的Android Studio项目中,您需要在build.gradle文件中添加以下依赖build.gradle

compile ''

Unlike Retrofit, which requires a bunch of libraries like OkHttp, Picasso for complete functionalities, Volley Library is much smaller in size.

Retrofit不同,Volley Library的大小要小得多, Retrofit需要一堆类似OkHttpPicasso的库来实现完整的功能。

Note: With the introduction of Android Studio 3.0 IDE the keyword compile is replaced by implementation in the dependencies. Both can be used interchangeably.

注意 :随着Android Studio 3.0 IDE的引入,关键字compile被依赖项中的implementation替换。 两者可以互换使用。

The Fundamental classes of Volley are listed below.


  • RequestQueue

  • Requests

  • Response


Android Volley RequestQueue (Android Volley RequestQueue)

This is the basic building block of Volley. The name speaks for itself. A RequestQueue is used to queue all the requests and handle the responses. Also, it is responsible for managing the worker threads for parallel requests besides reading and writing to and from the cache. A RequestQueue works in a FIFO manner(First In First Out). At a time it can handle four requests simultaneously. A RequestQueue is instantiated in the following way in a class.

这是Volley的基本构建块。 名字足以说明问题。 RequestQueue用于将所有请求排队并处理响应。 而且,除了读写缓存外,它还负责管理并行请求的工作线程。 RequestQueue以FIFO方式(先进先出)工作。 一次它可以同时处理四个请求。 在类中以以下方式实例化RequestQueue。

RequestQueue requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);

this refers to the context. It can be activity or application’s context. The above code initializes the RequestQueue with a default set of parameters. We can initialize the RequestQueue with our own set of parameters as shown below.

this是指上下文。 它可以是活动或应用程序的上下文。 上面的代码使用默认的一组参数初始化RequestQueue。 我们可以使用我们自己的一组参数来初始化RequestQueue,如下所示。

RequestQueue mRequestQueue;

// Instantiate the cache
Cache cache = new DiskBasedCache(getCacheDir(), 1024 * 1024); // 1MB cap

// Set up the network to use HttpURLConnection as the HTTP client.
Network network = new BasicNetwork(new HurlStack());

// Instantiate the RequestQueue with the cache and network.
mRequestQueue = new RequestQueue(cache, network);

// Start the queue

We’ve initialized our own instances of Cache and Network with custom parameters.
Call the method mRequestQueue.stop() to stop the queue that’ll handle the requests.


Android Volley请求 (Android Volley Request)

Request instances are built to define a network request. These are used to support GET and POST requests.
Request class acts as the base class which can be extended to define a custom request.
Volley provides the following types of Requests built-in:

构建请求实例以定义网络请求。 这些用于支持GET和POST请求。

  • StringRequest

  • JsonObjectRequest

  • JsonArrayRequest

  • ImageRequest

Android Volley StringRequest (Android Volley StringRequest)

StringRequest is used when you want the response returned in the form of a String. You can then parse the response using Gson or JSON as per your requirement.
StringRequest has two forms of constructors as shown in the image below.

android volley library, android volley tutorial, android volley StringRequest

We’ll discuss the first constructor here.

当您希望响应以字符串形式返回时,使用StringRequest 。 然后,您可以根据需要使用Gson或JSON解析响应。


StringRequest(int method, String url, Response.Listener<String> listener, Response.ErrorListener errorListener)
  • method : Expects an argument among GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

    方法 :需要GET,POST,PUT,DELETE之间的参数。
  • url : URl to fetch the response at.

    url :获取响应的URl。
  • listener : Listens for a success response. We need to implement and override the following method in here.
      public void onResponse(String response){
      //response parameter is of the same type as defined in the constructor.

    监听器 :监听成功响应。 我们需要在这里实现并重写以下方法。
  • errorListener: Listens for an error response. We need to implement the following method in here.
      public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error){
      //handle your error here. We'll look at 

    errorListener :侦听错误响应。 我们需要在这里实现以下方法。

A sample code snippet of a string request is given below.


RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);

StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, new Response.Listener<String>() {
                public void onResponse(String response) {
          , "utf-8");

            }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
                public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
          , "utf-8");


The response or error will be delivered to the onResponse/onErrorResponse classes that we defined in our request above.
queue.add(stringRequest); is used to add the Request to the RequestQueue.
The code snippet written above can be simplified to improve the readability.

