

Java is one of the world's most important and widely used computer languages, and it has held this distinction for many years. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has weared with passage of time, while Java's has grown.

Java是世界上最重要,使用最广泛的计算机语言之一,并且多年来一直保持这种区别。 不像其他一些计算机语言,随着时间的流逝,影响力逐渐消失,而Java语言却在不断增长。

Java is a high level, robust, object-oriented and a secure and stable programming language but it is not a pure object-oriented language because it supports primitive data types like int, char etc.


Java is a platform-independent language because it has runtime environment i.e JRE and API. Here platform means a hardware or software environment in which anapplication runs.

Java是一种独立于平台的语言,因为它具有运行时环境,即JRE和API。 这里的平台是指运行应用程序的硬件或软件环境。

Java codes are compiled into byte code or machine-independent code. This byte code is run on JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Java代码被编译为字节代码或与机器无关的代码。 此字节代码在JVM(Java虚拟机)上运行。

The syntax is Java is almost the same as C/C++. But java does not support low-level programming functions like pointers. The codes in Java is always written in the form of Classes and objects.

Java的语法与C / C ++几乎相同。 但是Java不支持指针之类的底层编程功能。 Java中的代码始终以类和对象的形式编写。

As of 2020, Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use, especially for client-server web applications.Its has been estimated that there are around nine million Java developers inside the world.


Java的创造 (Creation of Java)

Java was developed by James Ghosling, Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems Inc. in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working version.

Java是1991年由Sun Microsystems Inc.的James Ghosling,Patrick Naughton和Mike Sheridan开发的。花了18个月的时间开发了第一个工作版本。

The initial name was Oak but it was renamed to Java in 1995 as OAK was a registered trademark of another Tech company.


Java的历史 (History of Java)

Originally Java was designed for Interactive television, but this technology was very much advanced for the industry of digital cable television at that time. Java history was started with the Green Team. The Green Team started a project to develop a language for digital devices such as television. But it works best for internet programming. After some time Java technology was joined by Netscape.

Java最初是为交互式电视而设计的,但是在当时的数字有线电视行业中,这项技术已经非常先进。 Java的历史始于绿色团队 。 绿色团队启动了一个项目,为电视等数字设备开发一种语言。 但它最适合Internet编程。 一段时间后,Netscape加入了Java技术。

The objective to create Java Programming Language was it should be "Simple, Robust, Portable, Platform-independent, Secured, High Performance, Multithreaded, Object-Oriented, Interpreted, and Dynamic".


Java was developed in Sun Microsystem by James Ghosling, Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan in 1991. It took 18 months to develop the first working version. James Ghosling is also known as the Father of Java.

1991年,James Ghosling,Patrick Naughton,Mike Sheridan在Sun Microsystem中开发了Java。花了18个月的时间开发了第一个工作版本。 詹姆斯·高斯林(James Ghosling)也被称为Java之父。

Initially, Java was called "Greentalk" by James Gosling and at that time the file extension was .gt.

最初,James Gosling将Java称为“ Greentalk” ,当时的文件扩展名为.gt

Later on Oak was developed as a part of the Green Team project. Oak is a symbol for strength and Oak is also a national tree in many countries like the USA, Romania etc.

后来,Oak被开发为Green Team项目的一部分。 橡树是力量的象征,橡树也是美国,罗马尼亚等许多国家的国树。

Oak was renamed as Java in 1995 because Oak was already a trademark by Oak Technologies. Before selecting the Java word the team suggested many names like dynamic, revolutionary, Silk, jolt, DNA, etc.

Oak在1995年更名为Java,因为Oak已经是Oak Technologies的商标。 在选择Java单词之前,团队建议了许多名称,例如dynamicRevolutionarySilkjoltDNA等等。

Java is an island in Indonesia, here the first coffee was produced or we call Java coffee. Java coffee is a type of espresso bean. James gosling chose this name while having coffee near his office.

Java是印度尼西亚的一个小岛,这里是第一批生产的咖啡,或者我们称之为Java咖啡。 Java咖啡是一种特浓咖啡。 詹姆斯·高斯林(James Gosling)在办公室附近喝咖啡时选择了这个名字。

The word JAVA does not have an acronym. It is just a name.

JAVA这个词没有首字母缩写词。 这只是一个名字。

In 1995 Java was one of the best product by the Time magazine.


