

As Black Friday 2016 is here, we thought that web developers and web designers should also have something special prepared for them. You will find awesome lead capture forms, website builders, cross-browser testing, WordPress themes and many more interesting products. Each of them is among the top solutions in their area. You should test each of them!

随着黑色星期五2016的到来,我们认为Web开发人员和Web设计师也应该为他们准备一些特别的东西。 您会发现很棒的潜在客户捕获表单,网站构建器,跨浏览器测试,WordPress主题以及更多有趣的产品。 他们每个人都是各自领域的最佳解决方案。 您应该测试每个!

  1. BeTheme


With almost 50,000 sales, BeTheme is one of the most powerful and appreciated WordPress themes. It’s the perfect solution for any kind of website or customer. You can use the included builder to customize and make changes to the whole website, in just a couple of minutes.

BeTheme拥有近50,000 销售记录,是最强大和最受赞赏的WordPress主题之一。 对于任何类型的网站或客户,这都是完美的解决方案。 您可以使用包含的构建器在短短几分钟内自定义和更改整个网站。

If you need inspiration or you just want to see what you can obtain using BeTheme, there are many brilliant examples of any kind of businesses.


BeTheme is premium and complete WordPress theme that includes all the features you can think of. There are 230 included pre-built websites that can be easily installed with just 1 click. Your own website may look the same as pre-built demos within a few minutes, you just need to replace the content with yours and you’re ready to go.

BeTheme是高级且完整的WordPress主题,其中包括您可以想到的所有功能。 包含230个预建网站,只需单击一下即可轻松安装。 在几分钟之内,您自己的网站可能看起来与预先构建的演示相同,您只需要用自己的网站替换内容,即可开始使用。

Keep in mind that anyone can build an awesome website with BeTheme, without having coding skills and experience and the outstanding support team is ready to quickly help you. It’s fully responsive and retina ready, your customers will be delighted to see your website on their phones and tablets.

请记住,任何人都可以使用BeTheme构建出色的网站,而无需具备编码技巧和经验,并且出色的支持团队随时准备为您提供快速帮助。 它具有充分的响应能力,并已准备好视网膜,您的客户将很高兴在手机和平​​板电脑上看到您的网站。

You can get BeTheme Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress theme for just $59, go for it!

您只需$ 59即可获得BeTheme响应式多功能WordPress主题,快去试试!

  1. Browserling.com


Browserling is the leading cross-browser testing service with great experience in the web testing industry. Every web developer knows that every browser is a little bit different. One browser renders shadows differently than other, some other browser renders fonts differently. To make sure your website and webapp works and looks correctly for everyone, it’s important to cross-browser test your website in the most popular browsers and on the most popular platforms. Testing will make sure there aren’t any issues. Today you can’t afford to lose potential customers or subscribers because your website doesn’t work in some browser or on a smaller screen resolution.

Browserling是领先的跨浏览器测试服务 ,在Web测试行业中拥有丰富的经验。 每个Web开发人员都知道每个浏览器都有些不同。 一个浏览器渲染阴影的方式与其他浏览器不同,其他浏览器渲染字体的方式也不同。 为确保您的网站和webapp都能正常工作并适合所有人,在最流行的浏览器和最流行的平台上跨浏览器测试您的网站很重要 。 测试将确保没有任何问题。 如今,您无法承受失去潜在客户或订户的麻烦,因为您的网站无法在某些浏览器或较小的屏幕分辨率下运行。

With Browserling you can get real, live browsers in less than 5 seconds. Browserling offers testing on Windows platforms, all Internet Explorer browsers and Androids. MacOS, iOS, OSX and Linux platforms are coming soon. Browserling truly offers excellent cross-browser testing solutions. There is also a free plan available where you get 3 minutes sessions to try the service. You don’t even have to register to try it.

