

People always look for ways to ease their day-to-day tasks. Whether it is something related to their jobs or simply making an online appointment, people will find one way or another to make it quicker, more efficient, easier. Luckily, there is one mighty tool that helps human beings lead a better, simpler life without much trouble involved. It is known under the name of technology and it seems to continuously evolve without taking any breaks.

人们总是在寻找减轻日常工作负担的方法。 无论是与工作有关的事情,还是只是进行在线约会,人们都会找到一种方法来使其更快,更高效,更容易。 幸运的是,有一种强大的工具可以帮助人们过上更好,更简单的生活,而不会带来太多麻烦。 它以技术的名称而闻名,并且似乎在不间断的情况下不断发展。

In the past couple of years, technology advanced considerably. Even though this comes with a series of benefits that can’t be ignored, it also has some downsides that are quite noticeable.

在过去的几年中,技术取得了长足的进步。 尽管这带来了一系列不可忽视的好处,但它也有一些明显的缺点。

One of these downsides would be that all people must get used to these tech changes and accept mass adoption of tech tools. Using tech in business became a competitive advantage, and not having it present in your services and processes could end up in a loss of profit, time and other resources. That’s why businesses are struggling to include tech in their companies.

这些弊端之一是所有人必须习惯于这些技术变革并接受大规模采用技术工具。 在企业中使用技术已成为一项竞争优势,如果不将其用于您的服务和流程中,可能会导致利润,时间和其他资源的损失。 这就是为什么企业努力将技术纳入其公司的原因。

One way to do that without drastically affecting all the aspects related to a company would be using an online appointment booking system. The traditional manner of keeping track of bookings is definitely not an effective one, not to mention how time-consuming it is.

在不严重影响与公司相关的所有方面的情况下,实现此目标的一种方法是使用在线约会预订系统。 跟踪预订的传统方式绝对不是一种有效的方法,更不用说它很费时了。

Fortunately, there is a method that people can adopt today, whether they are customers in a hurry or businessmen that want to streamline their processes. Online appointment booking systems are entirely automated and require little to no effort from users. If you are planning to use one in the near future, look for these 5 features:

幸运的是,今天有一种人们可以采用的方法,无论是赶时间的客户还是想要简化流程的商人。 在线预约系统是完全自动化的,用户几乎不需要付出任何努力。 如果您打算在不久的将来使用它,请查找以下5个功能:

  1. Mobile-friendliness

  2. mobile friendliness

    Before anything else, you need to make sure that the system you are planning to use meets the standards regarding mobile-friendliness. In a world where most users come from mobile platforms, appointment systems must be present on all screen sizes, be it desktops, tablets or phones.

    首先,您需要确保计划使用的系统符合有关移动设备友好性的标准。 在大多数用户来自移动平台的世界中,约会系统必须存在于所有屏幕尺寸上,无论是台式机,平板电脑还是手机。

    Whenever you are trying to review an online appointment system, check out how it behaves when you move everything on mobile. Remember that since smartphones became more and more powerful, the number of users who use phones exclusively tripled.

    每当您尝试查看在线约会系统时,请查看其在移动设备上移动所有内容时的表现。 请记住,由于智能手机变得越来越强大,因此仅使用手机的用户数量增加了两倍。

    You would lose a lot of clients as a business owner and a lot of services as a client if you didn’t use a mobile-friendly online appointment system.


  3. Intuitiveness

  4. To make sure that no people are held back from taking advantage of an appointment system’s benefits, choose the systems that are intuitive to use. A system that is too complex or requires a lot of time to be used will instantly be skipped by users.

    为确保没有人会受到约会系统的好处所困扰,请选择易于使用的系统。 太复杂或需要大量时间才能使用的系统将立即被用户跳过。

    Not all people are tech-savvy or willing to spend that much time for simply making an appointment, so you need to look for online appointment booking systems that are easy to use, intuitive, simple and responsive all at the same time. The transition from traditional should be done smoothly, and the only way to do that without encountering any issues is by using intuitive systems.

