


UPDATE: Check out for more info on Babies and Sign Language!

更新:请访问 ,以获取有关婴儿和手语的更多信息!

The "2.0" in the post title there refers to Baby #2 who is pushing 9 months now. Insert gratuitous baby footage here (It's all good, but the best bit is just after 1:23):

帖子标题中的“ 2.0”指的是现在推9个月的2号婴儿。 在此处插入免费的婴儿录像(一切都很好,但是最好的一点是在1:23之后):

He's a clever little dude, I like to think. One of the things that we did with Baby #1 (now Toddler of Pure Evil©) was that we taught him Baby Sign Language. I LOVE talking to parents about the benefits of teaching their kids a foreign language and American Sign Language is a full fledged foreign language. It just happens to be one that babies can learn before they can speak.

我想他是一个聪明的小家伙。 我们对1号婴儿(现在是Pure Evil ©的蹒跚学步的孩子)所做的一件事是,我们教给他婴儿手语。 我喜欢和父母谈论教孩子们使用外语好处,美国手语是一门成熟的外语。 恰好是婴儿在说话之前就可以学到的东西

Teaching the first boy Sign was a radical success for our little family, so we're starting it up with 2.0. We're teaching him American Sign Language.

教第一个男孩Sign对于我们的小家庭来说是一个巨大的成功,因此我们从2.0开始。 我们正在教他美国手语。

什么时候? (When?)

How much earlier? Anywhere from 6 months old to one year, a baby can clearly make their intent known with Sign. Now, I'm not talking about trying to push a baby to be "gifted" or to get a baby to do anything that isn't relaxed and natural. I'm not promoting trying to teach 2 year olds to take college entrance exams.

多早? 从6个月大到一年大的任何地方,婴儿都可以使用Sign清楚地表明其意图。 现在,我不是在说要强迫婴儿“被送礼”或让婴儿去做任何不轻松自然的事情。 我不鼓励尝试教2岁的孩子参加高考。

为什么? (Why?)

What I am a huge fan of is taking the communication you've already got with your baby* and elevating the grunts and points that are primitive, invented signs, and replacing them with a formalized system of signs that have been used for years by deaf folks.


*(in the range between 6 months and whenever they start really talking...between 18 mos and 2 years or whatever)


With Baby Sign Language you start by introducing "Needs-Based" Signs like Food, Milk, Mommy and start using them all the time. Every time you say food out loud, you also sign food. Then you start introducing repetitive action signs. Those are signs for stuff that happen all the time like Sleep or seeing Grandpa.

使用婴儿手语,您首先需要引入“基于需求的”手语,例如食物,牛奶,妈妈,然后一直使用它们。 每次您大声说出食物时,您也会签名食物。 然后,您开始引入重复动作标志。 这些是发生在睡眠或见爷爷等所有事情的迹象。

多么古怪的国家 (What a Weird Country)

A lot of folks I meet while (or from) overseas think this is insane. A German woman told me once "I know exactly what my baby wants." And that's cool. However, sometimes it's nice to hear directly from the child.

我在(或来自)海外时遇到的许多人都认为这很疯狂。 一位德国妇女曾经对我说:“我完全知道我的宝宝想要什么。” 那很酷。 但是,有时候直接听到孩子的声音会很高兴。

The idea is that the main reason babies cry is that their needs aren't being met. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I want that ball. We spend two years or more with these babies pointing and grunting at stuff trying to get their point across.

这个想法是婴儿哭泣的主要原因是他们的需求得不到满足。 我饿了。 我累了。 我想要那个球。 我们花了两年或更长时间让这些婴儿指点指责,试图弄清楚他们的观点。

Also, "I'm hungry" is pretty vague. It's a joy to see a 14 month old sign "Want Grapes" then calm down when they get exactly what they want. It might sound weird, but it can't hurt to try! It's becoming more and more popular in the States and it's because it works and it enhances my relationship with my kids very early on.