使用Browserling,您可以在不到5秒的时间内获得真实的实时浏览器。 Browserling提供了在Windows平台,所有Internet Explorer浏览器和Android上的测试。 MacOS,iOS,OSX和Linux平台即将推出。 Browserling确实提供了出色的跨浏览器测试解决方案 。 还有一个免费计划,您可以在3分钟的会话中试用该服务。 您甚至不必注册即可尝试。

Browserling offers a bunch of features – live browsers, screenshots, bug annotator, and responsive testing. Responsive testing is the most impressive. You can set any screen resolution and resize browsers to any size.

浏览器提供了许多功能–实时浏览器,屏幕截图,错误注释器和响应测试。 响应式测试是最令人印象深刻的。 您可以设置任何屏幕分辨率,并将浏览器调整为任意大小。

Since today is Black Friday, Browserling prepared for us all a special offer – 33% off by using the BFLING2016 coupon. Go get the special offer. It’s only valid today!

因为今天是黑色星期五,所以Browserling为我们准备了所有特别优惠–使用BFLING2016优惠券可享受33%的折扣。 去获得特别优惠。 今天才有效!

  1. OptinMonster.com


OptinMonster is the most powerful and useful conversion and lead generation tool in the market today. Stop losing customers and convert abandoning visitors into clients and subscribers. With their awesome tool, you can build high converting forms in minutes, not hours. There is a drag-and-drop builder that is easy to use, you don’t need to have any coding skills.

OptinMonster是当今市场上功能最强大,最有用的转换和销售线索生成工具。 停止失去客户,并将放弃访问者转变为客户和订户。 借助其强大的工具,您可以在数分钟而不是数小时内构建出高转换率的表格。 有一个易于使用的拖放生成器,您不需要具备任何编码技能。

Timing is really important, using this easy tool, you can grab your visitor’s attention with a well-timed popup. To increase conversions, you have to put your message in the right place, at the right time, to the right audience, so you can increase your conversions. OptinMonster can do that for you.

时间安排非常重要,使用这个简单的工具,您可以通过适时的弹出窗口来吸引访客的注意力。 要增加转化次数,您必须在正确的时间,正确的时间将正确的信息传达给正确的受众,这样才能增加转化次数。 OptinMonster可以为您做到这一点。

Some other cool features of OptinMonster is that you can measure your results, use A/B testing for your ideas without guessing and double your email conversions with a fullscreen feature that allows you to turn any page on your website into your highest converting one.

OptinMonster的其他一些很酷的功能是,您可以衡量结果,无需猜测就可以使用A / B测试,并通过全屏功能将电子邮件转换量翻倍,从而可以将网站上的任何页面转换为转换率最高的页面。

The first plan starts from just $9 / month, billed annually and you will get many useful features. Get it right now!

第一个计划的每月费用仅为$ 9,按年计费,您将获得许多有用的功能。 立即获取!

  1. Snapito.com


Do you know Snapito? It’s a free, outstanding website screenshot service. Without installing a browser extension or signing up, you can obtain a picture of any website. There are just 3 steps: Enter the website address, hit Snap and you have your picture. If needed, you can modify it with the built-in editor that works excellent and it offers lots of features. You should try it!

你知道Snapito吗? 这是一项免费的出色网站截图服务。 无需安装浏览器扩展程序或注册,就可以获取任何网站的图片。 仅需3个步骤:输入网站地址,点击Snap,您便拥有了图片。 如果需要,您可以使用内置的编辑器对其进行修改,该编辑器的工作原理非常出色,并提供许多功能。 你应该试试看!

At the moment, there aren’t any LIVE API services but it will come in early 2017. Snapito is made by the well-known ShrinkTheWeb that offers automated web page screenshots. Get your website pictures!

目前,尚无任何LIVE API服务,但它将在2017年初推出。Snapito由著名的ShrinkTheWeb制作,该Web提供了自动网页截图。 获取您的网站图片!

