依赖注入(di)模式_Java依赖注入– DI设计模式示例教程


Java Dependency Injection design pattern allows us to remove the hard-coded dependencies and make our application loosely coupled, extendable and maintainable. We can implement dependency injection in java to move the dependency resolution from compile-time to runtime.

Java Dependency Injection设计模式允许我们删除硬编码的依赖关系,并使我们的应用程序松散耦合,可扩展和可维护。 我们可以在Java中实现依赖注入,以将依赖解析从编译时移至运行时。

Java依赖注入 (Java Dependency Injection)

Java Dependency injection seems hard to grasp with theory, so I would take a simple example and then we will see how to use dependency injection pattern to achieve loose coupling and extendability in the application.


Let’s say we have an application where we consume EmailService to send emails. Normally we would implement this like below.

假设我们有一个应用程序,我们在其中使用EmailService发送电子邮件。 通常我们会像下面这样实现。

package com.journaldev.java.legacy;

public class EmailService {

	public void sendEmail(String message, String receiver){
		//logic to send email
		System.out.println("Email sent to "+receiver+ " with Message="+message);

EmailService class holds the logic to send an email message to the recipient email address. Our application code will be like below.

EmailService类包含将电子邮件消息发送到收件人电子邮件地址的逻辑。 我们的应用程序代码如下所示。

package com.journaldev.java.legacy;

public class MyApplication {

	private EmailService email = new EmailService();
	public void processMessages(String msg, String rec){
		//do some msg validation, manipulation logic etc
		this.email.sendEmail(msg, rec);

Our client code that will use MyApplication class to send email messages will be like below.


package com.journaldev.java.legacy;

public class MyLegacyTest {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		MyApplication app = new MyApplication();
		app.processMessages("Hi Pankaj", "pankaj@abc.com");


At first look, there seems nothing wrong with the above implementation. But above code logic has certain limitations.

乍一看,上述实现似乎没有错。 但是以上代码逻辑有一定的局限性。

  • MyApplication class is responsible to initialize the email service and then use it. This leads to hard-coded dependency. If we want to switch to some other advanced email service in the future, it will require code changes in MyApplication class. This makes our application hard to extend and if email service is used in multiple classes then that would be even harder.

    MyApplication类负责初始化电子邮件服务,然后使用它。 这导致硬编码的依赖性。 如果将来想切换到其他高级电子邮件服务,则需要在MyApplication类中更改代码。 这使我们的应用程序难以扩展,如果在多个类中使用电子邮件服务,则将更加困难。
  • If we want to extend our application to provide an additional messaging feature, such as SMS or Facebook message then we would need to write another application for that. This will involve code changes in application classes and in client classes too.

    如果我们想扩展应用程序以提供其他消息传递功能,例如SMS或Facebook消息,那么我们需要为此编写另一个应用程序。 这将涉及应用程序类和客户端类中的代码更改。
  • Testing the application will be very difficult since our application is directly creating the email service instance. There is no way we can mock these objects in our test classes.

    由于我们的应用程序是直接创建电子邮件服务实例,因此测试该应用程序将非常困难。 我们无法在测试类中模拟这些对象。

One can argue that we can remove the email service instance creation from MyApplication class by having a constructor that requires email service as an argument.


package com.journaldev.java.legacy;

public class MyApplication {

	private EmailService email = null;
	public MyApplication(EmailService svc){
	public void processMessages(String msg, String rec){
		//do some msg validation, manipulation logic etc
		this.email.sendEmail(msg, rec);

But in this case, we are asking client applications or test classes to initializing the email service that is not a good design decision.


Now let’s see how we can apply java dependency injection pattern to solve all the problems with the above implementation. Dependency Injection in java requires at least the following:

现在,让我们看看如何应用Java依赖注入模式来解决上述实现的所有问题。 Java中的依赖注入至少需要满足以下条件:

  1. Service components should be designed with base class or interface. It’s better to prefer interfaces or abstract classes that would define contract for the services.

    服务组件应使用基类或接口进行设计。 最好选择为服务定义合同的接口或抽象类。
  2. Consumer classes should be written in terms of service interface.

