

Everybody is thinking to very difficult solutions to improve their online businesses and projects, but it’s much simpler thank you think to achieve that. You are looking to minimize your work load, to save time, to be more efficient, to get more conversions and so on?

每个人都在考虑非常困难的解决方案以改善其在线业务和项目,但是要实现这一目标,要感谢您要简单得多。 您是否希望最大程度地减少工作量,节省时间,提高效率,获得更多转化等?

Improving your business can be done by simply using the efficient web tools and services. Imagine that you have the right WordPress theme installed, that you are using the right landing page that is quickly converting your visitors into customers, that you have non-stop support for your WordPress installation (hosting, themes, and plugins) and much more.

只需使用高效的Web工具和服务即可改善您的业务。 想象一下,您已经安装了正确的WordPress主题,使用的是正确的登录页面,该页面可将访问者Swift转换为客户,并且您对WordPress安装(托管,主题和插件)具有不间断的支持。

Find below 45 solutions for your headaches.


  1. Freelance Invoice


1 Freelance Invoice

Bonsai is the best platform freelancers can use to generate contracts, proposals, fully customized invoices, automate reminders, accept payments their way and much more. This automated platform is helping its users to save money and time, and to get peace of mind.

盆景是自由职业者可以用来生成合同,建议,完全定制的发票,自动提醒,接受付款方式的最佳平台。 这个自动化平台正在帮助其用户节省金钱和时间,并让他们省心。

It is a great fit for designers, developers, writers, photographers, videographers and much more, having over 100,000 users.


Generating invoices takes less than 1 minute and the process is fully straightforward and enjoyable. If needed, Bonsai will auto-generate the invoice from your existing contract, proposal or time sheet.

生成发票所需的时间不到1分钟,并且该过程非常简单且令人愉快。 如果需要,Bonsai将根据您现有的合同,建议书或时间表自动生成发票。

Getting paid has never been easier, start using Bonsai for free.


  1. 24×7 WP Support

    24×7 WP支持

2 24x7WPSupport

24×7 WP Support is the most complete platform dedicated to WordPress, offering all the services a user can need. This popular service is used by tens of thousands of happy people from all over the world, being available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day via chat and email. Whenever you need something, these friendly engineers are here to help you.

24×7 WP支持是专用于WordPress的最完整的平台,提供用户可能需要的所有服务。 来自世界各地的成千上万的快乐人正在使用这项受欢迎的服务,该服务每年365天,每天24小时通过聊天和电子邮件提供。 无论何时您需要什么,这些友好的工程师都会在这里为您提供帮助。

These experts offer you support for all issues and errors for WordPress, including the migration from a host to another, speed and optimization issues, internal server errors 500, database connection errors, password reset and tens others. 24×7 WP Support will also help you with managed hosting for your WordPress website, being a very popular solution in the market, with pricing starting at $1 per month, with SEO (including website analysis and competitor analysis), with SSL certificates, domains, and much more.

这些专家为您提供有关WordPress所有问题和错误的支持,包括从主机到另一个的迁移,速度和优化问题,内部服务器错误500,数据库连接错误,密码重置以及其他数十个问题。 24×7 WP支持还将帮助您为WordPress网站托管托管,这是市场上非常受欢迎的解决方案,起价为每月1美元,包括SEO(包括网站分析和竞争对手分析),SSL证书,域名, 以及更多。

You need a new WordPress website? 24×7 WP Support can help you with that in 2 ways. One is to use their web development service and the next one is to get the powerful All In One Plan For WordPress. This plan offers you access to over 400 premium themes.

您需要一个新的WordPress网站吗? 24×7 WP支持可以通过两种方式帮助您。 一种是使用他们的Web开发服务,另一种是获得功能强大的WordPress All In One计划。 该计划使您可以访问400多个高级主题。

24×7 WP Support has by far the most complete range of WordPress services on the market and they can be contacted 24/7 via chat and email.

24×7 WP支持是迄今为止市场上最完整的WordPress服务,可以通过聊天和电子邮件24/7与他们联系。

The consultation is free and the pricing starts at $6.67/hr.

咨询是免费的,起价为$ 6.67 /小时。

  1. MonsterInsights


3 Monster Insights

Ever wanted to have all your analytics in your WordPress dashboard? MonsterInsights is the best WordPress analytics plugin that will do exactly that and much more. With over 2 million happy users, this is by far the most popular way to interpret data and increase your profits, revenue and ROI.