    并非所有人都精通技术,也不愿意花那么多时间进行简单的预约,因此您需要寻找易于使用,直观,简单且响应Swift的在线预约系统。 从传统的过渡应该顺利进行,并且在不遇到任何问题的情况下,唯一的方法就是使用直观的系统。

  5. Manageability

  6. 2

    Another feature to look for when selecting an online appointment booking system has to do with how manageable it is. Scheduling an appointment as a process is not difficult but managing the appointments as they gather together can be tricky.

    选择在线约会预订系统时要寻找的另一个功能与它的可管理性有关。 将约会安排为一个过程并不困难,但是在约会聚集在一起时管理约会可能很棘手。

    This might be the most important feature of them all and it is supposed to help users decide which system to choose from a variety of options.


    The booking system should contain options that allow users to set reminders for their appointment immediately after finishing the scheduling process, to receive confirmation from the customer/employee a few days before the appointment should be fulfilled, to receive notifications when the appointment is canceled, or any other modification occurs along the way.


    Without such features, the appointment system might not be the one you are looking for. Analyze the options carefully and see which system fits your needs best.

    没有这些功能,约会系统可能就不是您想要的系统。 仔细分析选项,然后查看哪个系统最适合您的需求。

  7. Customizability

  8. The one aspect that most people look for when using a mobile app or a tech-related system is customizability. This means that users should be able to personalize their experience with the tech product the way they wish to.

    可定制性是大多数人在使用移动应用程序或与技术相关的系统时寻找的一个方面。 这意味着用户应该能够按照自己希望的方式个性化他们对高科技产品的体验。

    Generic products are never successful because they don’t offer users the possibility to modify certain aspects that make the experience more pleasurable or useful for them. This applies in the case of online appointment booking systems as well. Because each person wants different things, it’s highly important to look for systems that allow users to make the changes they require.

    通用产品永远不会成功,因为它们无法为用户提供修改某些方面的可能性,从而使体验对他们而言更愉悦或更有用。 这同样适用于在线约会预订系统。 由于每个人都想要不同的东西,因此寻找允许用户进行所需更改的系统非常重要。

    Their expectations should be met by offering them the possibility to change elements that have to do with the looks of the system, as well as more technical features (adding filters, custom fields, personal notes and so on). The more customizable the system is, the better the scheduling experience will be for all parties involved.

    应通过为他们提供更改与系统外观有关的元素以及更多技术功能(添加过滤器,自定义字段,个人注释等)的可能性来满足他们的期望。 系统越可定制,对所有参与方的调度体验就越好。

  9. Different Payment Methods

  10. When people make an appointment, it’s obvious that they already have the financial resources that they need for purchasing the services. This means that they might like to pay for the services in full, beforehand.

    人们预约后,很明显他们已经拥有购买服务所需的财务资源。 这意味着他们可能想预先全额支付服务费用。

    Offering them this chance could save a lot of time and trouble, not to mention that it could simplify financial processes tremendously. Both customers and employees have a lot to gain from the possibility to pay for their services in advance while using the system from the comfort of their houses or while they are on the go.

    为他们提供这个机会可以节省大量时间和麻烦,更不用说它可以极大地简化财务流程。 客户和员工都可以从在家中舒适地或在旅途中使用该系统时提前支付服务费用中受益匪浅。

    Look for online appointment booking services that let you pay upfront for the services you are about to use but pay attention to the number of payment methods offered in this sense. These systems should be safe to use and include a handful of options for paying. The most popular payment methods at this time are credit cards and PayPal (but the more, the merrier).