  1. Themify.me


Today is a special day. Themify prepared special offers for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. They are giving never seen before discounts and 10 Master Club giveaways! To get 50% discount on all Club memberships (without the Lifetime Master Club), WordPress themes and plugins, you just have to use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. For the first time, they are also offering a $150 discount for the Lifetime Master Club membership. Use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAYLIFE and you’ll get lifetime access to all their product, support, and updates, for just $249! Even more, they are giving away 10 Master Club memberships. This will give you access to the whole package: all their products including themes, add-ons, plugins and even PSD files.

今天是个特别的日子。 Themify为黑色星期五和网络星期一准备了特别优惠。 他们提供了前所未有的折扣和10份Master Club赠品! 要获得所有俱乐部会员资格(无终生大师俱乐部),WordPress主题和插件50%的折扣,您只需使用优惠券代码BLACKFRIDAY。 他们还首次为终身大师俱乐部会员提供150美元的折扣。 使用优惠券代码BLACKFRIDAYLIFE,您将可以终生使用其所有产品,支持和更新,价格仅为249美元! 甚至,他们还赠送了10个Master Club会员资格。 这将使您可以访问整个程序包:其所有产品,包括主题,附加组件,插件,甚至PSD文件。

All these promotions started today and it will end on Cyber Monday, November 28th, 2016. Get them!


  1. uCoz.com


uCoz is a free website builder offering full HTML and CSS control. Beautiful responsive templates, rich choice of modules, advanced blogging and SEO features, eCommerce solution. It’s perfect both for beginners who only start learning to code and web professionals wishing to create complex and deeply-customized websites.

uCoz是一个免费的网站构建器,提供完整HTML和CSS控件。 漂亮的响应式模板,丰富的模块选择,高级博客和SEO功能,电子商务解决方案。 对于只开始学习代码的初学者和希望创建复杂且深度定制的网站的网络专业人员而言,这都是完美的选择。

  1. uKit.com


While creating your website you want the whole process to be as easy and hassle-free as possible and the end result professional. uKit website builder offers you all that. Due to the intuitive drag-and-drop editor and a robust feature set, you’ll be able to create your digital home in minutes. Just pick one of the 100s of mobile-friendly designs, begin customizing it, and be online within a day. No coding knowledge needed. It’s easy and free!

在创建您的网站时,您希望整个过程尽可能简单和轻松,并且最终结果是专业的。 uKit网站构建器为您提供了所有这些。 由于直观的拖放编辑器和强大的功能集,您将能够在数分钟内创建数字家庭。 只需选择100多种适合移动设备的设计之一,然后开始对其进行自定义即可在一天之内上线。 无需编码知识。 简单又免费!

  1. Simbla.com


Simbla website builder is a responsive, robust website builder that comes also as a free monthly plan. They have an advanced drag-and-drop website builder that is really easy to use and with which you can obtain awesome websites. You can upgrade your plan at any time. Start a new website right now !

Simbla 网站构建器是一个响应Swift ,功能强大的网站构建器,它还免费提供每月套餐。 他们有一个先进的拖放式网站构建器,它非常易于使用,您可以通过它获得很棒的网站。 您可以随时升级您的计划。 立即开始一个新网站!

  1. actiTIME.com


When talking about tracking time spent on projects, actiTIME is the first solution which comes to our mind. It can offer a great help for freelancers, but also managers of big companies. It’s the perfect tool to use for planning everything better. This solution can be a changer, try it now!

当谈到跟踪在项目上花费的时间时, actiTIME是我们想到的第一个解决方案。 它可以为自由职业者,也为大公司的经理提供极大的帮助。 这是用于更好地计划一切的完美工具。 该解决方案可以成为一个改变者,立即尝试!

  1. Colorlib.com


Are you searching for free and premium WordPress Templates ? If yes, you can find good quality at Colorlib. These guys work really hard and we can see it. They even made a step-by-step guide of How to Make a WordPress Website. It’s for beginners and it’s really useful.