是否曾经想过将所有分析都存储在​​WordPress仪表板中? MonsterInsights是最好的WordPress分析插件,它将做得更多。 拥有超过200万名满意的用户,这是迄今为止最受欢迎的解释数据并增加利润,收入和投资回报率的方式。

It integrates excellent with Google Ads, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, with all WordPress forms plugins and tens others. The reports part of the MonsterInsights plugin is excellent, offering lots of information in minutes.

它与Google Ads,WooCommerce,Easy Digital Downloads,所有WordPress表单插件以及其他数十个插件完美集成。 MonsterInsights插件的报告部分非常出色,可在几分钟内提供大量信息。

MonsterInsights help you eliminate the “guess work” when it comes to finding out what content your visitors are interested in. The content report shows you exactly which content gets the most visit, so you can analyze and optimize it for higher conversions. Combine this with our search console report and custom dimensions, you can be on your way to SEO domination and higher rankings!

MonsterInsights帮助您消除访问者感兴趣的内容时的“猜测工作”。内容报告可准确显示访问量最高的内容,因此您可以对其进行分析和优化以实现更高的转化率。 将其与我们的搜索控制台报告和自定义维度结合起来,您就可以在SEO上独占and头并获得更高的排名!

Heavily improve your online business with MonsterInsights, no special skills required, only a bit of work.


  1. rocks


4 Polypane Rocks

Polypane is a powerful browser used by agencies, developers, UI/UX designers and QA engineers to design and build responsive websites. Using this dedicated solution takes you half of the normal time, being packed with many useful features that save time.

Polypane是一种功能强大的浏览器,可供代理商,开发人员,UI / UX设计师和质量检查工程师用来设计和构建响应式网站。 使用此专用解决方案将花费您正常时间的一半,并且具有许多节省时间的有用功能。

You can sync all your actions, take one-click screenshots, and see the full range of viewports for your site in a single overview. Resizing is as simple as dragging. See all viewports at once, and much more.

您可以同步所有操作,单击快照,然后在一个概述中查看站点的所有视口。 调整大小就像拖动一样简单。 一次查看所有视口,以及更多。

The interface is lightning fast, friendly and super simple to use. Everything you need is there, without complicating things.

界面闪电般快速,友好且易于使用。 您所需的一切都在那里,而不会使事情复杂化。

It is packed with tons of features and options that you will discover in the full 14-day free trial.


  1. Fire Checkout


5 Fire Checkout

With 65% improvement in time in checkouts and just 1 step, not 6 as it usual are, Fire Checkout is the best way you can heavily boost your shop sales. The installation is free and it comes loaded with 4 unique designs which look awesome and 9 extensions that will help you save lots of money.

Fire Checkout将结帐时间缩短了65%,并且只增加了1步,而不是通常的6步,因此,这是您可以大幅提高店铺销售额的最佳方式。 该安装是免费的,并且包含4种独特的外观设计和9种扩展,可帮助您节省很多钱。

Check the demos to see Fire Checkout in action.

查看演示以查看Fire Checkout的运行情况。

  1. Codester


6 Codester

Codester is a huge marketplace where designers and developers will find thousands of PHP scripts, website templates, graphics, plugins, scripts, codes and much more. Everything you need is on Codester.

Codester是一个巨大的市场,设计人员和开发人员可以在其中找到成千上万PHP脚本,网站模板,图形,插件,脚本,代码等等。 您需要的一切都在Codester上。

Check the Flash sale section where items with huge discounts are being sold.


  1. Mobiloud


7 Mobiloud

Are you a digital publisher with a successful WordPress site?


Native apps can help you drive more revenue with advertising and subscriptions and give your audience the experience they really deserve.


MobiLoud will convert your WordPress site into a native mobile app – and saves you a ton of time, hassle and money compared to other routes.


Their apps have all the features you need – like push notifications, analytics, and ad integrations – and you can use all your existing plugins.


They handle everything for you from the build to ongoing maintenance – and you’ll get an app just as good as a top publisher like Buzzfeed or The New York Times.

