


UPDATE: Check out for more info on Babies and Sign Language!

更新:请访问 ,以获取有关婴儿和手语的更多信息!

Teaching our son Sign Language has been a dramatic success for us. He's 14 months old now and the last six weeks have been an explosion of communication. Two months ago he was just barely starting to use the sign for "more." Today, he knows at least 30 signs (says Mo, at least 40, says I) and is learning at least one new one a day.

教我们的儿子手语对我们来说是一个巨大的成功。 他现在才14个月大,最近六个星期的交往激增。 两个月前,他才刚刚开始使用该标志来表示“更多” 。 如今,他至少知道30个信号(我说至少40个Mo ),并且每天至少学习一个新信号。

Just yesterday Mo mentioned that he'd be pointing to a book and making a sign she didn't recognize. I said, show me...he'd been signing "pig" all day, a sign I'd taught him the week before, because he wanted a book about Pigs read to him.

就在昨天,莫提到他会指着一本书,并做一个她不认识的标志。 我说,告诉我……他整天都在签名“猪”,这是我在前一周教给他的一个手势,因为他想读一本关于猪的书。

As a new parent, I can't tell you how thrilling it is to connect with a baby, your baby, on a conceptual level...sounds silly to say, but Baby Sign Language can be about more than just "milk." We were reading "Goodnight Moon" just this evening, and my son signed "moon all done" when we got to the page where the moon was gone from the sky. That moment really sealed the deal for me. Sticking with Sign Language was the right thing for us to do.

作为新父母,我无法告诉您从概念上讲与婴儿(您的婴儿)建立联系有多激动……听起来有些愚蠢,但是婴儿手语不仅仅可以是“牛奶” 。 就在今天晚上,我们正在读《晚安月亮》,我儿子在上面签名了《月亮 当我们到达月亮从天上掉下来的那一页时,一切都完成了。那一刻对我而言确实是一笔大买卖。坚持手语对我们来说是正确的。

It's not that much work to learn the signs. As you learn a few dozen, you'll see a pattern, and other signs will get easier to learn. We carry a picture dictionary around with us in the baby bag.

学习标志并不是很多工作。 当您学习几十种语言时,会看到一种模式,其他符号也将变得更容易学习。 我们在婴儿袋中随身携带一本图片字典。

Sometimes folks see us sign to him in public and say "oh, is he deaf?" with a kind of worried face. We reply that we're teaching him Sign Language so we can see what's on his mind a year or two early.

有时人们会看到我们在公共场合向他签名,然后说:“哦,他聋了吗?” 带着一张担心的脸。 我们答复说我们正在教他手语,这样我们就可以早一两年看到他的想法

There's lots of opinions about teaching kids sign language. Here's my reasoning.

关于教孩子们手语有很多意见。 这是我的理由。

  • I'm gaining at least a year of time communicating with my son. Not using sign language would mean that our communication would be limited to pointing and the occasional made up gesture.

    获得至少一年的时间与我的儿子沟通。 不使用手语意味着我们的交流将仅限于指向和偶尔的手势。

  • Many families in America use some sign language like Milk and More and basically leave it at that. I say you're missing out on something amazing. Take it to the  next level.

    美国的许多家庭都使用“牛奶”和“更多”之类的手语,基本上就不用说了。 我说你错过了一些令人惊奇的事情。 将其提升到一个新的水平。

    • Imagine taking your 1 year old to the zoo and having them sign "monkey sleeping" when you get the Gorilla House and the monkey's not around. Things like this happen ever day for us, and they are utterly magical.

      想象一下,当您到达大猩猩屋而猴子不在时,带您1岁的孩子到动物园去,让他们在“猴子睡觉”上签名。 像这样的事情每天都在发生,对我们来说是不可思议的。

  • Some folks believe that "Mommy knows what baby needs." I'm sure that's true, but Mommy also appreciates when baby says "apple" using sign, rather than simply throwing his banana at Mommy. Why not give him the tools to express himself?

    有些人认为“妈妈知道婴儿的需求”。 我敢肯定这是真的,但是当婴儿用手势说“苹果”而不是简单地将香蕉扔向妈妈时,妈妈也很感激。 为什么不给他表达自我的工具?

  • Many temper tantrums are caused by frustration at not being understood. Sign language has given us a way to find out what he wants and what he needs. We give him 100% of what he needs, and probably 10% of what he wants. We haven't seen any temper tantrums at all caused by our son not being understood. (I checked that statement out with the wife ahead of time and she agreed.) He is eager to make himself understood and it's clear that he has fun signing.