Java版本历史 (Java Version History)

Here we have listed down all the versions of Java along with the main features introduced in those versions.


Version Name Coad NameRelease DateDescription
Java Alpha and Beta1995
  • It was the 1st version but was having unstable APIs and ABIs.

  • It was the 1st version but was having unstable APIs and ABIs.

JDK 1.0OakJanuary 1996
  • 1st stable version

JDK 1.1February 1997
  • AWT Event modelling retooling.

  • Added Inner class, Java Beans, JDBC, RMI, Reflection, JIT

  • Added Inner class, Java Beans, JDBC, RMI, Reflection, JIT

J2SE 1.2PlaygroundDecember 1998
  • JDK replaced by J2SE.

  • Support strictfp keyword.

  • Swing API integrated with core classes.

  • Collection framework.

J2SE 1.3KestrelMay 2000
  • HotSPot JVM included

  • RMI Modified.

  • JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface) Supported

  • JPDA(Java Platform Debugger Architecture).

  • Included Proxy Classes.

J2SE 1.4MerinFebruary 2002
  • Support assert Keyword.

  • Improvement in libraries.

  • Support Regular expression.

  • Support Exception Chaining.

  • Support Exception Chaining.

  • Included Java Web Start.

  • Support API Preferences (java.util.prefs).

J2SE 5.0TigerSeptember 2004
  • Included Generics, Metadata, Autoboxing/Unboxing, Enumerations, Varargs.

  • Enhanced for each loop.

  • Support static imports.

Java SE 6MustangDecember 2006
  • Support Win9x version.

  • Support Scripting languages.

  • Improved Swing performance.

  • Support JDBC 4.0

  • Upgrade of JAXB to 2.0.

  • Improvement in GUI and JVM.

Java SE 7DolphineJuly 2011
  • Support of dynamic language in JVM.

  • Included 64-bit pointers.

  • Support string in the switch.

  • Support resource management in the try block.

  • Support binary integer literals.

  • Support underscore in numeric literals.

  • Support multiple exceptions.

  • Included I/O library.

Java SE 8(LTS)March 2014
  • Support of JSR 335 and JEP 126.

  • Support unsigned integer.

  • Support Date and time API.

  • Included JavaFX.

  • Support Windows XP.

Java SE 9September 2017
  • Support multiple gigabyte heaps.

  • Included garbage collector.

Java SE 10March 2018
  • Support local variables type inference.

  • Support local variables type inference.

  • Included Application class.

Java SE 11(LTS)September 2018
  • Support bug fixes.

  • Include long term support(LTS).

  • Support transport layer security.

Java SE 12March 2019
  • Support JVM Constant API.

  • Include CDS Archives.

Java SE 13September 2019
  • Updated Switch Expressions.

  • Include Text Blocks.

  • Support Legacy socket API.

Java SE 14March 2020
  • Support Event Streaming.

  • Improved NullPointerException.

  • Removal of the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) in the garbage collector.

Java SE 15September 2020
Java SE 16March 2021
Java SE 17(LTS)September 2021
版本名称 外套名称 发布日期 描述
Java Alpha和Beta 1995年
  • 它是第一个版本,但是具有不稳定的API和ABI。

  • 它是第一个版本,但是具有不稳定的API和ABI。

JDK 1.0 橡木 1996年1月
  • 第一稳定版

JDK 1.1 1997年2月
  • AWT事件建模重组。

  • 添加了内部类,Java Bean,JDBC,RMI,Reflection,JIT

  • 添加了内部类,Java Bean,JDBC,RMI,Reflection,JIT

J2SE 1.2 操场 1998年12月
  • JDK替换为J2SE。

  • 支持strictfp关键字。

  • 与核心类集成的Swing API。

  • 收集框架。

J2SE 1.3 红est 2000年5月
  • 包含HotSPot JVM

  • RMI已修改。

  • 支持JNDI(Java命名和目录接口)