他们为您处理从构建到日常维护的所有工作,并且您将获得与Buzzfeed或The New York Times这样的顶级发行商一样出色的应用程序。

  1. Total Theme


8 Total Theme

Total is an impressive WordPress theme which is packed with demos that can be installed with 1-click, with a powerful drag-and-drop builder, with a fully responsive and pixel-perfect design, and much more. Fully customizing it takes a couple of minutes and you need 0 skills to do it.

Total是一个令人印象深刻的WordPress主题,其中包含可通过一键安装的演示,强大的拖放生成器,完全响应和像素完美的设计等。 完全定制需要花费几分钟,并且您需要0技能来做到这一点。

Check it.


  1. Mobirise Website Builder


9 Mobirise Website Builder

Creating a website with Mobirise is super simple and it takes only a couple of minutes, the process being super straightforward and enjoyable. No need to have any special skills.

使用Mobirise创建网站非常简单,只需几分钟,过程非常简单且令人愉快。 不需要任何特殊技能。

Mobirise is the most popular and efficient offline website builder on the market, being loaded with tons of templates, sliders, galleries, forms, popups, icons and much more. The interface is lightning fast and very simple to use.

Mobirise是市场上最受欢迎和最有效的离线网站构建器,其中包含大量的模板,滑块,画廊,表单,弹出窗口,图标等。 该界面闪电般快速,使用非常简单。

Anybody can now create a super website, use Mobirise for your projects.


  1. Astra Theme – Elementor Template Library

    Astra主题– Elementor模板库

10 Elementor Templates

Astra builds the best Elementor free and premium templates on the market, making you stand out of the crowd. All these themes look great and are fully optimized for conversions, having a pixel-perfect design and looking great on all devices.

Astra构建了市场上最好的Elementor免费和高级模板,使您脱颖而出。 所有这些主题看起来都很不错,并且针对转换进行了全面优化,具有像素完美的设计,并且在所有设备上都非常漂亮。

Browse Astra themes and pick what you like.


  1. Rank Math SEO


11 Rank Math SEO

Looking for the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market? Rank Math will put your SEO efforts on auto-pilot, helping your website rank better.

寻找市场上最好的WordPress SEO插件? Rank Math会将您的SEO放在自动导航上,从而帮助您的网站更好地排名。

You simply install it and configure it in a few steps, and your website will start to get more traffic.


  1. WP Review Plugin

    WP Review插件

12 WordPress Review Plugin

Implementing review sections on your WordPress website is super simple with WP Review, the most popular WordPress plugin for letting your visitors review products, services, places and whatever else you want. It is fully integrated with Google Places, Yelp, Facebook and much more.

WP Review是在WordPress网站上实现评论部分的超级简单,WP Review是最流行的WordPress插件,可让您的访问者查看产品,服务,地点以及您想要的任何其他内容。 它与Google Places,Yelp,Facebook等完全集成。

Download it now.


  1. Designmodo


13 Designmodo

DesignModo is very well known in the market for several great products of theirs. Startup 3 will help you build a gorgeous website using the Bootstrap creator and the included gorgeous themes.

DesignModo因其几种出色的产品而在市场上广为人知。 启动3将帮助您使用Bootstrap创建器和随附的精美主题来构建精美的网站。

With Postcards anybody can create professional and responsive emails that quickly convert, without having any coding skills or special experience.


Slides is a static website generator that will impress your audience with animated web presentations.


  1. Landing


14 Landing

Landing is a free one-page Bootstrap 4 template that looks great on all devices and which will help you get better conversions and sales. Landing is loaded with tons of great features and options, being super easy to customize to be a perfect fit.

Landing是一个免费的一页Bootstrap 4模板,在所有设备上看起来都很不错,并且可以帮助您获得更好的转化和销售。 着陆平台上载有大量强大的功能和选项,易于定制,非常适合。

Use Landing for free.


  1. AdminLTE Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template


15 AdminLTE

AdminLTE is a professional and popular Bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes loaded with 6 skins, 18 plugins + 3 custom made specifically for this theme, it has a responsive design, and a ton of other cool features.

AdminLTE是一种专业且流行的Bootstrap管理仪表板模板,其中包含6个皮肤,18个插件+ 3个专门为此主题定制的外观,它具有自适应设计和大量其他炫酷功能。

Check the live preview to see how AdminLTE looks and feels.


