java uuid生成器_Java UUID生成器– Java GUID

java uuid生成器

Java UUID (Java UUID)

Java UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) class is part of java.util package. Java UUID class represents an immutable universally unique identifier and represents 128-bit value. It is also known as GUID (Globally Unique Identifier).

Java UUID(通用唯一标识符)类是java.util包的一部分。 Java UUID类表示一个不变的通用唯一标识符,并表示128位值。 也称为GUID(全局唯一标识符)。

Java UUID用法 (Java UUID Usage)

Java UUID is used to create following:

Java UUID用于创建以下内容:

Java UUID构造函数 (Java UUID Constructor)

public UUID(long  mostSigBits,  long  leastSigBits)

Creates a new UUID using specified data.


UUID版本和变体 (UUID Version & Variants)

There are different variants of UUID but mostly we will see variant 2 (Leach-Salz) in our examples.

java uuid version variant


UUID variants:


  1. 0 – Reserved for NCS backward compatibility

    0 –保留用于NCS向后兼容
  2. 2 – Leach-Salz

    2 –里奇-萨尔茨
  3. 6 – Reserved, Microsoft Corporation backward compatibility

    6 –保留,Microsoft Corporation向后兼容
  4. 7 – Reserved for future definition

    7 –保留以供将来定义

UUID Versions:


  1. time-based(version 1)

  2. DCE Security(version 2)

  3. name-based(version 3)

  4. randomly generated UUID(version 4)


Java UUID生成器 (Java UUID Generator)

We can use java-uuid-generator maven dependency for generating UUID. You can include that using below maven dependency.

我们可以使用java-uuid-generator maven依赖项来生成UUID。 您可以使用下面的maven依赖项将其包括在内。


Let’s have a look at the below java uuid generator example program.

让我们看一下下面的java uuid generator示例程序。

package com.journaldev.examples;

import java.util.UUID;

import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;

 * Java UUID Generator
public class UUIDVersionExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//Generate time-based UUID
		UUID uuid1 = Generators.timeBasedGenerator().generate();
		System.out.println("UUID : "+uuid1);
		System.out.println("UUID Version : "+uuid1.version());
		System.out.println("UUID Variant : "+uuid1.variant());
		//Generate random UUID
		UUID uuid2 = Generators.randomBasedGenerator().generate();
		System.out.println("UUID : "+uuid2);
		System.out.println("UUID Version : "+uuid2.version());
		System.out.println("UUID Variant : "+uuid2.variant());


Output of the above uuid generator program is below:


UUID : 5fc03087-d265-11e7-b8c6-83e29cd24f4c
UUID Version : 1
UUID Variant : 2
UUID : e8e3db08-dc39-48ea-a3db-08dc3958eafb
UUID Version : 4
UUID Variant : 2

Java UUID方法 (Java UUID Methods)

Let’s have a look at the below UUID methods with example program.


  1. randomUUID(): This is a static factory method to fetch type 4 random UUID.

    randomUUID() :这是一种静态工厂方法,用于获取类型4随机UUID。
  2. package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
     * Java UUID randomUUID Example
    public class UUIDExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		//initialize uuid
    		UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();

    Output of the above program is below:


  3. fromString(String name): This method creates UUID from specified string. This is useful when you have to convert string to UUID object.

    fromString(String name) :此方法从指定的string创建UUID。 当您必须将字符串转换为UUID对象时,这很有用。
  4. package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
     * Java UUID fromString Example
    public class UUIDExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		//initialize uuid
    		UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("84cff9ea-de0f-4841-8645-58620adf49b2");
  5. clockSequence(): This method returns clock sequence associated with UUID and to fetch clock sequence we need to create time-based (version 1) UUID otherwise it will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

    clockSequence() :此方法返回与UUID关联的时钟序列,并且要获取时钟序列,我们需要创建基于时间的(版本1)UUID,否则它将抛出UnsupportedOperationException
  6. package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;
     * Java UUID Clock Sequence Program
    public class UUIDClockSequenceExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		// Generate time-based UUID
    		UUID uuid = Generators.timeBasedGenerator().generate();
    		System.out.println("UUID : " + uuid);
    		System.out.println("UUID Clock Sequence : "+uuid.clockSequence());

    Output of the above program is below:


    UUID : 52334bd0-d266-11e7-a11d-0148035fb8f1
    UUID Clock Sequence : 8477
  7. getLeastSignificantBits(): This method returns least significant 64 bits of UUID.

    getLeastSignificantBits() :此方法返回UUID的最低有效64位。
  8. getMostSignificantBits(): This method returns most significant 64 bits of UUID.

    getMostSignificantBits() :此方法返回UUID的最高有效64位。
  9. package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
     * Java UUID Least and Most Significant Bits Example Program
    public class UUIDLsbMsbExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		//initialize uuid
    		UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
    		System.out.println("UUID : "+uuid);
    		System.out.println("Least Significant Bits : "+uuid.getLeastSignificantBits());
    		System.out.println("Most Significant Bits : "+uuid.getMostSignificantBits());

    Output of the above java UUID example program is:

    上面的Java UUID示例程序的输出为:

