

I use WordPress as my blogging platform. It’s awesome and used by millions of websites. That’s why it has always been targeted by Spammers who post spam comments. Most of these spam comments contains useless text with links to phishing or adult websites, that hurt website reputation.

我使用WordPress作为我的博客平台。 它很棒,并被数百万个网站使用。 这就是为什么垃圾邮件发送者始终将其作为目标,这些垃圾邮件发送者发表了垃圾邮件评论。 这些垃圾邮件评论大多数包含无用的文本以及指向网络钓鱼或成人网站的链接,这会损害网站的声誉。

There are two ways spammer post spam comments.


  1. Manual Spam Comments: A user can always post comments manually with lots of useless stuffs and links. This is common but it takes time for spammer and less time for comment moderator to mark it spam and delete it. That’s why this form of spamming is not very popular.

    垃圾邮件手动评论 :用户始终可以手动发布带有大量无用的内容和链接的评论。 这很常见,但垃圾邮件发送者需要花费时间,而评论主持人将其标记为垃圾邮件并删除它所花费的时间更少。 这就是为什么这种形式的垃圾邮件不是很流行的原因。
  2. Spam Bots: Spam bots are softwares or scripts that a spammer use to automatically post comments to different websites. Some of these spam bots are smart enough to crawl the website or go through the feed to get the list of articles to post spam comments. This is the most popular way of posting spam comments because you don’t need to do anything. But if not taken care from the very start, filtering these comments from genuine comments can be tiresome for the moderator.

    垃圾邮件机器人 :垃圾邮件机器人是垃圾邮件发送者用来自动将评论发布到不同网站的软件或脚本。 其中一些垃圾邮件机器人非常聪明,可以抓取网站或浏览供稿以获取发布垃圾邮件评论的文章列表。 这是发布垃圾评论最流行的方式,因为您无需执行任何操作。 但是,如果从一开始就没有注意的话,那么从主持人那里过滤掉真正评论中的这些评论可能会很麻烦。

So how do we take care of spam comments. There are two free WordPress plugins that I use to take care of spam comments by filtering and blocking them. Let’s have a look at them one by one and understand why we need both.

那么我们如何处理垃圾邮件评论。 我有两个免费的WordPress插件,它们通过过滤阻止来处理垃圾邮件评论。 让我们一一看一下,了解为什么我们都需要。

Akismet插件 (Akismet Plugin)

Akismet is a must have plugin for any WordPress website. The best part is that it’s totally free and it’s from Automattic, the guys behind WordPress. When a comment is posted, it’s sent to Akismet server that uses intelligent algorithms to determine if it’s spam. Since spammers target multiple websites at a time, they get caught in sometime and then all the comments from them are filtered and marked as Spam. Below image shows my Akismet stats for now.

Akismet是任何WordPress网站的必备插件。 最好的部分是它是完全免费的,并且来自WordPress背后的家伙Automattic。 发表评论后,会将其发送到使用智能算法确定其是否为垃圾邮件的Akismet服务器。 由于垃圾邮件发送者一次将多个网站作为目标,因此它们有时会被捕获,然后过滤掉来自它们的所有评论并将其标记为垃圾邮件。 下图显示了我目前的Akismet统计数据。

As you can see, it’s highly effective and saved me a lot of time and frustration. However there were 621 missed spams and 121 false positives. It’s a small number, but still I was loosing some genuine comments and wasting some time in marking spam for missed spam comments.

如您所见,它非常有效,为我节省了很多时间和沮丧。 但是,有621个垃圾邮件漏失和121个误报。 这个数字很小,但是我仍然在丢失一些真实的评论,并浪费一些时间在垃圾邮件上标记错过的垃圾评论。

I can spent some time in taking care of missed spams but loosing genuine comments was not an option for me. Moreover, I had to check Spam comments to find these false positive comments. If your blog is popular, chances are you will miss them and the users will remain clueless as why their comment was not posted.

我可以花一些时间来处理遗漏的垃圾邮件,但是对我而言,松懈地发表评论是不可行的。 此外,我不得不检查垃圾邮件评论以找到这些误报。 如果您的博客很受欢迎,那么您很可能会错过他们,而用户也将一无所知,因为他们的评论未发布。

反垃圾邮件插件 (Anti-Spam Plugin)

Being in Software industry myself, I knew that most of the spam comments are posted through spam bots. I have seen some websites use Captcha forms but Spam comments are my problem, not the user who is posting comment. So I didn’t wanted to use Captcha and looking for other options. If I could find a way to determine if a comment is posted by spam bots, I could just delete them and then take care of manual spam myself.

我本人是软件行业的人,我知道大多数垃圾邮件评论都是通过垃圾邮件机器人发布的。 我已经看到一些网站使用Captcha表单,但是垃圾评论是我的问题,而不是发布评论的用户。 所以我不想使用Captcha并寻找其他选择。 如果我可以找到一种方法来确定垃圾邮件机器人是否发表了评论,则可以将其删除,然后自己处理手动垃圾邮件。

Lucky for me, this was already been thought off and I found Anti-Spam plugin. Once you install this plugin, you are done with Spam bots. A recent update (~2 weeks back) started showing the number of comments this plugin has blocked and you can see my stats in below image.

对我来说幸运的是,这已经被考虑过了,我找到了反垃圾邮件插件。 安装此插件后,您就可以使用垃圾邮件机器人。 最近的更新(约2周前)开始显示此插件已阻止的评论数量,您可以在下图看到我的统计信息。

This smart plugin just adds couple of hidden tags in the comment form, one of them is filled with current year through JavaScript and another one is left blank intentionally. Since spam bots are software, either they just miss these tags in posting the comments or they fill both the tags and get caught, pretty smart!

这个智能插件仅在评论表单中添加了几个隐藏标签,其中一个通过JavaScript填充了当年的年份,另一个则有意留为空白。 由于垃圾邮件漫游器是软件,因此它们要么在发布评论时就错过了这些标签,要么将它们同时填充并被捕获,这非常聪明!

Once a comment is caught as being posted by Spam bots, you will never see it. It works before Akismet, so it reduces some load on your server and database too.

一旦发现垃圾邮件机器人发布了评论,您将永远看不到它。 它可以在Akismet之前运行,因此也可以减少服务器和数据库上的负载。

I started using Anti-Spam plugin around April-2014, check below image that shows Akismet detailed stats, notice the drop in Spam comments from May 2014 onwards.


That’s all you need to take care of spam comments in your WordPress blog. Anti-Spam block the spam comments and takes care of spam comments from spam bots. Akismet then takes care of filtering manual comments and finding if a comment is Spam. Hope you like these plugins as much as I do and use them at your WordPress blog to get rid of Spam comments.

这就是您需要处理WordPress博客中的垃圾评论的全部内容。 反垃圾邮件阻止垃圾邮件评论,并处理垃圾邮件机器人发出的垃圾评论。 然后,Akismet负责过滤手动评论,并确定评论是否为垃圾邮件。 希望您像我一样喜欢这些插件,并在您的WordPress博客中使用它们来摆脱垃圾邮件评论。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/6458/wordpress-spam-comment-filter-block-plugin






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