  1. ServicesLanding – Bootstrap Landing Page Template


16 ServicesLanding

Services landing is a brilliant Bootstrap landing page which is having a gorgeous design and it is free to use. It is already customized which is a plus, and this makes your work very easy. It can be edited easily as it has a clean and easy code. The code does not need any experience as it is very straightforward. It is retina ready and is user-friendly. This template can be used for all types of business that deal with products and services of all kinds. It has a great background that comes in different colors just for your website.

服务登陆是一个出色的Bootstrap登陆页面,它具有精美的设计,可以免费使用。 它已经过定制,这是一个加号,这使您的工作非常轻松。 它具有简洁明了的代码,因此可以轻松进行编辑。 该代码不需要任何经验,因为它非常简单。 它是视网膜就绪的,并且用户友好。 该模板可用于处理各种产品和服务的所有类型的业务。 它具有很好的背景,只为您的网站提供不同的颜色。

  1. WhatFontIs


17 WhatFontIs Com

Loaded with a huge database of over 550,000 free and commercial fonts, a powerful AI software and a super quick interface, WhatFontIs represents the fastest and easiest way to identify a font from an image in 40 seconds and 3 easy steps.


Give it a try.


  1. Easy HTML5 Video Converter


18 Easy HTML5 Video Converter

Converting any video to HTML5 is fast and easy with this solution. No need to have any special skills to do it.

使用此解决方案,可以轻松快捷地将任何视频转换为HTML5。 无需任何特殊技能即可做到。

It supports over 300 video formats and the created video will play in all browsers and devices.


Convert your videos to the best format – HTML5.

将您的视频转换为最佳格式– HTML5。

  1. WordPress to WIX migration service


19 WordPresstoWix

WordPressToWix.PRO allows for simple, hassle-free and professional website migration from WordPress to Wix. Apart from the ease-of-use and convenience, the service also offers affordable pricing, individual approach to each and every project and high-end performance. Whether you run a blog, a web store or any other personal or business project with WordPress, you’ll quickly convert it to Wix with the service.

WordPressToWix.PRO允许从WordPress到Wix的简单,轻松,专业的网站迁移。 除了易于使用和便利之外,该服务还提供价格合理的价格,针对每个项目的个性化方法以及高端性能。 无论您是使用WordPress运行博客,网络商店还是任何其他个人或商业项目,您都可以使用该服务将其快速转换为Wix。

  1. Wrappixel


20 WrapPixel

WrapPixel has over 150,000 creatives using with great success their items, being a top supplier of free and premium Bootstrap, Angular & React Admin Templates + UI Kits.

WrapPixel拥有超过15万名创意者,他们的物品获得了巨大的成功,是免费和高级Bootstrap,Angular和React Admin模板+ UI套件的顶级供应商。

Don’t forget to check the Mega Bundle which is loaded with literally tons of good stuff and it is sold with 80% discount.

别忘了检查一下Mega Bundle,它装满了成吨的好东西,并以80%的折扣出售。

  1. Fortune Creations


21 FortuneCreations

Fortune Creations builds awesome free and premium WordPress themes which are used by over 18,000 customers. All their themes look great on all devices, have a pixel-perfect design, are easy to customize and install, and are packed with the latest features.

Fortune Creations建立了很棒的免费和高级WordPress主题,有超过18,000个客户使用。 它们的所有主题在所有设备上看起来都很棒,具有完美的像素设计,易于定制和安装,并具有最新功能。

Browse Fortune Creations and pick the theme you need.


  1. Freelance Time Tracker


22 Freelance Time Tracker

Bonsai is the most popular brand of products dedicated to freelancers, being the first choice for them. Available on web, macOS and iOS, Bonsai Time Tracking helps freelancers to track time in a click (Start tracking your freelance work seamlessly and switch between projects without the confusion of traditional time trackers.), to centralize time sheets (Automatically fill in your time sheets or log hours manually to get a comprehensive view of your work day.) and much more.

盆景是致力于自由职业者的最受欢迎的产品品牌,是他们的首选。 Bonsai时间跟踪可在Web,macOS和iOS上使用,可帮助自由职业者单击跟踪时间(开始无缝跟踪自由职业工作并在项目之间进行切换,而不会造成传统时间跟踪器的困扰。),以集中时间表(自动填写时间)表格或手动记录时间,以全面了解您的工作日。)等等。

Use Bonsai Time Tracking.


