


I like to keep my [browser] toolbars simple. I've seen toolbars stacked 8 deep and I think that's wasted space. But, every once in a while a toolbar comes along that I can get behind. Here's the toolbars I've installed this week:

我喜欢使[浏览器]工具栏保持简单。 我已经看到工具栏堆积了8深,这是浪费的空间。 但是,偶尔会有工具栏出现,我可以落后。 这是我本周安装的工具栏:

  • Google (official) Toolbar BETA for FireFox - This is the official Google one with PageRank, not the GoogleBar from MozDev we've all no doubt be running previously. I've disabled the GoogleBar and installed the new one, and I'm digging it.

    适用于FireFox的Google(官方)工具栏测试版-这是带有PageRank的Google官方版,而不是MozDevGoogleBar,我们无疑已经在运行。 我已禁用GoogleBar并安装了新的GoogleBar,并且正在对其进行挖掘。

  • The Google Suggest FireFox Extension - The toolbar is nice, but it's not for everyone. This is a little gem that you may have missed in the cacophony. This extends the standard/existing Google Search box that all FireFox installs have to include Google's AutoSuggest feature. With this you get a greatly enhanced without the emotional baggage of a new toolbar.

    Google推荐的FireFox扩展程序-工具栏很不错,但并不适合所有人。 这是您在杂音中可能会错过的一颗小宝石。 这扩展了所有FireFox安装的标准/现有Google搜索框,必须包括Google的AutoSuggest功能。 有了它,您无需使用新工具栏就可以大大提高工作效率。

  • The MSN "Suite of Goo" aka MSN Search Toolbar - The MSN Toolbar has been updated and this time I took the plunge. Not for the Toolbar, no, I don't show it (right click, deselect), but for the Tabbed browsing. It's a hack, sure, and yes, I know there are a dozen browsers that host IE and offer tabs. I only use IE when I need oddpost, or visit the occassional site that hates FireFox, but when I do show up, I'd like to have tabs. Also, it's nice for my mom. Plus, the Desktop Search gets better and better. I've switched over from Google Desktop Search.

    MSN“ GooSuite”又名MSN搜索工具栏-MSN工具栏已更新,这次我大跌眼镜。 不是针对工具栏,不是,我不显示它(右键单击,取消选择),而是针对选项卡式浏览。 当然,这是一种黑客行为,是的,我知道有十几种浏览器可以托管IE并提供选项卡。 我仅在需要单数邮递或访问讨厌FireFox的临时站点时才使用IE,但是当我出现时,我希望具有选项卡。 另外,对我妈妈也很好。 另外,桌面搜索变得越来越好。 我已经从Google桌面搜索切换了。

  • Del.icio.us Bookmarklets - Not exactly a toolbar, but I've dedicated space to Del.icio.us bookmarklets on ALL my PCs. What a brilliant and simple way to keep my bookmarks in one place. I save SO much more than I would with standard Bookmarks (which are a hassle to sync between n=browsers*PCs no matter what folks say. I haven't even dug into the social aspect of Del.icio.us. I'm too busy saving things!

    Del.icio.us书签-不完全是一个工具栏,但我在所有PC上都专用于Del.icio.us书签。 将书签保存在一个地方的绝佳而简单的方法。 与使用标准书签相比,我可以节省更多的钱(无论人们怎么说,要在n =浏览器* PC之间同步都是一件麻烦的事。我什至没有深入研究Del.icio.us的社交方面。太忙着保存东西!

  • GenPass Bookmarklet - A great little tool for creating complex passwords that are site specific. Generates passwords that you never see, so you can't give them up under torture. There's a feature I can be in support of. You never know when I could be tortured for my Google Adsense password. If I had a nickel...

    GenPass书签-用于创建特定于站点的复杂密码的出色小工具。 生成您从未见过的密码,因此您无法在酷刑中放弃它们。 有一个我可以支持的功能。 您永远都不知道我的Google Adsense密码何时会遭受折磨。 如果我有镍...

  • Web Developer - OK, I didn't install it this week per se, but it's still wonderful. If you don't know what it is, and you have FireFox, go get it. If you don't have FireFox, it's the best reason ever to download FireFox. Run. Now.

    Web开发人员-好的,我本周没有安装它,但是它仍然很棒。 如果您不知道它是什么,并且拥有FireFox,请获取它。 如果您没有FireFox,则这是有史以来下载FireFox的最佳理由。 跑。 现在。

It's getting to me quite the "me too" game with Microsoft and Google. Seems like when Google comes out with the Whatever.Google.com subdomain that Microsoft immediately offers the Whatever.MSN.com subdomain. Can't we all just get along?

与Microsoft和Google的“我也是”游戏也给了我很多。 好像Google推出Whatever.Google.com子域时,Microsoft立即提供了Whatever.MSN.com子域。 难道我们都不能相处吗?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/toolbars-galore






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