小甲鱼 游戏胜利_优化小胜利

小甲鱼 游戏胜利

小甲鱼 游戏胜利


I was talking with Dawn C. Hayes, a maker and occasional adjunct processor in NYC earlier this week. We were talking about things like motivation and things like biting off more than we can chew when it comes to large projects, as well as estimating how long something will take. She mentioned that it's important to optimize for quick early successes, like getting a student to have an "I got the LED to light up" moment. With today's short attention span internet, you can see that's totally true. Every programming language has a "5 min quick start" dedicated to giving you some sense of accomplishment quickly. But she also pointed out that after the LED Moment students (and everyone ever, says me) always underestimate how long stuff will take. It's easy to describe a project in a few sentences but it might take months or a year to make it a reality.

我本周早些时候正在与纽约市的制造商兼临时处理器Dawn C. Hayes进行交谈。 在谈论大型项目时,我们谈论的是动机等事情,例如被咬掉的东西,超过我们所能咀嚼的,以及估算需要花费多长时间。 她提到,为尽快获得成功而进行优化很重要,例如让学生获得“我让LED点亮”的瞬间。 在当今人们关注的范围很短的Internet上,您可以看到完全正确的。 每种编程语言都有一个“ 5分钟快速入门”,专用于快速给您一些成就感。 但是她还指出,在LED Moment之后,学生(还有所有人,我都说过)总是低估了学习所需的时间。 用几句话描述一个项目很容易,但是要实现它可能要花费几个月甚至一年的时间。

This is my challenge as well, perhaps it's yours, too. As we talked, I realized that I developed a technique for managing this without realizing it.

这也是我的挑战,也许也是您的挑战。 当我们交谈时,我意识到我开发了一种在没有意识到的情况下进行管理的技术。

I optimize my workflow for lots of tiny victories.


For example, my son and I are working on 3D printing a quadcopter drone. I have no idea what I'm doing, I have no drone experience, and I'm mediocre with electronics. Not to mention I'm dealing with a 7 year old who wants to know why it hasn't taken off yet, forgetting that we just had the idea a minute ago.

例如,我和儿子正在3D打印四轴飞行器无人机。 我不知道自己在做什么,我没有无人机经验,而且对电子学也很平庸。 更不用说我要和一个7岁的孩子打交道,他想知道为什么它还没有起飞,却忘记了我们在一分钟前才有了这个主意。

I'm mentally breaking it up in work sprints, little dependencies, but in order to stay motivated we're making sure each sprint - whether it's a day or an hour - is a victory as well as a sprint. What can we do to not just move the ball forward but also achieve something. Something small, to be clear. But something we can be excited about, something we can tell mommy about, something we can feel good about.

我在工作冲刺,几乎没有依赖性方面将其分解,但是为了保持动力,我们确保每个冲刺-无论是一天还是一个小时-都是胜利,也是冲刺。 我们不仅可以使球前进,而且还能有所作为。 小东西,要清楚。 但是,我们可以为之兴奋,可以向妈妈讲述的事物,我们可以感到愉悦的事物。

We're attempting to make a freaking quadcopter and it's very possible we won't succeed. But we soldered two wires together today, and the muiltimeter needle moved, so we're pretty excited about that tiny victory and that's how we're telling the story. It will keep us going until tomorrow's sprint.

我们正在尝试制造一款怪异的四轴飞行器,很可能我们不会成功。 但是今天我们将两根导线焊接在一起,并且多音计时器指针移动了,所以我们为这次小小的胜利感到非常兴奋,这就是我们讲故事的方式。 这将使我们继续前进,直到明天冲刺。

Do you do this too? Tell us in the comments.

你也这样做吗? 在评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/optimize-for-tiny-victories

小甲鱼 游戏胜利





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