  1. Newsletter templates


23 Newsletter Templates

MailMunch is the fastest-growing email marketing platform, loaded with lots of beautiful pre-designed newsletter templates to choose from, with a brilliant drag-and-drop builder and tons of features and options.


Creating highly engaging email newsletters that immediately grab attention is super simple with MailMunch, no coding required.


  1. Email template builder


24 Email Template Builder

Unlayer is a professional embeddable drag-n-drop email editor and page Builder that will let your website visitors create engaging email newsletters directly from your website, using the brilliant drag-and-drop editor and the beautiful and pixel-perfect templates.


  1. Logaster Free Logo Maker


25 Logaster

Logaster is a super simple to use logo design platform that will help you get a unique and professional logo in a couple of minutes, without spending a fortune. Write down your company name, add a slogan and symbol if needed, and in seconds the platform will show you hundreds of designs to choose from.

Logaster是一个易于使用的徽标设计平台,可帮助您在几分钟之内获得独特而专业的徽标,而无需花大钱。 写下您的公司名称,并在需要时添加标语和符号,该平台将在几秒钟内为您显示数百种设计供您选择。

  1. Fotor Online Photo Editor and Design Maker


26 Fotor

Looking to create and highly engaging pictures for your website, email newsletters and social media channels? Fotor is the most popular and complete solution, having hundreds of millions of happy users.

想要为您的网站,电子邮件新闻通讯和社交媒体渠道创建具有吸引力的图片? Fotor是最受欢迎和最完整的解决方案,拥有数亿名满意的用户。

It is packed with tons of templates and good stuff that will help you build awesome pictures in minutes.


Try it.


  1. Content Snare


27 ContentSnare

Collecting content and files on time from customers is time consuming, sending many emails for follow-up. Content Snare will do the work in your place, after a simple configuration that takes place in only 3 steps.

及时从客户那里收集内容和文件非常耗时,因此会发送大量电子邮件以进行后续跟踪。 仅需3个步骤,即可完成Content Snare的工作,并由您完成。

Using this solution will save you lots of time and offer your customers a professional way to send you the content and upload files. Win-win.

使用此解决方案可以节省大量时间,并为客户提供专业的方式向您发送内容和上传文件。 双赢。

Start your free 14-day trial today.


  1. Mockuuups Studio – Mockup Generator

    Mockuuups Studio –样机生成器

28 Mockup Generator

Mockuuups is a popular, simple to use and very effective drag-and-drop tool that will help you create beautiful app previews or any marketing materials in seconds, without requesting you any special skills or previous experience.


Use it for free or unlock the Premium plan for $9/month.


  1. Real-time collaboration


29 Real Time Collaboration

Taskade is designed as a remote workspace for distributed teams. Real-time collaboration has never been easier than now with Taskade. Now you can manage your tasks and chat with your team, in one unified space, boosting your productivity levels to the sky.

Taskade设计为分布式团队的远程工作区。 使用Taskade,实时协作从未像现在这样简单。 现在,您可以在一个统一的空间中管理您的任务并与您的团队聊天,从而将您的生产力提高到了空前。

The signing up process takes a couple of seconds and Taskade works excellent with iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome and Firefox.


Check it.


  1. HelpJet – Knowledge Base Software

    HelpJet –知识库软件

30 HelpJet Knowledge Base Software

Companies quickly grow by getting more sales but this comes with a huge minus. More sales usually means more support staff. To keep your existing support staff while increasing the sales figure, you need to help your customers find answers to their question with an easy to use knowledge base. HelpJet will do exactly that for you, in a couple of minutes and you don’t need any special skills.

公司通过获得更多的销售而Swift增长,但这带来了巨大的损失。 更多的销售通常意味着更多的支持人员。 为了在增加销售量的同时保留现有的支持人员,您需要使用易于使用的知识库来帮助客户找到问题的答案。 HelpJet将在几分钟内为您完成此操作,并且您不需要任何特殊技能。

  1. WikiPress – WordPress Wiki Theme

    WikiPress – WordPress Wiki主题

31 WikiPress WordPress Wiki Theme

Creating a beautiful and fully functional WordPress Wiki theme is super simple with WikiPress, the most popular and recommended such themes in the market. The company behind it have over 23,000 happy customers.

