

The prime reason behind creation of Java was to bring portability and security feature into a computer language. Beside these two major features, there were many other features that played an important role in moulding out the final form of this outstanding language. Those features are :

创建Java背后的主要原因是将可移植性和安全性功能引入计算机语言中。 除了这两个主要功能,还有许多其他功能在塑造这种出色语言的最终形式方面发挥了重要作用。 这些功能是:

1)简单 (1) Simple)

Java is easy to learn and its syntax is quite simple, clean and easy to understand.The confusing and ambiguous concepts of C++ are either left out in Java or they have been re-implemented in a cleaner way.

Java易于学习,其语法非常简单,简洁易懂.C ++令人困惑和模棱两可的概念要么在Java中被遗漏掉,要么以更简洁的方式重新实现。

Eg : Pointers and Operator Overloading are not there in java but were an important part of C++.

例如:指针和运算符重载不在Java中,而是C ++的重要组成部分。

2)面向对象 (2) Object Oriented)

In java, everything is an object which has some data and behaviour. Java can be easily extended as it is based on Object Model. Following are some basic concept of OOP's.

在Java中,所有事物都是具有一些数据和行为的对象。 Java基于对象模型,因此可以轻松扩展。 以下是OOP的一些基本概念。

  1. Object


  2. Class

  3. Inheritance


  4. Polymorphism


  5. Abstraction


  6. Encapsulation


3)坚固 (3) Robust)

Java makes an effort to eliminate error prone codes by emphasizing mainly on compile time error checking and runtime checking. But the main areas which Java improved were Memory Management and mishandled Exceptions by introducing automatic Garbage Collector and Exception Handling.

Java通过主要强调编译时错误检查和运行时检查来消除容易出错的代码。 但是Java改进的主要领域是内存管理和通过引入自动垃圾收集器异常处理来处理错误的异常。

4)平台无关 (4) Platform Independent)

Unlike other programming languages such as C, C++ etc which are compiled into platform specific machines. Java is guaranteed to be write-once, run-anywhere language.

与其他编程语言(例如C,C ++等)不同,这些语言被编译到特定于平台的机器中。 保证Java是一次写入,可在任何地方运行的语言。

On compilation Java program is compiled into bytecode. This bytecode is platform independent and can be run on any machine, plus this bytecode format also provide security. Any machine with Java Runtime Environment can run Java Programs.

在编译时,Java程序被编译为字节码。 该字节码是独立于平台的,可以在任何计算机上运行,​​此外此字节码格式还提供了安全性。 任何具有Java运行时环境的机器都可以运行Java程序。

Java is platform Independent Language

5)安全 (5) Secure)

When it comes to security, Java is always the first choice. With java secure features it enable us to develop virus free, temper free system. Java program always runs in Java runtime environment with almost null interaction with system OS, hence it is more secure.

在安全性方面,Java始终是第一选择。 借助Java安全功能,它使我们能够开发无病毒,无攻击的系统。 Java程序始终在Java运行时环境中运行,与系统OS的交互几乎为空,因此更加安全。

6)多线程 (6) Multi Threading)

Java multithreading feature makes it possible to write program that can do many tasks simultaneously. Benefit of multithreading is that it utilizes same memory and other resources to execute multiple threads at the same time, like While typing, grammatical errors are checked along.

Java多线程功能使编写可以同时执行许多任务的程序成为可能。 多线程的好处在于,它利用相同的内存和其他资源来同时执行多个线程,例如在键入时,会检查语法错误。

7)建筑中性 (7) Architectural Neutral)

Compiler generates bytecodes, which have nothing to do with a particular computer architecture, hence a Java program is easy to intrepret on any machine.


8)便携式 (8) Portable)

Java Byte code can be carried to any platform. No implementation dependent features. Everything related to storage is predefined, example: size of primitive data types

Java字节码可以携带到任何平台。 没有依赖于实现的功能。 与存储相关的所有内容都是预定义的,例如:原始数据类型的大小

9)高性能 (9) High Performance)

Java is an interpreted language, so it will never be as fast as a compiled language like C or C++. But, Java enables high performance with the use of just-in-time compiler.

Java是一种解释型语言,因此它永远不会像C或C ++这样的编译语言快。 但是,Java通过使用即时编译器来实现高性能。

10)分布式 (10) Distributed)

Java is also a distributed language. Programs can be designed to run on computer networks. Java has a special class library for communicating using TCP/IP protocols. Creating network connections is very much easy in Java as compared to C/C++.

Java也是一种分布式语言。 可以将程序设计为在计算机网络上运行。 Java有一个特殊的类库,用于使用TCP / IP协议进行通信。 与C / C ++相比,在Java中创建网络连接非常容易。

JAVA 8的新功能 (New Features of JAVA 8)

Below mentioned are some of the core upgrades done as a part of Java 8 release. Just go through them quickly, we will explore them in details later.