  3. Injector classes that will initialize the services and then the consumer classes.


Java依赖注入–服务组件 (Java Dependency Injection – Service Components)

For our case, we can have MessageService that will declare the contract for service implementations.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service;

public interface MessageService {

	void sendMessage(String msg, String rec);

Now let’s say we have Email and SMS services that implement the above interfaces.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service;

public class EmailServiceImpl implements MessageService {

	public void sendMessage(String msg, String rec) {
		//logic to send email
		System.out.println("Email sent to "+rec+ " with Message="+msg);

package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service;

public class SMSServiceImpl implements MessageService {

	public void sendMessage(String msg, String rec) {
		//logic to send SMS
		System.out.println("SMS sent to "+rec+ " with Message="+msg);


Our dependency injection java services are ready and now we can write our consumer class.


Java依赖注入–服务使用者 (Java Dependency Injection – Service Consumer)

We are not required to have base interfaces for consumer classes but I will have a Consumer interface declaring contract for consumer classes.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer;

public interface Consumer {

	void processMessages(String msg, String rec);

My consumer class implementation is like below.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service.MessageService;

public class MyDIApplication implements Consumer{

	private MessageService service;
	public MyDIApplication(MessageService svc){
	public void processMessages(String msg, String rec){
		//do some msg validation, manipulation logic etc
		this.service.sendMessage(msg, rec);


Notice that our application class is just using the service. It does not initialize the service that leads to better “separation of concerns“. Also use of service interface allows us to easily test the application by mocking the MessageService and bind the services at runtime rather than compile time.

请注意,我们的应用程序类仅在使用服务。 它不会初始化导致更好的“ 关注点分离 ”的服务。 服务接口的使用还使我们能够通过模拟MessageService轻松测试应用程序,并在运行时(而不是在编译时)绑定服务。

Now we are ready to write java dependency injector classes that will initialize the service and also consumer classes.


Java依赖注入–注入器类 (Java Dependency Injection – Injectors Classes)

Let’s have an interface MessageServiceInjector with method declaration that returns the Consumer class.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.Consumer;

public interface MessageServiceInjector {

	public Consumer getConsumer();

Now for every service, we will have to create injector classes like below.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.Consumer;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.MyDIApplication;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service.EmailServiceImpl;

public class EmailServiceInjector implements MessageServiceInjector {

	public Consumer getConsumer() {
		return new MyDIApplication(new EmailServiceImpl());

package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.Consumer;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.MyDIApplication;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service.SMSServiceImpl;

public class SMSServiceInjector implements MessageServiceInjector {

	public Consumer getConsumer() {
		return new MyDIApplication(new SMSServiceImpl());


Now let’s see how our client applications will use the application with a simple program.


package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.test;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.Consumer;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector.EmailServiceInjector;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector.MessageServiceInjector;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector.SMSServiceInjector;

public class MyMessageDITest {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String msg = "Hi Pankaj";
		String email = "pankaj@abc.com";
		String phone = "4088888888";
		MessageServiceInjector injector = null;
		Consumer app = null;
		//Send email
		injector = new EmailServiceInjector();
		app = injector.getConsumer();
		app.processMessages(msg, email);
		//Send SMS
		injector = new SMSServiceInjector();
		app = injector.getConsumer();
		app.processMessages(msg, phone);


As you can see that our application classes are responsible only for using the service. Service classes are created in injectors. Also if we have to further extend our application to allow facebook messaging, we will have to write Service classes and injector classes only.

如您所见,我们的应用程序类仅负责使用服务。 服务类别是在注射器中创建的。 同样,如果我们必须进一步扩展我们的应用程序以允许Facebook消息传递,我们将只必须编写Service类和注射器类。

So dependency injection implementation solved the problem with hard-coded dependency and helped us in making our application flexible and easy to extend. Now let’s see how easily we can test our application class by mocking the injector and service classes.

因此,依赖项注入实现解决了具有硬编码依赖项的问题,并帮助我们使应用程序灵活且易于扩展。 现在,让我们看看通过模拟注入器和服务类来测试应用程序类有多么容易。

Java依赖注入–带有模拟注入器和服务的JUnit测试用例 (Java Dependency Injection – JUnit Test Case with Mock Injector and Service)

package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.test;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.Consumer;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.MyDIApplication;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector.MessageServiceInjector;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service.MessageService;

public class MyDIApplicationJUnitTest {

	private MessageServiceInjector injector;
	public void setUp(){
		//mock the injector with anonymous class
		injector = new MessageServiceInjector() {
			public Consumer getConsumer() {
				//mock the message service
				return new MyDIApplication(new MessageService() {
					public void sendMessage(String msg, String rec) {
						System.out.println("Mock Message Service implementation");
	public void test() {
		Consumer consumer = injector.getConsumer();
		consumer.processMessages("Hi Pankaj", "pankaj@abc.com");
	public void tear(){
		injector = null;


As you can see that I am using anonymous classes to mock the injector and service classes and I can easily test my application methods. I am using JUnit 4 for the above test class, so make sure it’s in your project build path if you are running above test class.