使用市场上最受欢迎和推荐的WikiPress,创建一个美观且功能齐全的WordPress Wiki主题非常简单。 它背后的公司拥有超过23,000个满意的客户。

Setup your site in seconds with the setup assistant. Automatically installs demo content and common settings which can be tweaked to suit almost any wiki configuration.

使用设置助手在几秒钟内设置您的站点。 自动安装演示内容和通用设置,可以对其进行调整以适应几乎所有Wiki配置。

  1. Wokiee – Multipurpose Shopify Theme

    Wokiee –多功能Shopify主题

32 Wokiee Multipurpose Shopify Theme

Wokiee is the most recommended multipurpose Shopify theme on the market, being loaded with tons of awesome good stuff (unlimited layouts for homepage, various layout options for shop and product pages, multiple header options and much more) and being super simple to fully customize.


With Wokiee anyone can do an online shop that converts great.


  1. Shella – Ultimate Fast Responsive Shopify theme

    Shella –终极快速响应Shopify主题

33 Shella Ultima Fast Responsive Shopify Theme

Shella is the ultimate Fashion Shopify Theme that will make your shop stand out of the crowd. Its design is pixel-perfect, responsive, and the theme is loaded with tons of feature and options, being super simple to customize in a couple of minutes.

Shella是终极的时尚Shopify主题,它将使您的商店脱颖而出。 它的设计是像素完美的,响应Swift的,并且主题中包含了大量的功能和选项,几分钟之内即可非常轻松地自定义。

  1. Free Invoice Templates


34 Free Invoice Templates

InvoiceBerrry is a very fast and efficient invoicing software that will help you create awesome invoices in a matter of seconds. It is a perfect fit for freelancers, and for small and medium companies.

InvoiceBerrry是一种非常快速高效的发票软件,可帮助您在几秒钟内创建超赞的发票。 它非常适合自由职业者和中小型公司。

You can use InvoiceBerry to create and send fully customized invoices, to track expenses and payments, to create reports, manage clients and much more.


Sign up for the free trial, no credit card required.


  1. GoodieWebsite


35 GoodieWebsite

Are you a designer looking for a reliable web development partner, or you are a small business owner looking to amplify its online presence? Goodie is a professional web development service that is a perfect fit for you, being experts in their fields and friendly.

您是设计师在寻找可靠的Web开发合作伙伴,还是正在扩大在线形象的小型企业主? Goodie是专业的网站开发服务,是您所在领域的专家,而且非常友好,非常适合您。

  1. RumbleTalk


36 RumbleTalk

With RumbleTalk anybody can add an online group chat to a website and live events, without having any special skills or previous experience. It takes a couple of seconds and you are good to go.

借助RumbleTalk,任何人都可以将在线群聊添加到网站和现场活动,而无需任何特殊技能或先前的经验。 这需要几秒钟,您就可以开始了。

Engage your website visitors and help your website convert better.


Start with the free plan and upgrade it anytime you need it.


  1. Opinion Stage Quiz Maker


37 Opinion Stage Quiz Maker

Opinion Stage is a powerful quiz maker being loaded with tons of beautiful and pixel-perfect quiz templates, a super simple to use editor and lots of features and options. Creating highly engaging quizzes is super simple with this web tool.

Opinion Stage是一个功能强大的测验制作工具,其中包含大量精美且像素完美的测验模板,一个超​​级易于使用的编辑器以及许多功能和选项。 使用此网络工具创建高度参与的测验非常简单。

Start building quizzes that convert.


  1. WordPress Page Speed Optimization Service


38 WordPress Page Speed Optimisation Service

Loading speed is one of the most important aspects of your WordPress website. A slow loading website will be penalized by search engines and by your website visitors that will abandon it after a few seconds of waiting.

加载速度是WordPress网站最重要的方面之一。 缓慢加载的网站将受到搜索引擎和您网站访问者的惩罚,这些网站将在等待几秒钟后将其放弃。

SteadyWP is the best WordPress page speed optimization service on the market, many times helping your website cut half of the loading time. Make your website load faster and create a better user experience.