  • JPDA(Java平台调试器体系结构)。

  • 包含的代理类。

J2SE 1.4 美林 2002年2月
  • 支持断言关键字。

  • 改进图书馆。

  • 支持正则表达式。

  • 支持异常链接。

  • 支持异常链接。

  • 随附的Java Web Start。

  • 支持API首选项(java.util.prefs)。

J2SE 5.0 2004年9月
  • 包括泛型,元数据,自动装箱/拆箱,枚举,变量。

  • 增强每个循环。

  • 支持静态导入。

Java SE 6 野马 2006年12月
  • 支持Win9x版本。

  • 支持脚本语言。

  • 改进了Swing性能。

  • 支持JDBC 4.0

  • 将JAXB升级到2.0。

  • 改进了GUI和JVM。

Java SE 7 多尔芬 2011年7月
  • 在JVM中支持动态语言。

  • 包含的64位指针。

  • 交换机中的支持字符串。

  • 在try块中支持资源管理。

  • 支持二进制整数文字。

  • 在数字文字中支持下划线。

  • 支持多个例外。

  • 包含的I / O库。

Java SE 8(LTS) 2014年3月
  • 支持JSR 335和JEP 126。

  • 支持无符号整数。

  • 支持日期和时间API。

  • 随附的JavaFX。

  • 支持Windows XP。

Java SE 9 2017年9月
  • 支持多个千兆字节的堆。

  • 包括垃圾收集器。

Java SE 10 2018年三月
  • 支持局部变量类型推断。

  • 支持局部变量类型推断。

  • 包含的应用程序类。

Java SE 11(LTS) 2018年9月
  • 支持错误修复。

  • 包括长期支持(LTS)。

  • 支持传输层安全性。

Java SE 12 2019年三月
  • 支持JVM Constant API。

  • 包括CDS存档。

Java SE 13 2019年九月
  • 更新了开关表达式。

  • 包括文本块。

  • 支持旧版套接字API。

Java SE 14 2020年3月
  • 支持事件流。

  • 改进了NullPointerException。

  • 删除垃圾收集器中的并发标记扫描(CMS)。

Java SE 15 2020年9月
Java SE 16 2021年3月
Java SE 17(LTS) 2021年9月

Java的演变 (Evolution of Java)

Java was initially launched as Java 1.0 but soon after its initial release, Java 1.1 was launched. Java 1.1 redefined event handling, new library elements were added.

Java最初以Java 1.0的形式发布,但在其最初的发布之后不久,Java 1.1便发布了。 Java 1.1重新定义了事件处理,添加了新的库元素。

In Java 1.2 Swing and Collection framework was added and suspend(), resume() and stop() methods were deprecated from Thread class.

Java 1.2中 ,添加了Swing and Collection框架,并从Thread类弃用了suspend()resume()stop()方法。

No major changes were made into Java 1.3 but the next release that was Java 1.4 contained several important changes. Keyword assert, chained exceptions and channel based I/O System was introduced.

Java 1.3并未进行重大更改,但是Java 1.4的下一个发行版包含了几个重要更改。 引入了关键字assert ,链式异常和基于通道的I / O系统。

Java 1.5 was called J2SE 5, it added following major new features :

Java 1.5被称为J2SE 5 ,它添加了以下主要新功能:

  • Generics


  • Annotations


  • Autoboxing and autounboxing


  • Enumerations


  • For-each Loop


  • Varargs


  • Static Import


  • Formatted I/O

    格式化的I / O

  • Concurrency utilities


Next major release was Java SE 7 which included many new changes, like :

下一个主要版本是Java SE 7 ,其中包括许多新更改,例如:

  • Now String can be used to control Switch statement.


  • Multi Catch Exception


  • try-with-resource statement


  • Binary Integer Literals


  • Underscore in numeric literals, etc.


Java SE 8 was released on March 18, 2014. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 8 are,

Java SE 8于2014年3月18日发布。JAVA8中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Lambda Expressions


  • New Collection Package to provide Stream API.

    新的收集包java.util.stream提供了Stream API。

  • Enhanced Security


  • Nashorn Javascript Engine included

    包含Nashorn Javascript引擎

  • Parallel Array Sorting


  • The JDBC-ODBC Bridge has been removed etc.


Java SE 9 was released on September 2017. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 9 are,

Java SE 9于2017年9月发布。JAVA9中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Platform Module System (Project Jigsaw)


  • Interface Private Methods


  • Try-With Resources


  • Anonymous Classes


  • @SafeVarargs Annotation


  • Collection Factory Methods


  • Process API Improvement


Java SE 10 was released on March 2018. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 10 are,

Java SE 10于2018年3月发布。JAVA10中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Support local variables type inference.


  • Support local variables type inference.


  • Included Application class.