下面提到的是Java 8版本中完成的一些核心升级。 只需快速浏览它们,稍后我们将详细探讨它们。

  • Enhanced Productivity by providing Optional Classes feature, Lamda Expressions, Streams etc.


  • Ease of Use


  • Improved Polyglot programming. A Polyglot is a program or script, written in a form which is valid in multiple programming languages and it performs the same operations in multiple programming languages. So Java now supports such type of programming technique.

    改进的Polyglot编程。 Polyglot是一种程序或脚本,其编写形式对多种编程语言均有效,并且在多种编程语言中执行相同的操作。 因此,Java现在支持这种类型的编程技术。

  • Improved Security and performance.


JAVA 11的新功能 (New Features of JAVA 11)

Java 11 is a recommended LTS version of Java that includes various important features. These features includes new and upgrades in existing topic. Just go through them quickly, we will explore them in details later.

Java 11是推荐的Java LTS版本,其中包含各种重要功能。 这些功能包括现有主题的新增功能和升级功能。 只需快速浏览它们,稍后我们将详细探讨它们。

  • includes support for Unicode 10.0.0

    包括对Unicode 10.0.0的支持

  • The HTTP Client has been standarized


  • Lazy Allocation of Compiler Threads


  • Updated Locale Data to Unicode CLDR v33

    将语言环境数据更新为Unicode CLDR v33

  • JEP 331 Low-Overhead Heap Profiling

    JEP 331低开销堆分析

  • JEP 181 Nest-Based Access Control

    JEP 181基于嵌套的访问控制

  • Added Brainpool EC Support (RFC 5639)

    添加了Brainpool EC支持(RFC 5639)

  • Enhanced KeyStore Mechanisms


  • JEP 332 Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3

    JEP 332传输层安全性(TLS)1.3

  • JEP 330 Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs

    JEP 330启动单文件源代码程序

Java版本 (Java Editions)

Java Editions or we can say the platform is a collection of programs which helps to develop and run the programs that are written in Java Programming language. Java Editions includes execution engine, compiler and set of libraries. As Java is Platform independent language so it is not specific to any processor or operating system.

Java Editions或我们可以说平台是一组程序的集合,有助于开发和运行以Java编程语言编写的程序。 Java版本包括执行引擎,编译器和库集。 由于Java是平台无关的语言,因此它并不特定于任何处理器或操作系统。

1. Java标准版 (1. Java Standard Edition)

Java Standard edition is a computing platform which is used for development and deployment of portable code that is used in desktop and server environments. Java Standard Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE).

Java Standard Edition是一个计算平台,用于开发和部署在台式机和服务器环境中使用的可移植代码。 Java标准版也称为Java 2平台标准版(J2SE)。

Java Standard Edition has a wide range of APIs such as Java Class Library etc. the best implementation of Java SE is Oracle Corporation’s Java Development Kit (JDK).

Java Standard Edition具有广泛的API,例如Java类库等。JavaSE的最佳实现是Oracle Corporation的Java Development Kit(JDK)。

2. Java Micro Edition (2. Java Micro Edition)

Java Micro Edition is a computing platform which is used for the development and deployment of portable codes for the embedded and mobile devices. Java Micro Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME). The Java Micro Edition was designed by Sun Microsystems and then later on Oracle corporation acquired it in 2010.

Java Micro Edition是一个计算平台,用于为嵌入式和移动设备开发和部署可移植代码。 Java Micro Edition也称为Java 2 Platform Micro Edition(J2ME)。 Java Micro Edition是由Sun Microsystems设计的,后来由Oracle公司在2010年购买。

Example: micro-controllers, sensors, gateways, mobile phones, printers etc.


3. Java企业版 (3. Java Enterprise Edition)

Java Enterprise Edition is a set of specifications and extending Java SE 8 with features such as distributed computing and web services. The applications of Java Enterprise Edition run on reference runtimes. This reference runtime handle transactions, security, scalability, concurrency and the management of components to be deployed. Java Enterprise Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and currently, it has been rebranded as Jakarta EE.

Java Enterprise Edition是一组规范,并通过分布式计算和Web服务等功能扩展了Java SE 8。 Java Enterprise Edition的应用程序在参考运行时上运行。 此参考运行时处理事务,安全性,可伸缩性,并发性和要部署的组件的管理。 Java Enterprise Edition也称为Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition(J2EE),目前已更名为Jakarta EE。

Example: e-commerce, accounting, banking information systems.


4. JavaFX (4. JavaFX)

JavaFX is used for creating desktop applications and also rich internet applications(RIAs) which can be run on a wide variety of devices. JavaFX has almost replaced Swing as the standard GUI library for Java Standard Edition. JavaFX support for desktop computers and web browsers.

JavaFX用于创建桌面应用程序以及可在各种设备上运行的富Internet应用程序(RIA)。 JavaFX几乎已将Swing替换为Java Standard Edition的标准GUI库。 JavaFX对台式计算机和Web浏览器的支持。



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