响应或错误将传递到我们在上面的请求中定义的onResponse / onErrorResponse类。
queue.add(stringRequest); 用于将请求添加到RequestQueue

Response.ErrorListener errorListener = new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
  , "utf-8");

    Response.Listener<String> responseListener = new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {


StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, responseListener, errorListener);

The constructor looks much better now.
To send parameters in request body we need to override either the getParams() or getBody() method of the request class.
Additionally, we can override the getHeaders() and the getBodyContentType() methods too to specify the headers and content type formats respectively.
getHeaders() are useful for authentication.
To override the Request Method type from the first parameter, getMethod() is implemented.
The constructor with skeleton code of the above mentioned methods is given below.


StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, responseListener, errorListener){
        public Map getParams() {
            Map params = new HashMap();

            params.put("key", "value");

            return params;

        public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError {

            String requestBody = "";  //The request body goes in here.

            try {
                return requestBody.getBytes("utf-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      "Unsupported Encoding while trying to get the bytes of %s using %s", requestBody, "utf-8");
                return null;

        public Map getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
            HashMap headers = new HashMap();
            headers.put("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8");
            String credentials = "sample:JournalDev@123";
            String auth = "Basic "
                        + Base64.encodeToString(credentials.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
            headers.put("Authorization",auth); //authentication
            return headers;

        public String getBodyContentType() {
            return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";

        public int getMethod() {
             return Method.POST;


Parameters and headers are specified as a key-value pair in the getParams() and getHeaders() methods respectively.


Note: getParams() method is ignored when the request type is a GET. So to pass parameters we’ll need to concatenate them in the URL string as shown below.

注意 :当请求类型为GET时,将忽略getParams()方法。 因此,要传递参数,我们需要将其串联在URL字符串中,如下所示。

String BASE_URL = "";
String url = String.format(BASE_URL + "/api/users?page=%1$s", "2");

%1$s is used for the first param. %2$s, %3$s and so on for the second, third parameters.

%1$s用于第一个参数。 第二个,第三个参数为%2$s%3$s ,依此类推。

Android Volley JsonObjectRequest (Android Volley JsonObjectRequest)

JsonObjectRequest is used to send and receive JSONObject from the server. It extends the class JsonRequest.
The two forms of constructors are given below.

android volley jsonrequest constructor

We’ll look at the second constructor here.

JsonObjectRequest用于从服务器发送和接收JSONObject。 它扩展了类JsonRequest。


JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
        public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {

    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
  , "utf-8");


An optional JSONObject can be passed as the request body in the second parameter of the constructor.
We’ve set it to null for now.


JsonObjectRequest can override the same set of methods (getHeaders(), getBodyContentType(), getBody(), getMethod()) like the StringRequest except getParams().

除了getParams()之外, JsonObjectRequest可以像StringRequest一样重写相同的方法集( getHeaders()getBodyContentType()getBody()getMethod() getParams()

JsonObjectRequest is meant for passing a JSONObject with the request. Hence getParams() gets ignored.
Overriding getBody() isn’t neccessary in a JsonObjectRequest since passing a JSONObject as the second parameter does the same implicitly.

JsonObjectRequest用于将JSONObject与请求一起传递。 因此, getParams()被忽略。
在JsonObjectRequest中不需要覆盖getBody() ,因为传递JSONObject作为第二个参数会隐式地执行相同的操作。

If you eventually override getBody(), the second parameter passed in the constructor would be ignored.
Since the Request type isn’t defined in the above constructor, the request would automatically identify the method(GET,POST, PUT or DELETE) from the url. To explicitily specify the method type we can override the getMethod()

如果最终重写getBody() ,则将忽略构造函数中传递的第二个参数。
由于上述构造函数中未定义请求类型,因此请求将自动从网址中识别方法(GET,POST,PUT或DELETE)。 要明确指定方法类型,我们可以覆盖getMethod()

JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(url, null, responseListener, errorListener){

        public int getMethod() {
             return Method.POST; //This specifies the Method type to POST explicitly.

        public byte[] getBody() {

            //Building the response body here would ignore the JSONObject passed in the second parameter.
Android Volley JsonArrayRequest (Android Volley JsonArrayRequest)

JsonArrayRequest is used to send and retrieve JSONArray to and from the server. It extends the JsonRequest class and functions the same way as JsonObjectRequest class.
A JSONArrayRequest can’t handle a request that returns a JSONObject.
Following are the two forms of constructors.

android volley jsonarrayrequest constructor

Let’s look at the second constructor.

