

We have selected a range of 10+ different web developer tools, especially made for nontechnical people who are willing to promote their projects and businesses in an easy, efficient and low-cost way and we chose to share them with you in this article.


  1. uKit.com

    Nowadays, business owners simply want to get their sites done and running with no cost and without being obliged to hire a web design agency. Luckily, we found the solution for this problem, and it is represented by uKit. It is a Do-It-Yourself website builder, using a Drag-n-Drop technique, which allows business owners to promote their business through professional sites.

    From the very beginning, you are given a ready to go website and all you have to do is to choose a theme and a domain name. Each template is mobile-friendly and you can preview it on various devices (desktop, tablet and mobile). The site is divided in two main areas, the Dashboard and the Constructor, which have three working modes: Site pages, Builder and Design. The dashboard lets you manage your sites’ main settings and, like any other drag-n-drop site builder, there are several widgets that you can add on the page, such as MailChimp, which provides you tools to create sign-up forms for your site and helps you with the newsletters, or Ecwid, that lets you manage your Ecwid accounts without having to leave the control panel. In addition to these, you can also use LiveChat, SoundCloud, Google Maps and more.


    如今,企业主只是想无成本地完成他们的网站并开始运营,而不必雇用一家网页设计公司。 幸运的是,我们找到了解决该问题的方法,它由uKit表示。 这是一个自己动手的网站生成器,使用拖放技术,使企业主可以通过专业网站促进业务发展。

    从一开始,您就会获得一个随时可用的网站,而您所要做的就是选择主题和域名。 每个模板都适合移动设备使用,您可以在各种设备(台式机,平板电脑和移动设备)上预览。 该站点分为两个主要区域,即仪表板和构造器,它们具有三种工作模式:站点页面,生成器和设计。 仪表板使您可以管理站点的主要设置,并且像其他任何拖放站点构建器一样,可以在页面上添加几个小部件,例如MailChimp,它为您提供了创建注册表单的工具。您的网站,并帮助您处理新闻通讯或Ecwid,使您无需离开控制面板即可管理Ecwid帐户。 除了这些,您还可以使用LiveChat,SoundCloud,Google Maps等。

  2. Usersnap.com

    Many of you may be working on a web project and I am sure you are all looking for advice that will make your website look and run better. Usersnap gives you the chance to receive feedback in an extremely efficient way, by giving users the opportunity to send you screenshots regarding the main problems of the current browser content. Your website visitors don’t care about bugs or any kind of error, but developers do. With Usersnap you can record these JavaScript errors as they happen, along with other information needed.

    Therefore, you will have a real time collaboration and communication with developers, clients and friends, by sharing screen and trying to find solutions for the found issues. Apart from this, you will also enjoy other special features, such as an easy to use feedback widget, or in-browser screenshots that require no plugin. I invite you to try their free trial and see how it is like to exchange opinions with other companies ready to help you improve your website.


    你们中的许多人可能正在从事Web项目,我相信你们都在寻找可以使您的网站外观和运行状况更好的建议。 通过使用户有机会向您发送有关当前浏览器内容的主要问题的屏幕截图,Usersnap使您有机会以非常有效的方式接收反馈。 您的网站访问者不关心错误或任何类型的错误,但是开发人员可以。 使用Usersnap,您可以记录这些JavaScript错误的发生情况以及所需的其他信息。

    因此,通过共享屏幕并尝试为找到的问题找到解决方案,您将与开发人员,客户和朋友进行实时协作和沟通。 除此之外,您还将享受其他特殊功能,例如易于使用的反馈小部件或不需要插件的浏览器内屏幕截图。 我邀请您尝试他们的免费试用版,看看与准备帮助您改善网站的其他公司交换意见的感觉如何。

  3. Goodbarber.com

    GoodBarber is the simplest and most intuitive way of creating a mobile application, the only thing needed being your creativity. The software is very user friendly, giving you the chance to create beautiful, professional mobile apps. You can personalize them by choosing from and customizing various design templates, and enhancing your app with a large library full of beautiful and professional photos free for your use.

    Finally, you can publish your app on the stores once you are a GoodBarber member with an active subscription. The only other thing you need is your own developer accounts, which can be made on https://developer.apple.com for iOS apps or on https://developer.android.com/index.html for Android. If you need help along the way, the support team is ready to answer any of your questions and help you to create the the app you are envisioning.


    GoodBarber是创建移动应用程序的最简单,最直观的方法,唯一需要的就是您的创造力。 该软件非常人性化,使您有机会创建美观,专业的移动应用程序。 您可以通过选择和自定义各种设计模板来个性化它们,并使用一个免费的美丽的专业照片库来增强您的应用程序。

    最后,一旦您成为具有有效订阅的GoodBarber成员,就可以在商店中发布您的应用程序。 你唯一需要的另一件事是你自己的开发者账户,可以上进行https://developer.apple.com iOS应用或https://developer.android.com/index.html为Android。 如果您一路需要帮助,支持团队将随时回答您的任何问题,并帮助您创建您正在设想的应用程序。

  4. TeamDesk.net

    I am sure some of you may feel the need to build a professional management solution for your companies. TeamDesk is the greatest software of storing information, being a really simple and flexible solution, instead of buying an expensive and advanced one. You can get started by choosing one predefined database template or by building one from the scratch.