    许多脾气暴躁是由于不了解而产生的挫败感。 手语为我们提供了一种方法,可以了解他的需求和需求。 我们给他100%的需求,大概10%的需求。 我们还没有看到由于儿子不被理解而引起的任何发脾气。 (我提前与妻子核对了这份声明,她同意了。 )他渴望使自己理解,很显然他很有趣。

  • ASL-based Signing qualifies as a foreign language in most colleges and more and more high schools. If you stick with signing, not only will you have an additional language between you, but you'll have given your child a language firmly based in kinesthetic learning.

    在大多数学院和越来越多的高中中,基于ASL的签名都可以视为外语。 如果您坚持签名,那么您之间不仅会拥有另一种语言,而且会为您的孩子牢固地建立一种基于动觉学习的语言。

What do you need to do to start signing?


  • Check your local community center. They often offer Baby Sign Language classes. We took classes before Z was born, and when he was 6 months old.

    检查您当地的社区中心。 他们经常提供婴儿手语课程。 Z出生之前和他6个月大时,我们上了课。

  • If Baby Sign Language is unusual or unused in your country, either find some Deaf Folks and learn your country's specific Sign Language, or use ASL (American Sign Language). The trick is to be consistent and have an illustrated dictionary to refer to.

    如果您的国家不常见或未使用过婴儿手语,请找到一些聋哑人并学习您国家的特定手语,或者使用ASL(美国手语)。 诀窍是保持一致并有插图的字典供参考。

  • Stick with it. Don't give up. We started when he was six months old and signed every day without a single clear response until he was a year old. We nearly quit a dozen times before that.

    坚持下去。 不要放弃我们从他六个月大的时候开始,直到他一岁之前每天都没有一个明确的答复就签字。 在那之前,我们几乎退出了十二次。

    • Then one day he signed "light" as clear as day in his bedroom. We turned on the light and our son lit up with a small as wide as his face. That's when we connected with him. I'm not talking about the standard Mom/Dad/Baby we-love-you connection. I'm talking about the baby's opinion matters kind of connection.

      然后有一天,他在卧室里签名了“ light ”,就像白天一样清晰。 我们开了灯,我们的儿子宽亮了一个小的脸上。 那是我们与他建立联系的时候 我不是在谈论标准的“我们爱你”的妈妈/爸爸/宝宝。 我说的是婴儿的意见很重要

  • Get picture books, lots of them, and learn the signs for the animals. I highly recommend the Priddy Books series of books for baby.

    获取图画书,其中很多,并学习动物的招牌。 我强烈推荐Priddy Books系列婴儿书籍。

    • Learn the signs for animals and common objects and use them every time you see one out in the world. We went for a walk on the Portland Waterfront today and our son was signing bird and dog and plane and sharing those discoveries with us. It's great when he sees something interesting and points at it, but it's something different when he signs about something we didn't see.

      了解动物和常见物体标志,并在每次看到世界上的动物时使用它们。 我们今天在波特兰海滨散步,我们的儿子正在签名飞机,与我们分享这些发现。 当他看到有趣的东西并指向它时,这很棒,但是当他签署我们没有看到的东西时,情况就不同了。

  • Pay Attention and prepare for the unexpected.


    • Example: The baby was frantically signing ball recently, gesturing wildly at a dog. We tried to correct him..."No no sweetie, that's a dog, not a ball." The dog lifted it's head and we saw that the dog was in fact playing with a ball that we hadn't seen.

      例子:婴儿最近正在疯狂地签名,疯狂地向打手势。 我们试图纠正他……“没有不,亲爱的,那是狗,不是球。” 那只狗抬起头,我们看到那只狗实际上在玩一个我们从未见过的球

There's a great Dictionary of Baby Signs (ASL) here that uses Windows Media Player. I also highly recommend the Baby Signing Time Series of DVDs, particularly Volumes 1 and 2. They are the only videos that let the baby watch.

这里有一个很棒的婴儿标志词典(ASL) ,它使用Windows Media Player。 我也强烈推荐DVD的“婴儿签名时间系列”,尤其是第1卷和第2卷。它们是让婴儿观看的唯一视频。

I don't know when he'll start talking. It doesn't really matter. I'm not really sure where he is "developmentally" or what a 14 month old is supposed to be doing at this point. I figure kids all even out by the time they're 18 years old anyway. But, while we look forward to him talking, be it at two years or four years old, I've already got a way to communicate with him. I can ask him what's on his mind and he'll tell me.

我不知道他什么时候开始说话。 没关系。 我不确定他现在在哪里,或者说一个14个月大的孩子在做什么。 无论如何,我认为孩子们都已经18岁了,他们甚至都变得平衡了。 但是,尽管我们期待他讲话,无论是两岁还是四岁,我都已经有了与他交流的方式。 我可以问他在想什么,他会告诉我。







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