JsonArrayRequest用于向服务器发送和从服务器检索JSONArray。 它扩展了JsonRequest类并以与JsonObjectRequest类相同的方式起作用。


JsonArrayRequest jsonArrayRequest = new JsonArrayRequest(Request.Method.POST, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {
        public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
        , "utf-8");
Android Volley ImageRequest (Android Volley ImageRequest)

Using ImageRequest is the classical and standard way to fetch images from a URL. An ImageRequest returns a Bitmap Object that we can eventually display in our ImageView.
Following are the two constructors present in the class.

android volley imagerequest

使用ImageRequest是从URL提取图像的经典和标准方法。 ImageRequest返回一个位图对象,该对象最终可以显示在ImageView中。

Let’s use the second constructor since the first one now stands deprecated.
Besides the url, response and error listeners, the constructor expects the width, height, scaleType and Config values for the bitmap.


RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);

ImageRequest imageRequest = new ImageRequest(IMAGE_URL, new Response.Listener<Bitmap>() {
            public void onResponse(Bitmap response) {

                if (response != null) {

        }, 200, 200, ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, new Response.ErrorListener() {
            public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
          , "utf-8");


The RequestQueue has a RequestFinishedListener. The listener gets triggered everytime a request in the queue is finished.

RequestQueue具有一个RequestFinishedListener 。 每当队列中的请求完成时,都会触发侦听器。

queue.addRequestFinishedListener(new RequestQueue.RequestFinishedListener<Object>() {

            public void onRequestFinished(Request<Object> request) {
                try {
                    if (request.getCacheEntry() != null) {
                        String cacheValue = new String(request.getCacheEntry().data, "UTF-8");
                        Log.d(TAG, request.getCacheKey() + " " + cacheValue);

                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

Android Volley错误处理 (Android Volley Error Handling)

onErrorResponse() passes an instance of VolleyError as we have seen above.
Following are the major types of errors that can be returned in the instance.


  • AuthFailureError: When the authentication fails.

    AuthFailureError :身份验证失败时。
  • NetworkError: Server Error, DNS issues etc.

    NetworkError :服务器错误,DNS问题等。
  • NoConnectionError: When there is no internet connection.

    NoConnectionError :没有互联网连接时。
  • ParseError: Generally returned in a JsonObjectRequest or JsonArrayRequest when the JSON response is malformed.

    ParseError :当JSON响应格式错误时,通常在JsonObjectRequest或JsonArrayRequest中返回。
  • ServerError: The server responded with an error status code (401, 500 etc)

    ServerError :服务器以错误状态代码(401、500等)响应
  • TimeoutError: When a request timeout occurs. Volley has a default timeout of 2.5 seconds.

    TimeoutError :发生请求超时时。 排球的默认超时为2.5秒。

Android Volley取消请求 (Android Volley Cancelling Requests)

Volley has a powerful API for canceling requests. Request cancellation is important in situations where the Activity needs to be destroyed. Cancellation of requests is possible using tags.

Volley有一个强大的API用于取消请求。 在需要销毁活动的情况下,取消请求很重要。 使用标签可以取消请求。

JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(url, null, responseListener, errorListener);

JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest2 = new JsonObjectRequest(url_2, null, responseListener, errorListener);
jsonObjectRequest2.setTag("No sample");


queue.cancelAll("Sample"); //Cancels all requests with tag "Sample" present in the RequestQueue.

//Alternative way....

queue.cancelAll(new RequestQueue.RequestFilter() {
            public boolean apply(Request<?> request) {
                return request.getTag().equals("Sample"); //requests with the condition true are cancelled.

Android Volley优先处理请求 (Android Volley Prioritizing Requests)

A priority can be set on each request present in the RequestQueue. Doing so the RequestQueue would run the requests based on the priorities instead of FIFO. A priority can be assigned by overriding the method getPriority() in the constructor. Following are the possible states:

可以为RequestQueue中存在的每个请求设置优先级。 这样做,RequestQueue将基于优先级而不是FIFO运行请求。 可以通过重写构造函数中的getPriority()方法来分配优先级。 以下是可能的状态:

  • Priority.LOW: Used to load images.