另外,“我饿了”还很模糊。 很高兴看到一个14个月大的“旺葡萄”标志,然后在他们得到想要的东西时冷静下来 听起来可能很奇怪,但是尝试一下也不会受伤! 它在美国变得越来越流行,这是因为它有效,并且在很早的时候就增强了我与孩子们的关系。

他们可以学习多少符号? (How Much Sign Can They Learn?)

It's a complete language and many successful Deaf folks would say "all of it." They'll learn as much as you can throw at them. However, I suggest picking 3-5 signs from about 6 months old until they've mastered them. Then, start adding a sign a week. Then a sign a day. Then, once you realize your child is smarter quicker to absorb then you are, they're probably going to start speaking soon anyway.

这是一门完整的语言,许多成功的聋人会说“所有”。 他们会学到尽可能多的知识。 但是,我建议从大约6个月大的孩子中挑选3-5个迹象,直到他们掌握了它们。 然后,每周开始添加标志。 然后一天。 然后,一旦您意识到您的孩子比您 更聪明 地吸收了,那么他们反正可能很快就会开始说话。

Boy #1 ended up with something like 80 signs (lots of Animals) and then just started talking one day.


会不会减慢他们的发展? (Won't It Slow Their Development?)

In my experience, nope. If anything, it gives them a nice little bump ahead, but that's not the point of doing it. Our two year old is speaking nicely and has happily forgotten his signs as soon as he figured it that speaking was easier for him. Now, fast forward a bit, he's re-learning it and signing (and speaking) to his little brother.

以我的经验,不。 如果有的话,这给他们带来了很大的进步,但这不是重点。 我们两岁的孩子说的很好,一想到他说起来比较容易,就高兴地忘记了他的迹象。 现在,快一点,他正在重新学习它,并与他的弟弟签名(和讲话)。

Check out my (now series of) posts on Baby Sign Language:


I highly recommend the Baby Signing Time DVDs and CDs. Now, forgive me as I compile a few small summaries from those previous posts:

我强烈建议您使用Baby Signing Time DVD和CD 。 现在,请原谅我从以前的帖子中总结出一些小总结:

您需要做什么才能开始签名? (What do you need to do to start signing?)

  • Check your local community center. They often offer Baby Sign Language classes. We took classes before Z was born, and when he was 6 months old.

    检查您当地的社区中心。 他们经常提供婴儿手语课程。 Z出生之前和他6个月大时,我们上了课。

  • If Baby Sign Language is unusual or unused in your country, either find some Deaf Folks and learn your country's specific Sign Language, or use ASL (American Sign Language). The trick is to be consistent and have an illustrated dictionary to refer to.

    如果您的国家不常见或未使用过婴儿手语,请找到一些聋哑人并学习您国家的特定手语,或者使用ASL(美国手语)。 诀窍是保持一致并有插图的字典供参考。

  • Stick with it. Don't give up. We started when he was six months old and signed every day without a single clear response until he was a year old. We nearly quit a dozen times before that.

    坚持下去。 不要放弃我们从他六个月大的时候开始,直到他一岁之前每天都没有一个明确的答复就签字。 在那之前,我们几乎退出了十二次。

    • Then one day he signed "light" as clear as day in his bedroom. We turned on the light and our sonlit up with a small as wide as his face. That's when we connected with him. I'm not talking about the standard Mom/Dad/Baby we-love-you connection. I'm talking about the baby's opinion matters kind of connection.

      然后有一天,他在卧室里签名了“ light ”,就像白天一样清晰。 我们开了灯,我们的儿子宽亮了一个小的脸上。 那是我们与他建立联系的时候 我不是在谈论标准的“我们爱你”的妈妈/爸爸/宝宝。 我说的是婴儿的意见很重要

    Stick with it. Don't give up. We started when he was six months old and signed every day without a single clear response until he was a year old. We nearly quit a dozen times before that.

    坚持下去。 不要放弃我们从他六个月大的时候开始,直到他一岁之前每天都没有一个明确的答复就签字。 在那之前,我们几乎退出了十二次。

  • Get picture books, lots of them, and learn the signs for the animals. I highly recommend the Priddy Books series of books for baby.

