jsf el 表达式_JSF表达式语言– JSF EL

jsf el 表达式

JSF Expression Language enables users to access the data dynamically from the JavaBeans components using various expressions.


JSF表达语言 (JSF Expression Language)

JSF Expression Language or JSF EL supports the following kinds of expressions.

JSF表达式语言或JSF EL支持以下类型的表达式。

  1. Immediate value expressions or Deferred value expressions

  2. Value expression or method expression

  3. rvalue or lvalue expressions


JSF EL –立即值表达式 (JSF EL – Immediate value expressions)

Immediate expressions are evaluated and results are rendered as soon as the page is displayed initially. The syntax for immediate evaluation is

最初显示该页面时,将立即评估立即表达式并呈现结果。 立即评估的语法是



Immediate evaluation expressions can be used within a template text or as tag attribute value that accepts runtime expressions. These type of expressions are read-only.

即时评估表达式可以在模板文本中使用,也可以用作接受运行时表达式的标记属性值。 这些类型的表达式是只读的。

JSF EL –延迟值表达式 (JSF EL – Deferred value expressions)

Deferred expressions are evaluated during the lifecycle phase whenever it is needed. The syntax for deferred evaluation is

在生命周期阶段,只要需要,便会评估延期表达式。 延迟评估的语法为



Deferred value expressions can be of two types


  1. Value expressions

  2. Method expressions


JSF表达式语言–值表达式 (JSF Expression Language – Value Expressions)

Value expressions usually fetch a value or set a value. These expressions can be further categorized into rvalue and lvalue expressions.

值表达式通常获取值或设置值。 这些表达式可以进一步分为右值和左值表达式。

lvalue expressions can both read and write data whereas rvalue expressions can only read data.


For example, if we want to fetch the name of the car from the managed bean


${car.cname}: for immediate evaluation

$ {car.cname} :立即评估

#{car.cname}: for deferred evaluation

#{car.cname} :用于延迟评估

The immediate evaluation ${car.cname} acts as an rvalue expression whereas in some cases during a request this expression can be used to set the value to the cname field and hence acts as an lvalue expression.

立即计算$ {car.cname}用作右值表达式,而在某些情况下,在请求期间,该表达式可用于将值设置为cname字段,因此用作左值表达式。

JSF EL –使用值表达式引用对象 (JSF EL – Referencing objects with value expressions)

The value expressions can be referred to managed bean components, collections, enumeration types and implicit objects types.


For example : ${car}

例如:$ {car}

This expression refers to the managed bean component named “car”. While evaluating this expression the container searches for car in the page, request or session and returns the value. If the car is not found then the value returned is null.

此表达式引用名为“ car”的托管Bean组件。 评估此表达式时,容器在页面,请求或会话中搜索car并返回值。 如果找不到汽车,则返回的值为null。

Assuming there is list named carnames containing the following values,


public List carnames={"Santro","Zen","Polo","Innova"}

public List carnames={"Santro","Zen","Polo","Innova"}

Suppose if we want to access the car named Polo then we use the expression


${carnames [2]}

$ {carnames [2]}

where [2] refers to the third element in the list with value “Polo”

其中[2]表示列表中的第三个元素,其值为“ Polo”

JSF EL –使用值表达式引用对象属性 (JSF EL – Referring object properties using value expressions)

To access the managed bean properties, elements in a collection or implicit objects we use . or [] notation.

要访问托管bean属性,集合中的元素或隐式对象,我们使用。 或[]表示法。

If we consider an example where we want to access the cname of the car managed bean then we use the expression


${car.cname} or ${car[“cname”]}

$ {car.cname}或$ {car [“ cname”]}

If we want to access the elements in an array or a collection then we use



$ {car.carnames [3]}

where car is the managed bean and carnames is the list from which we are accessing the third element. A literal value can be used that can be converted to int without quotes as ${car.carnames.nval} assuming that nval can be converted to int data type.

其中car是托管bean,而carnames是我们要访问的第三个元素的列表。 假定可以将nval转换为int数据类型,则可以使用可以将其转换为int且不带引号的$ {car.carnames.nval}文字值。

In order to access element from a Map, then the quotes should be specified as


${car.cnames[“nval”]} where car is the bean, cnames is a map.

$ {car.cnames [“ nval”]}其中car是bean,cnames是地图。

The EL supports the Boolean, Integer, Floating, null and String data types.


JSF表达式语言–方法表达式 (JSF Expressions Language – Method Expressions)

JSF EL method expression allows user to invoke a public method of the bean that returns the result. Method expressions are necessary for validating the data component and handling events.

JSF EL方法表达式允许用户调用返回结果的bean的公共方法。 方法表达式对于验证数据组件和处理事件是必需的。

Consider an example of invoking a method in a bean


<h:commandButton id="sub" value="Add Details" action="#{car.add}"> </h:commandButtton>

Here on click of “Add Details” button we invoke the add method of the car bean.

在这里,单击“添加详细信息”按钮,我们将调用car bean的add方法。

Method expressions can use . or [] operator as #{car.add} or #{car[“add”]}.

方法表达式可以使用。 或[]运算符为#{car.add}或#{car [“ add”]}。

JSF EL参数化方法 (JSF EL Parameterized methods)

The Expression Language supports the methods with parameters. Parameters are supported for both value and method expressions.
Consider an example of how to invoke a method with parameters.

表达式语言支持带参数的方法。 值和方法表达式均支持参数。

<h:inputText id="speed" value="#{car.calculatespeed(‘70.2’)}"></h:inputText>

Here we are calling the calculatespeed method of bean car by passing parameter speed having the value 70.2.

在这里,我们通过传递值为70.2的参数speed来调用bean car的computespeed方法。

Now let’s see a simple example where we will see the use of JSF Expression Language.


Create a JSF page car.xhtml as shown below.

创建一个JSF页面car.xhtml ,如下所示。

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
	<title>Facelet Title</title>
        Car Name:#{car.cname}
        Model Number:#{car.modelno}

Here we are invoking the calculate speed method by passing speed value 45.20 and fetching the values for cname, color and modelno attributes.


Create managed bean Car.java as

创建托管bean Car.java

package com.journaldev.jsf.beans;

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;

public class Car {

	private String cname = "Polo";
	private String color = "White";
	private String modelno = "P245";

	public Car() {

	public Car(String cname, String color, String modelno) {
		this.cname = cname;
		this.color = color;
		this.modelno = modelno;

	public String getCname() {
		return cname;

	public void setCname(String cname) {
		this.cname = cname;

	public String getColor() {
		return color;

	public void setColor(String color) {
		this.color = color;

	public String getModelno() {
		return modelno;

	public void setModelno(String modelno) {
		this.modelno = modelno;

	public float calculatespeed(float speed) {

		float totalspeed = speed + 10;
		return totalspeed;



Now run the application to see the following output in the browser.


Below image shows the final project structure in Eclipse.

JSF EL Example

Finally, you can download the JSF EL example project from below link and play around with it to learn more.


最后,您可以从下面的链接下载JSF EL示例项目,并试用它来了解更多信息。

Reference: Oracle Documentation

参考: Oracle文档

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/7058/jsf-expression-language-jsf-el

jsf el 表达式





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