    Each database’s design consists of types of tables with rows an columns, and you can completely customize it. You can create as many databases as you like, organizing them using various methods: by slicing large collection of tabs into workspace, by adding new variables to use them later in the system and many others.


    我敢肯定,您中的某些人可能会觉得有必要为您的公司构建专业的管理解决方案。 TeamDesk是存储信息的最出色软件,它是一种真正简单而灵活的解决方案,而不是购买昂贵且先进的解决方案。 您可以通过选择一个预定义的数据库模板或从头开始构建一个模板来开始。

    每个数据库的设计都由具有行和列的表的类型组成,您可以完全自定义它。 您可以创建任意数量的数据库,并使用各种方法来组织它们:将大量选项卡切成工作区,添加新变量以供以后在系统中使用,以及其他许多功能。

  5. ThemifyFlow.com

    If you are familiar with Themify themes, you must know about their drag & drop Builder, a page layout builder which allows you to design any sort of layouts. Now they’ve adopted the Builder to a new framework called Themify Flow which allows you to build templates. You can build templates like homepage, blog, categories, posts, pages, and custom post types. Header, sidebar, and footer within templates can be built as well. The entire theme (templates, template parts, and styling) can be imported/exported. It sounds promising.


    如果您熟悉Themify主题 ,则必须了解它们的拖放生成器 ,这是一个页面布局生成器,可用于设计任何类型的布局。 现在,他们将Builder引入了一个名为Themify Flow的新框架,该框架允许您构建模板。 您可以构建模板,例如主页,博客,类别,帖子,页面和自定义帖子类型。 也可以在模板中构建页眉,侧边栏和页脚。 整个主题(模板,模板部分和样式)可以导入/导出。 听起来很有希望。

  6. Hotjar.com

    Now it’s here: the best website analytics tool so far, that lets you keep track of your visitors preferences and needs regarding the look and the content of your site. Hotjar has many special features, such as conversion funnels, informing you about when do your visitors are leaving your site. Besides this, it also provides you with Form Analytics, Feedback Polls, Heatmaps and more.


    现在就在这里:迄今为止最好的网站分析工具,可让您跟踪访问者对网站外观和内容的偏好和需求。 Hotjar具有许多特殊功能,例如转换渠道,可告知您访问者何时离开您的网站。 除此之外,它还为您提供表单分析,反馈民意测验,热图等等。

  7. Codelobster.com

    This program is a Windows based PHP IDE, with the aim to allow you to create websites and web applications with the least amount of resistance possible. It comes out with a lot of features, including PHP debugger, SQL manager, support of FTP and many others.


    该程序是一个基于WindowsPHP IDE,旨在让您以最小的阻力创建网站和Web应用程序。 它具有许多功能,包括PHP调试器,SQL管理器,对FTP的支持以及许多其他功能。

  8. Frontify.com

    Frontify is the best web application for the web design passionate, letting you create and share design prototypes, while giving and receiving feedback in order to get better. It is trusted by known brands, such as Lufthansa, TUI, Thomson and more, so you can go and sign up on their site. The first project is free.


    Frontify是充满激情的Web设计的最佳Web应用程序,它使您可以创建和共享设计原型,同时提供和接收反馈以求更好。 它受到德国汉莎航空(Lufthansa),TUI,汤姆森(Thomson)等知名品牌的信任,因此您可以在其网站上进行注册。 第一个项目是免费的。

  9. uCoz.com

    If you would like to customize and personalize your unique site in order to present your business, using more complex methods including coding, you should definitely choose uCoz. It was founded in 2005 and it has a lot of experience in the web publishing industry. Every guy who tested uCoz said that it’s a top solution. Also SuperbWebsiteBuilders.com is rating this tool as the best to use.


    如果您想使用更复杂的方法(包括编码)来定制和个性化自己的独特站点以展示您的业务,则绝对应该选择uCoz。 它成立于2005年,在网络出版行业拥有丰富的经验。 每个测试uCoz的人都说这是一个最佳解决方案。 另外, SuperbWebsiteBuilders.com将此工具评为最佳使用工具。

  10. Powermockup.com

    Do you want to make you PowerPoint presentations more special? Well, that’s why we created PowerMockup, a toolkit that provides you wireframes and mockups for PowerPoint, coming with a library of different shapes and icons that you can choose from.


    您想让您的PowerPoint演示文稿更加特别吗? 好吧,这就是我们创建PowerMockup的原因,该工具包可为您提供PowerPoint的线框和模型,并带有一个可以选择的不同形状和图标的库。

  11. Shrinktheweb.com

    In recent years, more and more websites have begun to use website screenshots creatively in various ways. Gathering all those screenshots in the most efficient way possible is usually done with the help of a website screenshot service, such as ShrinkTheWeb, which offers a free plan to small users.


    近年来,越来越多的网站开始以各种方式创造性地使用网站截图。 通常借助网站截图服务(例如ShrinkTheWeb)以最有效的方式收集所有这些截图,该网站为小型用户提供免费计划。

That’s all for all the fresh web development tools I found in last few months, I hope you will find these useful.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/8312/best-10-web-development-tools-for-non-technical-users






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