

Blockchain is a technology that underpins the success of Bitcoin and other digital currencies. Wall Street is particularly interested in the technology; the elimination of manual processes around reconciliation with customers, trading partners, and securities exchanges using blockchain is projected to 

区块链是支撑比特币和其他数字货币成功的技术。 华尔街对该技术特别感兴趣。 预计消除使用区块链与客户,贸易伙伴和证券交易所进行和解的手动流程

save banks nearly $20 billion annually by 2022. 到2022年,每年可为银行节省近200亿美元

Blockchain has uses beyond financial transactions, however. It can improve the security and efficiencies of a range of business activities, such as applications requiring transparency on data and documents with a permanent time and date stamp. In insurance, for example, blockchain technology can be used for customer onboarding, smart contracts, and fraud detection. In manufacturing, blockchain is used in supply chain applications and 3D printing.

但是,区块链的用途不仅仅限于金融交易。 它可以提高一系列业务活动的安全性和效率,例如要求具有永久性时间戳记的数据和文档具有透明性的应用程序。 例如,在保险业中,区块链技术可用于客户入职,智能合约和欺诈检测。 在制造业中,区块链用于供应链应用和3D打印。

To better understand blockchain, let’s first look at how it works and how it ensures the integrity and efficiency of the Bitcoin network.


What is blockchain? 什么是区块链?

McKinsey defines blockchain as “a distributed register to store static records and/or dynamic transaction data without central coordination by using a consensus-based mechanism to check the validity of transactions.” When you pay a bill — your mortgage for example — a third party like a bank or mortgage company manages the transaction. Blockchain is a technology that creates a distributed and scalable digital ledger of transactions. It removes the need for a central authority while keeping the transaction highly secure. Here’s how it works.

麦肯锡将区块链定义为“一种分布式寄存器,用于存储静态记录和/或动态交易数据,而无需使用基于共识的机制来检查交易的有效性而进行中央协调。” 当您付款时(例如抵押贷款),由银行或抵押公司等第三方来管理交易。 区块链是一种创建分布式,可扩展的交易数字分类账的技术。 在保持交易高度安全的同时,它消除了对中央机构的需求。 运作方式如下。

In the Bitcoin case, each computer connected to a Bitcoin network – called a node – automatically downloads a copy of blockchain, which is used to validate, relay, and record a transaction by generating a “block.” Every block is stored in the blockchain in a linear, timestamped, and chronological order. In addition, every block contains a copy of the previous block, which verifies data authenticity.

在比特币的情况下,连接到比特币网络(称为节点)的每台计算机都会自动下载区块链的副本,该副本用于通过生成“区块”来验证,中继和记录交易。 每个块均以线性,带时间戳和按时间顺序存储在区块链中。 此外,每个块均包含前一个块的副本,以验证数据的真实性。

The evolution of blockchain 区块链的演变

We are only in the early adoption stages of blockchain technology. Along with its use for Bitcoin, leading organizations are beginning to use blockchain for certain asset classes and to meet specific regulatory requirements. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global blockchain technology market will grow from $ 210 million in 2016 to $ 2.3 billion by 2021, a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 61.5 percent.

我们仅处于区块链技术的早期采用阶段 。 除了将其用于比特币外,领先的组织也开始将区块链用于某些资产类别并满足特定的监管要求。 根据MarketsandMarkets的数据,全球区块链技术市场将从2016年的2.1亿美元增长到2021年的23亿美元,复合年增长率为61.5%。

While many blockchain applications are aimed at banking and e-commerce, any transaction requiring data immutability and the need to preserve the integrity of original data can take advantage of blockchain technology. This is why the latest version of Acronis Storage — a universal  software-defined storage solution incorporates Acronis Notary™ with blockchain.

尽管许多区块链应用程序针对银行和电子商务,但任何需要数据不变性且需要保留原始数据完整性的交易都可以利用区块链技术。 这就是为什么最新版本的Acronis Storage(一种通用的软件定义的存储解决方案)将Acronis Notary™与区块链结合在一起的原因。

Acronis Notary™ with blockchain Acronis Notary™与区块链

There are many cases where authenticity of data and documents is vital – in businesses, institutions, and government agencies. These organizations have intellectual property assets, contracts, property registry documents, medical files, chain-of-evidence documents, security camera footage, archived documents subject to audit, and other key data and sensitive documents.

在许多情况下,在企业,机构和政府机构中,数据和文档的真实性至关重要。 这些组织拥有知识产权资产,合同,财产登记文件,医疗文件,证据链文件,安全摄像机镜头,受审核的存档文件以及其他关键数据和敏感文件。

Acronis Storage includes integration with Acronis Notary™, which leverages blockchain to ensure the authenticity of data. The diagram below illustrates how  Acronis Notary™ works.

Acronis Storage包括与Acronis Notary™的集成,后者利用区块链来确保数据的真实性。 下图说明了Acronis Notary ™的工作方式。


The hash is time-stamped and recorded in blocks into the blockchain. Each block includes the previous block’s hash and it references the previous hash it is building upon. The blockchain is then distributed so that if any location that holds a copy of the blockchain is compromised, other locations can continue to maintain it. Every record in the blockchain is now immutable and independently verifiable; furthermore, notarization records cannot be manipulated. When required, authenticity of data can be verified by comparing two fingerprints of the same data.

哈希是带有时间戳的,并以块为单位记录到区块链中。 每个块都包含前一个块的哈希,并且引用了它所基于的前一个哈希。 然后分发区块链,以便如果拥有区块链副本的任何位置遭到破坏,其他位置可以继续维护它。 现在,区块链中的每个记录都是不可变的,可以独立验证; 此外,公证记录不能被操纵。 如果需要,可以通过比较同一数据的两个指纹来验证数据的真实性。

Blockchain is being  hailed as the second coming of the internet and a technology that re-invents the cloud. Hype aside, blockchain will be a core technology that will influence applications in the financial services, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, government; indeed, every industry segment over the coming years. Acronis’s use of blockchain technology in Acronis Storage is the latest demonstration of its commitment to develop best-in-class  data protection solutions for its customers.

区块链被誉为互联网的第二种出现,并且是一种重新发明云的技术。 除了炒作之外,区块链将成为一项核心技术,它将影响金融服务,保险,制造业,医疗保健,政府中的应用; 的确,未来几年每个行业领域。 Acronis在Acronis Storage中使用区块链技术是其致力于为客户开发一流的数据保护解决方案的最新证明。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29412/What-Is-Blockchain-and-What-Does-It-Mean-for-Data-Protection.html


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