ocp oca_您应该拥有的5份Oracle Java认证考试书(OCA / OCP)

ocp oca

Java is one of the hottest technology, there are tons of jobs out there. So if you have Oracle Java Certification, it makes you stand out from the crowd and helps you in landing your dream job. Sometime back I wrote an article about Best Core Java Books for beginners and I get a lot of emails asking for the books to refer to prepare for Oracle Java Certification Exam.

Java是最热门的技术之一,那里有很多工作。 因此,如果您具有Oracle Java认证 ,它将使您在人群中脱颖而出,并帮助您实现理想的工作。 有时我写了一篇有关初学者的最佳Java核心书籍的文章,并且我收到很多电子邮件,要求这些书籍作为Oracle Java认证考试准备的参考。

Oracle Java认证途径 (Oracle Java Certification Path)

Before Oracle acquired Sun, the learning path used to be simple. The first certification exam was Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) and then you can take other exams for Web Developer certification, Web Services certification etc.

在Oracle收购Sun之前,学习道路曾经很简单。 第一个认证考试是Sun认证Java程序员(SCJP),然后您可以参加其他有关Web Developer认证,Web Services认证的考试。

There are some acronyms you should be aware of – OCA stands for Oracle Certified Associate, OCP stands for Oracle Certified Professional. Sometimes you see acronyms as OCAJP and OCPJP, it’s nothing but Oracle Certified Associate/Professional Java Programmer.

您应该注意一些缩写词-OCA代表Oracle认证助理OCP代表Oracle认证专家 。 有时您会看到缩写词OCAJPOCPJP ,除了Oracle认证的助理/专业Java程序员 之外 ,什么都没有。

Below image shows the Oracle Java Certification Path as of writing this article. Associate level exams are the first level, for the Professional level it’s mandatory to have Associate-level certification. Similarly, for the Master level, you should have Associate and Professional level certifications.

下图显示了撰写本文时的Oracle Java认证路径。 准级别考试是第一级,对于专业级别,必须具有准级别认证。 同样,对于硕士级别,您应该具有助理和专业级别的证书。

As you can see that Associate level certification is available for Java SE 6, 7 and 8. However Professional level certification is available for Java SE 5,6 and 7. Java 8 is the current version but still, most of the projects are on Java 6 or Java 7. So it’s better to write exams for Java SE 7 Certification.

如您所见,Associate级认证适用于Java SE 6、7和8。但是Professional级认证适用于Java SE 5,6和7。Java8是当前版本,但大多数项目仍在Java上。 6或Java7。因此最好编写Java SE 7认证考试

Oracle Java认证考试书 (Oracle Java Certification Exam Books)

Now that we have understood the Oracle Java Certification Path, it’s time to look into the most important books you should read to prepare and get a higher score.

既然我们已经了解了Oracle Java认证路径,那么现在该阅读一下您应该阅读的最重要的书籍,以准备并获得更高的分数。

  1. OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide (Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804)

    I love Kath Siera and Bert Bates writing style. Head First Java was one of the early Java books that I have read. Their writing style is simple and that makes this book easy to read and understand. This book is focused on one purpose only – to help you in passing Oracle Java Certification for Associate and Professional level.

    One of the best parts of the book is that it’s divided into separate OCA and OCP sections. It also goes through their objectives and then explains the related topic in detail. If you are preparing for OCA or OCP Java Certifications, this is a must-have book.

    You can get this book from any of the below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)

    OCA / OCP Java SE 7程序员I和II学习指南(考试1Z0-803和1Z0-804)

    我喜欢Kath Siera和Bert Bates的写作风格。 Head First Java是我读过的早期Java书籍之一。 他们的写作风格很简单,这本书很容易阅读和理解。 本书仅侧重于一个目的-帮助您通过Oracle Java认证的专业人员和专业人员级别。

    本书最好的部分之一是将其分为独立的OCA和OCP部分。 它还会介绍他们的目标,然后详细解释相关主题。 如果您准备进行OCA或OCP Java认证,则这是一本必不可少的书。


    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  2. Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer Exams 1Z0-804 and 1Z0-805: A Comprehensive OCPJP 7 Certification Guide

    If you are planning to go for Professional level certification, then this is the book for you. It covers all the topics required for Professional level certification. This is not from Oracle and hence it comes with an outsider look of the exam and its topics.

