


Here's what I've been reading this month. These are all books that I'm in the middle of (have a bookmark in and they are on my night stand).

这是本月我一直在阅读的内容。 这些都是我中间的书(有书签,在我的床头柜上)。

  • When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? - George Carlin - It's offensive to many, but since he (and I) have interests in linguistics, I'm loving it.  The euphemism rant is worth the price of admission. Get the Audible version, it's better than the book.

    耶稣什么时候会带猪排? -乔治·卡林(George Carlin)-这对许多人来说都是冒犯性的,但是由于他(和我)对语言学感兴趣,所以我很喜欢它。 委婉的说法很值得入场。 获得Audible版本,它比本书更好。

  • Worlds of Exile and Illusion, Three Novels in the Hainish Series - Ursula Le Guin - I love anything she writes, I got hooked by starting with The Left Hand of Darkness. I'm looking forward to the upcoming SciFi miniseries Earthsea.

    《流放与幻象的世界》,《海尼什》系列中的三本小说-厄休拉·勒·吉因(Ursula Le Guin)-我爱她写的任何东西,从《黑暗的左手》开始就迷上了。 我期待即将到来的SciFi迷你系列Earthsea

  • Three Books of Known Space - Larry Niven - Another author who can do no wrong. I'm also reading:

    三本已知空间的书-拉里·尼文(Larry Niven)-另一个不能做错事的作家。 我也在读:

  • Ringworld Engineers, the Ringworld Throne, then Ringworld's Children - I got the Audible of Ringworld, and it was fantastic, even better then when I first read it as a kid.


  • Rainbow Six - Tom Clancy - This thing is a big-ass tome at 912 pages. But, I got it at Goodwill for $3, and while I won't take it with me on planes, I'm about 600 pages in, and it's gripping. It also increases my enjoyment of the XBox Game. (That's why I got the book in the first place!)

    彩虹六号-汤姆克兰西-这东西是912页的大屁股书。 但是,我以3美元的价格在Goodwill买了它,虽然我不会随身携带它,但是我有600页左右的书,而且令人grip目结舌。 这也增加了我对XBox游戏的乐趣。 (这就是为什么我首先获得这本书的原因!)

  • Ilium - Dan Simmons - I'm struggling with this big one. I started it because I loved the Hyperion series so much (which is a SciFi re-telling of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales).  This is a re-telling of the Iliad from a Sci-Fi point of view. I'm in the middle of it, but the names and places aren't clicking with me, and I have to keep referring to the glossary of characters. I should have paid more attention in A.P. English. Patrick Cauldwell would eat this up with his Liberal Arts Degree. :)

    Ilium -Dan Simmons-我正在努力应对这一大问题。 我之所以开始,是因为我非常喜欢Hyperion系列(这是乔uc的《坎特伯雷故事集》的科幻重演)。 从科幻角度来看,这是对《伊利亚特》的重述。 我在其中,但是名称和位置并没有引起我的兴趣,我必须继续参考字符的词汇表。 我应该更多地关注AP英语。 帕特里克·考德威尔(Patrick Cauldwell)会凭借他的人文科学学位进食。 :)

  • Servant of the Bones - Anne Rice - An odd one, but fun. From a quote on Amazon.com: "'Servant of the Bones' follows the format of the Vampire Chronicles: an incredibly attractive immortal relates his life story to a listener (who, oddly enough, never seems to need the bathroom during the long oral bio)." I'm enjoying it though...the immortal is Azrial, a fallen angel born in ancient Babylon. The history is a little odd, but the concept of extremely long lived folks (Highlander anyone?) is a very attractive concept for a story.

    骨头的仆人-安妮·赖斯(Anne Rice)-一个奇怪的家伙,但很有趣。 摘自Amazon.com上的一句名言: “'骨头的仆人'遵循吸血鬼纪事的格式:一个令人难以置信的诱人仙人将他的生平故事与听众联系起来(奇怪的是,在长时间的口述中他似乎从来不需要洗手间生物)。” 我很享受……不朽的人是阿兹里亚尔,一个出生在古代巴比伦的堕落天使。 历史有点奇怪,但是对于寿命很长的人( Highlander,有人吗?)这个概念来说,它对于故事来说是非常有吸引力的。

What are you reading?


P.S. Thanks to Kim Gräsman for Urlograph, an IE Toolbar Button that automatically shrinks Amazon and Google URLs! Very RESTful.

PS感谢金GräsmanUrlograph ,一个IE工具栏按钮,可以自动缩小亚马逊和谷歌的网址了! 非常RESTful。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/what-are-you-reading






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