
博客作者分享了EnsoLauncher,一个由Humanized Software开发的工具,集成了EnsoWords拼写检查和EnsoLauncher应用切换,挑战传统如Start|Run。虽然操作上有些复杂,如需按住CapsLock配合特定手势,但其智能计算和多任务切换功能令人印象深刻,尤其是价格适中。遗憾的是,它不支持Vista且缺乏插件模型,但仍是一款值得尝试的首代产品。


Stephen Nelson turned me on to Humanized Software's "Enso Launcher" (blog) earlier today, and I've been playing with it all evening. I've been on a quest to replace Start|Run for years (podcast). I've also done a lot of work in UI and UX and these guys are definitely fans of Jef Raskin's Humane Interface for good reason. Not just because Jef was brilliant - but also because they worked directly with him. The Enso Launcher is dedicated to Jef.

斯蒂芬·尼尔森(Stephen Nelson)今天早些时候将我带到了人性化软件的“ Enso Launcher”(博客),我整晚都在玩它。 多年来,我一直在寻求取代Start | Run (播客)。 我还在UI和UX方面做了很多工作,这些人肯定是Jef Raskin的Humane Interface的粉丝,这是有充分理由的。 不仅仅是因为杰夫很出色-而且因为他们直接与他合作。 Enso启动器专用于Jef。

As I write this I notice that Enso was written up in the WSJ by Walt Mosberg today. Good PR team.

在撰写本文时,我注意到Enso是由Walt Mosberg今天在《华尔街日报》上撰写的 优秀的公关团队。

These guys have two products so far, one, a universal spell-checker called Enso Words with a very clever overlay interface. Right now I use an autocorrecter called Universal Autocorrect. Personally I think that US$40 is twice as expensive as it warrants.

到目前为止,这些人有两种产品,一种是名为Enso Words的通用拼写检查器,具有非常巧妙的覆盖界面。 现在,我使用一个称为Universal Autocorrect的自动校正器。 我个人认为40美元的价格是其应得的价格的两倍。

However, the really interesting application in their Enso Launcher, which is oddly more useful, but reasonably priced at US$24.95. It's not quite as fast and intuitive as the Holy Grail - QuickSilver for Windows, but it's absolutely clever enough for you to download and try out.

但是,他们的Enso Launcher中真正有趣的应用程序更有用,但价格合理,为24.95美元。 它不像Windows的Holy Grail- QuickSilver那样快速直观,但是绝对足够聪明,可以下载并试用

There's a number of folks who are fervently against the Caps Lock key. Rather than suggesting that we rip the key off our keyboards, Enso Launcher uses it as its one-and-only hotkey.

很多人热衷于Caps Lock键。 Enso Launcher并没有建议我们从键盘上撕掉按键,而是将其用作唯一的热键。

Good Stuff


  • You hold down Caps Lock, an overlay appears, you start typing, then release Caps Lock. Sounds god when you type it, but in practice, it's kind of a tricky maneuver. For example, hold Caps Lock with your pinky, Type "gog", then without letting go of Caps Lock, press Tab with whatever free finger you have, mine is the left ring finger, then type the search term you want, then let go of Caps Locks. It's a bit of a dance. I'd prefer NOT to have to hold Caps Lock, or be able to configure the "start" and "end" events, like "Ctrl-Space" to start and "Enter" to end the command.

    按住Caps Lock键,将出现一个覆盖图,开始键入,然后释放Caps Lock键。 键入时听起来很神,但是实际上,这有点棘手。 例如,用小指按住Caps Lock,然后输入“ gog”,然后放开Caps Lock,然后用任意手指按Tab,我的手指是左无名指,然后输入所需的搜索词,然后放开大写锁。 有点跳舞。 我不想不必按住Caps Lock键,也不必配置“开始”和“结束”事件,例如“ Ctrl-Space”开始和“ Enter”结束命令。

    • There is an alternative "lock-on"command, but it's (to me) very hard to to fast. "You can press down Caps Lock, then press down Alt, then release Caps Lock, then release Alt."

      还有一个替代的“锁定”命令,但是(对我而言)很难快速执行。 “您可以按下Caps Lock键,然后按下Alt键,然后释放Caps Lock键,然后释放Alt键。”

    You hold down Caps Lock, an overlay appears, you start typing, then release Caps Lock. Sounds god when you type it, but in practice, it's kind of a tricky maneuver. For example, hold Caps Lock with your pinky, Type "gog", then without letting go of Caps Lock, press Tab with whatever free finger you have, mine is the left ring finger, then type the search term you want, then let go of Caps Locks. It's a bit of a dance. I'd prefer NOT to have to hold Caps Lock, or be able to configure the "start" and "end" events, like "Ctrl-Space" to start and "Enter" to end the command.

    按住Caps Lock键,将出现一个覆盖图,开始键入,然后释放Caps Lock键。 键入时听起来很神,但是实际上,这有点棘手。 例如,用小指按住Caps Lock,然后输入“ gog”,然后放开Caps Lock,然后用任意手指按Tab,我的手指是左无名指,然后输入所需的搜索词,然后放开大写锁。 有点跳舞。 我不想不必按住Caps Lock键,也不必配置“开始”和“结束”事件,例如“ Ctrl-Space”开始和“ Enter”结束命令。

  • The calculate() command. If you have some text like 2+2 in a text box, just select it and do Caps Lock, "calc", release, and the text in the textbox will be replaced with the answer. If there's an = at the end, the answer appears at the end.

    compute()命令。 如果文本框中有2 + 2之类的文本,只需选择它并进行Caps Lock,“计算”,释放,然后文本框中的文本将被替换为答案。 如果结尾处有=,则答案会出现在结尾处。
  • The "go" command switches between running applications, but also within Tabs in FireFox and/or IE. So, I can type "go", Tab, "Han" and if I have my blog open in a tab, Enso will switch me there.

    “ go”命令在运行的应用程序之间切换,也可以在FireFox和/或IE的Tabs中切换。 因此,我可以输入“ go”,“ Tab”,“ Han”,如果在选项卡中打开博客,Enso会将我切换到那里。

Bad Stuff


  • So far, I'm just not as fast with this as I am with SlickRun. Mostly because of the machinations of the left hand.

    到目前为止,我的处理能力还不如SlickRun。 主要是因为左手的阴谋。

    • It really needs a "start" type "stop" command...holding down Caps Lock thing is, in itself, an implied Mode, and having to hold it down makes this tool that much harder to "sell" to my Wife and/or Parents.

      它确实需要一个“开始”类型的“停止”命令...按住Caps Lock本身就是一个隐含模式,并且必须按住它会使该工具更难以“出售”给我的妻子和/或父母。
  • No plugin model that I can see.

  • Runs pokey on my 3Ghz P4. Might be my crap video card.

    在我的3Ghz P4上运行pokey。 可能是我的废话视频卡。

I'd say that it's pretty darn impressive for a first product, and a 1.0 at that. One caveat, it doesn't officially support Vista (yet), but it works pretty well on my Vista machine with UAC turned of. Go get it, I suspect it's going places. It's this kind of out of the box UX thinking that I expected from Windows Vista.

我想说第一款产品令人印象深刻,而那是1.0。 请注意,它尚未正式支持Vista (但),但在启用了UAC的Vista机器上运行得很好。 去得到它我怀疑它会去的地方我对Windows Vista期望的就是这种开箱即用的UX思维。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/another-way-to-replace-start-run-enso-launcher






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