Java SE 11 was released on September 2018. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 11 are,

Java SE 11于2018年9月发布。JAVA11中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Support bug fixes.


  • Include long term support(LTS).


  • Support transport layer security.


Java SE 12 was released on March 2019. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 12 are,

Java SE 12已于2019年3月发布。JAVA12中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Support JVM Constant API.

    支持JVM Constant API。

  • Include CDS Archives.


Java SE 13 was released on September 2019. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 13 are,

Java SE 13已于2019年9月发布。JAVA13中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Updated Switch Expressions.


  • Include Text Blocks.


  • Support Legacy socket API.


Java SE 14 was released on March 2020. Some of the major new features introduced in JAVA 14 are,

Java SE 14于2020年3月发布。JAVA14中引入的一些主要新功能包括:

  • Support Event Streaming.


  • Improved NullPointerException.


  • Removal of the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) in the garbage collector.


Java的应用 (Application of Java)

Java is widely used in every corner of world and of human life. Java is not only used in softwares but is also widely used in designing hardware controlling software components. There are more than 930 million JRE downloads each year and 3 billion mobile phones run java.

Java被广泛应用于世界和人类生活的每个角落。 Java不仅用于软件中,而且还广泛用于设计控制软件组件的硬件。 每年JRE的下载量超过9.3亿,运行Java的手机达到30亿。

Following are some other usage of Java :


  1. Developing Desktop Applications


  2. Web Applications like, etc


  3. Mobile Operating System like Android


  4. Embedded Systems


  5. Robotics and games etc.


Java应用程序的类型 (Types of Java Application)

Following are different types of applications that we can develop using Java:


1.独立应用程序 (1. Standalone Applications)

Standalone applications are the application which runs on separate computer process without adding any file processes. The standalone application is also known as Java GUI Applications or Desktop Applications which uses some standard GUI components such as AWT(Abstract Windowing Toolkit), swing and JavaFX and this component are deployed to the desktop. These components have buttons, menu, tables, GUI widget toolkit, 3D graphics etc. using this component a traditional software is developed which can be installed in every machine.

独立应用程序是在单独的计算机进程上运行而不添加任何文件进程的应用程序。 独立应用程序也称为Java GUI应用程序或桌面应用程序 ,它使用一些标准GUI组件(例如AWT(抽象窗口工具包),swing和JavaFX),并且此组件已部署到桌面。 这些组件具有按钮,菜单,表格,GUI窗口小部件工具包,3D图形等。使用此组件,开发了可以在每台机器上安装的传统软件。

Example: Media player, antivirus, Paint, POS Billing software, etc.


2. Web应用程序 (2. Web Applications)

Web Applications are the client-server software application which is run by the client. Servlets, struts, JSP, Spring, hibernate etc. are used for the development of a client-server application. eCommerce application is also developed in java using eCommerce platform i.e Broadleaf.

Web应用程序是由客户端运行的客户端服务器软件应用程序。 Servlet,struts,JSP,Spring,hibernate等用于开发客户端-服务器应用程序。 电子商务应用程序也使用java电子商务平台Broadleaf开发。

Example: mail, e-commerce website, bank website etc.


3.企业应用 (3. Enterprise Application)

Enterprise application is middleware applications. To use software and hardware systems technologies and services across the enterprises. It is designed for the corporate area such as banking business systems.

企业应用程序是中间件应用程序。 在整个企业中使用软件和硬件系统的技术和服务。 它是为企业领域(如银行业务系统)设计的。

Example: e-commerce, accounting, banking information systems etc.


4.移动应用 (4. Mobile Application)

For mobile applications, Java uses ME or J2ME framework. This framework are the cross platform that runs applications across phones and smartphones. Java provides a platform for application development in Android too.

对于移动应用程序,Java使用ME或J2ME框架。 该框架是跨平台,可跨手机和智能手机运行应用程序。 Java也为Android中的应用程序开发提供了平台。

Example: WhatsApp, Xender etc.

示例: WhatsApp,Xender等

下载JDK (Download JDK)

For running Java programs in your system you will have to download and install JDK kit from here (recommended Java Version is Java 11 but you can download Java 13 or Java 14).

要在系统中运行Java程序,您必须从此处下载并安装JDK套件 (推荐的Java版本是Java 11,但是您可以下载Java 13或Java 14)。







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