    The best part of this Book is the two Mock tests (100+ pages) with an explanation to help you understand the exam question patterns.

    You can get this guidebook from any of the below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)

    Oracle认证专业Java SE 7程序员考试1Z0-804和1Z0-805:全面的OCPJP 7认证指南

    如果您打算获得专业级别的认证,那么这是适合您的书。 它涵盖了专业级别认证所需的所有主题。 它不是来自Oracle,因此带有考试及其主题的局外人外观。



    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  3. OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification Guide: Prepare for the 1ZO-803 exam

    This book is for beginners in Java, who wants to get the OCA certification as soon as possible. This book covers only topics related to OCA certifications. It’s not good for advanced level exams, but good for those who are looking for a crash course.

    You can buy this book from any of the below stores.

    Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)

    OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I认证指南:准备1ZO-803考试

    本书适用于希望尽快获得OCA认证的Java初学者。 本书仅涵盖与OCA认证有关的主题。 这对高级考试不利,但对那些希望速成课程的人来说却很好。


    Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

  4. Java Practice Questions: Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer (OCPJP)

    Once you have read through study guide books, you should try to get hands on this one. This book contains 12 section with each section having a number of questions to help you in passing OCP exam. Even if you are going for OCA, this book will help you in tricky questions.


    You can buy this book from Amazon USA. Unfortunately, this is still not available in Indian stores.


    Java实践问题:Oracle认证专家,Java SE 7程序员(OCPJP)

    阅读完学习指南后,您应该尝试着手阅读。 本书包含12个部分,每个部分都有许多问题,以帮助您通过OCP考试。 即使您打算使用OCA,这本书也会为您解决棘手的问题。

    您可以从Amazon USA购买这本书。 不幸的是,这在印度商店中仍然不可用。


  5. OCAJP Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer Practice Exams [Kindle Edition]

    If you own Amazon Kindle, then I would suggest you buy this Kindle Edition book for practicing mock exams. We know that textbooks can’t be replaced but reading a book on Kindle is a delight. If you will have this, you can prepare for the exam anywhere such as while traveling in Bus.

    OCAJP-Exam-Refresher-Hanumant Deshmukh-Book5

    You can buy this book from Amazon.com for your Kindle.

    Amazon.com (Kindle)

    OCAJP Oracle认证助理Java SE 7程序员实践考试[Kindle版]

    如果您拥有Amazon Kindle,那么我建议您购买此Kindle Edition书籍以练习模拟考试。 我们知道教科书无法替代,但是在Kindle上阅读书是一件令人愉快的事情。 如果您愿意,可以在任何地方(例如在乘公共汽车旅行时)准备考试。



奖励书 (Bonus Book)

There is one more book that is still not released (as of Jan 2015). However, I am looking forward to this and that’s why I am listing it here.

还有一本尚未发行的书(截至2015年1月)。 但是,我很期待这一点,这就是为什么我在这里列出它。

OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Practice Exams (Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804):

OCA / OCP Java SE 7程序员I和II练习考试(考试1Z0-803和1Z0-804)

You can buy this book from any of the below stores when it’s available.


Amazon.com Amazon.in (India)  Flipkart.com (India)

Amazon.com Amazon.in(印度) Flipkart.com(印度)

That’s all the recommended books for Oracle Java Certification Exams preparation. You should try to have one study guide and a couple of practice exams book to score higher. If any of these books helped you in passing the certification exam, please do comment and let us know. Even if I was able to help a single student by writing this post, I will feel happy and it will push me to write even more.

这是所有准备Oracle Java认证考试的推荐书籍。 您应该尝试拥有一份学习指南和几本实践考试书,以取得更高的分数。 如果这些书中的任何一本帮助您通过了认证考试,请发表评论并告知我们。 即使我能够通过写这篇文章帮助单个学生,我也会感到高兴,这会促使我写更多的文章。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/6622/5-oracle-java-certification-exam-books-ocaocp-that-you-should-have

ocp oca

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