

All the games which we develop come under one of the various predefined categories, these categories are also called Genre of Game. Before developing a game, the game engineer or project leader has to decide what type of game he wants to develop for his audience. So in this chapter you will be learning about the types of games and their characteristics as well.

我们开发的所有游戏都属于各种预定义类别之一,这些类别也称为游戏类型 。 在开发游戏之前,游戏工程师或项目负责人必须确定他想为观众开发哪种类型的游戏。 因此,在本章中,您还将学习游戏的类型及其特征。

Genre of a game defines the exact category of the game and can be relayed through the similar gameplay characteristics, like - the type of objectives and storyline, the levels and camera point (i.e. FPS, TPS), the features and the storyline that the game is showcasing. Genre of a game is not defined by the content or the playing mode, but by the common challenges and characteristicss, that the game is having. For example, FIFA and PES - Pro Evolution Soccer have similar properties and objectives as both of them are soccer games and the player's get points or the levels of difficulty raises as the team wins the matches by scoring goals, like a real life football match. Genre of a game is decided by the resemblance found and listed under a common heading, here, FIFA and PES will come under Sports-Genre Game.

游戏类型定义了游戏的确切类别,并且可以通过类似的游戏特征来传递,例如-目标和故事情节的类型,级别和摄影点(即FPS,TPS),游戏的功能和故事情节正在展示。 游戏的类型不是由内容或玩法来定义,而是由游戏具有的共同挑战和特征来定义。 例如, FIFAPES-Pro Evolution Soccer具有相似的属性和目标,因为它们都是足球比赛,并且随着球队通过进球来赢得比赛(如现实足球比赛)时,球员的得分或难度提高。 游戏类型由共同标题下找到并列出的相似之处决定,在此情况下,FIFA和PES将归为“ 体育类型游戏”

所有游戏类型的列表 (Lists of all Game Genres)

Here we have listed the main genres when it comes to categorising games.


游戏类型:动作 (Game Genre: Action)

The action category has some sub-categories and they are listed below:


  • Stealth Game: These games lean towards emphasizing trick and precision in striking over the more obvious and unconcealed shooters. Examples are: Metal Gear series, IGI series etc.

    隐形游戏:这些游戏倾向于强调技巧和准确性,以打击更明显,更隐蔽的射手。 例如:Metal Gear系列,IGI系列等。

  • Survival Games: These games start with a minimal resource with the player, in a hostile condition, along with open world situation with the objective to collect resources, craft tools, artilleries and arms & protection, in order for the survival of the player as the game proceeds.


  • Shooter Games: In these games, players draw on a range of weapons for contributing in the action that takes place at a distance.


  • Platform Games: These games are set in three-dimensional (3D) environment where the player guides the character through the obstructions for advancement in game.


游戏类型:冒险 (Game Genre: Adventure)

Just like adventure movies, games with the storyline of adventure are full of fictional landscapes, characters etc. These games portray a different way of gameplay without excessive reflex, hard core challenges or actions. The focus lies on the player in solving puzzles or mysteries by interacting with the environment. Mario, Tin-Tin are examples of adventure games. Some categories of adventure games are:

就像冒险电影一样,具有冒险故事情节的游戏到处都是虚构的风景,人物等。这些游戏描绘了一种不同的游戏方式,而没有过多的反思,坚硬的挑战或动作。 重点在于玩家通过与环境互动来解决难题或谜团。 马里奥丁丁就是冒险游戏的例子。 冒险游戏的一些类别是:

  • Graphic Adventures


  • Visual Novels (based on novels and stories) - Harry Potter (played using PlayStations, X Box and other gaming consoles)

    视觉小说(基于小说和故事) -哈利·波特(使用PlayStation,X Box和其他游戏机播放)

  • Interactive Adventures (based on movies) - Tin-Tin, Batman etc

    互动冒险(根据电影) -丁丁,蝙蝠侠等

  • Real-time 3D Adventures - Shadow of Memories

    实时3D冒险 -回忆的影子

游戏类型:角色扮演游戏 (Game Genre: Role-Playing Games)

In such games, a player is chosen who plays the major role in the storyline full of numerous adventurers and specializes in particular skill sets and that player progress in the storyline incrementing his skills and powers. This category is one of the most famous genres and is played by gamers worldwide. Here's a list of some sub-categories of role-playing games:

在这样的游戏中,选择了一个在故事情节中扮演主要角色的玩家,该故事情节充满了众多冒险家,并且专门研究了特定的技能,并且该玩家在故事情节中的进步增加了他的技能和能力。 这个类别是最著名的类型之一,全世界的游戏玩家都在玩。 以下是角色扮演游戏的一些子类别的列表:

  • The roguelike Game: It is a sub genre and its name comes from the gameplay elements of 1980 computer game Rogue. Nethack is another example of roguelike game.

    流氓游戏:它是子流派,其名称来自1980年电脑游戏Rogue的游戏元素。 Nethack是roguelike游戏的另一个示例。

  • Fantasy Games: Games such as Diablo, Final Fantasy, Prince of Persia have a world full of unusual characters and villains and the player has to complete the levels full of challenges and mysteries and there lies some hidden routes which needs to be unlocked to proceed with the game.


  • Sandbox RPG (Open World RPG): These are modern games where the player is given full freedom and can freely roam around and do anything (i.e. the player is not restricted to a single path by rocks & fences, single objective etc). Examples of such games are the famous Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series, Watch Dogs Series etc. These games provide a large geographic area to explore along with the primary objectives and tasks of the game.

