angularjs 实例_AngularJS服务示例教程

angularjs 实例

Today we will look at one of the important angular concepts called AngularJS Services. In the previous tutorial, we looked at AngularJS routing feature with a simple example.

今天,我们将介绍一个名为AngularJS Services的重要角度概念。 在上一教程中,我们通过一个简单的示例介绍了AngularJS路由功能。

AngularJS服务 (AngularJS Services)

Angular services are singleton objects that carry out some sort of task. We also use AngularJS services to organize and share code across the application.

Angular服务是执行某些任务的单例对象。 我们还使用AngularJS服务在整个应用程序中组织和共享代码。

Angular Services follow Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and are wired together using dependency injection (DI). The Single Responsibility principle ensures that each object will have only a single responsibility.

Angular服务遵循单一职责原则(SRP),并使用依赖项注入(DI)连接在一起。 单一责任原则确保每个对象仅具有单一责任。

For Example, controllers are responsible for wiring model data to views. It will violate the Single Responsibility Principle, if we use controllers to carry out some other logic. Therefore, the business logic should be abstracted out into services and they are injected when needed. This makes the application more manageable and testable.

例如,控制器负责将模型数据连接到视图。 如果我们使用控制器执行其他逻辑,它将违反单一责任原则。 因此,应该将业务逻辑抽象到服务中,并在需要时将其注入。 这使应用程序更易于管理和测试。

Angular offers several useful services like $http, $log, $filter etc. The inbuilt services are always prefixed with $.

Angular提供了一些有用的服务,例如$ http,$ log,$ filter等。内置服务始终以$为前缀。

In this AngularJS services tutorial, we will create our own angular service.


创建和注册Angular服务 (Creating and Registering Angular Services)

Angular services are created by registering them with the module they are going to operate in.


There are three ways to create an angular service. They are using Factory, Service and Provider.

有三种创建角度服务的方法。 他们正在使用Factory,Service和Provider。

First, create a module named app using the following syntax:


var app = angular.module("app", []);

使用Factory的AngularJS服务 (AngularJS services using Factory)

The most common way to create a service is by using the Module’s Factory API. We use the factory method to create an object, add properties to it and return the same object. Later it can be injected to the components like controller, service, filter or directive.

创建服务的最常见方法是使用模块的Factory API。 我们使用工厂方法创建对象,向其添加属性并返回相同的对象。 以后可以将其注入到控制器,服务,过滤器或指令之类的组件中。

Here is the general syntax for using Factory service.


         return factoryObj;

使用服务创建角度服务 (Create angular services using Service)

This is instantiated with the new keyword. You will be provided with an instance of the function passed to the service. This object instance becomes the service object that AngularJS registers and is injected to the required components.

这是用new关键字实例化的。 您将获得传递给服务的函数实例。 该对象实例成为AngularJS注册的服务对象,并注入到所需的组件中。

We use this keyword to add properties and functions to this service object. Unlike factory method, this does not return anything.

我们使用此关键字将属性和功能添加到该服务对象。 与工厂方法不同,此方法不返回任何内容。

Here is the general syntax for using Service.


app.service('serviceName',function(){ });

使用提供程序的AngularJS服务示例 (AngularJS services example using Provider)

Providers are the only service you can pass into your .config() function. Providers are used when you want to provide module-wide configuration for your service object before making it available. It returns value by using $get() function.

提供程序是您可以传递给.config()函数的唯一服务。 如果要在服务对象可用之前为其提供模块范围的配置,则使用提供程序。 它使用$ get()函数返回值。

Here is the general syntax for creating and configuring a Provider.


// syntax for creating a provider
app.provider('providerName',function(){ });

//syntax for configuring a provider

AngularJS服务示例 (AngularJS Services Example)

The following example demonstrates the usage of factory, service and provider services. We are going to develop a sample message service, which prints out a message using all these service APIs.

下面的示例演示工厂,服务和提供者服务的用法。 我们将开发一个示例消息服务,该服务将使用所有这些服务API打印出一条消息。

The code shown below (index.html) is our view. We need to get the serviceMsg, factoryMsg and providerMsg using the Service APIs and we use controller to wire the data to this view.

下面显示的代码(index.html)是我们的视图。 我们需要使用Service API获取serviceMsg,factoryMsg和providerMsg ,并使用控制器将数据连接到该视图。

    <title>AngularJS Services Tutorial</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="main.js"></script>
    <div ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="myController">
        <p><b>Message From Service: </b>{{serviceMsg}}</p>
        <p><b>Message From Factory: </b>{{factoryMsg}}</p>
        <p><b>Message From Provider:</b>{{providerMsg}}</p>


The code shown below defines the services and the controller used in the application.




var app = angular.module('mainApp', []);

//define a service named myService
app.service('myService', function () {
    this.message = '';
    this.setMessage = function (newMessage) {
        this.message = newMessage;
        return this.message;

//define factory  named 'myFactory'
app.factory('myFactory', function () {
    var obj = {};
    obj.message = '';
    obj.setMessage = function (newMessage) {
        obj.message = newMessage;
    return obj;

//Defining a provider 'configurable'
app.provider('configurable', function () {
    var returnMessage = '';
    this.setMessage = function (newMessage) {
        returnMessage = newMessage;
    this.$get = function () {
        return {
            message: returnMessage

//configuring provider
app.config(function (configurableProvider) {
    configurableProvider.setMessage("Hello, I'm From Provider");

//defining controller
app.controller('myController', function ($scope, myService, myFactory, configurable) {
    $scope.serviceMsg = myService.setMessage("Hello, I'm From Service");

    myFactory.setMessage("Hello, I'm From Factory ");
    $scope.factoryMsg = myFactory.message;

    $scope.providerMsg= configurable.message;

AngularJS服务示例代码说明 (AngularJS Services Example code description)

  1. Created a module named mainApp using angular.module(‘mainApp’, []);

  2. Defined a service using service method in the module and you can see how we added properties and function to the service object for getting the message. We used this keyword to add the properties to the service object.

    在模块中使用service方法定义了服务,您可以看到我们如何向服务对象添加属性和功能以获取消息。 我们使用this关键字将属性添加到服务对象。
  3. Defined a service using factory method in the module and returned the service object.

  4. Defined a service using provider method in the module and used $get() function to get the message.

    在模块中使用提供者方法定义了服务,并使用$ get()函数获取消息。
  5. Configured the provider using the config() function in the module to set the message.

  6. Defined a controller and all the services are injected to the controller.

  7. Set the factory and service messages.

  8. Finally controller wire all the messages to the view using $scope.

    最后,控制器使用$ scope将所有消息连接到视图

输出量 (Output)

You will see the following output in your browser for our example services in AngularJS.


That’s all for services in AngularJS and we will see more angular features in the coming posts.



angularjs 实例

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