


There's no other explanation. It must be a tradition like the Wilhelm scream.

没有其他解释。 这一定是像威廉大喊一声的传统。

What, haven't heard of the Wilhelm scream? Well, once you do it's impossible to not hear it in every film. It's in freaking Lord of the Rings, and it grates. It's THE go-to person screaming sound effect and has been for over 50 years. Here's a compilation of dozens of movies - including every George Lucas movie - that uses the Wilhelm scream.

什么,没听说过威廉的尖叫吗? 好吧,一旦您做到了,就不可能在每部电影中都听不到它。 它正处在《指环王》中,它ates吟。 它是最受人尖叫的声音效果,已经使用了50多年。 是数十部电影汇编,其中包括每部乔治·卢卡斯电影,都使用了威廉尖叫

Hollywood and TV seems determined to make the technology-aware jump up from their seats and scream NO!!! at the screen.

好莱坞和电视似乎决心让技术意识从他们的座位上跳起来,并尖叫着!!! 在屏幕上。

I can only imagine what a doctor or nurse must feel like when watching ER or a dramatic surgery.


A technical error pulls me out of the story like a slap in the face. It almost physically hurts. I'm not just nitpicking here, either. These aren't hard things to fix. One just needs to care.

一个技术错误使我像打耳光一样脱离了故事。 它几乎对身体造成伤害。 我也不只是在这里挑剔。 这些并不是很难解决的事情。 一个人只需要关心。

Now, often they'll use internal IP addresses to represent external addresses and a lot of folks argue that using these addresses is the "555 Phone Number" equivalent. I can see that a little, but even if they used the IP Address of the studio it wouldn't be so jarring.

现在,他们经常使用内部IP地址来表示外部地址,许多人认为使用这些地址等同于“ 555电话号码”。 我可以看到一点,但是即使他们使用了工作室的IP地址,它也不会那么令人讨厌。

It's debatable who is worse between TV and Movies, but it's clear that CSI has the #1 spot locked down with this classic.


Visual Basic中的GUI界面 (GUI interface in Visual Basic)

This is so cringe-worthy, it's legendary.


侏罗纪公园这是一个Unix系统 (Jurassic Park It's a Unix System)

I wish all my file systems were in 3D. This was actually a real UI that you could use. Bummer that ls -alogF isn't as photogenic.

我希望我所有的文件系统都为3D。 这实际上是可以使用的真实UI。 糟糕的是, ls -alogF并不是上镜的。

ing吗夏威夷五-0 (Bing it? Hawaii Five-0)

Bad product placement (IMHO) is becoming a problem on TV as well. While this isn't inaccurate, the cheese-factor here is high.

不良的产品放置(IMHO)也在电视上成为问题。 尽管这并不准确,但是这里的起因是很高的。

红矮星UNCROP (Red Dwarf UNCROP)

I personally love this video and while it's techno-nonsense today, I'm sure the next version of Photoshop will have this feature. Those guys are amazing.

我个人喜欢这个视频,尽管今天它是技术废话,但我确信下一版的Photoshop将具有此功能。 那些家伙很棒。

网络黑客 (The Net Hacking)

What can I say about this other than I am nostalgic for 3.5" floppies.


黑客脚本 (Hackers Script)

I have to admit that I love Hackers and it's amazing to watch a young Angelina Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller. You can read the script online. Nearly every technical detail is sketchy, though.

我必须承认我爱黑客,而且很高兴看到年轻的安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)和乔尼·李·米勒(Jonny Lee Miller)。 您可以在线阅读脚本。 但是,几乎每个技术细节都是粗略的。

天降 (SkyFall )

I found SkyFall to be very entertaining. The folks at io9 have a nice post on the hacking scenes. I love this;

我发现SkyFall非常有趣。 io9的人们在黑客现场有一个不错的帖子。 我喜欢这个;

"...at one point Q exclaims, "It's security through obscurity!" as if this is the most elite thing a hacker could ever do."


Sigh. Wouldn't it be great if a movie producer reached out to us to help?

叹。 如果电影制片人向我们伸出援助之手,那不是很好吗?

海军罪案调查处-黑客游戏玩家 (NCIS - Hacking Gamers)

Oh, CBS.


剑鱼-巨人监视器 (SwordFish - Giant Monitors)

Most of my great hacking moments include 6 monitors on arms, dancing and a dynamic montage, don't yours?


Swordfish Giant Monitors

NCIS-两个白痴和一个键盘 (NCIS - Two Idiots and One Keyboard)

NCIS keeps bringing the hits with a keyboard maneuver that needs to be seen to be believed. "I'll just ASDF and you can JKLsem, ok?"

NCIS不断采用键盘操作来带来成功,这需要人们相信。 “我只是ASDF,你可以JKLsem,好吗?”

克洛伊,打开一个插座 (Chloe, open a socket)

Chloe from 24 is always asked by Jack to "open a socket." There's a lot of questions on the net wondering what this cryptic tech-speak means: Can someone tell me what a "socket" is? "24" NO Spoliers [sic]!

杰克总是要求24岁的克洛伊“打开插座”。 网上有很多疑问,想知道这种神秘的技术含义是什么:有人可以告诉我“插座”是什么吗? “ 24”没有Spoliers [原文如此!

There's even a band called Chloe's Open Socket. Awesome. http://www.chloesopensocket.com

Ť这里甚至有一个叫Chloe的开放式插座带。 太棒了http://www.chloesopensocket.com

Chloe Open a Socket

旗鱼 (SwordFish)

Want to know what it's like to hack like SwordFish? Visit http://hackertyper.net. ;)

想知道像SwordFish一样被黑客入侵吗? 访问http://hackertyper.net 。 ;)

反托拉斯 (Antitrust )

Here's not one, but two classics from Antitrust.


矩阵 (The Matrix)

Sometimes I need to just re-watch the nmap hack in The Matrix to cleanse myself. It was so refreshing to see real commands and a real hack in a movie that we already respected for it's attention to detail.

有时,我只需要重新看一下《黑客帝国》中的nmap骇客,即可清理自己。 在电影中看到真实的命令和真实的技巧真是令人耳目一新,我们已经因为对细节的关注而受到尊重。

Sadly, this hack is now the go-to hack for movies that care enough to steal their hack but don't care enough to research their a new one.


What's your favorite horrible technology FAIL in film or TV?


Do you think that all this is being done a purpose, like the Wilhelm Scream?

您是否认为所有这些都是有目的的,例如威廉尖叫(Wilhelm Scream)?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/technology-fails-in-film-are-the-new-wilhelm-scream


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