    Priority.LOW :用于加载图像。
  • Priority.NORMAL: Default value.

    Priority.NORMAL :默认值。
  • Priority.HIGH: Used to load texts.

    Priority.HIGH :用于加载文本。
  • Priority.IMMEDIATE: Used in places like login/logout.

    Priority.IMMEDIATE :用于登录/注销之类的地方。

Following code snippet assigns priority to requests.


RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);

Response.Listener<JSONObject> jsonResponseListener = new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
        public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {


    Response.Listener<String> stringResponseListener = new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {


    Response.Listener imageResponseListener = new Response.Listener() {
        public void onResponse(Bitmap response) {


    Response.ErrorListener errorListener = new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
  , "utf-8");

StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, stringResponseListener, errorListener){
            public Priority getPriority() {
                return Priority.IMMEDIATE;
JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(url, null, jsonResponseListener, errorListener){
            public Priority getPriority() {
                return Priority.HIGH;

ImageRequest imageRequest = new ImageRequest(IMAGE_URL, imageResponseListener, 200, 200, ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, errorListener){
            public Priority getPriority() {
                return Priority.LOW;


//Order of requests run : stringRequest > jsonRequest > imageRequest

Android Volley缓存 (Android Volley Caching)

Caches are enabled by default for the above mentioned Request types. The response data is typically stored in the form of byte array

默认情况下,上述请求类型会启用缓存。 响应数据通常以字节数组的形式存储

Disabling Cache



Accessing the Cache


String cacheValue = new String(stringRequest.getCacheEntry().data, "UTF-8");

//Accessing from the RequestQueue
String cacheValue = new String(queue.getCache().get(url).data, "UTF-8");

//The Request URL is stored in the cache key ...
String url = request.getCacheKey();

//Check other details in the cache.
stringRequest.getCacheEntry().isExpired() //checks if the cache is expired or not.

Clearing cache


queue.getCache().remove(url); //removes cache for the specific url.

//clear all cache....

Invalidate cache: Invalidating a cache would show the cached data until the new response is returned. That response would override the current cache.

使缓存无效 :使缓存无效将显示缓存的数据,直到返回新的响应为止。 该响应将覆盖当前的缓存。

queue.getCache().invalidate(url, true);

Android Volley ImageLoader和NetworkImageView (Android Volley ImageLoader and NetworkImageView)

We’ve used an ImageRequest to retrieve an image bitmap from the response before.
Volley provides us with NetworkImageView widget that directly loads the image from the URL. Besides, it lets us set a default placeholder as well as an error drawable.
ImageLoader is responsible for loading the images using a BitmapLruCache().

Volley为我们提供了NetworkImageView小部件,该小部件可直接从URL加载图像。 此外,它还允许我们设置默认的占位符以及可绘制的错误。


setImageFromUrl() method directly sets the image returned from the url onto the NetworkImageView instance. We need to pass the URL and ImageLoader instance in this method to fetch the image.

setImageFromUrl()方法直接将从url返回的图像设置到NetworkImageView实例上。 我们需要在此方法中传递URL和ImageLoader实例以获取图像。


ImageLoader imageLoader = new ImageLoader(mRequestQueue, new BitmapLruCache(64000)); //size is in Kb.

networkImageView.setImageUrl(IMAGE_URL, imageLoader);
// Loads the image with placeholder and error image
imageLoader.get(IMAGE_URL, ImageLoader.getImageListener(networkImageView, R.mipmap.ic_launcher, R.drawable.ic_error));

Note: To troubleshoot and log debug traces set the following line in your code.


VolleyLog.DEBUG = true;

We can create our own Custom Requests too by extending Request<T>. The two abstract methods parseNetworkResponse() and deliverResponse() need to be overriden.
This brings an end to this comprehensive tutorial on Volley. We’ll implement Volley in an application using the above-learned concepts in our next tutorial.

我们也可以通过扩展Request <T>来创建自己的自定义请求。 需要重写两个抽象方法parseNetworkResponse()deliverResponse()
这样就结束了有关Volley的综合教程。 在下一个教程中,我们将使用上述知识在应用程序中实现Volley。

Reference: GitHub Page, API Doc

参考: GitHub PageAPI Doc


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