

Following are some important terms, which are frequently used in context of Computer Networks.


1. ISOThe OSI model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection project at the International Organization for Standardization. ISO is a voluntary organization.
2. OSI ModelOpen System Interconnection is a model consisting of seven logical layers.
3. TCP/IP ModelTransmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol Model is based on four layer model which is based on Protocols.
4. UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair cable is a Wired/Guided media which consists of two conductors usually copper, each with its own colour plastic insulator
5. STPShielded Twisted Pair cable is a Wired/Guided media has a metal foil or braided-mesh covering which encases each pair of insulated conductors. Shielding also eliminates crosstalk
6. PPPPoint-to-Point connection is a protocol which is used as a communication link between two devices.
7. LANLocal Area Network is designed for small areas such as an office, group of building or a factory.
8. WANWide Area Network is used for the network that covers large distance such as cover states of a country
9. MANMetropolitan Area Network uses the similar technology as LAN. It is designed to extend over the entire city.
10. CrosstalkUndesired effect of one circuit on another circuit. It can occur when one line picks up some signals travelling down another line. Example: telephone conversation when one can hear background conversations. It can be eliminated by shielding each pair of twisted pair cable.
11. PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network consists of telephone lines, cellular networks, satellites for communication, fiber optic cables etc. It is the combination of world's (national, local and regional) circuit switched telephone network.
12. File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM)Standard mechanism to access files and manages it. Users can access files in a remote computer and manage it.
13. Analog TransmissionThe signal is continuously variable in amplitude and frequency. Power requirement is high when compared with Digital Transmission.
14. Digital TransmissionIt is a sequence of voltage pulses. It is basically a series of discrete pulses. Security is better than Analog Transmission.
15. Asymmetric digital subscriber line(ADSL)A data communications technology that enables faster data transmission over copper telephone lines than a conventional voice band modem can provide.
16. Access PointAlternatively referred to as a base station and wireless router, an access point is a wireless receiver which enables a user to connect wirelessly to a network or the Internet. This term can refer to both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices.
17. Acknowledgement (ACK)Short for acknowledgement, ACK is an answer given by another computer or network device indicating to another computer that it acknowledged the SYN/ACK or other request sent to it.
Note: If the signal is not properly received an NAK is sent.
18. Active TopologyThe term active topology describes a network topology in which the signal is amplified at each step as it passes from one computer to the next.
19. AlohaProtocol for satellite and terrestrial radio transmissions. In pure Aloha, a user can communicate at any time, but risks collisions with other users' messages. Slotted Aloha reduces the chance of collisions by dividing the channel into time slots and requiring that the user send only at the beginning of a time slot.
20. Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)ARP is a used with the IP for mapping a 32-bit Internet Protocol address to a MAC address that is recognized in the local network specified in RFC 826.
条款 定义
1. ISO OSI模型是国际标准化组织的开放系统互连项目的产品。 ISO是一个自愿组织。
2. OSI模型 开放系统互连是一个由七个逻辑层组成的模型。
3. TCP / IP模型 传输控制协议和Internet协议模型基于基于协议的四层模型。
4. UTP 非屏蔽双绞线电缆是一种有线/引导介质,由两条通常为铜的导体组成,每条导体都有自己的彩色塑料绝缘子
5. STP 屏蔽双绞线电缆是一种有线/引导介质,具有金属箔或编织网罩,将每对绝缘导体包裹起来。 屏蔽也消除了串扰
6. PPP 点对点连接是一种协议,用作两个设备之间的通信链接。
7.局域网 局域网是为小型区域而设计的,例如办公室,建筑物群或工厂。
8.广域网 广域网用于覆盖远距离的网络,例如一个国家的覆盖州
9. MAN 城域网使用与LAN类似的技术。 它旨在扩展到整个城市。
10.串扰 一个电路对另一个电路的不良影响。 当一条线路拾取沿另一条线路传输的某些信号时,可能会发生这种情况。 例如:电话交谈时可以听到背景对话。 可以通过屏蔽每对双绞线电缆来消除。
11. PSTN 公共交换电话网由电话线,蜂窝网络,通信卫星,光纤电缆等组成。它是世界(国家,本地和区域)电路交换电话网的组合。
12.文件传输,访问和管理(FTAM) 访问和管理文件的标准机制。 用户可以访问远程计算机中的文件并进行管理。
13.模拟传输 信号的振幅和频率是连续变化的。 与数字传输相比,功率要求很高。
14.数字传输 这是一系列电压脉冲。 它基本上是一系列离散脉冲。 安全性优于模拟传输。
15.非对称数字用户线(ADSL) 一种数据通信技术,可以通过铜线电话线实现比常规语音带调制解调器更快的数据传输。
16.接入点 接入点被称为基站和无线路由器,它是使用户能够无线连接到网络或Internet的无线接收器。 该术语可以同时指代Wi-Fi和蓝牙设备。
17.确认(ACK) ACK是确认的缩写,是另一台计算机或网络设备给出的应答,它向另一台计算机指示已确认SYN / ACK或发送给它的其他请求。
18.主动拓扑 术语“活动拓扑”描述了一种网络拓扑,其中信号在从一台计算机传递到下一台计算机的每一步中都被放大。
19.阿罗哈 卫星和地面无线电传输协议。 在纯净的Aloha中,用户可以随时进行通信,但是可能会与其他用户的消息发生冲突。 带时隙的Aloha通过将信道划分为多个时隙并要求用户仅在时隙的开头进行发送来减少冲突的机会。
20.地址解析协议(ARP) ARP与IP一起使用,用于将32位Internet协议地址映射到RFC 826中指定的本地网络中可以识别的MAC地址。

翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/computer-networks/key-terms-computer-networks






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