您在搜索免费的高级WordPress模板吗? 如果是,您可以在Colorlib上找到高质量的图像。 这些家伙非常努力,我们可以看到。 他们甚至制作了有关如何制作WordPress网站的分步指南 。 它是针对初学者的,非常有用。

  1. Simunity.net


We love Simunity icon maker ! It’s the place where you can use their awesome free icon generator, but you can also find free high-quality responsive HTML templates and free to use images. Keep in mind, free to use and nice quality !

我们爱Simunity 图标制造商 ! 在这里,您可以使用他们很棒的免费图标生成器,但是您也可以找到免费的高质量响应HTML模板和免费使用的图像。 请记住,免费使用,质量不错!

  1. USocial.pro


Share and Like buttons by uSocial.pro are in touch with modern web design trends, mobile-friendly, and take only a few minutes to be installed with the help of an easy-to-use builder. A button set includes popular social media such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other. Install the buttons and use the counter to track how many times your posts have been shared.

uSocial.pro的“共享”和“喜欢”按钮与移动设备友好的现代Web设计趋势保持联系,并且在易于使用的构建器的帮助下只需几分钟即可安装。 按钮集包括流行的社交媒体,例如Facebook,Google +,Twitter,LinkedIn等。 安装按钮并使用计数器跟踪您的帖子已被共享多少次。

  1. wpDataTables.com


wpDataTables is a premium WordPress plugin that is used by many companies and freelancers to build tables, charts, and graphs. You can easily create large responsive tables, with 0 coding skills or experience and WordPress users can edit the content of the table inline, or in a generated form. Give it a try!

wpDataTables是高级WordPress插件,许多公司和自由职业者都使用它来构建表格,图表和图形。 您可以轻松地创建具有0编码技能或经验的大型响应表,而WordPress用户可以内联或以生成的形式编辑表的内容。 试试看!

  1. Thesquid.ink


Icons are important and the guys from TheSquid.Ink are here to help us all. There are 2 options. First, with no money involved, you will get 50 free icons for personal and commercial projects. The second option, the one that I like more, is that with just $45, you can get 2000 flat icons. Really awesome! Get the pack now!

图标很重要, TheSquid.Ink的家伙在这里为我们所有人提供帮助。 有2个选项。 首先,无需花钱,您将获得50个用于个人和商业项目的免费图标。 第二个选项,我更喜欢的一个选项是,只需$ 45,即可获得2000个平面图标 。 非常棒! 立即获取包!

  1. xfive.co



At Xfive, you will find only professionals that can help you with front and back end development, WordPress projects, but also many more things. They worked even for Microsoft and Ebay, believe me, these guys can do anything you can think of. Contact them and let them help you !

Xfive ,您只会找到可以帮助您进行前端和后端开发,WordPress项目以及许多其他事情的专业人员。 他们甚至为Microsoft和Ebay工作,相信我,这些家伙可以做您可以想到的任何事情。 联系他们,让他们为您服务!

  1. Invoiceninja.com


It’s quite simple to guess what is InvoiceNinja about. It’s a platform for invoicing, a top notch one. These guys are really transparent and they offer on their website, a page where you can compare them with their main competitors, big names. They are the best solution by far and their platform has many more features that are really nice to use and have.

猜测InvoiceNinja是什么很简单。 它是开发票的平台,是一流的。 这些家伙真的很透明,他们在他们的网站上提供该页面,您可以在这些页面上将其与主要竞争对手,知名人士进行比较。 到目前为止,它们是最好的解决方案,其平台还具有许多非常好用的功能。

Trying these solutions will get you more contracts, happy clients and a lot of more free time for yourself. There are great improvements made almost every month to all of these services and these people are doing their best so us all to be happy.

尝试这些解决方案将为您带来更多的合同,满意的客户以及更多的空闲时间。 这些服务几乎每个月都有很大的改进,这些人正在尽力而为,让我们所有人都感到高兴。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/13305/top-black-friday-deals-web-developers-designers






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