    沙盒RPG(开放世界RPG):这是现代游戏,玩家有充分的自由,可以自由地漫游并做任何事情(即,玩家不受岩石和栅栏,单个目标等的限制)。 此类游戏的示例包括著名的侠盗猎车手(GTA)系列, 看门狗系列等。这些游戏提供了广阔的地理区域,可供您探索游戏的主要目标和任务。

  • Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG): This term came into existence commercially in the year 1990s and had existed since 1978. This involve more than hundreds of players interacting and cooperating with each other on the same platform in real-time.


游戏类型:模拟游戏 (Game Genre: Simulation Games)

These are primarily designed and developed to closely simulate(replicate) all the aspects of our real life or a fictional setup. The various sub-categories of simulation games are: -

这些主要是为了紧密模拟(复制)我们现实生活或虚构场景的所有方面而设计和开发的。 模拟游戏的各个子类别为:-

  • Farming Simulation


  • Vehicle Simulation


  • Life Simulation


  • Management Simulation


游戏类型:策略游戏 (Game Genre: Strategy Games)

Here the main focus lies on the gameplay which require a cautious and skilled mindset and a good plan for being victorious. In majority of the strategy games, Andrew Rollings, famous game engineer said that, "the player is given a god-like vision of a game and the world exists with respect to it, and in some way controlling the units under his command."

这里的主要重点在于游戏玩法,这需要谨慎和熟练的心态以及取得胜利的良好计划。 在大多数战略游戏中,著名的游戏工程师安德鲁·罗林斯(Andrew Rollings)表示: “玩家被赋予了游戏般的神灵视野,并且世界与之相关,并以某种方式控制着他所指挥的单位。”

  • 4X Game: 4X games refer to a genre of a specific form of strategy video games having four primary goals which are-

    4X游戏: 4X游戏是指一种策略视频游戏的特定形式,具有四个主要目标,这些目标是:

    1. eXplore探索
    2. eXpand扩大
    3. eXploit利用
    4. eXterminate
  • Real-time strategy (RTT) and War Games: The real-time strategy games are characterized by acquiring resources, building bases and other assets within the game, and the player has to make specific decisions and perform certain actions constantly in order to cope up with the changing game state. For example: Age of Empires etc.

    实时策略(RTT)和战争游戏:实时策略游戏的特点是在游戏中获取资源,建立基础和其他资产,并且玩家必须做出特定决策并不断执行某些动作才能应对。不断变化的游戏状态。 例如:帝国时代等。

  • Tower Defence: Tower defence games have a very simple format and gameplay. Make your tower strong by deploying suitable defene system to demolish the enemy troops.

    塔防:塔防游戏具有非常简单的格式和游戏玩法。 通过部署适当的防御系统来摧毁敌军,使您的塔更坚固。

  • Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA): MOBA games are also called the action real-time strategy (ARTS) games, which is a sub-genre of strategy games which was originated as a real-time strategy game wherein a player takes control over a single character in one of two teams.

    多人在线战斗竞技场(MOBA): MOBA游戏也称为动作实时策略(ARTS)游戏,它是策略游戏的子流派,其起源于实时策略游戏,在其中玩家可以控制游戏。两个团队之一中的单个角色。

游戏类型:体育游戏 (Game Genre: Sports Games )

These games emulate the gameplay of any traditional physical sports to be played on a device. The real-world sports like baseball, basketball, soccer, and more are available in the form of PC games. As you grow your skill levels, your game will also engage in mimicking real professional athletes and the way they move and play. Its sub-types are:

这些游戏模仿了要在设备上进行的任何传统体育运动的玩法。 现实世界中的体育活动,例如棒球,篮球,足球等,都可以通过PC游戏的形式获得。 随着技能水平的提高,您的游戏还将模仿真正的职业运动员以及他们的运动方式和比赛方式。 其子类型为:

  • Racing


  • Indoor Sports


  • Outdoor Sports


  • Fighting


  • Competitive and Misc


科教游戏 (Scientific and Educational Games)

There are several cases where many parents and teachers complain about children playing video games, but there are a handful of great educational games out there which can actually help children and kids and even grown ups to learn new things and gather knowledge.


其他杂项游戏类型 (Other Misc Game Genres)

The various other categories of games are:


  • Casual Game


  • Programming Game


  • Logic Game


  • Music Game


  • Party Game


  • Trivia Game


  • Board Game/Card Game


了解游戏类型的好处 (Benefits of Understanding the Genre of Game)

It is very crucial to understand the genre of the game before starting with game development. If you are working for some client for Game development project, try to understand the genre of the game that your client has in mind, it will help you with following:

在开始游戏开发之前,了解游戏类型至关重要。 如果您正在为某个游戏开发项目的客户工作,请尝试了解客户所考虑的游戏类型,这将有助于您进行以下工作:

  1. Design the theme of your Game. An adventure game may look good with a forest backdrop, while a game being designed for school kids would look good with colorful backdrop etc.

    设计游戏主题。 冒险游戏在森林背景下可能看起来不错,而专为小学生设计的游戏在多彩背景下看起来会很好。

  2. Game sounds also depends upon the genre of the game.


  3. Use of blood and violence in the game is only adviced for Action games for 18+ age group players.


Hence, you get a lot of ideas once the genre of the game is defined.


翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/3d-game-engineering-with-unity/genres-of-game






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