    获取图画书,其中很多,并学习动物的招牌。 我强烈推荐Priddy Books系列婴儿书籍。

    • Learn the signs for animals and common objects and use them every time you see one out in the world. We went for a walk on the Portland Waterfront today and our son was signing bird anddog and plane and sharing those discoveries with us. It's great when he sees something interesting and points at it, but it's something different when he signs about something we didn't see.

      了解动物和常见物体标志,并在每次看到世界上的动物时使用它们。 我们今天在波特兰海滨散步,我们的儿子正在签名飞机,与我们分享这些发现。 当他看到有趣的东西并指向它时,这很棒,但是当他签署我们没有看到的东西时,情况就不同了。

    Get picture books, lots of them, and learn the signs for the animals. I highly recommend the Priddy Books series of books for baby.

    获取图画书,其中很多,并学习动物的招牌。 我强烈推荐Priddy Books系列婴儿书籍。

  • Pay Attention and prepare for the unexpected.


    • Example: The baby was frantically signing ball recently, gesturing wildly at a dog. We tried to correct him..."No no sweetie, that's a dog, not a ball." The dog lifted it's head and we saw that the dog was in fact playing with a ball that we hadn't seen.

      例子:婴儿最近正在疯狂地签名,疯狂地向打手势。 我们试图纠正他……“没有不,亲爱的,那是狗,不是球。” 那只狗抬起头,我们看到那只狗实际上在玩一个我们从未见过的球

    Pay Attention and prepare for the unexpected.


感言 (Testimonials)

Many of my friends and family have taught their kids sign. For many, including all the non-Americans, they were teased by family and friends - especially concerned mother's-in-law. But they stuck with it. My friend Daniel "Kzu" Cazzulino had a great experience with Baby Sign Language in Argentina:

我的许多朋友和家人都教过孩子签名。 对于许多人,包括所有非美国人,他们都受到家人和朋友的嘲笑,尤其是有关婆婆的嘲笑。 但是他们坚持了下来。 我的朋友Daniel“ Kzu” Cazzulino在阿根廷拥有丰富的婴儿手语经验

Just like Scott felt, it's not just a matter of teaching her something to make her "smarter" early on. There's a new kind of connection that you can make with your baby. Aylen's face shines when she sees that we can listen to her needs and help her. She no longer cries when she's hungry or thirsty, or when she wants to take a bath. That's huge."

就像斯科特一样,这不仅仅是教给她一些东西使她在早期变得“更聪明”的问题。 您可以与宝宝建立一种新的联系。 当艾伦(Aylen)看到我们可以倾听她的需求并帮助她时,她的脸上闪耀着光芒。 当她感到饥饿或口渴或想洗澡时,她不再哭泣。 那是巨大的。”

Craig Andera is also huge Baby Signing Fan. He had to have patience early on though:

克雷格·安德拉(Craig Andera)也是巨大的婴儿签名迷。 不过,他必须尽早忍耐:

Just like Scott, it was initially like signing to a wall. She didn't seem to care, and she certainly didn't sign back. But I knew from my brother that it was just a matter of time, and sure enough, at about eight months, Ellen was able to mime the sign back to us. It's pretty amazing to get any communication whatsoever (other than smiling and crying) from an eight-month-old.

就像斯科特一样,最初就像在墙上签名一样。 她似乎并不在乎,她当然也没有回信。 但是我从哥哥那里知道,这只是时间问题,而且可以肯定的是,在大约八个月的时间里,埃伦能够将标志模仿给我们。 能够与一个八个月大的孩子进行任何交流(微笑和哭泣除外),真是太神奇了。

It's moving slowly, but our 9 month old (after flat ignoring our signs and smiling for the last 3 months straight) now asks for More Food quite clearly. I look forward to the next year that I get to "talk" to him as I patiently wait for him to actually start talking.

它的移动速度很慢,但是我们9个月大的孩子(过去三个月一直无视我们的迹象并微笑着),现在要求他们提供更多食物。 我期待明年能与他“交谈”,因为我耐心地等待他开始讲话。







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