    寻找在线约会预订服务,该服务可让您为将要使用的服务提前付款,但要注意这种意义上提供的付款方式。 这些系统应使用安全,并包含一些付款选项。 目前最流行的付款方式是信用卡和PayPal(但更多的是商户)。

阿米莉亚 (Amelia)


Amelia is a popular online appointment booking system that happens to include all the features and characteristics presented above. All the aforementioned criteria make up the perfect system, and this one seems to be the closest to it.
This booking system has it all – from making appointments to managing them, high personalization levels, integration and so on. Because Amelia is actually a plugin created by TMS Outsource, it can be integrated with WordPress, WooCommerce and even Google Calendar. How convenient is that? Some of the exact features of Amelia include:

Amelia是一种流行的在线约会预订系统,它恰好包含上述所有功能。 前面提到的所有标准都构成了一个完美的系统,而这个标准似乎是最接近的。
该预订系统具有所有功能-从约会到管理,个性化级别高,集成等等。 由于Amelia实际上是TMS Outsource创建的插件,因此可以与WordPress,WooCommerce甚至Google Calendar集成。 那有多方便? Amelia的某些确切功能包括:

A clear search interface



The search interface of Amelia is simple to use but effective at the same time. No matter how specific the services you are looking for are, there are surely some filters that can help you sort out the results until you find exactly what you want.

Amelia的搜索界面易于使用,但同时有效。 无论您要寻找的服务有多具体,肯定都有一些过滤器可以帮助您对结果进行排序,直到找到所需的内容为止。

This search interface includes several filters that will reduce the number of results to just the ones you might be interested in. It is a helpful tool which you may not find in other booking systems.


A rapid booking wizard


An automated booking process is quick, but how quick exactly? Well, with Amelia users only have to go through a form which will require inserting the exact details that one desires for his appointment.


自动预订过程很快,但是到底有多快? 好吧,有了Amelia,用户只需要填写一张表格,该表格将需要插入一个人想要任命的确切信息。

The booking wizard included in this system is not complex, but it offers the exact information that people need to keep things organized and free of confusion or errors.


Reporting dashboard


Amelia features a complex dashboard where stats regarding the existent appointments are offered to the users.



This dashboard contains relevant data about customers, the time when they made the appointments, the employees that are supposed to handle the appointment, the service they required, as well as the duration of the appointment, the price paid for it and the status of the appointment.


From this platform, users can edit any of the bookings and see their financial situation (for business purposes).


Booking and cancelation time


This setting panel refers to modifying general settings related to appointment.





This setting panel has to do with notifications for appointment approval, rejection, cancelation or any other change that may occur during the process. Both employees and customers will be notified if something happens with the appointment.


此设置面板与约会批准,拒绝,取消或在此过程中可能发生的任何其他更改的通知有关。 如果约会发生问题,员工和客户都会收到通知。



With Amelia, everything can be scheduled. The personal schedules of each employee can be uploaded into the system so that customers know when they can opt for a service if they require a specific person to handle their appointment.

使用Amelia,可以安排一切。 可以将每个员工的个人日程表上载到系统中,以便客户知道如果他们需要特定人员来处理他们的约会,那么他们何时可以选择服务。

Also, Amelia can be integrated with Google Calendar which is very convenient for scheduling.


Payment methods


Users can select between various payment methods, including PayPal and Stripe. They can set the currency and whether coupons can be used or not. Because it integrates with WooCommerce, Amelia features invoicing and tax management features through it.


用户可以选择各种付款方式,包括PayPal和Stripe。 他们可以设置币种以及是否可以使用优惠券。 由于Amelia与WooCommerce集成在一起,因此具有发票和税收管理功能。



Here, users can modify the aspect of the platform to fit their business brand needs or their preferences.



Booking fields



Booking fields can be personalized as well. Users can choose to remove fields or add new ones, depending on what their services are. They can require more information from the customers. The appointment form can be modified based on the requirements of each user.

预订字段也可以个性化。 用户可以根据自己的服务选择删除字段或添加新字段。 他们可能需要客户提供更多信息。 可以根据每个用户的要求修改约会表格。

The all-in-one booking system: Amelia
Taking into account all the features of this booking system, it is fair to say that it meets all criteria to be used by anyone who would like to automate appointment processes.


Whether you are a customer or a business owner who wants to make the best out of their time, give Amelia a chance and you won’t be disappointed.


If you like this plugin, check out wpDataTables, the #1 WordPress table plugin online.

如果您喜欢此插件,请在线查看#1 WordPress表插件 wpDataTables。







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