SteadyWP是市场上最好的WordPress页面速度优化服务,可多次帮助您的网站减少一半的加载时间。 使您的网站加载速度更快,并创造更好的用户体验。

  1. uLanding


39 Ulanding

uLanding gives everyone a chance to create a powerful landing page on a budget. The builder offers a number of features and a great variety of templates as well as A/B testing, drag-and-drop building capabilities, CRM, etc. Ideal for people with no coding background.

uLanding使每个人都有机会在预算上创建功能强大的目标网页。 该构建器提供许多功能和多种模板,以及A / B测试,拖放构建功能,CRM等。非常适合没有编码背景的人们。

  1. Shopify live chat app


40 Shopify Live Chat App

Gorgias is a brilliant helpdesk designed for e-commerce stores. It provides multichannel customer service from a single app. Using Gorgias you will gain productivity with automated responses to common questions (60% of e-commerce support requests are repetitive).

Gorgias是为电子商务商店设计的出色服务台。 它通过单个应用程序提供多渠道客户服务。 使用Gorgias,您可以通过自动回答常见问题来提高工作效率(60%的电子商务支持请求是重复的)。

Start a free trial and see Gorgias in action.


  1. uCoz


41 Ucoz

Looking for a free site-building solution that has powerful tools? uCoz is a go-to place. It offers beautiful pre-populated templates, a wide range of modules, full HTML and CSS control, and SEO features. The platform suits both beginners who only start learning to code and web professionals.

寻找具有功能强大的工具的免费网站建设解决方案? uCoz是一个必去的地方。 它提供了漂亮的预填充模板,各种模块,完整HTML和CSS控件以及SEO功能。 该平台适合只开始学习代码和网络专业人员的初学者。

  1. WebDataStats


42 WebDataStats

WebDataStats is a fresh powerful service both for newbies and professionals that can detect any (even little-known) CMS. You can also get a domain database classified by extensions, CMS, topics, and any other category. Plus, you can detect the CMS of ALEXA TOP sites. Anyway, you should try the service to check all its features.

WebDataStats是为新手和专业人员提供的全新强大功能,可以检测任何(甚至鲜为人知的)CMS。 您还可以获得按扩展名,CMS,主题和任何其他类别分类的域数据库。 另外,您可以检测ALEXA TOP网站的CMS。 无论如何,您应该尝试使用该服务检查其所有功能。

  1. MM Thomas Blog

    MM Thomas博客

43 Mmthomasblog

MMThomasBlog.com includes multiple reviews and comparisons of website builders that have the same mission – to simplify users’ choice and contribute to the ease of website development. The resource in regularly updated with new reviews and articles that are completely focused on major and minor aspects of website creation. There is much info you can find here, if you are right about to choose the best tool to start a quality project.

MMThomasBlog.com包含具有相同使命的网站建设者的多个评论和比较-简化用户的选择并促进网站开发的简便性。 定期更新资源,其中包含新的评论和文章,这些评论和文章完全侧重于网站创建的主要和次要方面。 如果您即将选择最好的工具来启动高质量的项目,则可以在此处找到很多信息。

  1. Jacqueline – Spa & Massage Salon Theme


44 Jacqueline Spa & Massage Salon Theme

Jacqueline WordPress theme is an elegant and stylish solution to create a website for spa salon, beauty company, makeup & massage services agencies. The theme features full WooCommerce support that lets you sell your services directly on your site’s pages. Additionally, you can make use of pre-made blog, newsletter, and advanced galleries. There is also a wide choice of pre-made pages that you may adjust according to your own needs. The theme is created in accordance with the latest web requirements. It’s also optimized for a flawless performance on all devices and web browsing apps.

Jacqueline WordPress主题是一种优雅时尚的解决方案,可为水疗沙龙,美容公司,化妆和按摩服务机构创建网站。 该主题具有完整的WooCommerce支持,可让您直接在网站页面上出售服务。 此外,您可以使用预制的博客,新闻稿和高级画廊。 您还可以根据自己的需要对预制页面进行多种选择。 该主题是根据最新的Web要求创建的。 它还针对所有设备和Web浏览应用程序上的完美性能进行了优化。

  1. LogoAI


45 LogoAI

With LogoAI anyone can easily create professional logos in seconds for free. Simply enter your business name and let the powerful Ai logo maker generate hundreds of unique logo designs for you to choose from.

有了LogoAI,任何人都可以在几秒钟内免费轻松创建专业徽标。 只需输入您的公司名称,然后让功能强大的Ai徽标制作工具生成数百种独特的徽标设计,供您选择。

It is a very effective and budget-friendly solution to get unique logo designs.


Try it.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/32087/improve-your-business-by-using-efficient-web-tools






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