    UUID : 5b08be16-2cb6-46d5-bf98-7d7d750df0ca
    Least Significant Bits : -4640821438217064246
    Most Significant Bits : 6559701859713828565
  10. nameUUIDFromBytes(byte[] name): This is a static factory method and used to fetch name-based (version 3) UUID using specified byte array.

    nameUUIDFromBytes(byte[] name) :这是一个静态工厂方法,用于使用指定的字节数组获取基于名称的(版本3)UUID。
  11. package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
     * Java UUID From Byte Array Example Program
    public class UUIDFromBytesExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		//initialize byte array
    		byte[] bs = {1, 2, 3};
    		//initialize uuid using byte array
    		UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(bs);
    		System.out.println("UUID : "+uuid);
    		System.out.println("UUID Version : "+uuid.version());

    Output of the above program is:


    UUID : 5289df73-7df5-3326-bcdd-22597afb1fac
    UUID Version : 3
  12. node(): This method returns long value of node from UUID and to fetch node value we need to create time-based (version 1) UUID otherwise it will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

    node() :此方法从UUID返回节点的long值,并且要获取节点值,我们需要创建基于时间的(版本1)UUID,否则它将抛出UnsupportedOperationException
  13. package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;
     * Java UUID Node Example Program
    public class UUIDNodeExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		//Generate time-based uuid
    		UUID uuid = Generators.timeBasedGenerator().generate();
    		System.out.println("UUID : "+uuid);
    		System.out.println("UUID Version : "+uuid.version());
    		System.out.println("UUID Node : "+uuid.node());
    UUID : 2e15baa3-d272-11e7-a479-05de8af2b6bd
    UUID Version : 1
    UUID Node : 6453372040893
  14. timestamp(): This method returns timestamp value of UUID UUID and to fetch timestamp value we need to create time-based(version 1) UUID otherwise it will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

    timestamp() :此方法返回UUID UUID的时间戳值,并获取时间戳值,我们需要创建基于时间的(版本1)UUID,否则它将抛出UnsupportedOperationException。
package com.journaldev.examples;

import java.util.UUID;

import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;

 * Java UUID timestamp Example Program
public class UUIDTimestampExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Generate time-based uuid
		UUID uuid = Generators.timeBasedGenerator().generate();
		System.out.println("UUID : " + uuid);
		System.out.println("UUID Version : " + uuid.version());
		System.out.println("UUID Timestamp : " + uuid.timestamp());



Output of the above program is:


UUID : 61614667-d279-11e7-a5ac-f941ac8dfc39
UUID Version : 1
UUID Timestamp : 137309732424730215

使用构造函数创建UUID (Create UUID Using Constructor)

Let’s have a look at the below example program to create UUID using it’s constructor.


package com.journaldev.examples;

import java.util.UUID;

 * Java UUID Using Constructor Example Program
public class UUIDUsingConstructor {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		long msb = System.currentTimeMillis();
		long lsb = System.currentTimeMillis();
		//initialize uuid
		UUID uuid = new UUID(msb, lsb);
		System.out.println("UUID : "+uuid);


比较两个UUID (Compare Two UUIDs)

Java UUID class provides two methods to compare UUIDs.

Java UUID类提供了两种比较UUID的方法。

  1. compareTo(UUID val): UUID class implements Comparable interface. This method compare UUID with specified value of UUID and returns integer value which can be -1, 0 or 1.

    compareTo(UUID val) :UUID类实现Comparable 接口 。 此方法将UUID与UUID的指定值进行比较,并返回可以为-1、0或1的整数值。
  • -1: This UUID is less than specified value of UUID

  • 0: This UUID is equal to specified value of UUID

  • 1: This UUID is greater than specified value of UUID


Let’s have a look at the below example program.


package com.journaldev.examples;

import java.util.UUID;

 * Java UUID compareTo Example Program
public class UUIDCompareToExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//initialize uuids
		UUID uuid1 = UUID.randomUUID();
		UUID uuid2 = UUID.randomUUID();
		int result = uuid1.compareTo(uuid2);
		if (result == -1) {
			System.out.println("UUID1 is less than UUID2");
		}else if (result == 0) {
			System.out.println("Both are Equal UUID");
		}else if (result == 1) {
			System.out.println("UUID1 is greater than UUID2");



Output will depend on the randomly generated UUID values, we can’t predict it.


  • equals(Object obj): This method compares UUID with specified object and returns true if the specified object is not null and is of type UUID and is of same variant and contains the same value.

    equals(Object obj) :此方法将UUID与指定的对象进行比较,如果指定的对象不为null且类型为UUID且具有相同的变体且包含相同的值,则返回true。
  • package com.journaldev.examples;
    import java.util.UUID;
     * Java UUID equals Example Program
    public class UUIDEqualsExample {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		// initialize uuids
    		UUID uuid1 = UUID.randomUUID();
    		UUID uuid2 = UUID.randomUUID();

    That’s all for Java UUID class. It’s a great utility class and you can use it to create unique identifiers.

    Java UUID类就这些了。 这是一个很棒的实用程序类,您可以使用它来创建唯一的标识符。

    Reference: API Doc, RFC 4122

    参考: API文档RFC 4122


    java uuid生成器

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