如您所见,我正在使用匿名类 模拟注入器和服务类,并且可以轻松测试我的应用程序方法。 我在上述测试类中使用的是JUnit 4,因此,如果您在测试类之上运行,请确保它在您的项目构建路径中。

We have used constructors to inject the dependencies in the application classes, another way is to use a setter method to inject dependencies in application classes. For setter method dependency injection, our application class will be implemented like below.

我们使用构造函数将依赖项注入应用程序类中,另一种方法是使用setter方法将依赖项注入应用程序类中。 对于setter方法依赖项注入,我们的应用程序类将如下实现。

package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service.MessageService;

public class MyDIApplication implements Consumer{

	private MessageService service;
	public MyDIApplication(){}

	//setter dependency injection	
	public void setService(MessageService service) {
		this.service = service;

	public void processMessages(String msg, String rec){
		//do some msg validation, manipulation logic etc
		this.service.sendMessage(msg, rec);

package com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.injector;

import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.Consumer;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.consumer.MyDIApplication;
import com.journaldev.java.dependencyinjection.service.EmailServiceImpl;

public class EmailServiceInjector implements MessageServiceInjector {

	public Consumer getConsumer() {
		MyDIApplication app = new MyDIApplication();
		app.setService(new EmailServiceImpl());
		return app;


One of the best example of setter dependency injection is Struts2 Servlet API Aware interfaces.

设置程序依赖项注入的最佳示例之一是Struts2 Servlet API Aware接口

Whether to use Constructor based dependency injection or setter based is a design decision and depends on your requirements. For example, if my application can’t work at all without the service class then I would prefer constructor based DI or else I would go for setter method based DI to use it only when it’s really needed.

使用基于构造函数的依赖项注入还是基于setter是设计决策,取决于您的要求。 例如,如果我的应用程序如果没有服务类就无法工作,那么我会更喜欢基于构造函数的DI,否则我会选择基于setter方法的DI来仅在确实需要它时才使用它。

Dependency Injection in Java is a way to achieve Inversion of control (IoC) in our application by moving objects binding from compile time to runtime. We can achieve IoC through Factory Pattern, Template Method Design Pattern, Strategy Pattern and Service Locator pattern too.

Java中的依赖注入是一种通过将对象绑定从编译时移到运行时来在我们的应用程序中实现控制反转IoC )的方法。 我们也可以通过工厂模式模板方法设计模式策略模式和服务定位器模式来实现IoC。

Spring Dependency Injection, Google Guice and Java EE CDI frameworks facilitate the process of dependency injection through use of Java Reflection API and java annotations. All we need is to annotate the field, constructor or setter method and configure them in configuration xml files or classes.

Spring Dependency InjectionGoogle GuiceJava EE CDI框架通过使用Java Reflection APIJava注释简化了依赖项注入的过程。 我们所需要做的就是注释字段,构造函数或设置方法,并在配置xml文件或类中对其进行配置。

Java依赖注入的好处 (Benefits of Java Dependency Injection)

Some of the benefits of using Dependency Injection in Java are:


  • Separation of Concerns

  • Boilerplate Code reduction in application classes because all work to initialize dependencies is handled by the injector component

  • Configurable components makes application easily extendable

  • Unit testing is easy with mock objects


Java依赖注入的缺点 (Disadvantages of Java Dependency Injection)

Java Dependency injection has some disadvantages too:


  • If overused, it can lead to maintenance issues because the effect of changes are known at runtime.

  • Dependency injection in java hides the service class dependencies that can lead to runtime errors that would have been caught at compile time.


That’s all for dependency injection pattern in java. It’s good to know and use it when we are in control of the services.

这就是java中依赖注入模式的全部内容。 当我们控制服务时,很高兴知道并使用它。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/2394/java-dependency-injection-design-pattern-example-tutorial






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